    def __init__(self, PDBlines, parent, atoms):
        Molecule.__init__(self, PDBlines)
        self.parent = parent
        self.atoms = atoms
        for atom in atoms:
            atom.parent = self
        line = PDBlines[0]
        self.res_type1 = string.strip(line[17:20])
        self.res_number = string.atoi(line[23:26])

        self.is_Nterm = 0
        self.is_Cterm = 0
        self.has_central_pt = 0
        self.atoms_dict = {}
        for atom in self.atoms:
            self.atoms_dict[atom.atom_type] = atom
            if atom.atom_type[:2] == 'C3':
                self.central_pt = Point(atom.x, atom.y, atom.z)
                self.central_atom = atom
                self.x = atom.x
                self.y = atom.y
                self.z = atom.z
                self.has_central_pt = 1
        self.is_Nterm = 0
        self.is_Cterm = 0
        self.vtk_arg_list = {}

        trace_args = {'color': [0.1, 0.1, 1.0], 'opacity': 1.0}
        self.vtk_arg_list['trace'] = trace_args
        self.visible = 0
        self.transparent = 0
    def fill_densities(self, distance_cutoff=9.0, force_rewrite=0):
        filename = self.parent.get_filename_by_extension(
            '.ads', self.chain_name)
        create_new = 0
        if force_rewrite:
            create_new = 1
                densities_file = open(filename)
            except IOError:
                create_new = 1
        if create_new:
            if self.x_table == None:
            print 'filling densities'
            atom_count = 0.0
            densities = []
            max_count = 0
            for atom in self.atoms:
                data_list = self.x_table['%s' % (atom.atom_number)]
                atom_count = 0
                for data_ind in range(len(data_list)):
                    atom_data = self.x_table['%s' % (atom.atom_number)]
                    p = Point(data_list[data_ind][0], data_list[data_ind][1],
                    d = atom.dist(p)
                    if d < distance_cutoff:
                        atom_count = atom_count + 1
                if atom_count > max_count:
                    max_count = atom_count
            for i in range(len(self.atoms)):
                self.atoms[i].features['atomic_density'] = (densities[i] +
                                                            0.0) / max_count

