def MatchAllCluster(save, maxdist=200, groups=3, filtparam=2.0):
    PointsList, DisList, img, depth = MatchAllCapture(0, maxdist)
    PointsClusterList = []
    for i in xrange(len(PointsList)):
        if depth[PointsList[i].pt[1], PointsList[i].pt[0]] <> 0 and depth[
                PointsList[i].pt[1], PointsList[i].pt[0]] < 1000:
                [PointsList[i].pt[0], PointsList[i].pt[1]])

    Z = np.array(PointsClusterList)

    # convert to np.float32
    Z = np.float32(Z)

    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve = Cluster(Z, 3)

    #Create List for reduced points
    segregatedF = []
    for i in xrange(groups):

    #Remove points which are not close to centroid
    for j in xrange(groups):
        for i in range(len(segregated[j])):
            if distFromCenter[j][i] < filtparam * distFromCenterAve[j]:
    for j in xrange(groups):
        segregatedF[j] = np.array(segregatedF[j])

    # Create a centriod depth list
    FinalCenters = []
    for j in xrange(groups):
            centers[j][0], centers[j][1], depth[centers[j][1], centers[j][0]]

    # Convert to world coordinates
    FinalCentersWC = convertToWorldCoords(FinalCenters)

    return segregatedF, centers, img, depth, FinalCenters, FinalCentersWC
def MatchAllCluster(save, maxdist=200, filtparam=2.0):

    PointsList, DisList, img, depth = MatchAllCapture(0, maxdist)

    PointsClusterList = []
    for i in xrange(len(PointsList)):
        if depth[PointsList[i].pt[1], PointsList[i].pt[0]] <> 0 and depth[
                PointsList[i].pt[1], PointsList[i].pt[0]] < 1000:
                [PointsList[i].pt[0], PointsList[i].pt[1]])

    Z = np.array(PointsClusterList)

    if len(Z) < 20:
        print "No Cups"
        cv2.imshow("Cups Stream", img)

    # convert to np.float32
    Z = np.float32(Z)

    # Determine how many cups there are
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve1 = Cluster(Z, 1)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve2 = Cluster(Z, 2)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve3 = Cluster(Z, 3)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve4 = Cluster(Z, 4)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve5 = Cluster(Z, 5)

    distFromCenterAveList = [
        (sum(distFromCenterAve1) / len(distFromCenterAve1)) * 1.0,
        (sum(distFromCenterAve2) / len(distFromCenterAve2)) * 2.0,
        (sum(distFromCenterAve3) / len(distFromCenterAve3)) * 3.0,
        (sum(distFromCenterAve4) / len(distFromCenterAve4)) * 4.0,
        (sum(distFromCenterAve5) / len(distFromCenterAve5)) * 5.0

    groups = distFromCenterAveList.index(min(distFromCenterAveList)) + 1

    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve = Cluster(Z, groups)

    #Create List for reduced points
    segregatedF = []
    for i in xrange(groups):

    #Remove points which are not close to centroid
    for j in xrange(groups):
        for i in range(len(segregated[j])):
            if distFromCenter[j][i] < filtparam * distFromCenterAve[j]:

    #remove clusters that are >= 3 points or all superimposed
    i = 0
    while i < groups:
        if len(segregatedF[i]) <= 5 or np.isnan(np.std(segregatedF[i])):
            del segregatedF[i], centers[i], distFromCenter[
                i], distFromCenterAve[i]
            groups -= 1
        i += 1

    for j in xrange(groups):
        segregatedF[j] = np.array(segregatedF[j])

    # Create a centriod depth list
    FinalCenters = []
    for j in xrange(groups):
            centers[j][0], centers[j][1], depth[centers[j][1], centers[j][0]]

    # Convert to world coordinates
    FinalCentersWC = convertToWorldCoords(FinalCenters)

    segregated = segregatedF
    FC = FinalCenters
    colourList = [(0, 255, 0), (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 255), (0, 255, 255),
                  (255, 255, 0), (255, 0, 255)]

    # Seperate the top of each cup in pixel space
    depthimg = img.copy()
    depthmask = depth.copy()

    # Start Cup Classification loop
    for j in xrange(groups):
        centx = FC[j][0]
        centy = FC[j][1]
        centdepth = FC[j][2]

        # Choose pixel area likley to contain a cup
        w = -0.08811 * centdepth + 103.0837
        h = -0.13216 * centdepth + 154.6256
        h = h
        cup1 = depthimg[(centy - h):(centy), (centx - w):(centx + w)]
        cupDepth1 = depthmask[(centy - h):(FC[j][1]), (centx - w):(centx + w)]

        # Create blank binary images to fill with depth thresholds
        shape1 = np.zeros(cupDepth1.shape, dtype=np.uint8)

        # Fill with threshold depths
        upper = centdepth + 100
        lower = centdepth - 50
        depthRange = []
        midDepthRange = []
        for i in xrange(cupDepth1.shape[0]):
            for k in xrange(cupDepth1.shape[1]):
                if lower < cupDepth1[i, k] < upper:
                    shape1[i, k] = cupDepth1[i, k]
                    depthRange.append(cupDepth1[i, k])
                    if i == cupDepth1.shape[0] - 1:

        if len(midDepthRange) < 3:

        cv2.imshow('s**t', shape1)

        midMin = min(midDepthRange)
        midMax = max(midDepthRange)
        s3 = [(centx - w) + midMin, centy, centdepth]
        s4 = [(centx - w) + midMax, centy, centdepth]
        mid = [s3, s4]
        midWorld = convertToWorldCoords(mid)
        CupMidWidth = midWorld[1][0] - midWorld[0][0]
        CupTopWidth = max(depthRange) - min(depthRange)

        print "Mid Width", CupMidWidth
        print "Top Width", CupTopWidth
        if CupMidWidth > CupTopWidth:

            cupOrientation = "Upsidedown"
            cupFill = "Empty"

            if CupTopWidth > 100:
                cupType = "Not a Cup"
            elif CupTopWidth > 58:
                cupType = "Large"
            elif CupTopWidth > 49:
                cupType = "Medium"
            elif CupTopWidth > 20:
                cupType = "Small"
                cupType = "Not a Cup"


            cupOrientation = "Upright"
            cupFill = "Unsure"

            if CupTopWidth > 100:
                cupType = "Not a Cup"
            elif CupTopWidth > 81:
                cupType = "Large"
            elif CupTopWidth > 71:
                cupType = "Medium"
            elif CupTopWidth > 30:
                cupType = "Small"
                cupType = "Not a Cup"

