def __init__(self):

        # Initialize subscribers to sensors and motors
        rospy.Subscriber('/scan', LaserScan, self.read_sensor)
        # Initialize publishers for visualization
        self.particle_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/particle_pose_array',
        self.odom_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('odom_pose',
        self.map_marker_pub = rospy.Publisher('/map_marker',
        # self.particle_obstacles_pub = rospy.Publisher('/particle_obstacles', Marker, queue_size=10)

        self.latest_scan_ranges = []

        # Class initializations
        self.p_distrib = ParticleDistribution()
        self.motion_model = MotionModel()
        self.sensor_model = SensorModel()
        self.map_model = MapModel()
        self.tf_helper = TFHelper()

        # When to run the particle filter
        self.distance_moved_threshold = 0.2  # m
        self.angle_turned_threshold = 10  # deg

        # After map model has been initialized, create the initial particle distribution
def main():
    src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat'
    src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata1.log'

    map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map)
    occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map()
    logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r')

    motion_model = MotionModel()
    vis_flag = 1
    Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm : Main Loop
    if vis_flag:

    first_time_idx = True
    X_bar = np.array([4250, 2270, 0])
    for time_idx, line in enumerate(logfile):

        # Read a single 'line' from the log file (can be either odometry or laser measurement)
        meas_type = line[
            0]  # L : laser scan measurement, O : odometry measurement
        meas_vals = np.fromstring(
            line[2:], dtype=np.float64,
            sep=' ')  # convert measurement values from string to double

        odometry_robot = meas_vals[
            0:3]  # odometry reading [x, y, theta] in odometry frame
        time_stamp = meas_vals[-1]

        # if ((time_stamp <= 0.0) | (meas_type == "O")): # ignore pure odometry measurements for now (faster debugging)
        # continue

        if (meas_type == "L"):
            odometry_laser = meas_vals[
                3:6]  # [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame
            ranges = meas_vals[
                6:-1]  # 180 range measurement values from single laser scan

        print("Processing time step " + str(time_idx) + " at time " +
              str(time_stamp) + "s")

        if (first_time_idx):
            u_t0 = odometry_robot
            first_time_idx = False

        # X_bar_new = np.zeros( (num_particles,4), dtype=np.float64)
        u_t1 = odometry_robot
        x_t0 = X_bar
        X_bar = motion_model.update(u_t0, u_t1, x_t0)

        if vis_flag:
            visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx)
    def __init__(self):
        # Initialize subscribers to sensors and motors
        rospy.Subscriber('/scan', LaserScan, self.read_sensor)

        # Initialize publishers for visualization
        self.error_markers_pub = rospy.Publisher('/error_markers',
        self.odom_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('odom_particle_pose',

        self.latest_scan_ranges = []

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot
        # location (for instance using rviz)
        rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped,

        # Class initializations
        self.map_model = MapModel()
        self.tf_helper = TFHelper()
        self.motion_model = MotionModel()
        self.sensor_model = SensorModel()
        """for static error validation"""
        self.static_particle = Particle(x=0, y=0, theta=0, weight=1)
        self.sample_ranges = np.ones(361)
        self.predicted_obstacle_x = 0.0
        self.predicted_obstacle_y = 0.0
def main():
    motionModel = MotionModel()
    pose = initParticles()

    plt.scatter(pose[:, 0], pose[:, 1])

    init = True
    for i in xrange(len(control)):
        if (init):
            u_t0 = np.array([0, 0, 0])

        u_t1 = control[i, :]

        for p in xrange(numParticles):
            pose[p, :] = motionModel.update(u_t0, u_t1, pose[p, :])

        plt.scatter(pose[:, 0], pose[:, 1])
        u_t0 = u_t1
def main():
    Description of variables used
    u_t0 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [odometry_frame]
    u_t1 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time t [odometry_frame]
    x_t0 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [world_frame]
    x_t1 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time t [world_frame]
    X_bar : [num_particles x 4] sized array containing [x, y, theta, wt] values for all particles
    z_t : array of 180 range measurements for each laser scan
    Initialize Parameters
    src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat'
    src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata2.log'
    map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map)
    occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map()

    vis_flag = 1
    if vis_flag:

    logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r')
    occupancy_map = binary_map(occupancy_map)
    motion_model = MotionModel()
    sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map)
    resampler = Resampling()

    num_particles = 500
    X_bar = init_particles_random(num_particles, occupancy_map)

    print('X_bar shape:', X_bar.shape)

    ##    Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm : Main Loop
    first_time_idx = True
    for time_idx, line in enumerate(logfile):
        start_time = time.time()
        meas_type = line[
            0]  # L : laser scan measurement, O : odometry measurement
        if (meas_type == "L"):
            meas_vals = np.fromstring(line[2:], dtype=np.float64, sep=' ')
            odometry_robot = meas_vals[0:3]
            time_stamp = meas_vals[-1]
            odometry_laser = meas_vals[
                3:6]  # [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame
            ranges = meas_vals[6:-1]
            if (first_time_idx):
                u_t0 = odometry_robot
                first_time_idx = False
            u_t1 = odometry_robot

            if sum(abs(u_t1[:2] -
                       u_t0[:2])) < 1 and abs(u_t1[2] - u_t0[2]) < (3.14 / 20):
                print('skip')  ## skip states that doesn't moved
            if vis_flag:
                visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx, occupancy_map)
            # impplement multiprocessing for
            args = [[X_bar[m], u_t0, u_t1, ranges, motion_model, sensor_model]
                    for m in range(0, num_particles)]
            with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=16) as p:
                res = p.starmap(combine_motion_sensor, args)
            X_bar = np.asarray(res)
            #'log2_Xbar/'+str(time_idx)+'.npy',X_bar) # save Xbar for accelerate display
            u_t0 = u_t1

            ## RESAMPLING
            X_bar = resampler.low_variance_sampler(X_bar)

            end_time = time.time()
            print("Processing time step " + str(time_idx) + " at time " +
                  str(time_stamp) + "s")
            print('time_cost for 1 time step:', end_time - start_time)
            if time_idx > 300:  # stop display when time_idx>300, for saving time
                vis_flag = 0
def main():
    Description of variables used
    u_t0 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [odometry_frame]
    u_t1 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time t [odometry_frame]
    x_t0 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [world_frame]
    x_t1 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time t [world_frame]
    X_bar : [num_particles x 4] sized array containing [x, y, theta, wt] values for all particles
    z_t : array of 180 range measurements for each laser scan
    Initialize Parameters
    src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat'
    src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata1.log'

    map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map)
    occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map()
    logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r')

    motion_model = MotionModel()
    sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map)
    resampler = Resampling()

    #num_particles = 500
    num_particles = 100
    X_bar = init_particles_random(num_particles, occupancy_map)
    #X_bar = np.array([[5000, 4000, np.pi,1]])

    vis_flag = 1
    Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm : Main Loop
    if vis_flag:

    first_time_idx = True
    for time_idx, line in enumerate(logfile):

        # Read a single 'line' from the log file (can be either odometry or laser measurement)
        meas_type = line[
            0]  # L : laser scan measurement, O : odometry measurement
        meas_vals = np.fromstring(
            line[2:], dtype=np.float64,
            sep=' ')  # convert measurement values from string to double

        odometry_robot = meas_vals[
            0:3]  # odometry reading [x, y, theta] in odometry frame
        time_stamp = meas_vals[-1]

