def _find_contacts(fragments, cutoff):
    """Raw version to return indices of touching fragments

    fragments : list of AtomGroup
      molecules to consider
    cutoff : float
      threshold for touching or not

    frag_idx : numpy array, shape (n, 2)
      indices of fragments that are touching, e.g. [[0, 1], [2, 3], ...]
    # indices of atoms within cutoff of each other
    # TODO: ALso change this line once distances not returned
    idx, _ = distances.self_capped_distance(
        # TODO: add this back once MDA cuts release
    nfrags = len(fragments)
    fragsizes = [len(f) for f in fragments]
    # translation array from atom index to fragment index
    translation = np.repeat(np.arange(nfrags), fragsizes)
    # this array now holds pairs of fragment indices
    fragidx = translation[idx]
    # remove self contributions (i==j) and don't double count (i<j)
    fragidx = fragidx[fragidx[:, 0] < fragidx[:, 1]]

    return fragidx
def get_distances(structure: Structure):
    df = structure.to_dataframe()
    pairs, distances = self_capped_distance(df[["atom_x", "atom_y",
    assert pairs.max() < len(df)
    return df, pairs, distances
def compute_clusters():
    to_group = SYSTEM.select_atoms("resname TO")
    center_of_masses = to_group.center_of_mass(
        compound="residues")  #Center of mass by residues
    neighbors = distances.self_capped_distance(
        center_of_masses, ARGS.threshold,
        box=SYSTEM.dimensions)  #Compute neighborhood with TO center of masses
    formated_neighbors = format_neighborhood(neighbors[0])
    clusters = clustering(formated_neighbors, to_group.n_residues)
    return clusters
def getContactsC(selection, numNodes, 
    '''Executes MDAnalysis atom distance calculation and node contact detection.
    This function is Cython compiled as a wrapper for two optimized distance calculation and contact determination calls.
    The first is MDAnalysis' `self_distance_array`. The second is the internal :py:func:`calcContactC`.
    All results are stored in pre-allocated NumPy arrays.
        selection (str) : Atom selection for the system being analyzed.
        numNodes (int): Number of nodes in the system.
        nAtoms (int) : Number of atoms in atom groups represented by system nodes. Usually hydrogen atoms are not included in contact detection, and are not present in atom groups.
        cutoffDist (float) : Distance at which atoms are no longer considered 'in contact'.
        tmpDists (obj) : Temporary pre-allocated NumPy array with atom distances. This is the result of MDAnalysis `self_distance_array` calculation.
        tmpDistsAtms (obj) : Temporary pre-allocated NumPy array to store the shortest distance between atoms in different nodes.
        contactMat (obj) : Pre-allocated NumPy matrix where node contacts will be stored.
        atomToNode (obj) : NumPy array that maps atoms in atom groups to their respective nodes.
        nodeGroupIndicesNP (obj) : NumPy array with atom indices for all atoms in each node group.
        nodeGroupIndicesNPAux (obj) : Auxiliary NumPy array with the indices of the first atom in each atom group, as listed in `nodeGroupIndicesNP`.
    if distMode == MODE_ALL:
        # serial vs OpenMP
        mdadist.self_distance_array(selection.positions, result=tmpDists, backend='openmp')
    if distMode == MODE_CAPPED:
        # method options are: 'bruteforce' 'nsgrid' 'pkdtree'
        pairs, distances = mdalibdist.self_capped_distance(selection.positions, max_cutoff=cutoffDist, min_cutoff=None, box=None,
                                    method='pkdtree', return_distances=True)
        for k, [i, j] in enumerate(pairs):
            # Go from 2D node indices to 1D (nAtoms*(nAtoms-1)/2) indices:
            ijLI = getLinIndexC(i, j, nAtoms)
            tmpDists[ ijLI ] = distances[k]
    calcContactC(numNodes, nAtoms, cutoffDist, tmpDists, tmpDistsAtms, 
                 contactMat, atomToNode, nodeGroupIndicesNP, nodeGroupIndicesNPAux)
    def run(self):
        _sel = self.u.select_atoms(self.sidechain_sel)
        _hc_matrix = np.zeros((self.nres, self.nres), int)

        for ts in self.u.trajectory[self.start:self.stop:self.stride]:
            hydroDists, _ = self_capped_distance(_sel.center_of_mass(compound='residues', pbc=True),

            for pair in hydroDists:
                res1 = _sel.residues[pair[0]].resindex
                res2 = _sel.residues[pair[1]].resindex
                _hc_matrix[res1, res2] += 1
                if res1 != res2:
                    _hc_matrix[res2, res1] += 1