        #Draw the top of the bounding rectangle
        if cupType <> "Not a Cup":

    # Draw the groups
    deleteList = []
    for j in xrange(groups):
        if len(FinalCentersWC[j]) > 3:
            centerst = tuple(np.array(centers[j]) + np.array([0, 50]))
            cv2.putText(img, str(FinalCentersWC[j]), centerst,
                        cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.3, colourList[j])
  , centers[j], 10, colourList[j], -1)
  , centers[j], 2, (0, 0, 0), -1)
            for i in range(len(segregated[j])):
                pt_a = (int(segregated[j][i, 0]), int(segregated[j][i, 1]))
      , pt_a, 3, colourList[j])
                cv2.line(img, pt_a, centers[j], colourList[j])

    FinalFinalCentersWC = [
        i for j, i in enumerate(FinalCentersWC) if j not in deleteList

    if save == 1:
        cv2.imwrite('ProcessedImages/ProcessedCluster' + str(ImageNo) + '.jpg',

    if len(FinalFinalCentersWC) <> 0:
        print FinalFinalCentersWC
        cv2.imshow("Cups Stream", img)
def MatchAllCluster(save, maxdist=200, filtparam=2.0):
    PointsList, DisList, img, depth = MatchAllCapture(0,maxdist)
    PointsClusterList = []
    for i in xrange(len(PointsList)):
        if depth[PointsList[i].pt[1], PointsList[i].pt[0]] <> 0 and depth[PointsList[i].pt[1], PointsList[i].pt[0]] < 1000:
            PointsClusterList.append([PointsList[i].pt[0], PointsList[i].pt[1]])

    Z = np.array(PointsClusterList)

    if len(Z) < 30:
        print "No Cups"
        cv2.imshow("Cups Stream", img)
    # convert to np.float32
    Z = np.float32(Z)

    # Determine how many cups there are
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve1 = Cluster(Z, 1)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve2 = Cluster(Z, 2)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve3 = Cluster(Z, 3)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve4 = Cluster(Z, 4)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve5 = Cluster(Z, 5)

    distFromCenterAveList = [(sum(distFromCenterAve1)/len(distFromCenterAve1))*1.0,

    groups = distFromCenterAveList.index(min(distFromCenterAveList))+1

    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve = Cluster(Z, groups)

    #Create List for reduced points
    segregatedF = []
    for i in xrange(groups):

    #Remove points which are not close to centroid
    for j in xrange(groups):
        for i in range(len(segregated[j])):
            if distFromCenter[j][i] < filtparam*distFromCenterAve[j]:

    #remove clusters that are >= 3 points or all superimposed
    i = 0
    while i < groups:
        if len(segregatedF[i]) <= 5 or np.isnan(np.std(segregatedF[i])):
            del segregatedF[i], centers[i], distFromCenter[i], distFromCenterAve[i]
            groups -= 1
        i += 1

    for j in xrange(groups):
        segregatedF[j] = np.array(segregatedF[j])

    # Create a centriod depth list
    FinalCenters = []
    for j in xrange(groups):

    # Convert to world coordinates
    FinalCentersWC = convertToWorldCoords(FinalCenters)
    segregated = segregatedF
    FC = FinalCenters
    colourList=[(0, 255, 0), (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 255), (0, 255, 255), (255, 255, 0), (255, 0, 255)]

    # Seperate the top of each cup in pixel space
    depthimg = img.copy()
    maskimg = depth.copy()

    # Start Cup Classification loop
    for j in xrange(groups):
        # Choose pixel area likley to contain a cup
        w = -0.08811*FC[j][2]+103.0837
        h = -0.13216*FC[j][2]+154.6256
        h = h*1.8
        cup1 = depthimg[(FC[j][1]-h):(FC[j][1]), (FC[j][0]-w):(FC[j][0]+w)]
        mask1 = maskimg[(FC[j][1]-h):(FC[j][1]), (FC[j][0]-w):(FC[j][0]+w)]
        cup2 = depthimg[(FC[j][1]):(FC[j][1]+h), (FC[j][0]-w):(FC[j][0]+w)]
        mask2 = maskimg[(FC[j][1]):(FC[j][1]+h), (FC[j][0]-w):(FC[j][0]+w)]

        # Determine the bouding rectangle of the largest contour in the top area
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(cup1,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray,(5,5),0)
        blurDepth = cv2.blur(mask1,(5,5))
        thresh1 = 200
        thresh2 = 400
        for i in xrange(cup1.shape[0]):
            for j in xrange(cup1.shape[1]):
                if blurDepth[i,j] == 0 or blurDepth[i,j]>1000:
                    gray[i,j] = 0
        edges = cv2.Canny(gray,thresh1,thresh2)
        contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(edges,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
        if len(contours) == 0:
            print "No Top Contours"
            cnt = max(contours, key=len)
        x,y,w1,h1 = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)

        # Determine the bouding rectangle of the largest contour in the bottom area
        gray2 = cv2.cvtColor(cup2,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        blur2 = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray2,(5,5),0)
        thresh21 = 200
        thresh22 = 400
        edges2 = cv2.Canny(blur2,thresh21,thresh22)
        contours2,hierarchy2 = cv2.findContours(edges2,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
        if len(contours2) == 0:
            print "No Bottom Contours"
            cnt2 = max(contours2, key=len)
        x2,y2,w21,h21 = cv2.boundingRect(cnt2)

