def __init__(self, hud): self.img = pygame.image.load("Images/Ships/Player.png").convert_alpha() self.rect = self.img.get_rect() self.moving = [False, False, False, False, False] self.ang = math.pi / 2 self.accel = [0.0, 0.0] self.velocity = [0.0, 0.0] self.momentum = [0.0, 0.0] self.pos = [200.0, 200.0] self.timer = pygame.time.get_ticks() self.elapsed = 0 self.bladeRange = [(0,60),(120,220),(300,360)] self.bladeRadius = 24 self.hudRef = hud #Boundry Extra self.boundsExtra = 32 self.killBounds = 64 #Movement self.accelFactor = 0.8 self.momentumFactor = 1 self.turnRate = 45 #Thrusting State self.thrusting = False self.thrustImage = pygame.image.load("Images/Effects/LoFlame.png").convert_alpha() self.thrustRect = self.thrustImage.get_rect() self.thrustImage2 = pygame.image.load("Images/Effects/HiFlame.png").convert_alpha() self.thrustRect2 = self.thrustImage2.get_rect() self.thrust1 = 1 self.boosting = False self.boostBonus = 3 #Killing self.numLives = 3 self.dead = False self.canMakeDeadEffect = True self.currentDeadTime = 0 self.deadTime = 2 self.reformEffect = False self.invincTime = 3 self.currentInvincTime = 31 #Motion Trails self.motionTrail1_angle = math.radians(-146) self.motionTrail1_dist = 28 self.motionTrail1 = MotionTrailGenerator( self.motionTrail1_dist * math.cos( -self.ang + self.motionTrail1_angle ), self.motionTrail1_dist * math.sin( -self.ang + self.motionTrail1_angle ), 1024, 768, 17, 10, 255, 255, 155, 5 ) self.motionTrail2_angle = math.radians(146) self.motionTrail2_dist = 28 self.motionTrail2 = MotionTrailGenerator( self.motionTrail2_dist * math.cos( -self.ang + self.motionTrail1_angle ), self.motionTrail2_dist * math.sin( -self.ang + self.motionTrail1_angle ), 1024, 768, 17, 10, 255, 255, 155, 5 )
class Player(object): def __init__(self, hud): self.img = pygame.image.load("Images/Ships/Player.png").convert_alpha() self.rect = self.img.get_rect() self.moving = [False, False, False, False, False] self.ang = math.pi / 2 self.accel = [0.0, 0.0] self.velocity = [0.0, 0.0] self.momentum = [0.0, 0.0] self.pos = [200.0, 200.0] self.timer = pygame.time.get_ticks() self.elapsed = 0 self.bladeRange = [(0,60),(120,220),(300,360)] self.bladeRadius = 24 self.hudRef = hud #Boundry Extra self.boundsExtra = 32 self.killBounds = 64 #Movement self.accelFactor = 0.8 self.momentumFactor = 1 self.turnRate = 45 #Thrusting State self.thrusting = False self.thrustImage = pygame.image.load("Images/Effects/LoFlame.png").convert_alpha() self.thrustRect = self.thrustImage.get_rect() self.thrustImage2 = pygame.image.load("Images/Effects/HiFlame.png").convert_alpha() self.thrustRect2 = self.thrustImage2.get_rect() self.thrust1 = 1 self.boosting = False self.boostBonus = 3 #Killing self.numLives = 3 self.dead = False self.canMakeDeadEffect = True self.currentDeadTime = 0 self.deadTime = 2 self.reformEffect = False self.invincTime = 3 self.currentInvincTime = 31 #Motion Trails self.motionTrail1_angle = math.radians(-146) self.motionTrail1_dist = 28 self.motionTrail1 = MotionTrailGenerator( self.motionTrail1_dist * math.cos( -self.ang + self.motionTrail1_angle ), self.motionTrail1_dist * math.sin( -self.ang + self.motionTrail1_angle ), 1024, 768, 17, 10, 255, 255, 155, 5 ) self.motionTrail2_angle = math.radians(146) self.motionTrail2_dist = 28 self.motionTrail2 = MotionTrailGenerator( self.motionTrail2_dist * math.cos( -self.ang + self.motionTrail1_angle ), self.motionTrail2_dist * math.sin( -self.ang + self.motionTrail1_angle ), 1024, 768, 17, 10, 255, 255, 155, 5 ) def vec_len(self, vec): return math.sqrt(vec[0] * vec[0] + vec[1] * vec[1]) def move_forward(self): self.accel = [math.cos(-self.ang), math.sin(-self.ang)] def rotate_ccw(self): tempBonus = 1 if not self.boosting: tempBonus = 1.5#1.5 self.ang += math.pi / self.turnRate * tempBonus def rotate_cw(self): tempBonus = 1 if not self.boosting: tempBonus = 1.5 self.ang -= math.pi / self.turnRate * tempBonus def kill(self): if not self.dead: self.dead = True self.currentDeadTime = self.deadTime self.canMakeDeadEffect = True self.currentInvincTime = self.invincTime if ( self.hudRef != None ): self.hudRef.updateDeath(True) def borderHit(self, index, percent=1, deathOk=True): if (self.currentInvincTime > 0): self.velocity[index] *= -1 * percent self.momentum[index] *= -1 * percent else: if ( deathOk ): self.kill() def getPointDistance(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): return math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2)) def getAngleOfLineBetweenTwoPoints(self, p1, p2): xDiff = p2[0] - p1[0] yDiff = p2[1] - p1[1] return math.degrees(math.atan2(yDiff, xDiff)) def checkColl(self, enemy, cam, gameCon): #If in range if ( self.getPointDistance( self.rect.centerx - cam.rect.x, self.rect.centery - cam.rect.y, enemy.rect.centerx - cam.rect.x, enemy.rect.centery - cam.rect.y ) <= (self.bladeRadius + enemy.bladeRadius) and not self.dead): angleToEnemy = self.getAngleOfLineBetweenTwoPoints((self.rect.centerx - cam.rect.x, self.rect.centery - cam.rect.x), (enemy.rect.centerx - cam.rect.x, enemy.rect.centery - cam.rect.x)) angleToEnemy = ((angleToEnemy * -1) + 360) % 360 playerAngleOffset = ((math.degrees(self.ang) % 360) + 360 - 90) % 360 enemyAngleOffset = ((math.degrees(enemy.ang) % 360) + 360 - 90) % 360 #print str(enemyAngleOffset) + ", " + str(playerAngleOffset) + " | " + str(angleToEnemy) #if enemy is in a kill zone enemyInKillZone = False adjustedAngle = (angleToEnemy - playerAngleOffset + 360) % 360 for angleRange in self.bladeRange: if ( adjustedAngle >= angleRange[0] and adjustedAngle <= angleRange[1] ): enemyInKillZone = True #if player in enemy kill zone playerInKillZone = False angleToPlayer = (angleToEnemy + 180) % 360 adjustedAngle2 = (angleToPlayer - enemyAngleOffset + 360) % 360 for angleRange in enemy.bladeRange: if ( adjustedAngle2 >= angleRange[0] and adjustedAngle2 <= angleRange[1]): playerInKillZone = True #Resolve Collision if ( enemyInKillZone and playerInKillZone ): self.borderHit(0, 1, False) self.borderHit(1, 1, False) enemy.borderHit(0, 1, False) enemy.borderHit(1, 1, False) gameCon.shakeScreen(16) elif ( not enemyInKillZone and not playerInKillZone ): self.borderHit(0, 1, False) self.borderHit(1, 1, False) enemy.borderHit(0, 1, False) enemy.borderHit(1, 1, False) gameCon.shakeScreen(16) elif ( enemyInKillZone and not playerInKillZone ): enemy.deathFlag = True enemy.deathAngle = -angleToEnemy gameCon.shakeScreen(32) else: if self.currentInvincTime <= 0: self.kill() else: self.borderHit(0, 0.3) self.borderHit(1, 0.3) enemy.borderHit(0, 