def _die(fctName, outputLayer, kwargs, exc) : localStr = "!!=> Error in function '%s' for layer '%s':\n%s\n" % (fctName,, exc.message) sys.stderr.write(localStr) sys.stderr.write("Have a look at the log file: %s for details about the arguments" % MSET.SAVE_MESSAGE_LOG_FILE) strArgs = [] for k, v in kwargs.iteritems() : strArgs.append("%s, shape: %s \n----\n%s" % (k, numpy.asarray(v).shape, v)) MCAN.fatal(localStr, "!!=> the arguments were:\n %s\n" % ('\n'.join(strArgs)), toRaise = exc)
def clone(self, reset = False) : """Returns a free layer with the same parameters. You can use kwargs to setup any attribute of the new layer""" if self.creationArguments is None : MCAN.fatal("Unclonable layer '%s'" %, "self.creationArguments is not defined.\nPlease add a call to Layer_ABC._setCreationArguments(self) at the end of the constructor.") obj = self.__class__( **self.creationArguments) obj._mustInit = True if reset : obj._mustReset = True else : obj._mustReset = False for k, v in self.getParameterDict().iteritems() : setattr(obj, k, v) return obj
def clone(self, reset=False): """Returns a free layer with the same parameters. You can use kwargs to setup any attribute of the new layer""" if self.creationArguments is None: MCAN.fatal( "Unclonable layer '%s'" %, "self.creationArguments is not defined.\nPlease add a call to Layer_ABC._setCreationArguments(self) at the end of the constructor." ) obj = self.__class__(**self.creationArguments) obj._mustInit = True if reset: obj._mustReset = True else: obj._mustReset = False for k, v in self.getParameterDict().iteritems(): setattr(obj, k, v) return obj