        # Use brounding rectangle size to determine cup type and orientation
        s1 = [(FC[j][0]-w)+x,(FC[j][1]-h)+ y,FC[j][2]]
        s2 = [(FC[j][0]-w)+x+w1,(FC[j][1]-h)+ y,FC[j][2]]
        s3 = [(FC[j][0]-w)+x2,(FC[j][1])+ y2 + h21,FC[j][2]]
        s4 = [(FC[j][0]-w)+x2+w21,(FC[j][1])+ y2 + h21,FC[j][2]]
        top = [s1,s2]
        bottom = [s3,s4]
        topWorld = convertToWorldCoords(top)
        bottomWorld = convertToWorldCoords(bottom)
        CupTopWidth = topWorld[1][0]-topWorld[0][0]
        CupBottomWidth = bottomWorld[1][0]-bottomWorld[0][0]

        if CupBottomWidth > CupTopWidth:
            cupOrientation = "Upsidedown"
            cupFill = "Empty"
            CupTopWidth = CupBottomWidth
            if CupTopWidth > 100:
                cupType = "Not a Cup"
            elif CupTopWidth > 84.5:
                cupType = "Large"
            elif CupTopWidth > 71:
                cupType = "Medium"
            elif CupTopWidth > 50:
                cupType = "Small"
                cupType = "Not a Cup"


            cupOrientation = "Upright"
            cupFill = "Unsure"
            if CupTopWidth > 100:
                cupType = "Not a Cup"
            elif CupTopWidth > 84.5:
                cupType = "Large"
            elif CupTopWidth > 71:
                cupType = "Medium"
            elif CupTopWidth > 50:
                cupType = "Small"
                cupType = "Not a Cup"

        #Draw the top of the bounding rectangle
        if cupType <> "Not a Cup":
            new_cnt = cnt + [int(round((FC[j][0]-w),0)),int(round((FC[j][1]-h),0))]
            new_cnt2 = cnt2 + [int(round((FC[j][0]-w),0)),int(round((FC[j][1]),0))]
    # Draw the groups
    deleteList = []
    for j in xrange(groups):
        if len(FinalCentersWC[j]) > 3:
            centerst = tuple(np.array(centers[j])+np.array([0,50]))
            cv2.putText(img,str(FinalCentersWC[j]), centerst, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.3, colourList[j])
  , centers[j], 10, colourList[j], -1)
  , centers[j], 2, (0,0,0), -1)
            for i in range(len(segregated[j])):
                pt_a = (int(segregated[j][i,0]), int(segregated[j][i,1]))
      , pt_a, 3, colourList[j])
    FinalFinalCentersWC = [i for j, i in enumerate(FinalCentersWC) if j not in deleteList]
    if save == 1:
        cv2.imwrite('ProcessedImages/ProcessedCluster'+str(ImageNo)+'.jpg', img)

    if len(FinalFinalCentersWC)<>0:
        print FinalFinalCentersWC
        cv2.imshow("Cups Stream", img)
def MatchAllClusterGlass(save, maxdist=100, filtparam=2.0):

    PointsList, DisList, img, depth = MatchAllCaptureGlass(0, maxdist)

    PointsClusterList = []
    for i in xrange(len(PointsList)):
        if True:
                [PointsList[i].pt[0], PointsList[i].pt[1]])

    Z = np.array(PointsClusterList)

    if len(Z) < 20:
        print "No Cups"
        cv2.imshow("Cups Stream", img)

    # convert to np.float32
    Z = np.float32(Z)

    # Determine how many cups there are
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve1 = Cluster(Z, 1)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve2 = Cluster(Z, 2)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve3 = Cluster(Z, 3)

    splitTend = 0.2
    distFromCenterAveList = [
        (sum(distFromCenterAve1) / len(distFromCenterAve1)) * 1.0 * splitTend,
        (sum(distFromCenterAve2) / len(distFromCenterAve2)) * 2.0 * splitTend,
        (sum(distFromCenterAve3) / len(distFromCenterAve3)) * 3.0 * splitTend

    groups = distFromCenterAveList.index(min(distFromCenterAveList)) + 1

    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve = Cluster(Z, groups)

    #Create List for reduced points
    segregatedF = []
    for i in xrange(groups):

    #Remove points which are not close to centroid
    for j in xrange(groups):
        for i in range(len(segregated[j])):
            if distFromCenter[j][i] < filtparam * distFromCenterAve[j]:

    #remove clusters that are >= 3 points or all superimposed
    i = 0
    while i < groups:
        if len(segregatedF[i]) <= 25 or np.isnan(np.std(segregatedF[i])):
            del segregatedF[i], centers[i], distFromCenter[
                i], distFromCenterAve[i]
            groups -= 1
        i += 1

    for j in xrange(groups):
        segregatedF[j] = np.array(segregatedF[j])

    # Create a centriod depth list
    FinalCenters = []
    for j in xrange(groups):
            centers[j][0], centers[j][1], depth[centers[j][1], centers[j][0]]

    # Convert to world coordinates
    FinalCentersWC = convertToWorldCoords(FinalCenters)

    segregated = segregatedF
    FC = FinalCenters
    colourList = [(0, 255, 0), (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 255), (0, 255, 255),
                  (255, 255, 0), (255, 0, 255)]
    print FC
    # Seperate the top of each cup in pixel space
    depthimg = img.copy()
    depthmask = depth.copy()