        # if ((time_stamp <= 0.0) | (meas_type == "O")): # ignore pure odometry measurements for now (faster debugging)
        # continue

        if (meas_type == "L"):
            odometry_laser = meas_vals[
                3:6]  # [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame
            ranges = meas_vals[
                6:-1]  # 180 range measurement values from single laser scan

        #print "Processing time step " + str(time_idx) + " at time " + str(time_stamp) + "s"

        if (first_time_idx):
            u_t0 = odometry_robot
            first_time_idx = False

        X_bar_new = np.zeros((num_particles, 4), dtype=np.float64)
        u_t1 = odometry_robot
        for m in range(0, num_particles):
            MOTION MODEL
            x_t0 = X_bar[m, 0:3]
            x_t1 = motion_model.update(u_t0, u_t1, x_t0)
            SENSOR MODEL
            if (meas_type == "L"):
                z_t = ranges
                print("in sensor model")
                w_t = sensor_model.beam_range_finder_model(z_t, x_t1)
                print("outside sensor model")
                # w_t = 1/num_particles
                X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, w_t))
                X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, X_bar[m, 3]))

        X_bar = X_bar_new
        u_t0 = u_t1

        # """
        # RESAMPLING
        # """
        X_bar = resampler.low_variance_sampler(X_bar)

        # fig = plt.figure()
        # # plt.switch_backend('TkAgg')
        # print("Bot-pos",X_bar[9,0:2])
        # #print("Xbar",X_bar)
        # mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager();  # mng.resize(*mng.window.maxsize())
        # plt.ion(); plt.imshow(occupancy_map, cmap='Greys'); plt.axis([0, 800, 0, 800]);
        # plt.plot(X_bar[:,0]/10.0,X_bar[:,1]/10.0,'o',color='red')
        # plt.plot(x_t1[0]/10.0,x_t1[1]/10.0,'o',color='yellow')
        # plt.pause(1)
        # plt.close()

        if vis_flag:
            visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx)
                [floats[3], floats[4], floats[5],
                 floats[186]])  # x_loc, y_loc, angle, timestamp
            results_L.append(floats[6:185])  # 180 laser scans

# results_L = results_L[20:-1]

# -------------------------------MAIN SCRIPT----------------------------------

# -----------------initialize variables-------------------
alpha1 = 0
alpha2 = 0
alpha3 = 0  # increasing these two variables appears to make the particles move farther
alpha4 = 0

mot = MotionModel(alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha4)

M = 1000  # number of particles

map = MapBuilder('../map/wean.dat')
mapList = map.getMap()

sensorModel = SensorModel('../map/wean.dat')
resampler = Resampling()

# ------------initialize particles throughout map--------
# generate list of locations with '0' value
counter = 0
goodLocs_x = []
goodLocs_y = []
def main():

    Description of variables used
    u_t0 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [odometry_frame]   
    u_t1 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time t [odometry_frame]
    x_t0 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [world_frame]
    x_t1 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time t [world_frame]
    X_bar : [num_particles x 4] sized array containing [x, y, theta, wt] values for all particles
    z_t : array of 180 range measurements for each laser scan

    Initialize Parameters
    src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat'
    src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata2.log'

    map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map)
    occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map()
    # get the free space map
    occupancy_map = filter_close_map(occupancy_map)
    # occupancy_map = np.logical_and(occupancy_map<occu_thresh, occupancy_map>=0)
    logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r')

    motion_model = MotionModel()
    sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map)
    resampler = Resampling()

    num_particles = init_n_particles
#    X_bar = init_particles_random(num_particles, occupancy_map)
    X_bar = init_particles_freespace(num_particles, occupancy_map)
    X_bar = np.vstack((X_bar, init_test_particle()))
    # X_bar = init_test_particle()

    num_particles, _ = X_bar.shape

    vis_flag = 1

    Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm : Main Loop
    # if vis_flag:
    #     visualize_map(occupancy_map)

    # draw_robot(X_bar)
    first_time_idx = True
    u_t0 = np.array([0])
    for time_idx, line in enumerate(logfile):

        # Read a single 'line' from the log file (can be either odometry or laser measurement)
        meas_type = line[0] # L : laser scan measurement, O : odometry measurement
        meas_vals = np.fromstring(line[2:], dtype=np.float64, sep=' ') # convert measurement values from string to double

        odometry_robot = meas_vals[0:3] # odometry reading [x, y, theta] in odometry frame
        time_stamp = meas_vals[-1]

        # if ((time_stamp <= 0.0) | (meas_type == "O")): # ignore pure odometry measurements for now (faster debugging) 
            # continue

        ranges = np.array([0])
        if (meas_type == "L"):
             odometry_laser = meas_vals[3:6] # [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame
             ranges = meas_vals[6:-1] # 180 range measurement values from single laser scan
        print("Processing time step " + str(time_idx) + " at time " + str(time_stamp) + "s")

        if (first_time_idx):
            u_t0 = odometry_robot
            first_time_idx = False

        # X_bar_new = np.zeros( (num_particles,4), dtype=np.float64)
        u_t1 = odometry_robot

        #X_bar_new = X_bar

        # pool = Pool(4)

        for m in range(0, num_particles):
            X_bar[m, :] = parallel_motion_sensor_model(m, u_t0, u_t1, ranges, meas_type,
                                                                              sensor_model, motion_model,
                                                                              X_bar[m, :])
            # X_bar_new[m,:] = pool.apply_async(parallel_motion_sensor_model, (m, u_t0, u_t1, ranges, meas_type,
            #                                                sensor_model, motion_model, X_bar_new[m,:]))
        # pool.close()
        # pool.join()

        # for m in range(0, num_particles):
        #     """
        #     MOTION MODEL
        #     """
        #     if np.linalg.norm(u_t0 - u_t1) != 0:
        #         x_t0 = X_bar[m,:3]
        #         x_t1 = motion_model.update(u_t0, u_t1, x_t0)
        #     else:
        #         x_t0 = X_bar[m, :3]
        #         x_t1 = x_t0
        #     """
        #     SENSOR MODEL
        #     """
        #     if (meas_type == "L" ) and (np.linalg.norm(u_t0-u_t1) != 0):
        #         z_t = ranges
        #         w_t = sensor_model.beam_range_finder_model(z_t, x_t1)
        #         # w_t = 1/num_particles
        #         X_bar_new[m,:] = np.hstack((x_t1, w_t))
        #     else:
        #         X_bar_new[m,:] = np.hstack((x_t1, X_bar[m,3]))
        #X_bar = X_bar_new
        moved = np.linalg.norm(u_t0-u_t1) != 0
        u_t0 = u_t1


        if moved:
            if meas_type == "L":
                X_bar = resampler.low_variance_sampler(X_bar)
                print (X_bar.shape)
                num_particles, _ = X_bar.shape
            if vis_flag:
                visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx, occupancy_map)
def main():

    Description of variables used
    u_t0 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [odometry_frame]   
    u_t1 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time t [odometry_frame]
    x_t0 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [world_frame]
    x_t1 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time t [world_frame]
    X_bar : [num_particles x 4] sized array containing [x, y, theta, wt] values for all particles
    z_t : array of 180 range measurements for each laser scan

