    def _set_default_grids(self):
        # need to consider the placement arr because our base minerals, geysers and townhall
        # are not pathable in the pathing grid
        # we manage those manually so they are accurate through the game
        self.default_grid = np.fmax(self.map_data.path_arr,

        # Fixing platforms on Submarine which reapers can climb onto not being pathable
        # Don't use the entire name because we also use the modified maps
        # with different names
        if "Submarine" in self.map_data.map_name:
            self.default_grid[116, 43] = 1
            self.default_grid[51, 120] = 1

        self.default_grid_nodestr = self.default_grid.copy()

        self.destructables_included = {}
        self.minerals_included = {}

        # set rocks and mineral walls to pathable in the beginning
        # these will be set nonpathable when updating grids for the destructables
        # that still exist
        for dest in self.map_data.bot.destructables:
            self.destructables_included[dest.position] = dest
            if "unbuildable" not in dest.name.lower(
            ) and "acceleration" not in dest.name.lower():
                change_destructable_status_in_grid(self.default_grid, dest, 0)
                                                   dest, 1)

        # set each geyser as non pathable, these don't update during the game
        for geyser in self.map_data.bot.vespene_geyser:
            left_bottom = geyser.position.offset((-1.5, -1.5))
            x_start = int(left_bottom[0])
            y_start = int(left_bottom[1])
            x_end = int(x_start + 3)
            y_end = int(y_start + 3)
            self.default_grid[x_start:x_end, y_start:y_end] = 0
            self.default_grid_nodestr[x_start:x_end, y_start:y_end] = 0

        for mineral in self.map_data.bot.mineral_field:
            self.minerals_included[mineral.position] = mineral
            x1 = int(mineral.position[0])
            x2 = x1 - 1
            y = int(mineral.position[1])

            self.default_grid[x1, y] = 0
            self.default_grid[x2, y] = 0
            self.default_grid_nodestr[x1, y] = 0
            self.default_grid_nodestr[x2, y] = 0
    def _add_non_pathables_ground(
            grid: ndarray,
            include_destructables: bool = True) -> ndarray:
        ret_grid = grid.copy()
        nonpathables = self.map_data.bot.structures.not_flying
        nonpathables = nonpathables.filter(
            lambda x: (x.type_id != UnitID.SUPPLYDEPOTLOWERED or x.is_active)
            and (x.type_id != UnitID.CREEPTUMOR or not x.is_ready))

        for obj in nonpathables:
            size = 1
            if obj.type_id in buildings_2x2:
                size = 2
            elif obj.type_id in buildings_3x3:
                size = 3
            elif obj.type_id in buildings_5x5:
                size = 5
            left_bottom = obj.position.offset((-size / 2, -size / 2))
            x_start = int(left_bottom[0])
            y_start = int(left_bottom[1])
            x_end = int(x_start + size)
            y_end = int(y_start + size)

            ret_grid[x_start:x_end, y_start:y_end] = 0

            # townhall sized buildings should have their corner spots pathable
            if size == 5:
                ret_grid[x_start, y_start] = 1
                ret_grid[x_start, y_end - 1] = 1
                ret_grid[x_end - 1, y_start] = 1
                ret_grid[x_end - 1, y_end - 1] = 1

        if len(self.minerals_included
               ) != self.map_data.bot.mineral_field.amount:

            new_positions = set(m.position
                                for m in self.map_data.bot.mineral_field)
            old_mf_positions = set(self.minerals_included)

            missing_positions = old_mf_positions - new_positions
            for mf_position in missing_positions:
                x1 = int(mf_position[0])
                x2 = x1 - 1
                y = int(mf_position[1])

                ret_grid[x1, y] = 1
                ret_grid[x2, y] = 1

                self.default_grid[x1, y] = 1
                self.default_grid[x2, y] = 1

                self.default_grid_nodestr[x1, y] = 1
                self.default_grid_nodestr[x2, y] = 1

                del self.minerals_included[mf_position]

        if (include_destructables and len(self.destructables_included) !=
            new_positions = set(d.position
                                for d in self.map_data.bot.destructables)
            old_dest_positions = set(self.destructables_included)
            missing_positions = old_dest_positions - new_positions

            for dest_position in missing_positions:
                dest = self.destructables_included[dest_position]
                change_destructable_status_in_grid(ret_grid, dest, 1)
                change_destructable_status_in_grid(self.default_grid, dest, 1)

                del self.destructables_included[dest_position]

        return ret_grid