    # Start Cup Classification loop
    for j in xrange(groups):
        centx = FC[j][0]
        centy = FC[j][1]
        centdepth = FC[j][2]
        # Choose pixel area likley to contain a cup
        w = -0.08811*centdepth+103.0837
        h = -0.13216*centdepth+154.6256
        h = h
        cup1 = depthimg[(centy-h):(centy), (centx-w):(centx+w)]
        cup11 = np.copy(cup1)
        cupDepth1 = depthmask[(centy-h):(FC[j][1]), (centx-w):(centx+w)]

        # Create blank binary images to fill with depth thresholds
        shape1 = np.zeros(cupDepth1.shape,dtype=np.uint8)
        shape2 = np.zeros(cupDepth1.shape,dtype=np.uint8)

        # Fill with threshold depths
        upper = centdepth+100
        lower = centdepth-50
        depthRange = []
        depthRangePos = []
        midDepthRange = []
        for i in xrange(cupDepth1.shape[0]):
            for k in xrange(cupDepth1.shape[1]):
                if lower<cupDepth1[i,k]<upper:
                    shape1[i,k] = cupDepth1[i,k]
                    if i == cupDepth1.shape[0]-1:

        if len(midDepthRange) < 3:

        Maxpos = depthRangePos[depthRange.index(max(depthRange))]
        Minpos = depthRangePos[depthRange.index(min(depthRange))]
        Cutoff = max(Maxpos[1],Minpos[1])
        midMin = min(midDepthRange)
        midMax = max(midDepthRange)
        s3 = [(centx-w)+midMin,centy,centdepth]
        s4 = [(centx-w)+midMax,centy,centdepth]
        mid = [s3,s4]
        midWorld = convertToWorldCoords(mid)
        CupMidWidth = midWorld[1][0]-midWorld[0][0]
        CupTopWidth = max(depthRange)-min(depthRange)

        , tuple(Maxpos), 3, colourList[j+1]), tuple(Minpos), 3, colourList[j+1])
        cv2.line(cup11, tuple(Maxpos), tuple(Minpos), colourList[j+1])

        for i in xrange(Cutoff):
            for k in xrange(cupDepth1.shape[1]):
                if lower<cupDepth1[i,k]<upper:
                    shape2[i,k] = 255

        blurThresh = cv2.blur(shape2,(5,5))

        thresh1 = 200
        thresh2 = 300
        edges = cv2.Canny(blurThresh,thresh1,thresh2)

        contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(edges,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
        if len(contours)==0:
        cont = np.vstack(contours)
        hull = cv2.convexHull(cont)

        cupGray = cv2.cvtColor(cup1,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        ColourAverage = np.array([0,0,0])
        count = 0
        for i in xrange(Cutoff):
            for k in xrange(cupDepth1.shape[1]):
                if cv2.pointPolygonTest(hull,(k,i), False)>0:
                    ColourAverage += np.array(cupGray[i,k])
                    count += 1
        ColourAverageF = ColourAverage/count
        whiteColour = max(cupGray[Maxpos[1],Maxpos[0]], cupGray[Minpos[1],Minpos[0]])
        fillRatio = float(ColourAverageF[0])/whiteColour
        print "mid width",CupMidWidth
        print "top width",CupTopWidth

        if CupMidWidth > CupTopWidth:
            cupOrientation = "Upsidedown"
            cupFill = "Empty"
            if CupTopWidth > 100:
                cupType = "Not a Cup"
            elif CupTopWidth > 58:
                cupType = "Large"
            elif CupTopWidth > 49:
                cupType = "Medium"
            elif CupTopWidth > 20:
                cupType = "Small"
                cupType = "Not a Cup"


            cupOrientation = "Upright"
            if fillRatio < 0.8:
                cupFill = "Full"
                cupFill = "Empty"
            if CupTopWidth > 100:
                cupType = "Not a Cup"
            elif CupTopWidth > 81:
                cupType = "Large"
            elif CupTopWidth > 69:
                cupType = "Medium"
            elif CupTopWidth > 30:
                cupType = "Small"
                cupType = "Not a Cup"

        #Draw the top of the bounding rectangle
        if cupType <> "Not a Cup":

    # Draw the groups
    deleteList = []
    for j in xrange(groups):
        if len(FinalCentersWC[j]) > 1:
            centerst = tuple(np.array(centers[j]) + np.array([0, 50]))
            cv2.putText(img, str(FinalCentersWC[j]), centerst,
                        cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.3, colourList[j])
  , centers[j], 10, colourList[j], -1)
  , centers[j], 2, (0, 0, 0), -1)
            for i in range(len(segregated[j])):
                pt_a = (int(segregated[j][i, 0]), int(segregated[j][i, 1]))
      , pt_a, 3, colourList[j])
                cv2.line(img, pt_a, centers[j], colourList[j])
                rpt1 = tuple(segregated[j].min(axis=0))
                rpt2 = tuple(segregated[j].max(axis=0))
                cv2.rectangle(img, rpt1, rpt2, colourList[j])

    FinalFinalCentersWC = [
        i for j, i in enumerate(FinalCentersWC) if j not in deleteList

    if save == 1:
        cv2.imwrite('ProcessedImages/ProcessedCluster' + str(ImageNo) + '.jpg',

    if len(FinalFinalCentersWC) <> 0:
        print FinalFinalCentersWC
        cv2.imshow("Cups Stream", img)
def MatchAllCluster(save, maxdist=200, filtparam=2.0, SplitTend=0.8):

    PointsList, DisList, img, depth = MatchAllCapture(0, maxdist)

    PointsClusterList = []
    for i in xrange(len(PointsList)):
        if depth[PointsList[i].pt[1], PointsList[i].pt[0]] <> 0 and depth[
                PointsList[i].pt[1], PointsList[i].pt[0]] < 1000:
                [PointsList[i].pt[0], PointsList[i].pt[1]])

    Z = np.array(PointsClusterList)

    if len(Z) < 50:
        print "No Cups"
        cv2.imshow("Cups Stream", img)