    Initialize Parameters
    src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat'
    src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata3.log'

    map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map)
    occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map() 
    logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r')
    #lookup = np.load('lookup_zero.npy')

    motion_model = MotionModel()
    sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map, lookup_flag=True)
    resampler = Resampling()

    num_particles = 1000
    #X_bar = init_particles_random(num_particles, occupancy_map)
    X_bar = init_particles_freespace(num_particles, occupancy_map)
    #X_bar = np.array([[6500,1500,1*np.pi/2,1]])

    vis_flag = True
    count = 0

    Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm : Main Loop
    if vis_flag:

    first_time_idx = True
    for time_idx, line in enumerate(logfile):
        #vis_flag = count % 1 == 0
        #vis_flag = False
        count += 1
        # Read a single 'line' from the log file (can be either odometry or laser measurement)
        meas_type = line[0] # L : laser scan measurement, O : odometry measurement
        meas_vals = np.fromstring(line[2:], dtype=np.float64, sep=' ') # convert measurement values from string to double

        odometry_robot = meas_vals[0:3] # odometry reading [x, y, theta] in odometry frame
        time_stamp = meas_vals[-1]

        if ((time_stamp <= 0.0)): # ignore pure odometry measurements for now (faster debugging) 
        #if ((time_stamp <= 0.0) or meas_type == "O"): # ignore pure odometry measurements for now (faster debugging) 

        if (meas_type == "L"):
             odometry_laser = meas_vals[3:6] # [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame
             ranges = meas_vals[6:-1] # 180 range measurement values from single laser scan
        print("Processing time step " + str(time_idx) + " at time " + str(time_stamp) + "s")

        if (first_time_idx):
            u_t0 = odometry_robot
            first_time_idx = False

        X_bar_new = np.zeros( (num_particles,4), dtype=np.float64)
        u_t1 = odometry_robot
        num_rays = sensor_model.num_rays
        if meas_type == "O":
            xqs, yqs, xms, yms = None, None, None, None
        elif meas_type == "L":
            xqs = np.zeros((num_particles,num_rays))
            yqs = np.zeros((num_particles,num_rays))
            xms = np.zeros((num_particles,num_rays))
            yms = np.zeros((num_particles,num_rays))
        for m in range(0, num_particles):
            MOTION MODEL
            x_t0 = X_bar[m, 0:3]
            #print('before motion: {}, {}, {}'.format(x_t0[0], x_t0[1], 180/np.pi*x_t0[2]))
            x_t1 = motion_model.update(u_t0, u_t1, x_t0)
            #print('after motion: {}, {}, {}'.format(x_t1[0], x_t1[1], 180/np.pi*x_t1[2]))
            x = int(x_t1[0]/10)
            y = int(x_t1[1]/10)
            if not(0 <= occupancy_map[y, x] <= 0.0) and meas_type == "L":
                #print('dumping particle')
                w_t = 0
                X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, w_t))

            SENSOR MODEL
            if (meas_type == "L"):
                z_t = ranges
                w_t, probs, z_casts, xqs[m], yqs[m], xms[m], yms[m] = sensor_model.beam_range_finder_model(z_t, x_t1)
                X_bar_new[m,:] = np.hstack((x_t1, w_t))
                X_bar_new[m,:] = np.hstack((x_t1, X_bar[m,3]))
        X_bar = X_bar_new
        u_t0 = u_t1

        if vis_flag:
            #visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx, xqs, yqs, xms, yms)
            visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx)

        if (meas_type == "L"):
            X_bar = resampler.low_variance_sampler(X_bar)
X_bar : [num_particles x 4] sized array containing [x, y, theta, wt] values for all particles
z_t : array of 180 range measurements for each laser scan
Initialize Parameters
src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat'
src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata1.log'

map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map)
occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map()
# logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r')
with open(src_path_log, 'r') as f:
    logs = f.readlines()

motion_model = MotionModel()
sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map)
resampler = Resampling()

num_particles = 500
# X_bar = init_particles_random(num_particles, occupancy_map)
X_bar = init_particles_freespace(num_particles, occupancy_map)
vis_flag = 1
vis_type = 'mean'  # {mean, max}
addition = True
Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm : Main Loop
if vis_flag:
def main():
    Description of variables used
    u_t0 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [odometry_frame]
    u_t1 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time t [odometry_frame]
    x_t0 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [world_frame]
    x_t1 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time t [world_frame]
    X_bar : [num_particles x 4] sized array containing [x, y, theta, wt] values for all particles
    z_t : array of 180 range measurements for each laser scan
    Initialize Parameters
    src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat'
    src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata1.log'

    map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map)
    occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map()
    logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r')

    motion_model = MotionModel()
    sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map)
    resampler = Resampling()

    num_particles = 100
    time_period = 10
    # X_bar = init_particles_random(num_particles, occupancy_map)
    X_bar = init_particles_freespace(num_particles, occupancy_map)
    vis_flag = 1
    vis_type = 'mean'  # {mean, max}
    Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm : Main Loop
    if vis_flag:

    first_time_idx = True
    count = 0
    for time_idx, line in enumerate(logfile):
        # if time_idx % 9 != 0: continue

        # Read a single 'line' from the log file (can be either odometry or laser measurement)
        meas_type = line[
            0]  # L : laser scan measurement, O : odometry measurement
        meas_vals = np.fromstring(
            line[2:], dtype=np.float64,
            sep=' ')  # convert measurement values from string to double

        odometry_robot = meas_vals[
            0:3]  # odometry reading [x, y, theta] in odometry frame
        time_stamp = meas_vals[-1]

        if ((time_stamp <= 0.0) | (meas_type == "O")
            ):  # ignore pure odometry measurements for now (faster debugging)

        count = count + 1

        if (meas_type == "L"):
            odometry_laser = meas_vals[
                3:6]  # [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame
            ranges = meas_vals[
                6:-1]  # 180 range measurement values from single laser scan

        # print "Processing time step " + str(time_idx) + " at time " + str(time_stamp) + "s"

        if (first_time_idx):
            u_t0 = odometry_robot
            first_time_idx = False

        X_bar_new = np.zeros((num_particles, 4), dtype=np.float64)
        u_t1 = odometry_robot

        for m in range(0, num_particles):
            MOTION MODEL
            x_t0 = X_bar[m, 0:3]
            x_t1 = motion_model.update(u_t0, u_t1, x_t0)
            SENSOR MODEL
            if (meas_type == "L"):
                z_t = ranges
                w_t = sensor_model.beam_range_finder_model(z_t, x_t1)
                # w_t = 1/num_particles
                # X_bar_new[m,:] = np.hstack((x_t1, w_t))
                new_wt = X_bar[m, 3] * motion_model.give_prior(
                    x_t1, u_t1, x_t0, u_t0)
                X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, new_wt))
                X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, X_bar[m, 3]))

        if (vis_type == 'max'):
            best_particle_idx = np.argmax(X_bar_new, axis=0)[-1]
            vis_particle = X_bar_new[best_particle_idx][:-1]
        elif (vis_type == 'mean'):
            # ipdb.set_trace()
            X_weighted = X_bar_new[:, :3] * X_bar_new[:, 3:4]
            X_mean = np.sum(X_weighted, axis=0)
            vis_particle = X_mean / sum(X_bar_new[:, 3:4])

        # print(X_bar_new[:,-1].T)
        sensor_model.visualization = True
        sensor_model.plot_measurement = True
        # sensor_model.beam_range_finder_model(ranges, vis_particle)
        sensor_model.visualization = False
        sensor_model.plot_measurement = False