0.3) enemy.borderHit(1, 0.3) gameCon.shakeScreen(16) def update(self, cam): self.thrusting = False self.boosting = False self.elapsed = (pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.timer) / 1000.0 self.accel = [0, 0] if not self.dead: if self.moving[0] == True or self.moving[4] == True: self.thrusting = True self.move_forward() if self.moving[4]: self.boosting = True if self.moving[2] == True: self.rotate_ccw() if self.moving[3] == True: self.rotate_cw() #Bounds if (self.currentInvincTime > 0): if ( self.rect.centerx >= cam.bounds.right - self.boundsExtra ): self.borderHit(0) if ( self.rect.centerx <= self.boundsExtra ): self.borderHit(0) if ( self.rect.centery >= cam.bounds.bottom - self.boundsExtra ): self.borderHit(1) if ( self.rect.centery <= self.boundsExtra ): self.borderHit(1) else: if ( self.rect.centerx >= cam.bounds.right - self.killBounds ): self.borderHit(0) if ( self.rect.centerx <= self.killBounds ): self.borderHit(0) if ( self.rect.centery >= cam.bounds.bottom - self.killBounds ): self.borderHit(1) if ( self.rect.centery <= self.killBounds ): self.borderHit(1) #Apply forces self.momentum[0] += self.accel[0] * 0.15 self.momentum[1] += self.accel[1] * 0.15 tempBoostBonus = 1 if ( self.boosting ): tempBoostBonus = self.boostBonus self.velocity[0] = self.momentum[0] * self.momentumFactor * tempBoostBonus + self.accel[0] * self.accelFactor * tempBoostBonus#0.6, 0.4 self.velocity[1] = self.momentum[1] * self.momentumFactor * tempBoostBonus + self.accel[1] * self.accelFactor * tempBoostBonus self.pos[0] += self.velocity[0] self.pos[1] += self.velocity[1] = (self.pos[0], self.pos[1]) self.momentum[0] *= 0.99 self.momentum[1] *= 0.99 #Motion Trails self.motionTrail1.xPos = self.rect.centerx + self.motionTrail1_dist * math.cos( -self.ang + self.motionTrail1_angle ) self.motionTrail1.yPos = self.rect.centery + self.motionTrail1_dist * math.sin( -self.ang + self.motionTrail1_angle ) self.motionTrail2.xPos = self.rect.centerx + self.motionTrail2_dist * math.cos( -self.ang + self.motionTrail2_angle ) self.motionTrail2.yPos = self.rect.centery + self.motionTrail2_dist * math.sin( -self.ang + self.motionTrail2_angle ) self.motionTrail1.update() self.motionTrail2.update() #Invincibile if ( self.currentInvincTime > 0 ): self.currentInvincTime -= self.elapsed else: self.currentDeadTime -= self.elapsed if ( self.currentDeadTime <= 0 ): self.dead = False self.reformEffect = True self.timer = pygame.time.get_ticks() def draw(self, screen, cam): if not self.dead: #Motion Trails if ( self.boosting ): self.motionTrail1.draw( screen, cam.rect.x, cam.rect.y ) self.motionTrail2.draw( screen, cam.rect.x, cam.rect.y ) #Thrust if ( self.thrusting ): thrust_trans = pygame.transform.rotate(self.thrustImage, self.ang * 180 / math.pi - 90) if self.thrust1 <= 0: thrust_trans = pygame.transform.rotate(self.thrustImage2, self.ang * 180 / math.pi - 90) self.thrust1 *= -1 thrust_rect_trans = thrust_trans.get_rect() = (self.pos[0] - cam.rect.x, self.pos[1] - cam.rect.y) screen.blit( thrust_trans, thrust_rect_trans ) img_trans = pygame.transform.rotate(self.img, self.ang * 180 / math.pi - 90) rect_trans = img_trans.get_rect() = (self.pos[0] - cam.rect.x, self.pos[1] - cam.rect.y) screen.blit( img_trans, rect_trans )