    # convert to np.float32
    Z = np.float32(Z)

    # Determine how many cups there are
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve1 = Cluster(Z, 1)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve2 = Cluster(Z, 2)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve3 = Cluster(Z, 3)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve4 = Cluster(Z, 4)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve5 = Cluster(Z, 5)

    distFromCenterAveList = [
        (sum(distFromCenterAve1) / len(distFromCenterAve1)) * 1.0,
        (sum(distFromCenterAve2) / len(distFromCenterAve2)) *
        (1.0 + 1.0 * SplitTend),
        (sum(distFromCenterAve3) / len(distFromCenterAve3)) *
        (1.0 + 2.0 * SplitTend),
        (sum(distFromCenterAve4) / len(distFromCenterAve4)) *
        (1.0 + 3.0 * SplitTend),
        (sum(distFromCenterAve5) / len(distFromCenterAve5)) *
        (1.0 + 4.0 * SplitTend)

    groups = distFromCenterAveList.index(min(distFromCenterAveList)) + 1

    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve = Cluster(Z, groups)

    #remove clusters that are <= 20 points or all superimposed
    i = 0
    while i < groups:
        if len(segregated[i]) <= 20 or np.isnan(np.std(segregated[i])):
            del segregated[i], centers[i], distFromCenter[
                i], distFromCenterAve[i]
            groups -= 1
        i += 1

    #Create List for reduced points
    segregatedF = []
    for i in xrange(groups):

    #Remove points which are not close to centroid
    for j in xrange(groups):
        for i in range(len(segregated[j])):
            if distFromCenter[j][i] < filtparam * distFromCenterAve[j]:

    for j in xrange(groups):
        segregatedF[j] = np.array(segregatedF[j])

    # Create a centriod depth list
    FinalCenters = []
    for j in xrange(groups):
            centers[j][0], centers[j][1], depth[centers[j][1], centers[j][0]]

    # Convert to world and then object coordinates
    FinalCentersCC = convertToWorldCoords(FinalCenters)
    Corners = np.load('CalibrationImages/Caliboutput/corners.npy')
    PixCorners = np.load('CalibrationImages/Caliboutput/PixCorners.npy')
    FinalCentersWC = transformCoords(FinalCentersCC, Corners)

    #Draw the coordinate system
    cv2.line(img, tuple(PixCorners[1][:2]), tuple(PixCorners[0][:2]),
             (255, 0, 0), 3)
    cv2.line(img, tuple(PixCorners[1][:2]), tuple(PixCorners[2][:2]),
             (0, 0, 255), 3)

    segregated = segregatedF
    FC = FinalCenters
    colourList = [(0, 255, 0), (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 255), (0, 255, 255),
                  (255, 255, 0), (255, 0, 255)]

    # Seperate the top of each cup in pixel space
    depthimg = img.copy()
    depthmask = depth.copy()

    CupMidTopPixList = []

    # Start Cup Classification loop
    for j in xrange(groups):
        centx = FC[j][0]
        centy = FC[j][1]
        centdepth = FC[j][2]

        # Choose pixel area likley to contain a cup
        w = -0.08811 * centdepth + 103.0837
        h = -0.13216 * centdepth + 154.6256
        h = h * 1.3
        cup1 = depthimg[(centy - h):(centy), (centx - w):(centx + w)]
        cup11 = np.copy(cup1)
        cupDepth1 = depthmask[(centy - h):(FC[j][1]), (centx - w):(centx + w)]
        cupDepth2 = np.copy(cupDepth1)

        # Create blank binary images to fill with depth thresholds
        shape1 = np.zeros(cupDepth1.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        shape2 = np.zeros(cupDepth1.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        shape3 = np.zeros(cupDepth1.shape, dtype=np.uint8)

        #Show the voids within the ROI
        for i in xrange(cupDepth1.shape[0]):
            for k in xrange(cupDepth1.shape[1]):
                if cupDepth2[i, k] == 0:
                    shape3[i, k] = 255

        #Find the edges of the middle of the cup using the voids
            del midLeft
        except NameError:
        i = 0
        Flag = True
        while Flag == True and i < cupDepth1.shape[0]:
            for k in xrange(cupDepth1.shape[1] / 2, 0, -1):
                if cupDepth2[cupDepth1.shape[0] - 1 - i, k] == 0:
                    midLeft = k + 1
                    Flag = False
            i += 1
        #Catch non cups
        except NameError:
            #print "well, midLeft WASN'T defined after all!"

        leftDepth = cupDepth2[cupDepth1.shape[0] - 1 - i, midLeft]

            del midRight
        except NameError:
        i = 0
        Flag = True
        while Flag == True and i < cupDepth1.shape[0]:
            for k in xrange(cupDepth1.shape[1] / 2, cupDepth1.shape[1]):
                if cupDepth2[cupDepth1.shape[0] - 1 - i, k] == 0:
                    midRight = k - 1
                    Flag = False
            i += 1
        except NameError:
            #print "well, midRight WASN'T defined after all!"

        rightDepth = cupDepth2[cupDepth1.shape[0] - 1 - i, midRight]

        # Fill with threshold depths
        upper = centdepth + 100
        lower = centdepth - 50
        depthRange = []
        depthRangePos = []
        for i in xrange(cupDepth1.shape[0]):
            for k in xrange(cupDepth1.shape[1]):
                if lower < cupDepth1[i, k] < upper:
                    shape1[i, k] = cupDepth1[i, k]
                    depthRange.append(cupDepth1[i, k])
                    depthRangePos.append([k, i])

