def initializeRoomBookingDB(location, force=False):
    Modifies Indico main database.
    - location list

    Creates necessary branches in room booking database.
    - rooms branch
    - bookings branch
    - several indexes
    indicoRoot = MaKaC.common.DBMgr.getInstance().getDBConnection().root()
    root = DALManagerCERN().getRoot()
    # 1. Location -----------------------------------------------------------

    initialLocation = Location(location, FactoryCERN)
    if force or not indicoRoot.has_key('RoomBookingLocationList'):
        indicoRoot['RoomBookingLocationList'] = [initialLocation]
    if force or not indicoRoot.has_key('DefaultRoomBookingLocation'):
        indicoRoot['DefaultRoomBookingLocation'] = location

    # 2. Rooms & Bookings ---------------------------------------------------

    # Create rooms branch
    if force or not root.has_key('Rooms'):
        root['Rooms'] = IOBTree()

    # Create reservations branch
    if force or not root.has_key('Reservations'):
        root['Reservations'] = IOBTree()

    # Create blocking branch
    if force or not root.has_key('RoomBlocking'):
        root['RoomBlocking'] = OOBTree()
        root['RoomBlocking']['Blockings'] = IOBTree()
        root['RoomBlocking']['Indexes'] = OOBTree()
        root['RoomBlocking']['Indexes']['OwnerBlockings'] = OOBTree()
        root['RoomBlocking']['Indexes']['DayBlockings'] = CalendarDayIndex()
        root['RoomBlocking']['Indexes']['RoomBlockings'] = OOBTree()

    # Create indexes
    if force or not root.has_key('RoomReservationsIndex'):
        root['RoomReservationsIndex'] = OOBTree()
    if force or not root.has_key('UserReservationsIndex'):
        root['UserReservationsIndex'] = OOBTree()
    if force or not root.has_key('DayReservationsIndex'):
        root['DayReservationsIndex'] = OOBTree()
    if force or not root.has_key('RoomDayReservationsIndex'):
        root['RoomDayReservationsIndex'] = OOBTree()

    # Create possible equipment branch
    if force or not root.has_key('EquipmentList'):
        root['EquipmentList'] = {}

    # update Catalog with new rb indexes

def initializeRoomBookingDB(location, force=False):
    Modifies Indico main database.
    - location list

    Creates necessary branches in room booking database.
    - rooms branch
    - bookings branch
    - several indexes
    indicoRoot = MaKaC.common.DBMgr.getInstance().getDBConnection().root()
    root = DALManagerCERN().getRoot()
    # 1. Location -----------------------------------------------------------

    initialLocation = Location(location, FactoryCERN)
    if force or not indicoRoot.has_key("RoomBookingLocationList"):
        indicoRoot["RoomBookingLocationList"] = [initialLocation]
    if force or not indicoRoot.has_key("DefaultRoomBookingLocation"):
        indicoRoot["DefaultRoomBookingLocation"] = location

    # 2. Rooms & Bookings ---------------------------------------------------

    # Create rooms branch
    if force or not root.has_key("Rooms"):
        root["Rooms"] = IOBTree()

    # Create reservations branch
    if force or not root.has_key("Reservations"):
        root["Reservations"] = IOBTree()

    # Create blocking branch
    if force or not root.has_key("RoomBlocking"):
        root["RoomBlocking"] = OOBTree()
        root["RoomBlocking"]["Blockings"] = IOBTree()
        root["RoomBlocking"]["Indexes"] = OOBTree()
        root["RoomBlocking"]["Indexes"]["OwnerBlockings"] = OOBTree()
        root["RoomBlocking"]["Indexes"]["DayBlockings"] = CalendarDayIndex()
        root["RoomBlocking"]["Indexes"]["RoomBlockings"] = OOBTree()

    # Create indexes
    if force or not root.has_key("RoomReservationsIndex"):
        root["RoomReservationsIndex"] = OOBTree()
    if force or not root.has_key("UserReservationsIndex"):
        root["UserReservationsIndex"] = OOBTree()
    if force or not root.has_key("DayReservationsIndex"):
        root["DayReservationsIndex"] = OOBTree()
    if force or not root.has_key("RoomDayReservationsIndex"):
        root["RoomDayReservationsIndex"] = OOBTree()

