def test_list_members_command(args, response, expected_result, mocker): """ Given: - a group ID with less than 100 members. - a group ID with more than 100 members. When: - calling list_members_command. Then: - ensure the command results are as expected (Members are found and MembersNextLink is shown when there are more than 100 members. """ client = MsGraphClient(base_url='', tenant_id='tenant-id', auth_id='auth_and_token_url', enc_key='enc_key', app_name='ms-graph-groups', verify='use_ssl', proxy='proxies', self_deployed='self_deployed', handle_error=False) mocker.patch.object(client.ms_client, 'http_request', return_value=response) mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'dt', return_value=RESPONSE_GET_GROUP) result = list_members_command(client, args) if args.get('group_id') == 'under100': assert 'MembersNextLink' not in result[1][ 'MSGraphGroups(val.ID === obj.ID)'] else: # above 100 assert 'MembersNextLink' in result[1][ 'MSGraphGroups(val.ID === obj.ID)'] assert expected_result == result[1]['MSGraphGroups(val.ID === obj.ID)'][ 'Members'] # entry context is found in the 2nd place in the result of the command
def test_commands(command, args, response, expected_result, mocker): client = MsGraphClient(base_url='', tenant_id='tenant-id', auth_id='auth_and_token_url', enc_key='enc_key', app_name='ms-graph-groups', verify='use_ssl', proxy='proxies', self_deployed='self_deployed') mocker.patch.object(client.ms_client, 'http_request', return_value=response) result = command(client, args) assert expected_result == result[1] # entry context is found in the 2nd place in the result of the command
def test_suppress_errors(mocker, fun, mock_fun, mock_value, args, expected_result): client = MsGraphClient(base_url='', tenant_id='tenant-id', auth_id='auth_and_token_url', enc_key='enc_key', app_name='ms-graph-groups', verify='use_ssl', proxy='proxies', self_deployed='self_deployed', handle_error=True) mocker.patch.object(client, mock_fun, side_effect=mock_value) results, _, _ = fun(client, args) assert results == expected_result