            densities_file = open(filename, 'w')
            for atm in self.atoms:
                densities_file.write('%s\n' % (atm.features['atomic_density']))
        else:  # else read the contacts_file to fill the contact_list
            for atom in self.atoms:
                buffer = densities_file.readline()
                if len(buffer) == 0:
                atom.features['atomic_density'] = string.atof(buffer)
 def fill_pseudo_sidechains(self, type=1):
     """ calculate a single coordinate to represent the sidechain.
         type 0 calculates 2 A out from the bisector of a triangle formed between
         three consecutive alpha carbons. If the residue terminates a structural fragment,
         it is assigned to the average of its non-H sidechain atoms, or to the central_pt's
         position if there are no sidechain atoms. type 1 calculates the average coordinate from
         all non-H sidechain atoms. 
     if type == 0:
         for rez_index in range(len(self.residues)):
             if not self.residues[rez_index].has_central_pt:
             if self.residues[rez_index].is_Nterm == 1 or self.residues[rez_index].is_Cterm == 1:
                 self.residues[rez_index].pseudo_sidechain = copy.deepcopy(self.residues[rez_index].central_pt)
             a1 = self.residues[rez_index-1].central_pt
             a2 = self.residues[rez_index].central_pt
             a3 = self.residues[rez_index+1].central_pt
             l1 = self.residues[rez_index].central_pt.dist(self.residues[rez_index-1].central_pt)
             l2 = self.residues[rez_index].central_pt.dist(self.residues[rez_index+1].central_pt)
             if l1<l2:
                 x = ((l2/l1)*(a1.x-a2.x)) + a2.x
                 y = ((l2/l1)*(a1.y-a2.y)) + a2.y
                 z = ((l2/l1)*(a1.z-a2.z)) + a2.z
                 tp = Point(x,y,z)
                 x = (a3.x + tp.x)/2
                 y = (a3.y + tp.y)/2
                 z = (a3.z + tp.z)/2
                 mp = Point(x,y,z)
                 x = ((l1/l2)*(a3.x-a2.x)) + a2.x
                 y = ((l1/l2)*(a3.y-a2.y)) + a2.y
                 z = ((l1/l2)*(a3.z-a2.z)) + a2.z
                 tp = Point(x,y,z)
                 x = a1.x + tp.x / 2
                 y = a1.y + tp.y / 2
                 z = a1.z + tp.z / 2
                 mp = Point(x,y,z)
             l2_mp_dist = a2.dist(mp)
             lmp_B_dist = l2_mp_dist + 2.0
             x = ( (lmp_B_dist/l2_mp_dist) * ( a2.x-mp.x) ) + mp.x
             y = ( (lmp_B_dist/l2_mp_dist) * ( a2.y-mp.y) ) + mp.y
             z = ( (lmp_B_dist/l2_mp_dist) * ( a2.z-mp.z) ) + mp.z
             self.residues[rez_index].pseudo_sidechain = Point(x,y,z)
     elif type == 1:
         for rez in self.residues:
             stuff = rez.get_average_sidechain_position()
             rez.pseudo_sidechain = Point(stuff[0],stuff[1],stuff[2])
 def point_line_distance(self, a1, a2):
     calculate p4, the atom on the line between atoms p1 and p2 to which atom p3 is perpendicular
     then return the distance between p3 and p4.
        1_____3_____2         is relevant, but, 
     3  1___________2         and
        1___________2   3     are not.
     returns -1 if p3 is not perpendicular to p1-p2 between them. 
     however, if 3 is the alpha carbon of 1 or 2, shielding is surely not as bad when
     the alpha carbon is just to the inside of the line. so, a simple weighting function
     attempts to fix the problem by doubling the distance. Therefore lower shielding is
     reported when considering the alpha carbons of the amino acids being investigated.
     score = Point.point_line_distance(self, p1.central_point, p2.central_point)
     if self.atom_type == 'CA':
         if self.res_number == a1.res_number and self.chain_name == a1.chain_name:
             return 2*score
         elif self.res_number == a2.res_number and self.chain_name == a2.chain_name:
             return 2*score
 def point_line_distance(self, a1, a2):
     calculate p4, the atom on the line between atoms p1 and p2 to which atom p3 is perpendicular
     then return the distance between p3 and p4.
        1_____3_____2         is relevant, but, 
     3  1___________2         and
        1___________2   3     are not.
     returns -1 if p3 is not perpendicular to p1-p2 between them. 
     however, if 3 is the alpha carbon of 1 or 2, shielding is surely not as bad when
     the alpha carbon is just to the inside of the line. so, a simple weighting function
     attempts to fix the problem by doubling the distance. Therefore lower shielding is
     reported when considering the alpha carbons of the amino acids being investigated.
     score = Point.point_line_distance(self, p1.central_point,
     if self.atom_type == 'CA':
         if self.res_number == a1.res_number and self.chain_name == a1.chain_name:
             return 2 * score
         elif self.res_number == a2.res_number and self.chain_name == a2.chain_name:
             return 2 * score
 def get_central_pt(self):
     # for use with classes amino acid and nucleotide only
     new_pt = Point(self.central_pt.x, self.central_pt.y, self.central_pt.z)
     return new_pt
    def __init__(self, PDBlines):
        self.atoms = []
        # create Atom objects from the lines
        # calculate the centroid at the same time
        centroid = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        self.pdb_lines = PDBlines
        for line in PDBlines:
            new_atom = Atom(self, line)
            new_atom.data['parent_molecule'] = self
            centroid[0] = centroid[0] + new_atom.x
            centroid[1] = centroid[1] + new_atom.y
            centroid[2] = centroid[2] + new_atom.z
        self.centroid = Point(centroid[0] / len(self.atoms),
                              centroid[1] / len(self.atoms),
                              centroid[2] / len(self.atoms))