        MinDepth = min(depthRange)
        Minpos = depthRangePos[depthRange.index(min(depthRange))]
        Cutoff = Minpos[1]

        for i in xrange(Cutoff):
            for k in xrange(cupDepth1.shape[1]):
                if lower < cupDepth1[i, k] < upper:
                    shape2[i, k] = 255

        q = 0
        runFlag = True
        while runFlag is True and q < Cutoff:
            for p in xrange(cupDepth1.shape[1]):
                if shape2[q, p] == 255:
                    Maxpos = [p, q]
                    MaxDepth = cupDepth1[q, p]
                    runFlag = False
            q += 1
        except NameError:
            #print "well, Maxpos WASN'T defined after all!"
            continue, tuple(Maxpos), 3, colourList[j + 1]), tuple(Minpos), 3, colourList[j + 1])
        cv2.line(cup11, tuple(Maxpos), tuple(Minpos), colourList[j + 1]), (midLeft, cupDepth1.shape[0]), 3, colourList[j + 1]), (midRight, cupDepth1.shape[0]), 3, colourList[j + 1])
        cv2.line(cup11, (midLeft, cupDepth1.shape[0]),
                 (midLeft, cupDepth1.shape[0]), colourList[j + 1])

        globMin0 = int(round(centx - w + Minpos[0], 0))
        globMin1 = int(round(centy - h + Minpos[1], 0))
        globMax0 = int(round(centx - w + Maxpos[0], 0))
        globMax1 = int(round(centy - h + Maxpos[1], 0))
        globLeft = int(round(centx - w + midLeft, 0))
        globRight = int(round(centx - w + midRight, 0))
        CupMidTopPix = np.mean([[globMin0, globMin1], [globMax0, globMax1]],
        CupMidTopPix = [int(CupMidTopPix[0]), int(CupMidTopPix[1])]
        #Draw cup key points, (globMax0,globMax1), 2, (255,0,0), -1), (globMin0,globMin1), 2, (255,0,0), -1), (globLeft,centy), 5, (255,0,0), -1), (globRight,centy), 5, (255,0,0), -1)

        FrontTopCup = [globMin0, globMin1, MinDepth]
        BackTopCup = [globMax0, globMax1, MaxDepth]
        LeftCup = [globLeft, centy, leftDepth]
        RightCup = [globRight, centy, rightDepth]

        CupTopPoints = convertToWorldCoords([FrontTopCup, BackTopCup])
        CupTopWidth = np.linalg.norm(
            np.array(CupTopPoints[0]) - np.array(CupTopPoints[1]))
        CupMidPoints = convertToWorldCoords([LeftCup, RightCup])
        CupMidWidth = np.linalg.norm(
            np.array(CupMidPoints[0]) - np.array(CupMidPoints[1]))
        CupMidTop = [np.mean(CupTopPoints, axis=0)]
        CupMidTopWorld = transformCoords(CupMidTop, Corners)

        blurThresh = cv2.blur(shape2, (5, 5))

        thresh1 = 200
        thresh2 = 300
        edges = cv2.Canny(blurThresh, thresh1, thresh2)

        contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(edges, cv2.RETR_TREE,
        if len(contours) == 0:
        cont = np.vstack(contours)
        hull = cv2.convexHull(cont)

        cupGray = cv2.cvtColor(cup1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        ColourAverage = np.array([0, 0, 0])
        count = 0
        for i in xrange(Cutoff):
            for k in xrange(cupDepth1.shape[1]):
                if cv2.pointPolygonTest(hull, (k, i), False) > 0:
                    ColourAverage += np.array(cupGray[i, k])
                    count += 1
        ColourAverageF = ColourAverage / count
        whiteColour = max(cupGray[Maxpos[1], Maxpos[0]], cupGray[Minpos[1],
        fillRatio = float(ColourAverageF[0]) / whiteColour

        cv2.drawContours(cup1, [hull], 0, colourList[j], 2)
        cv2.imshow('hull', cup1)

        #print "CupTopWidth",CupTopWidth,"CupMidWidth",CupMidWidth

        if CupMidWidth > CupTopWidth:

            cupOrientation = "Upsidedown"
            cupFill = "Empty"

            if CupTopWidth > 100:
                cupType = "Not a Cup"
            elif CupTopWidth > 58:
                cupType = "Large"
            elif CupTopWidth > 49:
                cupType = "Medium"
            elif CupTopWidth > 20:
                cupType = "Small"
                cupType = "Not a Cup"


            cupOrientation = "Upright"
            if fillRatio < 0.8:
                cupFill = "Full"
                cupFill = "Empty"

            if CupTopWidth > 100:
                cupType = "Not a Cup"
            elif CupTopWidth > 81:
                cupType = "Large"
            elif CupTopWidth > 69:
                cupType = "Medium"
            elif CupTopWidth > 30:
                cupType = "Small"
                cupType = "Not a Cup"

        #Draw the top of the bounding rectangle
        if cupType <> "Not a Cup":
            FinalCentersWC[j][0:3] = CupMidTopWorld[0]

    # Draw the groups
    deleteList = []
    for j in xrange(groups):
        if len(FinalCentersWC[j]) > 3:
            centerst = tuple(np.array(centers[j]) + np.array([0, 50]))
            cv2.putText(img, str(FinalCentersWC[j]), centerst,
                        cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.3, colourList[j])
            for i in range(len(segregated[j])):
                pt_a = (int(segregated[j][i, 0]), int(segregated[j][i, 1]))
      , pt_a, 3, colourList[j])
                cv2.line(img, pt_a, centers[j], colourList[j])
            if j >= len(CupMidTopPixList):
  , tuple(CupMidTopPixList[j]), 10, colourList[j], -1)
  , tuple(CupMidTopPixList[j]), 2, (0, 0, 0), -1)
  , centers[j], 2, (0, 0, 0), -1)