        X_bar = X_bar_new
        u_t0 = u_t1
        #if(np.mean(x_t1 - x_t0) > 0.2):
        X_bar = resampler.low_variance_sampler(X_bar)
        add_particles = num_particles / 5
        # time_period = 10

        if (count % time_period == 0 or sum(X_bar[:, -1]) == 0):
            X_bar_re_init = init_particles_freespace(add_particles,
            X_bar[:, -1] = 1.0 / (num_particles + add_particles)
            X_bar_re_init[:, -1] = 1.0 / (num_particles + add_particles)
            X_bar = np.concatenate((X_bar, X_bar_re_init), axis=0)
            num_particles = X_bar.shape[0]
            print num_particles

        if (count % 100 == 0):
            time_period = time_period * 5

        # X_bar = resampler.multinomial_sampler(X_bar)
        # check if importance too low
        # thres = 1e-29
        # indices = np.where(X_bar[:,3] > thres)[0]
        # print(X_bar.shape[0] - indices.shape[0])
        # temp = init_particles_freespace(X_bar.shape[0] - indices.shape[0], occupancy_map)
        # X_bar = np.concatenate((X_bar[indices], temp), axis = 0)
        # X_bar[:,-1] = 1.0/num_particles

        if vis_flag:
            visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx)
class ParticleFilter(object):
    def __init__(self):

        # Initialize subscribers to sensors and motors
        rospy.Subscriber('/scan', LaserScan, self.read_sensor)
        # Initialize publishers for visualization
        self.particle_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/particle_pose_array',
        self.odom_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('odom_pose',
        self.map_marker_pub = rospy.Publisher('/map_marker',
        # self.particle_obstacles_pub = rospy.Publisher('/particle_obstacles', Marker, queue_size=10)

        self.latest_scan_ranges = []

        # Class initializations
        self.p_distrib = ParticleDistribution()
        self.motion_model = MotionModel()
        self.sensor_model = SensorModel()
        self.map_model = MapModel()
        self.tf_helper = TFHelper()

        # When to run the particle filter
        self.distance_moved_threshold = 0.2  # m
        self.angle_turned_threshold = 10  # deg

        # After map model has been initialized, create the initial particle distribution

    Function: read_sensor
    Inputs: LaserScan scan_msg

    Save the ranges of the laser scanner.


    def read_sensor(self, scan_msg):
        self.latest_scan_ranges = scan_msg.ranges

    Function: update_pose_estimate

    Returns a new pose estimate after running a particle filter. Called if the robot has
    moved or turned enough to merit a new pose estimate.
    The current particles (representing hypothetical poses) are propagated based on the
    change in odom pose of the robot (how much it has moved since the last estimate). Each
    new particle is assigned a new weight based on how likely it is to observe the laser
    scan values.
    The pose estimate is a weighted average of all of the particle's poses.


    def update_pose_estimate(self):
        # Propagate the particles because the robot has moved. The sensor update
        # should happen on the new poses.
        # Display the new pose
        # self.p_distrib.print_distribution()
        pose_array = self.p_distrib.get_particle_pose_array()
        pose_array.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0)

        # Update particle weights based on the sensor readings.
        if (self.latest_scan_ranges != []):
            scan_ranges = self.latest_scan_ranges  # Assuming this will not change the object if we get a new scan.
                scan_ranges, self.p_distrib.particle_list, self.map_model)
            # Resample the particle distribution
            # Display the new distribution
            pose_array = self.p_distrib.get_particle_pose_array()
            pose_array.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0)

        new_pose_estimate = self.p_distrib.get_pose_estimate(
        )  # Just Pose, not stamped
        return new_pose_estimate

    def publish_map_markers(self):
        # figure out and publish map origin
        map_origin_pose =
        x = map_origin_pose.position.x
        y = map_origin_pose.position.y
        point = Point(x, y, 0.0)
        quaternion = Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)
        header = Header(frame_id="map",
        pose = map_origin_pose
        scale = Vector3(.1, .1, .1)
        color = ColorRGBA(255, 20, 147, 255)
        type = 2
        map_origin_marker = Marker(header=header,
        # publish

    def run(self):
        # Send the first map to odom transform using the 0, 0, 0 pose.
        self.tf_helper.fix_map_to_odom_transform(Pose(), rospy.Time(0))
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            # continuously broadcast the latest map to odom transform
            # Changes to the map to base_link come from our pose estimate from
            # the particle filter.


            if (self.motion_model.has_moved_enough(
                    self.tf_helper, self.distance_moved_threshold,
                # Run the particle filter
                new_pose_estimate = self.update_pose_estimate()
                # Update the map to odom transform using new pose estimate
                    new_pose_estimate, rospy.Time(0))
文件: 项目: lcpdeb/capstone
def Astar(obstacle,start,goal):
    G=0 # NEXT MOVE cost
    path=mat([[0,0]]) # Create an empty path, zero will be removed after OPTIMAL PATH found
    open_list=mat([[start[0,0]],                # current position x
                   [start[0,1]],                # current position y
                   [G+H(start,goal)],           # total cost F=G+H, 当前点到终点的距离
                   [start[0,0]],                # last position x, parent set
                   [start[0,1]]]).transpose()   # last position y, parent set
    # initialize CLOSE LIST, this all-zero row will be removed after OPTIMAL PATH found
    # open_list=mat([[0,0]])
    # open_list=delete(open_list,0,axis=0)
    next_move=MotionModel() # set NEXT position motion model
    findFlag=False # flag to determine whether the path can be found
    # print(open_list)

    while findFlag==False:
        # first column of OPEN LIST is empty
        if len(open_list)==0:
            print("No path to GOAL.")

        # sorting open list based on total cost
        # print(open_list)

        # compare the current position to GOAL position
        if isSamePosition(open_list[0,0:2],goal):
            print("Optimal path found.")
            # put first row of OPEN LIST into CLOSE LIST
            # remove the least cost MOVE from OPEN LIST
        # calculate the cost in NEXT MOTION MODEL
        for index in range(0,len(next_move[:,0])):
            m=mat([[open_list[0,0]+next_move[index,0]], # pick NEXT MOVE position x
                [open_list[0,1]+next_move[index,1]], # pick NEXT MOVE position y
            G=next_move[index,2]+H(m[0:2],goal) # NEXT MOVE cost G
            # print("m =",m)

            # skip if current position is OBSTACLE
            if isObstacle(m,obstacle):
                # print("[{}, {}] is OBSTACLE".format(m[0,0],m[0,1]))

            # check that whether the next movement choice is in OPEN LIST or CLOSE LIST
            # print("list flag =",list_flag)
            # if it is in OPEN LIST or CLOSE LIST, skip
            if list_flag==1: # in OPEN LIST
                # print("[{}, {}] is in OPEN LIST".format(m[0,0],m[0,1]))
            elif list_flag==2: # in CLOSE LIST
                # print("[{}, {}] is in CLOSE LIST".format(m[0,0],m[0,1]))
                # append this MOVE and current position into OPEN LIST
                # print("[{}, {}] has appended into OPEN LIST".format(m[0,0],m[0,1]))
                # print(open_list)

        # if the NEXT MOVE is neither in OPEN LIST nor CLOSE LIST
        if findFlag==False: 
            # append the least cost MOVE into CLOSE LIST, as moved
            # print("[{}, {}] has added into PATH".format(close_list[0,0],close_list[0,1]))
            # remove the least cost MOVE from OPEN LIST