        line = PDBlines[0]
        self.chain_name = string.strip(line[21:22])
        self.res_type = string.strip(line[17:20])
        self.selected = 1  # start everything out as selected
        self.visible = 1  # and visible
        self.atom_points = 'None'  # holds vtkPoint
        # stuff for distances for bonds
        self.C_types = {
            'C': 1.80,
            'O': 1.65,
            'N': 1.70,
            'S': 2.05,
            'P': 2.10,
            'H': 1.35,
            'Z': 2.5
        self.O_types = {
            'C': 1.65,
            'O': 1.45,
            'N': 1.65,
            'S': 1.70,
            'P': 1.85,
            'H': 1.25,
            'Z': 2.5
        self.N_types = {
            'C': 1.70,
            'O': 1.65,
            'N': 1.70,
            'S': 2.05,
            'P': 2.10,
            'H': 1.30,
            'Z': 2.5
        self.S_types = {
            'C': 2.05,
            'O': 1.70,
            'N': 2.05,
            'S': 1.75,
            'P': 2.10,
            'H': 1.65,
            'Z': 2.5
        self.P_types = {
            'C': 2.10,
            'O': 1.85,
            'N': 2.10,
            'S': 2.10,
            'P': 2.30,
            'H': 1.75,
            'Z': 2.5
        self.H_types = {
            'C': 1.35,
            'O': 1.25,
            'N': 1.30,
            'S': 1.65,
            'P': 1.75,
            'H': 1.05,
            'Z': 2.5
        self.Z_types = {
            'C': 2.5,
            'O': 2.50,
            'N': 2.50,
            'S': 2.50,
            'P': 2.50,
            'H': 2.50,
            'Z': 2.5
        self.common_atoms_list = ['C', 'O', 'N', 'S', 'P', 'H', 'Z']
        self.vtk_arg_list = {}
        volume_args = {
            'visualize': 0,
            'currently_on': 0,
            'specular': 0.3,
            'specular_power': 30,
            'representation': 'surface'
        atoms_args = {
            'visualize': 0,
            'currently_on': 0,
            'width': 0.1,
            'sticks_width': 0.1,
            'sticks_sides': 11,
            'representation': 'sticks'

        self.vtk_arg_list['volume'] = volume_args
        self.vtk_arg_list['atoms'] = atoms_args
        self.x_table = None

        self.features = {}
        self.data = {}
    def __init__(self, parent, PDBlines, atoms):
        Molecule.__init__(self, PDBlines)
        self.atoms = atoms
        for atom in self.atoms:
            atom.parent = self
        self.parent = parent
        # load amino acid properties
        types = {
            'ALA': 'A',
            'CYS': 'C',
            'CYD': 'C',
            'CYX': 'C',
            'CYZ': 'C',
            'ASP': 'D',
            'GLU': 'E',
            'PHE': 'F',
            'GLY': 'G',
            'HIS': 'H',
            'HID': 'H',
            'HIE': 'H',
            'ILE': 'I',
            'LYS': 'K',
            'LEU': 'L',
            'MET': 'M',
            'ASN': 'N',
            'PRO': 'P',
            'GLN': 'Q',
            'ARG': 'R',
            'SER': 'S',
            'THR': 'T',
            'VAL': 'V',
            'TRP': 'W',
            'TYR': 'Y'
        self.res_type1 = types[self.res_type]
        line = PDBlines[0]
        self.res_number = string.atoi(line[23:26])
        # store alpha carbon coordinates
        self.has_central_pt = 0
        self.atoms_dict = {}
        for atom in self.atoms:
            self.atoms_dict[atom.atom_type] = atom
            if atom.atom_type == 'CA':
                self.central_pt = Point(atom.x, atom.y, atom.z)
                self.central_atom = atom
                self.x = atom.x
                self.y = atom.y
                self.z = atom.z
                self.has_central_pt = 1
        except KeyError:
            print "Warning: %s%d has no apparent alpha carbon" % (
                self.res_type, self.res_number)

        types = {
            'ALA': 71.09,
            'CYS': 103.15,
            'CYD': 103.15,
            'CYX': 103.15,
            'CYZ': 103.15,
            'ASP': 115.09,
            'GLU': 129.12,
            'PHE': 147.18,
            'GLY': 57.05,
            'HIS': 137.14,
            'HID': 137.14,
            'HIE': 137.14,
            'ILE': 113.16,
            'LYS': 128.17,
            'LEU': 113.16,
            'MET': 131.19,
            'ASN': 114.11,
            'PRO': 97.12,
            'GLN': 128.14,
            'ARG': 156.19,
            'SER': 87.08,
            'THR': 101.11,
            'VAL': 99.14,
            'TRP': 186.21,
            'TYR': 163.18
        self.mw = types[self.res_type]
        # these get fixed later on in initialization by class Protein
        self.is_Nterm = 0
        self.is_Cterm = 0
        # create the vtk_args_list
        # [onoff, width, color, splines, sides, specular, specularpower]
        self.vtk_arg_list = {
        }  # this gets overridden because residue doesnt need everything in Molecule
        trace_args = {'color': [0.1, 0.1, 1.0], 'opacity': 1.0}
        self.vtk_arg_list['trace'] = trace_args
        self.visible = 0
        self.transparent = 0