class MDevice(QThread): ''' MView uses the MDevice class to give all sources of data a common interface with which to interact in the context of MView. These sources of data can be anything including but not limited to LabRad servers, RS232 devices, GPIB Devices, they can even represent the contents of .hdf5 files. Devices in MView are created by instantiating their device drivers. For example, if there are two RS232 devices, we create two instances of the RS232 device driver. This means that only one generic device driver needs to be created for one interface (RS232, LabRad Servers, HDF5 files, etc.) and it can then be applied to all devices that use the same interface. ''' updateSignal = pyqtSignal() addParameterSignal = pyqtSignal(str) lock = threading.Lock() begin_signal = pyqtSignal(name="begin_signal") def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs): '''Initializes the device: 1. Sets the frame title. 1. 2. Sets the refresh rate. 2. Function arguments: :param name: The name of the device ''' super(MDevice, self).__init__() self.lockLoggingSettings = kwargs.get("lock_logging_settings", False) self.defaultLogLocation = kwargs.get("default_log_location", None) self.dataType = kwargs.get("data_type", "float32") # Create a new MFrame web.devices.append(self) self.frame = MFrame() # print "Setting title to:", name, args self.frame.setTitle(name) = name self.refreshRate = 1 self.container = None self.datachest = None self.keepGoing = True self.settingResultIndices = [] self.notifier_mailing_lists = [] self.doneLoading = False #self.memory_tracker = tracker.SummaryTracker() def log(self, log): """ Tell the device whether to log data or not :param log: Boolean """ if log == False: for p in self.getParameters(): self.disableDataLogging(p) else: if (self.frame.getDataChestWrapper() == None): self.configureDataLogging() self.frame.masterEnableDataLogging(log) def isLogging(self): '''Getter for whether or not datalogging is enabled for this device. :rtype: boolean ''' return self.frame.isDataLogging() def setContainer(self, container): # traceback.print_stack() self.container = container self.frame.setContainer(container) def getContainer(self): return self.container def updateContainer(self): '''Refresh the devices container (Tile) on the GUI by emitting an update signal ''' if self.container != None: self.updateSignal.emit() def addButton(self, *args): pass def setTitle(self, title): self.frame.setTitle(title) def query(self, *args): pass def setYLabel(self, *args): pass def setRefreshRate(self, *args): pass def setPlotRefreshRate(self, *args): pass def addButtonToGui(self, button): self.frame.appendButton(button) def addReadout(self, name, units): self.nicknames.append(name) self.units.append(units) def addPlot(self, length=None, *args): if (self.isLogging()): self.frame.addPlot(length) # Datalogging must be enabled if we want to plot data. return self.frame.getPlot() else: raise Exception("Cannot add plot before enabling data logging.") return None def getFrame(self): """Return the device's frame.""" return self.frame def stop(self): # print "stopping device thread..." self.keepGoing = False # print "device thread stopped." #self.device_stop_signal.emit() if self.frame.DataLoggingInfo()['chest']: self.frame.DataLoggingInfo()['chest'].close() self.close() def __threadSafeClose(self): if self.frame.DataLoggingInfo()['chest']: self.frame.DataLoggingInfo()['chest'].close() def plot(self, plot): self.frame.setHasPlot(plot) def begin(self, **kwargs): '''Start the device. ''' # Automatically refresh node data in callQuery self.refreshNodeDataInCallQuery = kwargs.get('auto_refresh_node', True) # if not self.refreshNodeDataInCallQuery: # print self, "will not automatically refresh node data" # traceback.print_stack() self.onBegin() # self.frame.setReadingIndex(self.settingResultIndices) #self.configureDataLogging() # Each device NEEDS to run on a different thread # than the main thread (which ALWAYS runs the GUI). # This thread is responsible for querying the devices. # self.deviceThread = threading.Thread(target=self.callQuery, args=[]) # # If the main thread stops, stop the child thread. # self.deviceThread.daemon = True # # Start the thread. self.start() #self.callQuery() def __threadSafeBegin(self): self.configureDataLogging() def configureDataLogging(self): # print self, "is datalogging" self.frame.DataLoggingInfo()['name'] = self.frame.DataLoggingInfo( )['lock_logging_settings'] = self.lockLoggingSettings if self.defaultLogLocation != None: # If the current directory is a subdirectory of the default, # then that is ok and the current directory should not be # changed. print "current location:", self.frame.DataLoggingInfo()['location'] print "default:", self.defaultLogLocation if not (self.defaultLogLocation in self.frame.DataLoggingInfo()['location']): print "Paths not ok" self.frame.DataLoggingInfo( )['location'] = self.defaultLogLocation self.frame.DataLoggingInfo()['chest'] = MDataBaseWrapper(self) self.datachest = self.frame.DataLoggingInfo()['chest'] def onBegin(self): '''Called at the end of MDevice.begin(). This is called before MView starts. This allows us to configure settings that MView might use while starting. This might include datalog locations or device-specific information.''' pass def loaded(self): print self, "loaded." self.onLoad() self.doneLoading = True def isLoaded(self): return self.doneLoading def onLoad(self): '''Called at the end of MGui.startGui(), when the main MView GUI has finished loading. This allows the MDevice to configure pieces of MView only available once the program has fully loaded.''' pass def onAddParameter(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Called when when a new parameter is added. It is passed whatever MDevice.addParameter() is passed. (Note: MDevice.onAddParameter() and MDevice.addParameter() are different). This function must return a tuple