    # remove the last all-zero row in CLOSE LIST
    # print(close_list)
    # generate OPTIMAL PATH
    return path
  def __init__(self, pHardwareComm, pDatabase):
    """SystemModel constructor"""
    # Remember the hardware and database layers
    self.hardwareComm = pHardwareComm
    self.database = pDatabase
    # Pass a pointer to the system model so the hardware layer can update our state
    # Create the empty system model and a lock to protect it
    self.model = {}
    self.modelLock = TimedLock.TimedLock()

    # Load the system model from the INI file
    sSystemModel = "/opt/elixys/core/SystemModel.ini"
    if not os.path.exists(sSystemModel):
        print "Invalid path to INI files"
    self.SystemComponents = ConfigObj(sSystemModel)
    # Build the system model
    for key,value in self.SystemComponents.items():
      if key == "CoolingSystem":
        if value == "True":
          self.model[key] = CoolingSystemModel(key, self.hardwareComm, self.modelLock)
      elif key == "VacuumSystem":
        if value == "True":
          self.model[key] = VacuumSystemModel(key, self.hardwareComm, self.modelLock)
      elif key == "Valves":
        if value == "True":
          self.model[key] = ValvesModel(key, self.hardwareComm, self.modelLock)
      elif key == "PressureRegulators":
        for nPressureRegulator in range(1, int(value) + 1):
          sPressureRegulator = "PressureRegulator" + str(nPressureRegulator)
          self.model[sPressureRegulator] = PressureRegulatorModel(sPressureRegulator, nPressureRegulator, self.hardwareComm, self.modelLock)
      elif key == "LiquidSensors":
        if value == "True":
          self.model[key] = LiquidSensorsModel(key, self.hardwareComm, self.modelLock)
      elif key == "ReagentDelivery":
        if value == "True":
          self.model[key] = ReagentDeliveryModel(key, self.hardwareComm, self.modelLock)
      elif key[:7] == 'Reactor':
          sReactor = key
          nReactor = int(key[7:])
          nStopcocks = int(value["Stopcocks"])
          self.model[sReactor] = {}
          self.model[sReactor]["Motion"] = MotionModel(sReactor, nReactor, self.hardwareComm, self.modelLock)
          for nStopcock in range(1, nStopcocks + 1):
            self.model[sReactor]["Stopcock" + str(nStopcock)] = StopcockValveModel(sReactor, nReactor, nStopcock, self.hardwareComm, self.modelLock)
          self.model[sReactor]["Thermocouple"] = TemperatureControlModel(sReactor, nReactor, self.hardwareComm, self.modelLock)
          self.model[sReactor]["Stir"] = StirMotorModel(sReactor, nReactor, self.hardwareComm, self.modelLock)
          self.model[sReactor]["Radiation"] = RadiationDetectorModel(sReactor, nReactor, self.hardwareComm, self.modelLock)
        raise Exception("Unknown system component: " + key)

    # Initialize variables
    self.stateUpdateThread = None
    self.stateUpdateThreadTerminateEvent = None
    self.__pStateMonitor = None
    self.__bStateMonitorError = False
    self.__pUnitOperation = None
    self.__pStateObject = None
    self.__sStateString = ""
    self.__pStateLock = TimedLock.TimedLock()
def main():
    Description of variables used
    u_t0 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [odometry_frame]   
    u_t1 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time t [odometry_frame]
    x_t0 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [world_frame]
    x_t1 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time t [world_frame]
    particles : [num_particles x 4] sized array containing [x, y, theta, wt] values for all particles
    z_t : array of 180 range measurements for each laser scan
    Initialize Parameters
    ###########################################  SET THE NUMBER OF PARTICLES #####################################
    num_particles = 10000
    ###########################################  SET THE NUMBER OF PARTICLES #####################################

    src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat'
    src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata1.log'

    #src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata5.log'

    map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map)
    occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map()
    map_size_x = map_obj.get_map_size_x()
    map_size_y = map_obj.get_map_size_y()

    logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r')

    motion_model = MotionModel()
    sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map)
    resampler = Resampling()

    particles = init_particles_freespace(num_particles, occupancy_map)
    #particles = np.array([[4100,3990,3,1],[4060,3990,3,1],[4000,3990,3,1],[4000,3990,2,1],[6150,1270,1.7,1]])
    # The particles above are
    # In the correct location with approximately the correct angle
    # Correct angle but a little farther out into the hallway
    # Correct angle but squarely in the hallway
    # In the center of the hallway and at wrong angle
    # Completely wrong in the big room at the bottom

    vis_flag = 1
    Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm : Main Loop
    first_time_idx = True
    lastUsedOdometry = np.array([0, 0, 0])
    imageNumber = 0

    for time_idx, line in enumerate(logfile):
        # time_idx is just a counter
        # line is the text from a line in the file.

        # Read a single 'line' from the log file (can be either odometry or laser measurement)
        meas_type = line[
            0]  # L : laser scan measurement, O : odometry measurement
        meas_vals = np.fromstring(
            line[2:], dtype=np.float64,
            sep=' ')  # convert measurement values from string to double

        state = meas_vals[
            0:3]  # odometry reading [x, y, theta] in odometry frame
        time_stamp = meas_vals[-1]

        # if ((time_stamp <= 0.0) | (meas_type == "O")): # ignore pure odometry measurements for now (faster debugging)
        # continue

        if (meas_type == "L"):  # Laser data
            odometry_laser = meas_vals[
                3:6]  # [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame
            delta = odometry_laser - lastUsedOdometry
            distance = math.sqrt(delta[0] * delta[0] + delta[1] * delta[1])

            # Don't update if it didn't move
            if ((distance < 35) and (delta[2] < .05)
                ):  # Don't update or do anything if the robot is stationary
                    "Time: %f\tDistance: %f\tangle: %f\tDidn't move enough..."
                    % (time_stamp, distance, delta[2]))

            print("Time: %f\tDistance: %f\tangle: %f" %
                  (time_stamp, distance, delta[2]))

            lastUsedOdometry = odometry_laser
            ranges = meas_vals[
                6:-1]  # 180 range measurement values from single laser scan

            #print("Skipping this record because it is an odometry record.")

        #print "Processing time step " + str(time_idx) + " at time " + str(time_stamp) + "s"

        if (first_time_idx):
            lastState = state
            first_time_idx = False

        #particles_new = np.zeros( (num_particles,4), dtype=np.float64)
        currentState = state

        # MOTION MODEL - move each particle
        startTime = time.time()
        for m in range(num_particles):
            oldParticle = particles[m, 0:3]
            particles[m, 0:3] = motion_model.update(
                lastState, currentState, oldParticle)  # This is [X,Y,theta]
            # # Use this line for testing probabilities
            # newParticle = particles[m,0:3] ######### Don't update the position of the particle.####################
        print("Motion model completed in  %s seconds" %
              (time.time() - startTime))  # Typically takes .125 seconds for
        # 10000 particles

        # SENSOR MODEL - find the liklihood of each particle
        startTime = time.time()
        for m in range(num_particles):
            particles[m, 3] = sensor_model.beam_range_finder_model(
                ranges, particles[m, 0:3])
        print("Sensor model completed in  %s seconds" %
              (time.time() - startTime))  # Typically takes 7.85 seconds for
        # 10000 particles

        lastState = currentState

        # print '***********Particles before normalizing***************'
        # print(particles)

        # #normalize the weights
        #minWeight = min(particles[:,3]);
        #maxWeight = max(particles[:,3]);
        #weightRng = (maxWeight - minWeight);
        #if (abs(weightRng)<0.0000001):
        #    particles[:,3] = (1/float(num_particles))*np.ones(num_particles);
        #    particles[:,3] = (particles[:,3] - minWeight)/weightRng;