        normed_hc_matrix = (_hc_matrix) * 100 / self.nframes
        np.savetxt(self.hc_file, normed_hc_matrix)
        return normed_hc_matrix
def calcDistances(selection, numNodes, nAtoms, atomToNode,  cutoffDist,
                       nodeGroupIndicesNP, nodeGroupIndicesNPAux, nodeDists, backend="serial", distMode=MODE_ALL, verbose=0):
    '''Executes MDAnalysis atom distance calculation and node cartesian distance calculation.
    This function is a wrapper for two optimized atomic distance calculation and node distance calculation calls.
    The first is one of MDAnalysis' atom distance calculation functions (either `self_distance_array` or `self_capped_distance`). The second is the internal :py:func:`atmToNodeDist`.
    All results are stored in pre-allocated NumPy arrays.
    This is intended as an analysis tool to allow the comparison of network distances and cartesian distances. It is similar to :py:func:`getContactsC`, which is optimized for contact detection.
        selection (str) : Atom selection for the system being analyzed.
        numNodes (int): Number of nodes in the system.
        nAtoms (int) : Number of atoms in atom groups represented by system nodes. Usually hydrogen atoms are not included in contact detection, and are not present in atom groups.
        atomToNode (obj) : NumPy array that maps atoms in atom groups to their respective nodes.
        cutoffDist (float): Distance cutoff used to capp distance calculations. 
        nodeGroupIndicesNP (obj) : NumPy array with atom indices for all atoms in each node group.
        nodeGroupIndicesNPAux (obj) : Auxiliary NumPy array with the indices of the first atom in each atom group, as listed in `nodeGroupIndicesNP`.
        nodeDists (obj) : Pre-allocated array to store cartesian distances.
        backend (str) : Controls how MDAnalysis will perform its distance calculations. Options are  `serial` and `openmp`. This option is ignored if the ditance mode is not "all".
        distMode (str): Distance calculation method. Options are 0 (for mode "all") and 1 (for mode "capped").
        verbose (int): Controls informational output.
    if verbose:
        print("There are {} nodes and {} atoms in this system.".format(numNodes, nAtoms))
    if distMode == MODE_ALL:
        if verbose:
            print("creating array with {} elements...".format(int(nAtoms*(nAtoms-1)/2)))
            start = timer()
        tmpDists = np.zeros( int(nAtoms*(nAtoms-1)/2), dtype=np.float64 )
        if verbose:
            end = timer()
            print("Time for matrix:", timedelta(seconds=end-start))
        if verbose:
            print("running self_distance_array...")
            start = timer()
        # serial vs OpenMP
        mdadist.self_distance_array(selection.positions, result=tmpDists, backend=backend)
        if verbose:
            end = timer()
            print("Time for contact calculation:", timedelta(seconds=end-start))
    if distMode == MODE_CAPPED:
        if verbose:
            print("creating array with {} elements...".format(int(nAtoms*(nAtoms-1)/2)))
            start = timer()
        tmpDists =  np.full( int(nAtoms*(nAtoms-1)/2), cutoffDist*2, dtype=float )
        if verbose:
            end = timer()
            print("Time for matrix:", timedelta(seconds=end-start))
        if verbose:
            print("running self_capped_distance...")
            start = timer()
        # method options are: 'bruteforce' 'nsgrid' 'pkdtree'
        pairs, distances = mdalibdist.self_capped_distance(selection.positions, max_cutoff=cutoffDist, 
                                    min_cutoff=None, box=None, method='pkdtree', return_distances=True)
        if verbose:
            end = timer()
            print("Time for contact calculation:", timedelta(seconds=end-start))
            print("Found {} pairs and {} distances".format(len(pairs), len(distances)) )
        if verbose:
            print("loading distances in array...")
            start = timer()
            if verbose > 1:
                startLoop = timer()
        for k in range(len(pairs)):
            i,j = pairs[k]
            if verbose > 1:
                if not k % 1000:
                    print("Loaded {} distances.".format(k))
                    print("Time for {} distances: {}".format(k, timedelta(seconds=timer()-startLoop)))
                    startLoop = timer()
            # Go from 2D node indices to 1D (numNodes*(numNodes-1)/2) indices:
            ijLI = getLinIndexNumba(i, j, nAtoms)
            tmpDists[ ijLI ] = distances[k]
        if verbose:
            end = timer()
            print("Time for loading distances:", timedelta(seconds=end-start))
            print("running atmToNodeDist...")
            start = timer()
    # Translate atoms distances in minimum node distance.
    atmToNodeDist(numNodes, nAtoms, tmpDists, atomToNode, nodeGroupIndicesNP, nodeGroupIndicesNPAux, nodeDists)
    if verbose:
        end = timer()
        print("Time for atmToNodeDist:", timedelta(seconds=end-start))