in the form ((str) Parameter Name, (int)Precision, (str) units) ''' return def setPrecisions(self, precisions): self.frame.setPrecisions(precisions) def setSigFigs(self, parameter, sigfigs): self.frame.setSigFigs(parameter, sigfigs) def _setReadings(self, readings, update=True): '''Tell the frame what the readings are so that they can be logged. :param readings: Type: list ''' # readings = self.frame.getReadings() # print "set readings called" # traceback.print_stack() # if readings != None: # node = self.frame.getNode() # anchorData = [] # # # print "HERE A" # if node is not None: # for input in node.getAnchors(): # if input.getType() == 'input': # print "INPUT ANCHOR", input # data = input.getData() # if data != None and type(data) is list: # anchorData.append(data[-1]) # elif data != None: # anchorData.append(None) # print "readigns:", readings # print "anchordata:", anchorData # readings.extend(anchorData) # print "comb readigns:", readings # else: def isOutOfRange(self, key): return self.frame.getOutOfRangeStatus(key) def setOutOfRange(self, key): # print self, key, "is out of range" self.frame.setOutOfRange(key) def setInRange(self, key): self.frame.setInRange(key) def disableRange(self): self.frame.disableRange() def setReading(self, parameter, reading): self.frame.setReading(parameter, reading) def setMailingLists(self, lists): self.notifier_mailing_lists = lists def getMailingLists(self): return self.notifier_mailing_lists def getUnit(self, parameter): return self.frame.getUnit(parameter) def setUnit(self, parameter, unit): self.frame.setUnit(parameter, unit) def setPrecision(self, parameter, precision): self.frame.setPrecision(parameter, precision) def getPrecision(self, parameter): return self.frame.getPrecision(parameter) def getSigFigs(self, parameter): return self.frame.getSigFigs(parameter) def getReading(self, parameter): return self.frame.getReading(parameter) def setReadingIndex(self, parameter, index): self.frame.setReadingIndex(parameter, index) def getReadingIndex(self, parameter): return self.frame.getReadingIndex(parameter) def setCommand(self, parameter, command): # print "Setting command for", parameter, "is", command self.frame.setCommand(parameter, command) def getCommand(self, parameter): # print "Getting Parameter:",self.frame.getCommand(parameter) return self.frame.getCommand(parameter) def getParameters(self): return self.frame.getParameters() def getNicknames(self): return self.frame.getNicknames() def setParamVisibility(self, parameter, visible): self.frame.setParamVisibility(parameter, True) def getParamVisibility(self, paramteter): return self.frame.getParamVisibility(parameter) def getReadingIndex(self, parameter): return self.frame.getReadingIndex(parameter) def enableDataLogging(self, parameter): self.frame.DataLoggingInfo()['channels'][parameter] = True def disableDataLogging(self, parameter): self.frame.DataLoggingInfo()['channels'][parameter] = False def isDataLoggingEnabled(self, parameter): return self.frame.DataLoggingInfo()['channels'][parameter] def getParameterType(self, parameter): if type(parameter) is dict: parameter = parameter.keys()[0] return self.frame.getNode().getAnchorByName(parameter).getType() def disableAllDataLogging(self): self.frame.masterEnableDataLogging(False) for p in self.getParameters(): self.disableDataLogging(p) def enableAllDataLogging(self): self.frame.masterEnableDataLogging(True) def run(self): '''Automatically called periodically, determined by MDevice.Mframe.getRefreshRate(). There is also a MDevice.Mframe.setRefreshRate() function with which the refresh rate can be configured. ''' while True: #t1 = time.time() self.query() node = self.frame.getNode() if node is not None and self.refreshNodeDataInCallQuery: self.frame.getNode().refreshData() if self.datachest is not None and self.doneLoading: try: if self.frame.isDataLogging(): #print "MDevice:", str(self),"thread id:",int(QThread.currentThreadId()) pass except: traceback.print_exc() if web.gui != None and web.gui.MAlert != None: web.gui.MAlert.monitorReadings(self) self.updateContainer() #t2 = time.time() #print self, "time to run:", t2 - t1 if self.keepGoing: self.msleep(int(self.frame.getRefreshRate() * 1000)) else: return #threading.Timer(self.frame.getRefreshRate(), # self.callQuery).start() def prompt(self, button): '''Called when a device's button is pushed. Button is an array which is associated with the button. The array is constructed in the device driver code, and the PyQT button is then appended to the end by MView. The array associated with the button is passed to prompt() in the device driver. The device driver then determines what to do based on the button pushed. ''' pass def close(self): return def addParameter(self, *args, **kwargs): """Adds a parameter to the GUI. The first argument is the name, the other arguments are specific to the device driver. """ try: name = args[0] except: raise AttributError( "The first argument of addParameter() must be a name") show = kwargs.get("show", True) units = kwargs.get('units', None) sigfigs = kwargs.get('significant_figures', None) precision = kwargs.get('precision', None) if sigfigs is None and precision is None: precision = 2 index = kwargs.get('index', None) log = kwargs.get("log", self.isLogging()) self.frame.addParameter((name, units, precision)) self.setReadingIndex(name, index) self.setPrecision(name, precision) self.setSigFigs(name, sigfigs) self.setUnit(name, units) self.onAddParameter(*args, **kwargs) self.frame.setParamVisibility(name, show) self.frame.DataLoggingInfo()['channels'][name] = log self.addParameterSignal.emit(name) # def logData(self, b): # """Enable or disable datalogging for the device.""" # # if channels!= None: # # self.frame.DataLoggingInfo['channels'] = channels # self.frame.enableDataLogging(b) def __str__(self): if self.frame.getTitle() is None: return "Unnamed Device" return self.frame.getTitle()