def show_electricity_consumption_diff(dt_in, freq=8, p="true"): dates_result1 = date_interval(dt_in, freq) dates1 = dates_result1[0] # x轴的时间序列 step1 = dates_result1[1] # 时间间隔的步长 # 计算系统负荷 system_capacity = formula.cal_system_capacity(dt_in) # 计算原系统模拟用电量/COP power_simulate, cop = formula.cal_simulated_power(dt_in, 1, dt_in['冷却水管出水温度(℃)'], dt_in['冷供水管供水温度(℃)'], system_capacity) # 计算新系统主机+蓄冷泵用电量 power_retrofit = 0 for i in range(1, 5): power_retrofit += dt_in['CH{}功率(KW)'.format(i)] power_retrofit += dt_in['KAP6功率(KW)'] # 计算原系统、新系统电费 electric_charge_simulate = formula.cal_electric_charge(dt_in, power_simulate, group='day') electric_charge_retrofit = formula.cal_electric_charge(dt_in, power_retrofit, group='day') # print('原系统主机累计电费:%s\r\n新系统主机+蓄冷泵累计电费:%s' % (electric_charge_simulate, electric_charge_retrofit)) # print('power_simulate %s\r\n power_retrofit %s' % (power_simulate, power_retrofit)) # print("cal again,check if cache work") if p == "fales": pass # 绘图 # fig = plt.subplot() # plt.xticks(list(np.arange(0, dt_in.index[-1], step1)), tuple(dates1), rotation=30) # x轴的时间间隔设置 # fig.plot(power_simulate, color=color[5], label='原系统模拟主机用电') # fig.plot(power_retrofit, label='新系统主机+蓄冷泵用电') # fig.set_title('新旧系统用电对比') # fig.set_ylabel('功率(kw)') # fig.grid() # fig.legend() # else: return [power_simulate, power_retrofit, dates1, electric_charge_simulate, electric_charge_retrofit]
def show_system_capacity(dt_in, freq=48): dates_result1 = date_interval(dt_in, freq) dates1 = dates_result1[0] # x轴的时间序列 step1 = dates_result1[1] # 时间间隔的步长 # 计算系统负荷 system_capacity = formula.cal_system_capacity(dt_in) # 计算原系统模拟用电量/COP power_sum, cop = formula.cal_simulated_power(dt_in, 1, dt_in['冷却水管出水温度(℃)'], dt_in['冷供水管供水温度(℃)'], system_capacity)
def show_equip_power(dt_in, freq=8): dates_result1 = date_interval(dt_in, freq) dates1 = dates_result1[0] # x轴的时间序列 step1 = dates_result1[1] # 时间间隔的步长 power_chiller = 0 for i in range(1, 5): power_chiller += dt_in['CH{}功率(KW)'.format(i)] power_cooling = dt_in['KAP2功率(KW)'] + dt_in['KAP4功率(KW)'] power_cooled = dt_in['KAP1功率(KW)'] + dt_in['KAP5功率(KW)']
def showbug_TemBiased(dt_input, search='冷冻水', freq=12): ''' 显示四台主机的冷冻/冷却回水温度 :param dt_input: :param search: :param freq: freq默认是2h :return: ''' dates_result1 = date_interval(dt_input, freq) dates1 = dates_result1[0] # x轴的时间序列 step1 = dates_result1[1] # 时间间隔的步长
def show_temp_4ax(dt_in, search='冷冻水', freq=6): ''' 同时显示4台主机的水温 :param dt_in: 传入的数据 :param search: search可以是冷冻水或者冷却水 :param freq: freq默认是2h :return: ''' dates_result1 = date_interval(dt_in, freq) dates1 = dates_result1[0] # x轴的时间序列 step1 = dates_result1[1] # 时间间隔的步长
def show_COP(dt_in, chillerid=4, freq=12): dates_result1 = date_interval(dt_in, freq) dates1 = dates_result1[0] # x轴的时间序列 step1 = dates_result1[1] # 时间间隔的步长 col_chwST_T = 'CH{}冷冻水出水温度(℃)'.format(chillerid) col_chwRT_T = 'CH{}冷冻水回水温度(℃)'.format(chillerid) col_chflow = 'CH{}冷冻水出水流量(m^3/h)'.format(chillerid) col_power = 'CH{}功率(KW)'.format(chillerid) # 计算冷量、cop capacity = 1000 * 4.186 * (dt_in.loc[:, col_chwRT_T] - dt_in.loc[:, col_chwST_T]) * dt_in.loc[:, col_chflow] / 3600 capacity[capacity < 10] = 0 cop = capacity.div(dt_in.loc[:, col_power]) cop[cop == np.inf] = pd.NaT cop[cop == 0] = pd.NaT
def show_storage_analysis(dt_in, freq=48): dates_result1 = date_interval(dt_in, freq) dates1 = dates_result1[0] # x轴的时间序列 step1 = dates_result1[1] # 时间间隔的步长 # 计算系统负荷 system_capacity = formula.cal_system_capacity(dt_in) # 计算蓄放冷量 storage_capacity = 4.186 * 1000 * (dt_in['蓄冷槽进水温度(℃)'] - dt_in['蓄冷槽出水温度(℃)']) * dt_in['蓄冷槽出水流量(m^3/h)'] / 3600 # 绘图,系统负荷/蓄冷量 # fig = plt.subplot() # plt.xticks(list(np.arange(0, dt_in.index[-1], step1)), tuple(dates1), rotation=30) # x轴的时间间隔设置 # 计算累计蓄冷量、放冷量 storage_sum = 0 position_start = 0 sign_pre = None # 指示蓄冷还是放冷 sign_get = True # 指示是否取符号 for sc, i, t in zip(storage_capacity, storage_capacity.index, dt_in['时 间']): # 把蓄放冷量较小值置0 if -50 < sc < 50: sc = 0 storage_capacity[i] = 0 # 放置放冷量值的标签 if not np.isnan(sc): # 第一次获得符号 if sign_get: position_start = i sign_pre = formula.sign(sc) sign_get = False print('第一次获得符号%s' % sc) # 已获得符号,则比较下一次是否和上一次符号相同,增加累计置 elif (sc > 0 and sign_pre == '+') or (sc < 0 and sign_pre == '-'): print('符号相同%s' % sc) storage_sum += sc * 5 / 60 # sc==0,则可以打印累计结果 elif sc == 0: print('打印结果%s' % sc) position_height = 100 position_between = (i + position_start) / 2 if -50 < storage_sum < 50: position_height = 200 if storage_sum > 0: # fig.text(position_between, position_height, '累计放冷量为:%s' % np.round(storage_sum / 3.517)) storage_sum = 0 elif storage_sum < 0: # fig.text(position_between, -position_height, '累计蓄冷量为:%s' % -np.round(storage_sum / 3.517)) storage_sum = 0 sign_get = True # 打印结果后重置sign_pre,继续寻找第一个符号 # 否则符号是直接变号了,可以打印累计结果 else: print('打印结果%s' % sc) position_height = 100 position_between = (i + position_start) / 2 if -50 < storage_sum < 50: position_height = 200 if storage_sum > 0: # fig.text(position_between, position_height, '累计放冷量为:%s' % np.round(storage_sum / 3.517)) storage_sum = 0 elif storage_sum < 0: # fig.text(position_between, -position_height, '累计蓄冷量为:%s' % -np.round(storage_sum / 3.517)) storage_sum = 0 sign_pre = formula.sign(sc) # 打印结果后重置sign_pre,继续寻找第一个符号