def compute_jacobian(chains, skeleton):
    num_angles = len(skeleton.bones) * 3
    num_coords = len(chains) * 3
    J = np.zeros((num_coords, num_angles), dtype=np.float64)
    row_offset = 0
    for chain in chains:
        e = get_end_effector(chain, skeleton)
        for idx in chain.bones:
            bone = skeleton.bones[idx]
            q_parent = Q.identity()
            if bone.has_parent():
                q_parent = skeleton.bones[bone.parent].q_wcs

            # In the 5 lines of code below the ZYZ Euler angles are hardwired into the code.
            q_alpha = bone.get_rotation_alpha()
            q_alpha_beta = Q.prod(q_alpha, bone.get_rotation_beta())

            u = Q.rotate(q_parent, bone.get_axis_alpha())
            v = Q.rotate(q_parent, Q.rotate(q_alpha, bone.get_axis_beta()))
            w = Q.rotate(q_parent, Q.rotate(q_alpha_beta,

            delta_p = e - bone.t_wcs

            J_alpha = V3.cross(u, delta_p)
            J_beta = V3.cross(v, delta_p)
            J_gamma = V3.cross(w, delta_p)

            J[row_offset:row_offset + 3, idx * 3 + 0] = J_alpha
            J[row_offset:row_offset + 3, idx * 3 + 1] = J_beta
            J[row_offset:row_offset + 3, idx * 3 + 2] = J_gamma
        row_offset += 3
    return J
def compute_hessian(chains, skeleton, J):
    H = np.dot(np.transpose(J), J)
    row_offset = 0
    for chain in chains:
        e = get_end_effector(chain, skeleton)
        r = chain.goal - e
        for k in chain.bones:
            for h in chain.bones:
                if h > k:

                Bh = skeleton.bones[h]

                q_parent = Q.identity()
                if Bh.has_parent():
                    q_parent = skeleton.bones[Bh.parent].q_wcs

                # In the 7 lines of code below the ZYZ Euler angles are hardwired into the code.
                q_alpha = Bh.get_rotation_alpha()
                q_beta = Bh.get_rotation_beta()
                q_gamma = Bh.get_rotation_gamma()
                q_alpha_beta = Q.prod(q_alpha, q_beta)

                u = Q.rotate(q_parent, Bh.get_axis_alpha())
                v = Q.rotate(q_parent, Q.rotate(q_alpha, Bh.get_axis_beta()))
                w = Q.rotate(q_parent,
                             Q.rotate(q_alpha_beta, Bh.get_axis_gamma()))

                k_offset = k * 3
                h_offset = h * 3

                J_a = J[row_offset:row_offset + 3, k_offset]
                J_b = J[row_offset:row_offset + 3, k_offset + 1]
                J_c = J[row_offset:row_offset + 3, k_offset + 2]

                ua = np.dot(V3.cross(u, J_a), r)
                va = np.dot(V3.cross(v, J_a), r)
                wa = np.dot(V3.cross(w, J_a), r)

                ub = np.dot(V3.cross(u, J_b), r)
                vb = np.dot(V3.cross(v, J_b), r)
                wb = np.dot(V3.cross(w, J_b), r)

                uc = np.dot(V3.cross(u, J_c), r)
                vc = np.dot(V3.cross(v, J_c), r)
                wc = np.dot(V3.cross(w, J_c), r)

                dH = np.array([[ua, va, wa], [ub, vb, wb], [uc, vc, wc]])

                H[h_offset:h_offset + 3, k_offset:k_offset + 3] -= dH
                if h != k:
                    H[k_offset:k_offset + 3,
                      h_offset:h_offset + 3] -= np.transpose(dH)

        row_offset += 3
    return H
def test_vector3_cross():
    at = torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
    bt = torch.tensor([3.0, 2.0, 1.0])
    ct = V3.cross(at, bt)

    import numpy as np
    anp = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
    bnp = np.array([3.0, 2.0, 1.0])
    cnp = np.cross(anp, bnp)

    assert (torch.norm(ct - torch.from_numpy(cnp)) == 0)

    print("vector 3 cross test success")