    FinalFinalCentersWC = [
        i for j, i in enumerate(FinalCentersWC) if j not in deleteList

    if save == 1:
        cv2.imwrite('ProcessedImages/ProcessedCluster' + str(ImageNo) + '.jpg',

    if len(FinalFinalCentersWC) <> 0:
        print FinalFinalCentersWC
        cv2.imshow("Cups Stream", img)
def MatchAllCluster(save, maxdist=200, filtparam=2.0):
    PointsList, DisList, img, depth = MatchAllCapture(0, maxdist)
    PointsClusterList = []
    for i in xrange(len(PointsList)):
        if depth[PointsList[i].pt[1], PointsList[i].pt[0]] <> 0 and depth[
                PointsList[i].pt[1], PointsList[i].pt[0]] < 1000:
                [PointsList[i].pt[0], PointsList[i].pt[1]])

    Z = np.array(PointsClusterList)

    print "points list length ", len(Z)

    if len(Z) < 30:
        print "holy ducking shit"

    # convert to np.float32
    Z = np.float32(Z)

    # Determine how many cups there are
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve1 = Cluster(Z, 1)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve2 = Cluster(Z, 2)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve3 = Cluster(Z, 3)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve4 = Cluster(Z, 4)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve5 = Cluster(Z, 5)

    distFromCenterAveList = [
        (sum(distFromCenterAve1) / len(distFromCenterAve1)) * 1.0,
        (sum(distFromCenterAve2) / len(distFromCenterAve2)) * 2.0,
        (sum(distFromCenterAve3) / len(distFromCenterAve3)) * 3.0,
        (sum(distFromCenterAve4) / len(distFromCenterAve4)) * 4.0,
        (sum(distFromCenterAve5) / len(distFromCenterAve5)) * 5.0

    groups = distFromCenterAveList.index(min(distFromCenterAveList)) + 1

    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve = Cluster(Z, groups)

    #Create List for reduced points
    segregatedF = []
    for i in xrange(groups):

    #Remove points which are not close to centroid
    for j in xrange(groups):
        for i in range(len(segregated[j])):
            if distFromCenter[j][i] < filtparam * distFromCenterAve[j]:
    for j in xrange(groups):
        segregatedF[j] = np.array(segregatedF[j])

    print "-" * 20
    print "groups  ", groups
    #remove clusters that are 3 points or smaller
    for i in xrange(groups):
        print len(segregatedF[i])
        print "std ", np.std(segregatedF[j])
        if len(segregatedF[i]) <= 5 or np.isnan(np.std(segregatedF[j])):
            print "HOLY F*****G SHIT"
    print "-" * 20

    # Create a centriod depth list
    FinalCenters = []
    for j in xrange(groups):
            centers[j][0], centers[j][1], depth[centers[j][1], centers[j][0]]

    # Convert to world coordinates
    FinalCentersWC = convertToWorldCoords(FinalCenters)

    return segregatedF, centers, img, depth, FinalCenters, FinalCentersWC, groups
def MatchAllCluster(save, maxdist=200, filtparam=2.0):

    PointsList, DisList, img, depth = MatchAllCapture(0, maxdist)

    PointsClusterList = []
    for i in xrange(len(PointsList)):
        if depth[PointsList[i].pt[1], PointsList[i].pt[0]] <> 0 and depth[
                PointsList[i].pt[1], PointsList[i].pt[0]] < 1000:
                [PointsList[i].pt[0], PointsList[i].pt[1]])

    Z = np.array(PointsClusterList)

    if len(Z) < 30:
        print "No Cups"

    # convert to np.float32
    Z = np.float32(Z)

    # Determine how many cups there are
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve1 = Cluster(Z, 1)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve2 = Cluster(Z, 2)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve3 = Cluster(Z, 3)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve4 = Cluster(Z, 4)
    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve5 = Cluster(Z, 5)

    distFromCenterAveList = [
        (sum(distFromCenterAve1) / len(distFromCenterAve1)) * 1.0,
        (sum(distFromCenterAve2) / len(distFromCenterAve2)) * 2.0,
        (sum(distFromCenterAve3) / len(distFromCenterAve3)) * 3.0,
        (sum(distFromCenterAve4) / len(distFromCenterAve4)) * 4.0,
        (sum(distFromCenterAve5) / len(distFromCenterAve5)) * 5.0

    groups = distFromCenterAveList.index(min(distFromCenterAveList)) + 1

    segregated, centers, distFromCenter, distFromCenterAve = Cluster(Z, groups)

    #Create List for reduced points
    segregatedF = []
    for i in xrange(groups):

    #Remove points which are not close to centroid
    for j in xrange(groups):
        for i in range(len(segregated[j])):
            if distFromCenter[j][i] < filtparam * distFromCenterAve[j]:

    #remove clusters that are >= 3 points or all superimposed
    i = 0
    while i < groups:
        if len(segregatedF[i]) <= 5 or np.isnan(np.std(segregatedF[i])):
            del segregatedF[i], centers[i], distFromCenter[
                i], distFromCenterAve[i]
            groups -= 1
        i += 1

    for j in xrange(groups):
        segregatedF[j] = np.array(segregatedF[j])

    # Create a centriod depth list
    FinalCenters = []
    for j in xrange(groups):
            centers[j][0], centers[j][1], depth[centers[j][1], centers[j][0]]

    # Convert to world coordinates
    FinalCentersWC = convertToWorldCoords(FinalCenters)

    segregated = segregatedF
    FC = FinalCenters
    colourList = [(0, 255, 0), (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 255), (0, 255, 255),
                  (255, 255, 0), (255, 0, 255)]

    # Seperate the top of each cup in pixel space
    depthimg = img.copy()
    depthmask = depth.copy()

    # Start Cup Classification loop
    for j in xrange(groups):
        centx = FC[j][0]
        centy = FC[j][1]
        centdepth = FC[j][2]

        # Choose pixel area likley to contain a cup
        w = -0.08811 * centdepth + 103.0837
        h = -0.13216 * centdepth + 154.6256
        h = h
        cup1 = depthimg[(centy - h):(centy), (centx - w):(centx + w)]
        cupDepth1 = depthmask[(centy - h):(FC[j][1]), (centx - w):(centx + w)]
        cup2 = depthimg[(centy):(centy + h / 4), (centx - w):(centx + w)]
        cupDepth2 = depthmask[(centy):(centy + h / 4), (centx - w):(centx + w)]

