def checkForInverterWordInPreceedingSentence(self, sentence, argExtractor):

        #TODO: Work on an NLTK contractions aclass to filer out words like not etc

        symtomStatements = [
            'side-effects', 'side effects', 'symptoms', 'symptom'

        # Extract the words preceeding the symptomStatement keyword
        preceedingSentence = ''
        sideEffectStatus = ''

        listOfContractions = argExtractor.getListOfContractions()
        expandedSentence = messageCleaner.replaceWordContractions(
            sentence, listOfContractions)

        for symptomStatement in symtomStatements:

            indexOfSymptomKeyWord = expandedSentence.find(symptomStatement)

            if indexOfSymptomKeyWord == -1:

            # We pull out the preceeeding sentence. We have a -1 here in the final index range so that we can remove the space before the key symptom word
            preceedingSentence = expandedSentence[0:(indexOfSymptomKeyWord -

        # This means we could not find the key word from the side effects list
        if preceedingSentence == '':
            return (False, sideEffectStatus)

            taggedSentence = naturalLanguageWhiz.tag(preceedingSentence)
            if len(taggedSentence) <= 0:
                return (False, sideEffectStatus)
            logger.exception('Error when running checkForMentionOfNoSymptoms')
            return (False, sideEffectStatus)

        result = argExtractor.checkIfInverterWordInSentence(taggedSentence)

        if result == True:
            sideEffectStatus = 'Possibly no side effects'
            return (True, sideEffectStatus)
            sideEffectStatus = 'Side effects Present - because no preceeding inverterword'
            return (False, sideEffectStatus)
    def checkForInverterWordInPreceedingSentence(self, sentence, argExtractor):

        #TODO: Work on an NLTK contractions aclass to filer out words like not etc 

        symtomStatements = ['side-effects', 'side effects', 'symptoms', 'symptom']

        # Extract the words preceeding the symptomStatement keyword
        preceedingSentence = ''
        sideEffectStatus = ''

        listOfContractions = argExtractor.getListOfContractions()
        expandedSentence = messageCleaner.replaceWordContractions(sentence, listOfContractions)

        for symptomStatement in symtomStatements:

            indexOfSymptomKeyWord = expandedSentence.find(symptomStatement)

            if indexOfSymptomKeyWord == -1:

            # We pull out the preceeeding sentence. We have a -1 here in the final index range so that we can remove the space before the key symptom word
            preceedingSentence = expandedSentence[0:(indexOfSymptomKeyWord - 1)]

        # This means we could not find the key word from the side effects list
        if preceedingSentence == '':
            return (False, sideEffectStatus)

            taggedSentence = naturalLanguageWhiz.tag(preceedingSentence)
            if len(taggedSentence) <= 0:
                return (False, sideEffectStatus)
            logger.exception('Error when running checkForMentionOfNoSymptoms')
            return (False, sideEffectStatus)

        result = argExtractor.checkIfInverterWordInSentence(taggedSentence)

        if result == True:
            sideEffectStatus = 'Possibly no side effects'
            return (True, sideEffectStatus)
            sideEffectStatus = 'Side effects Present - because no preceeding inverterword'
            return (False, sideEffectStatus)
    def checkForMentionOfNoSymptoms(self, sentence, argExtractor):

        symtomStatements = [
            'side-effects', 'side effects', 'symptoms', 'symptom'

        # Extract the words preceeding the symptomStatement keyword
        preceedingSentence = ''
        symptomMentioned = ''

        for symptomStatement in symtomStatements:

            indexOfSymptomKeyWord = sentence.find(symptomStatement)

            if indexOfSymptomKeyWord == -1:

            # We pull out the preceeeding sentence. We have a -1 here in the final index range so that we can remove the space before the key symptom word
            preceedingSentence = sentence[0:(indexOfSymptomKeyWord - 1)]

        # This means we could not find the key word from the side effects list
        if preceedingSentence == '':
            return (False, symptomMentioned)

            taggedSentence = naturalLanguageWhiz.tag(preceedingSentence)
            if len(taggedSentence) <= 0:
                return (False, symptomMentioned)
            logger.exception('Error when running checkForMentionOfNoSymptoms')
            return (False, symptomMentioned)

        result = argExtractor.checkIfInverterWordEndOfSentence(taggedSentence)

        if result == True:
            symptomMentioned = 'No Side Effects'
            return (True, symptomMentioned)
            symptomMentioned = 'Side effects Present - because of no direct inverter word before '
            return (False, symptomMentioned)
    def checkForMentionOfNoSymptoms(self, sentence, argExtractor):

        symtomStatements = ['side-effects', 'side effects', 'symptoms', 'symptom']

        # Extract the words preceeding the symptomStatement keyword
        preceedingSentence = ''
        symptomMentioned = ''

        for symptomStatement in symtomStatements:

            indexOfSymptomKeyWord = sentence.find(symptomStatement)

            if indexOfSymptomKeyWord == -1:

            # We pull out the preceeeding sentence. We have a -1 here in the final index range so that we can remove the space before the key symptom word
            preceedingSentence = sentence[0:(indexOfSymptomKeyWord - 1)]

        # This means we could not find the key word from the side effects list
        if preceedingSentence == '':
            return (False, symptomMentioned)

            taggedSentence = naturalLanguageWhiz.tag(preceedingSentence)
            if len(taggedSentence) <= 0:
                return (False, symptomMentioned)
            logger.exception('Error when running checkForMentionOfNoSymptoms')
            return (False, symptomMentioned)

        result = argExtractor.checkIfInverterWordEndOfSentence(taggedSentence)

        if result == True:
            symptomMentioned = 'No Side Effects'
            return (True, symptomMentioned)
            symptomMentioned = 'Side effects Present - because of no direct inverter word before '
            return (False, symptomMentioned)