        #print '***********Particles after normalizing***************'
        #particles = resampler.low_variance_sampler(particles,num_particles)
        particles = resampler.multinomial_sampler(particles, num_particles)

        #print("Completed in  %s seconds" % (time.time() - startTime))  # this is currently taking about .4 seconds per particle
        # Resampling typically takes 8 ms for 5000 particles.

        if vis_flag:
            imageNumber += 1
            visualize_map(occupancy_map, particles, imageNumber)
class MotionModelTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):

        self.tf_helper = TFHelper_Sketch()
        self.motion_model = MotionModel()

    # def testTFHelperSketchNoMovement(self):
    #     p = PoseStamped()
    #     p.header.frame_id = "base_link"
    #     transformed_p = self.tf_helper.tf_listener.transformPose("odom", p)
    #     self.assertEqual(transformed_p.header.frame_id, "odom")
    #     self.assertEqual(transformed_p.pose.position.x, 0)
    #     self.assertEqual(transformed_p.pose.position.y, 0)
    #     self.assertEqual(transformed_p.pose.orientation.w, 1)
    #     self.assertEqual(transformed_p.pose.orientation.z, 0)
    # def testTFHelperSketchRotate90(self):
    #     self.tf_helper.tf_listener.setNewTransform(dx=0, dy=0, dtheta=radians(90))
    #     p = PoseStamped()
    #     p.header.frame_id = "base_link"
    #     transformed_p = self.tf_helper.tf_listener.transformPose("odom", p)
    #     self.assertEqual(transformed_p.header.frame_id, "odom")
    #     self.assertEqual(transformed_p.pose.position.x, 0)
    #     self.assertEqual(transformed_p.pose.position.y, 0)
    #     self.assertTrue(abs(transformed_p.pose.orientation.w - sqrt(2)/2) < 0.0001)
    #     self.assertTrue(abs(transformed_p.pose.orientation.z - sqrt(2)/2) < 0.0001)
    # def testTFHelperSketchTranslate(self):
    #     self.tf_helper.tf_listener.setNewTransform(dx=2, dy=3, dtheta=0)
    #     p = PoseStamped()
    #     p.header.frame_id = "base_link"
    #     transformed_p = self.tf_helper.tf_listener.transformPose("odom", p)
    #     self.assertEqual(transformed_p.header.frame_id, "odom")
    #     self.assertEqual(transformed_p.pose.position.x, 2)
    #     self.assertEqual(transformed_p.pose.position.y, 3)
    #     self.assertEqual(transformed_p.pose.orientation.w, 1)
    #     self.assertEqual(transformed_p.pose.orientation.z, 0)
    # def testNoChangeInMotion(self):
    #     self.tf_helper.tf_listener.setNewTransform(dx=0, dy=0, dtheta=0)
    #     self.assertEqual((0, 0, 0), self.motion_model.get_change_in_motion(self.tf_helper))
    # def testChangeInMotionTranslation(self):
    #     self.tf_helper.tf_listener.setNewTransform(dx=2, dy=3.5, dtheta=0)
    #     self.assertEqual((2, 3.5, 0), self.motion_model.get_change_in_motion(self.tf_helper))
    # def testChangeInMotionRotation(self):
    #     self.tf_helper.tf_listener.setNewTransform(dx=0, dy=0, dtheta=radians(67))
    #     self.assertEqual((0, 0, radians(67)), self.motion_model.get_change_in_motion(self.tf_helper))
    # def testHasNotMovedEnough(self):
    #     self.tf_helper.tf_listener.setNewTransform(dx=1, dy=0.5, dtheta=radians(35))
    #     self.assertFalse(self.motion_model.has_moved_enough(self.tf_helper, 3, 40))
    # def testHasTurnedEnough(self):
    #     self.tf_helper.tf_listener.setNewTransform(dx=1, dy=0.5, dtheta=radians(75))
    #     self.assertTrue(self.motion_model.has_moved_enough(self.tf_helper, 3, 40))
    # def testHasMovedEnough(self):
    #     self.tf_helper.tf_listener.setNewTransform(dx=5, dy=0.5, dtheta=radians(5))
    #     self.assertTrue(self.motion_model.has_moved_enough(self.tf_helper, 3, 40))
    # def testPropagateParticleNoRotationOneParticleAtOrigin(self):
    #     self.tf_helper.tf_listener.setNewTransform(dx=5, dy=0.5, dtheta=0)
    #     p_list = [Particle(x=0, y=0, theta=0)]
    #     correct_list = [Particle(x=5, y=0.5, theta=0)]
    #     self.motion_model.propagate(p_list, self.tf_helper)
    #     self.assertEqual(p_list, correct_list)
    # def testPropagateParticleOnlyRotationParticles(self):
    #     self.tf_helper.tf_listener.setNewTransform(dx=0, dy=0, dtheta=radians(42))
    #     p_list = [Particle(x=0, y=0, theta=0), Particle(x=0.4, y=5, theta=354), Particle(x=5, y=-100, theta=42)]
    #     correct_list = [Particle(x=0, y=0, theta=42),Particle(x=0.4, y=5, theta=36), Particle(x=5, y=-100, theta=84)]
    #     self.motion_model.propagate(p_list, self.tf_helper)
    #     self.assertEqual(p_list, correct_list)
    # def testPropagateParticleParticlesAtOriginOnlyTranslation(self):
    #     self.tf_helper.tf_listener.setNewTransform(dx=1, dy=1, dtheta=0)
    #     p_list = [Particle(x=0, y=0, theta=0),Particle(x=0, y=0, theta=90), Particle(x=0, y=0, theta=45)]
    #     correct_list = [Particle(x=1, y=1, theta=0),Particle(x=-1, y=1, theta=90), Particle(x=0, y=sqrt(2), theta=45)]
    #     self.motion_model.propagate(p_list, self.tf_helper)
    #     self.assertEqual(p_list, correct_list)
    # def testPropagateParticleParticlesNotAtOriginOnlyTranslation(self):
    #     self.tf_helper.tf_listener.setNewTransform(dx=1, dy=1, dtheta=0)
    #     p_list = [Particle(x=1, y=2, theta=0), Particle(x=5, y=-7, theta=90), Particle(x=-0.2, y=-0.5, theta=45)]
    #     correct_list = [Particle(x=2, y=3, theta=0),Particle(x=4, y=-6, theta=90), Particle(x=-0.2, y=sqrt(2) - 0.5, theta=45)]
    #     self.motion_model.propagate(p_list, self.tf_helper)
    #     self.assertEqual(p_list, correct_list)

    def testPropagateParticleParticlesAtOriginOnlyTranslationAndRotation(self):
        self.tf_helper.tf_listener.setNewTransform(dx=1, dy=1, dtheta=180)
        p_list = [
            Particle(x=1, y=2, theta=0),
            Particle(x=5, y=-7, theta=90),
            Particle(x=-0.2, y=-0.5, theta=45)
        correct_list = [
            Particle(x=2, y=3, theta=180),
            Particle(x=4, y=-6, theta=270),
            Particle(x=-0.2, y=sqrt(2) - 0.5, theta=225)
        self.motion_model.propagate(p_list, self.tf_helper)
        self.assertEqual(p_list, correct_list)
    def setUp(self):

        self.tf_helper = TFHelper_Sketch()
        self.motion_model = MotionModel()
def main():
    Description of variables used
    u_t0 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [odometry_frame]   
    u_t1 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time t [odometry_frame]
    x_t0 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [world_frame]
    x_t1 : particle state belief [x, qy, theta] at time t [world_frame]
    X_bar : [num_particles x 4] sized array containing [x, y, theta, wt] values for all particles
    z_t : array of 180 range measurements for each laser scan
    Initialize Parameters
    src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat'
    src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata1.log'

    map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map)
    occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map()
    logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r')

    motion_model = MotionModel()
    sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map)
    resampler = Resampling()

    num_particles = 3000
    og_num_particles = num_particles
    sumd = 0
    # ---------------------------------------------------
    # Create intial set of particles
    X_bar = init_particles_freespace(num_particles, occupancy_map)