    # Create possible equipment branch
    if force or not root.has_key("EquipmentList"):
        root["EquipmentList"] = {}

    # update Catalog with new rb indexes

def initializeRoomBookingDB( location, force = False ):
    Modifies Indico main database.
    - location list

    Creates necessary branches in room booking database.
    - rooms branch
    - bookings branch
    - several indexes
    indicoRoot = MaKaC.common.DBMgr.getInstance().getDBConnection().root()
    root = DALManagerCERN().root
    # 1. Location -----------------------------------------------------------
    initialLocation = Location( location, FactoryCERN )
    if force or not indicoRoot.has_key( 'RoomBookingLocationList' ):
        indicoRoot['RoomBookingLocationList'] = [ initialLocation ]
        print "Locations branch created (Indico db)"
    if force or not indicoRoot.has_key( 'DefaultRoomBookingLocation' ):
        indicoRoot['DefaultRoomBookingLocation'] = location
        print "Default location set to " + location
    # 2. Rooms & Bookings ---------------------------------------------------

    # Create rooms branch
    if force or not root.has_key( 'Rooms' ):
        root['Rooms'] = IOBTree()
        print "Rooms branch created"

    # Create reservations branch
    if force or not root.has_key( 'Reservations' ):
        root['Reservations'] = IOBTree()
        print "Reservations branch created"
    # Create indexes
    if force or not root.has_key( 'RoomReservationsIndex' ):
        root['RoomReservationsIndex'] = OOBTree()
        print "Room => Reservations Index branch created"
    if force or not root.has_key( 'UserReservationsIndex' ):
        root['UserReservationsIndex'] = OOBTree()
        print "User => Reservations Index branch created"
    if force or not root.has_key( 'DayReservationsIndex' ):
        root['DayReservationsIndex'] = OOBTree()
        print "Day => Reservations Index branch created"

    # Create possible equipment branch
    if force or not root.has_key( 'EquipmentList' ):
        root['EquipmentList'] = {}
        print "Equipment branch created"

    print "Cached list of room managers invalidated"

def initializeRoomBookingDB(location, force=False):
    Modifies Indico main database.
    - location list

    Creates necessary branches in room booking database.
    - rooms branch
    - bookings branch
    - several indexes
    indicoRoot = MaKaC.common.DBMgr.getInstance().getDBConnection().root()
    root = DALManagerCERN().root

    # 1. Location -----------------------------------------------------------

    initialLocation = Location(location, FactoryCERN)
    if force or not indicoRoot.has_key('RoomBookingLocationList'):
        indicoRoot['RoomBookingLocationList'] = [initialLocation]
        print "Locations branch created (Indico db)"
    if force or not indicoRoot.has_key('DefaultRoomBookingLocation'):
        indicoRoot['DefaultRoomBookingLocation'] = location
        print "Default location set to " + location

    # 2. Rooms & Bookings ---------------------------------------------------

    # Create rooms branch
    if force or not root.has_key('Rooms'):
        root['Rooms'] = IOBTree()
        print "Rooms branch created"

    # Create reservations branch
    if force or not root.has_key('Reservations'):
        root['Reservations'] = IOBTree()
        print "Reservations branch created"

    # Create indexes
    if force or not root.has_key('RoomReservationsIndex'):
        root['RoomReservationsIndex'] = OOBTree()
        print "Room => Reservations Index branch created"
    if force or not root.has_key('UserReservationsIndex'):
        root['UserReservationsIndex'] = OOBTree()
        print "User => Reservations Index branch created"
    if force or not root.has_key('DayReservationsIndex'):
        root['DayReservationsIndex'] = OOBTree()
        print "Day => Reservations Index branch created"

    # Create possible equipment branch
    if force or not root.has_key('EquipmentList'):
        root['EquipmentList'] = {}
        print "Equipment branch created"

    print "Cached list of room managers invalidated"