        # Create blank binary images to fill with depth thresholds
        shape1 = np.zeros(cupDepth1.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        shape2 = np.zeros(cupDepth2.shape, dtype=np.uint8)

        # Colour in upper threshold depths
        upper = centdepth + 80
        lower = centdepth - 30
        for i in xrange(cupDepth1.shape[0]):
            for k in xrange(cupDepth1.shape[1]):
                if lower < cupDepth1[i, k] < upper:
                    shape1[i, k] = 255

        # Colour in upper threshold depths
        upper = centdepth + 80
        lower = centdepth
        for i in xrange(cupDepth2.shape[0]):
            for k in xrange(cupDepth2.shape[1]):
                if lower < cupDepth2[i, k] < upper:
                    shape2[i, k] = 255


        # Apply a median filter to the depth thresholds
        shape1blur = cv2.blur(shape1, (5, 5))
        shape2blur = cv2.blur(shape2, (5, 5))


        # Determine the bouding rectangle of the largest contour in the top area
        thresh1 = 200
        thresh2 = 400
        edges = cv2.Canny(shape1blur, thresh1, thresh2)
        contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(edges, cv2.RETR_TREE,
        cont = np.vstack(contours)

        if len(cont) == 0:
            print "No Top Contours"
            hull = cv2.convexHull(cont)
        x, y, w1, h1 = cv2.boundingRect(hull)

        # Determine the bouding rectangle of the largest contour in the bottom area
        thresh21 = 200
        thresh22 = 400
        edges2 = cv2.Canny(shape2blur, thresh21, thresh22)


        contours2, hierarchy2 = cv2.findContours(edges2, cv2.RETR_TREE,

        for cnt in contours2:
            cv2.drawContours(cup2, [cnt], 0, colourList[j], 2)


        cont2 = np.vstack(contours2)

        if len(cont2) == 0:
            print "No Bottom Contours"
            hull2 = cv2.convexHull(cont2)
        x2, y2, w21, h21 = cv2.boundingRect(hull2)



        # Use brounding rectangle size to determine cup type and orientation
        s1 = [(centx - w) + x, (centy - h) + y, centdepth]
        s2 = [(centx - w) + x + w1, (centy - h) + y, centdepth]
        s3 = [(centx - w) + x2, (centy) + y2 + h21, centdepth]
        s4 = [(centx - w) + x2 + w21, (centy) + y2 + h21, centdepth]
        top = [s1, s2]
        bottom = [s3, s4]
        topWorld = convertToWorldCoords(top)
        bottomWorld = convertToWorldCoords(bottom)
        CupTopWidth = topWorld[1][0] - topWorld[0][0]
        CupBottomWidth = bottomWorld[1][0] - bottomWorld[0][0]

        if CupBottomWidth > CupTopWidth:

            cupOrientation = "Upsidedown"
            cupFill = "Empty"
            CupTopWidth = CupBottomWidth

            if CupTopWidth > 100:
                cupType = "Not a Cup"
            elif CupTopWidth > 84.5:
                cupType = "Large"
            elif CupTopWidth > 71:
                cupType = "Medium"
            elif CupTopWidth > 50:
                cupType = "Small"
                cupType = "Not a Cup"


            cupOrientation = "Upright"
            cupFill = "Unsure"

            print CupTopWidth

            if CupTopWidth > 100:
                cupType = "Not a Cup"
            elif CupTopWidth > 79:
                cupType = "Large"
            elif CupTopWidth > 60:
                cupType = "Medium"
            elif CupTopWidth > 50:
                cupType = "Small"
                cupType = "Not a Cup"

        #Draw the top of the bounding rectangle
        if cupType <> "Not a Cup":
            new_cnt = hull + [
                int(round((centx - w), 0)),
                int(round((centy - h), 0))
            cv2.line(img, (int(round(s1[0], 0)), int(round(s1[1], 0))),
                     (int(round(s2[0], 0)), int(round(s2[1], 0))),
            cv2.drawContours(img, [new_cnt], 0, colourList[j], 2)
            new_cnt2 = hull2 + [
                int(round((FC[j][0] - w), 0)),
                int(round((FC[j][1]), 0))
            cv2.line(img, (int(round(s3[0], 0)), int(round(s3[1], 0))),
                     (int(round(s4[0], 0)), int(round(s4[1], 0))),
            cv2.line(img, (int(round(s3[0], 0)), int(round(s3[1], 0))),
                     (int(round(s1[0], 0)), int(round(s1[1], 0))),
            cv2.line(img, (int(round(s4[0], 0)), int(round(s4[1], 0))),
                     (int(round(s2[0], 0)), int(round(s2[1], 0))),
            cv2.drawContours(img, [new_cnt2], 0, colourList[j], 2)

    # Draw the groups
    deleteList = []
    for j in xrange(groups):
        if len(FinalCentersWC[j]) > 3:
            centerst = tuple(np.array(centers[j]) + np.array([0, 50]))
            cv2.putText(img, str(FinalCentersWC[j]), centerst,
                        cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.3, colourList[j])
  , centers[j], 10, colourList[j], -1)
  , centers[j], 2, (0, 0, 0), -1)
            for i in range(len(segregated[j])):
                pt_a = (int(segregated[j][i, 0]), int(segregated[j][i, 1]))
      , pt_a, 3, colourList[j])

    FinalFinalCentersWC = [
        i for j, i in enumerate(FinalCentersWC) if j not in deleteList

    if save == 1:
        cv2.imwrite('ProcessedImages/ProcessedCluster' + str(ImageNo) + '.jpg',

    if len(FinalFinalCentersWC) <> 0:
        print FinalFinalCentersWC
        cv2.imshow("Cups Stream", img)