    # Useful for debugging, places particles near correct starting area for log1
    #X_bar = init_debug(num_particles)
    # ---------------------------------------------------

    vis_flag = 1

    # ---------------------------------------------------
    # Weights are dummy weights for testing motion model
    w0_vals = np.ones((1, num_particles), dtype=np.float64)
    w_t = w0_vals / num_particles
    Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm : Main Loop
    if vis_flag:

    iter_num = 0
    first_time_idx = True
    for time_idx, line in enumerate(logfile):

        # Read a single 'line' from the log file (can be either odometry or laser measurement)
        meas_type = line[
            0]  # L : laser scan measurement, O : odometry measurement
        meas_vals = np.fromstring(
            line[2:], dtype=np.float64,
            sep=' ')  # convert measurement values from string to double

        odometry_robot = meas_vals[
            0:3]  # odometry reading [x, y, theta] in odometry frame
        # print "odometry_robot = ", odometry_robot
        time_stamp = meas_vals[-1]

        #if ((time_stamp <= 0.0) | (meas_type == "O")): # ignore pure odometry measurements for now (faster debugging)

        if (meas_type == "L"):
            odometry_laser = meas_vals[
                3:6]  # [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame
            ranges = meas_vals[
                6:-1]  # 180 range measurement values from single laser scan

        print "Processing time step " + str(time_idx) + " at time " + str(
            time_stamp) + "s"

        if (first_time_idx):
            u_t0 = odometry_robot
            first_time_idx = False

        X_bar_new = np.zeros((num_particles, 4), dtype=np.float64)
        u_t1 = odometry_robot

        yd = u_t1[1] - u_t0[1]
        xd = u_t1[0] - u_t0[0]
        d = math.sqrt(pow(xd, 2) + pow(yd, 2))
        if d < 1.0:
            visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx, time_idx)
        if d > 20:  # lost robot
            print('\nROBOT IS LOST!!!\nResetting particles...\n')
            X_bar = init_particles_freespace(og_num_particles, occupancy_map)
            num_particles = og_num_particles
            X_bar_new = np.zeros((num_particles, 4), dtype=np.float64)
            u_t0 = u_t1
            visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx, time_idx)
            sumd = 0
            sumd = sumd + d

        for m in range(0, num_particles):
            MOTION MODEL

            x_t0 = X_bar[m, 0:3]
            x_t1 = motion_model.update(u_t0, u_t1, x_t0)
            #motion_last = math.sqrt((x_t1[0,1]-x_t0[0,1])**2 +  (x_t1[0,0]-x_t0[0,0])**2)

            # ---------------------------------------------------
            # For testing Motion Model
            # X_bar_new[m,:] = np.hstack((x_t1, w_t))
            # ---------------------------------------------------
            SENSOR MODEL
            if (meas_type == "L"):
                z_t = ranges
                x_l1 = motion_model.laser_position(odometry_laser, u_t1, x_t1)
                #print w_t.shape
                w_t = sensor_model.beam_range_finder_model(z_t, x_l1)
                # #print w_t.shape
                # if w_t > 0.0 and X_bar[m,3] > 0.0:
                #     w_new = math.log(X_bar[m,3]) + math.log(w_t)
                #     w_new = math.exp(w_new)
                # else:
                #      w_new = 0.0
                X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, [[w_t]]))
                X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, [[X_bar[m, 3]]]))

        # sorted_particles = X_bar[X_bar[:,3].argsort()]
        # print(sorted_particles[499,3])

        X_bar = X_bar_new

        u_t0 = u_t1
        X_bar[:, 3] = X_bar[:, 3] / sum(X_bar[:, 3])

        if sumd > 10.0:
            # X_bar = resampler.low_variance_sampler_rand(X_bar, occupancy_map)
            sumd = 0
            if X_bar[:, 3].var() < 9.0e-8 and num_particles > 500:
                num_particles = num_particles - 300
                print 'Adapting particles\nCurrent particle size = ', num_particles
            elif X_bar[:, 3].var() < 1.0e-7 and num_particles > 300:
                num_particles = num_particles - 100
                print 'Adapting particles\nCurrent particle size = ', num_particles

            # if num_particles < og_num_particles and X_bar[:,3].var() > 5.0e-7:
            #     num_particles = num_particles + 100
            #     print 'Adapting particles\nCurrent particle size = ', num_particles

            X_bar = resampler.low_variance_sampler(X_bar, num_particles)
            #print X_bar[:,3].var()

        if vis_flag:
            visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx, time_idx)
def main():
    Description of variables used
    u_t0 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [odometry_frame]   
    u_t1 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time t [odometry_frame]
    x_t0 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [world_frame]
    x_t1 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time t [world_frame]
    X_bar : [num_particles x 4] sized array containing [x, y, theta, wt] values for all particles
    z_t : array of 180 range measurements for each laser scan
    Initialize Parameters
    src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat'
    src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata1.log'

    map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map)
    occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map()
    logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r')

    motion_model = MotionModel()
    sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map)
    resampler = Resampling()

    num_particles = 700
    X_bar = init_particles_freespace(num_particles, occupancy_map)

    vis_flag = 1
    Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm : Main Loop
    if vis_flag:

    first_time_idx = True
    for time_idx, line in enumerate(logfile):

        # Read a single 'line' from the log file (can be either odometry or laser measurement)
        meas_type = line[
            0]  # L : laser scan measurement, O : odometry measurement
        meas_vals = np.fromstring(
            line[2:], dtype=np.float64,
            sep=' ')  # convert measurement values from string to double

        odometry_robot = meas_vals[
            0:3]  # odometry reading [x, y, theta] in odometry frame
        time_stamp = meas_vals[-1]

        # if ((time_stamp <= 0.0) | (meas_type == "O")): # ignore pure odometry measurements for now (faster debugging)
        # continue

        if (meas_type == "L"):
            odometry_laser = meas_vals[
                3:6]  # [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame
            ranges = meas_vals[
                6:-1]  # 180 range measurement values from single laser scan

        print("Processing time step " + str(time_idx) + " at time " +
              str(time_stamp) + "s")

        if (first_time_idx):
            u_t0 = odometry_robot
            first_time_idx = False

        X_bar_new = np.zeros((num_particles, 4), dtype=np.float64)
        u_t1 = odometry_robot
        for m in range(0, num_particles):
            MOTION MODEL
            x_t0 = X_bar[m, 0:3]
            x_t1 = motion_model.update(u_t0, u_t1, x_t0)
            SENSOR MODEL
            if (meas_type == "L"):
                z_t = ranges
                w_t = sensor_model.beam_range_finder_model(z_t, x_t1)
                X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, w_t))
                X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, X_bar[m, 3]))

