    def _es_bulk_load(self):
        print "sending batch of " + str(len(self.temp))
        # http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/bulk.html
        data = ''
        for r in self.temp:
            #print("\n\nRAW DATA")
            #print("\n\n To CONVERT")
            #print(json.dumps( r ))

            data += json.dumps( {'index':{'_id': r['_id']}} ) + '\n'
            data += json.dumps( r ) + '\n'
        self.temp = []

        r = requests.post(Config.elasticsearch['uri_records'] + '_bulk', data=data)

        # if matching is enabled, then try to match whatever was in the batch to the rest of the index content
        if Config.importer['load']['pubmedcentral']['do_bulk_match']:
            print "matching"
            m = Matcher()

        return r # passing back the POST info in case it is useful