    def _get_integrator(self, thermostat):
        assert thermostat in [None, "Nose", "Langevin"
                              ], "Wrong thermostat: " + str(thermostat)
        if thermostat is None:
            return VelocityVerletIntegrator(self._universe, delta_t=self._dt)

        elif thermostat == "Nose":
            self._universe.thermostat = NoseThermostat(self._temperature)
            return VelocityVerletIntegrator(self._universe, delta_t=self._dt)

        elif thermostat == "Langevin":
            return self._get_Langevin_integrator()
    def _get_integrators(self, thermostat):
        if thermostat is None:
            return [
                VelocityVerletIntegrator(universe, delta_t=self._time_step)
                for universe in self._universes

        elif thermostat == "Nose":
            for universe in self._universes:
                universe.thermostat = NoseThermostat(self._temperature)
            return [
                VelocityVerletIntegrator(universe, delta_t=self._time_step)
                for universe in self._universes

        elif thermostat == "Langevin":
            return [
                for universe in self._universes

            raise Exception("Unknown thermostat " + thermostat)
print("Solvent molecules have been added, now shrinking universe...")

# Shrink the universe back to its original size, thereby compressing
# the solvent to its real density.
MMTK.Solvation.shrinkUniverse(universe, temperature, 'solvation.nc')
print("Universe has been compressed, now equilibrating...")

# Set a better force field and add thermostat and barostat.
# Note: For efficiency, optimized Ewald parameters should be used
# in a real application. The barostat relaxation time must be
# adjusted to the system size; it should be chosen smaller than
# for a realistic simulation in order to reach the final
# volume faster.
universe.setForceField(Amber94ForceField(1.4, {'method': 'ewald'}))
universe.thermostat = NoseThermostat(temperature)
universe.barostat = AndersenBarostat(pressure, 0.1*Units.ps)

# Create an integrator and a trajectory.
integrator = VelocityVerletIntegrator(universe, delta_t=1.*Units.fs)

trajectory = Trajectory(universe, "equilibration.nc", "w",
                        "Equilibration (NPT ensemble)")

# Start an NPT integration with periodic rescaling of velocities
# and resetting of the barostat. The number of steps required to
# reach a stable volume depends strongly on the system!
output_actions = [TrajectoryOutput(trajectory,
                                   ('configuration', 'energy', 'thermodynamic',
                                    'time', 'auxiliary'), 0, None, 100),
                  LogOutput("equilibration.log", ('time', 'energy'),