        X_bar = X_bar_new
        u_t0 = u_t1
        X_bar = resampler.low_variance_sampler(X_bar)

        if vis_flag:
            # meas_vals[3:6] - [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame
            # meas_vals[6:-1] # 180 range measurement values from single laser scan
            visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx)
def main():
	Description of variables used
	u_t0 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [odometry_frame]
	u_t1 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time t [odometry_frame]
	x_t0 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [world_frame]
	x_t1 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time t [world_frame]
	X_bar : [num_particles x 4] sized array containing [x, y, theta, wt] values for all particles
	z_t : array of 180 range measurements for each laser scan
	Initialize Parameters
    src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat'
    src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata2.log'

    map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map)
    occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map()
    logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r')

    motion_model = MotionModel()
    sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map)
    resampler = Resampling()

    num_particles = 300
    X_bar = init_particles_random(num_particles, occupancy_map)

    vis_flag = 1

    print("a1: ",motion_model.alpha_1,"\na2: ",motion_model.alpha_2,"\na3: ",\
       motion_model.alpha_3,"\na4: ",motion_model.alpha_4,"\nstdv: ",sensor_model.stdDevHit, \
    "\nlamd: ", sensor_model.lambdaShort,"\nzhit: ",sensor_model.zHit,"\nzsht: ",sensor_model.zShort, \
    "\nzmax: ", sensor_model.zMax, "\nzrnd: ", sensor_model.zRand, "\ncert: ", sensor_model.certainty, \
    "\nlsub: ", sensor_model.laserSubsample)
	Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm : Main Loop
    if vis_flag:

    first_time_idx = True
    #initialize worker threads
    p = ThreadPool(15)
    for time_idx, line in enumerate(logfile):
        # Read a single 'line' from the log file (can be either odometry or laser measurement)
        meas_type = line[
            0]  # L : laser scan measurement, O : odometry measurement
        meas_vals = np.fromstring(
            line[2:], dtype=np.float64,
            sep=' ')  # convert measurement values from string to double
        odometry_robot = meas_vals[
            0:3]  # odometry reading [x, y, theta] in odometry frame
        time_stamp = meas_vals[-1]

        #if ((time_stamp <= 0.0) | (meas_type == "O")): # ignore pure odometry measurements for now (faster debugging)
        #	continue

        if (meas_type == "L"):
            odometry_laser = meas_vals[
                3:6]  # [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame
            ranges = meas_vals[
                6:-1]  # 180 range measurement values from single laser scan

        print("Processing time step " + str(time_idx) + " at time " +
              str(time_stamp) + "s")

        if (first_time_idx):
            u_t0 = odometry_robot
            first_time_idx = False

        X_bar_new = np.zeros((num_particles, 4), dtype=np.float64)
        u_t1 = odometry_robot
        # X_bar.shape[0] (length) decreases from 500 to 499 after time step 1


        x_t0Arr = [[u_t0, u_t1, X_bar[m, 0:3]]
                   for m in range(0, X_bar.shape[0])]
        x_t1Arr =, x_t0Arr)


        if (meas_type == "L"):
            z_t = ranges
            sensInArr = [[z_t, x_t1Arr[m]] for m in range(0, X_bar.shape[0])]
            w_tArr =, sensInArr)
            for m in range(0, X_bar.shape[0]):
                X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1Arr[m], w_tArr[m]))
            for m in range(0, X_bar.shape[0]):
                X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1Arr[m], X_bar[m, 3]))

#		for m in range(0, X_bar.shape[0]):
#			x_t0 = X_bar[m, 0:3]
#			x_t1 = motion_model.update(u_t0, u_t1, x_t0)
#			if (meas_type == "L"):
#				z_t = ranges
#				w_t = sensor_model.beam_range_finder_model(z_t, x_t1)
#				# w_t = 1/num_particles
#				X_bar_new[m,:] = np.hstack((x_t1, w_t))
#			else:
#				X_bar_new[m,:] = np.hstack((x_t1, X_bar[m,3]))
        X_bar = X_bar_new
        u_t0 = u_t1
        X_bar = resampler.low_variance_sampler(X_bar)

        if vis_flag:
            visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx)
    return occ_map

if __name__ == '__main__':

    src_path_map = '../../data/map/wean.dat'
    src_path_log = '../../data/log/robotdata1.log'

    map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map)
    occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map()
    occupancy_map = threshold_map(occupancy_map)


    sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map)
    motion_model = MotionModel()

    num_particles = 1

    # X_bar = np.transpose(np.array([5.75300000e+02,  4.71200000e+02, -4.57011189e-01]))#This is obtained from random particles

    X_bar = np.transpose(np.array([4.4000000e+02, 3.95000000e+02, 3.14011189
                                   ]))  #This is obtained from random particles

    X_bar = np.transpose(np.array([4.4000000e+03, 3.95000000e+03, 0.00]))

    X_bar = X_bar.reshape((3, 1))

    # test = X_bar[0:3,0]
    # rays  = sensor_model.ray_cast_laser_state(np.transpose(np.array([390,304,0])))
    # print(len(rays))
def main():

    src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat'
    src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata1.log'

    map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map)
    occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map()
    logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r')

    motion_model = MotionModel()
    sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map)
    resampler = Resampling()

    num_particles = 1
    #X_bar = np.transpose(np.array([5.75300000e+03,  1.71200000e+03, -4.57011189e-01]))
    X_bar = init_particles_random(num_particles, occupancy_map)
    vis_flag = 1

    first_time_idx = True

    x_est_odom = []
    y_est_odom = []

    for time, line in enumerate(logfile):

        meas_type = line[
            0]  # L : laser scan measurement, O : odometry measurement
        meas_vals = np.fromstring(
            line[2:], dtype=np.float64,
            sep=' ')  # convert measurement values from string to double

        odometry_robot = meas_vals[
            0:3]  # odometry reading [x, y, theta] in odometry frame
        time_stamp = meas_vals[-1]

        if (meas_type == "L"):
            odometry_laser = meas_vals[
                3:6]  # [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame
            ranges = meas_vals[
                6:-1]  # 180 range measurement values from single laser scan

        if (first_time_idx):
            u_t0 = odometry_robot
            first_time_idx = False

        X_bar_new = np.zeros((num_particles, 4), dtype=np.float64)
        u_t1 = odometry_robot
        flag = 0
        for m in range(0, num_particles):
            x_t0 = X_bar[0][0:3]
            x_t1 = motion_model.update(u_t0, u_t1, x_t0)
            print("1---------", x_t1)
            if (meas_type == "L"):
                z_t = ranges
                w_t = sensor_model.beam_range_finder_model(z_t, x_t1)
                # flag=1;
                # break
                # w_t = 1/num_particles
                print("2-----------------", X_bar_new)
                X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, w_t))
                X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, X_bar[m, 3]))

            print("3-------------------", X_bar_new)
            X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, X_bar[m, 3]))
        print("4-------------------------", X_bar_new)
        X_bar = X_bar_new
        print("5--------------------------", X_bar)
        u_t0 = u_t1


    plt.imshow(occupancy_map, cmap='Greys')
    plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
    plt.plot(x_est_odom, y_est_odom)