文件: Player.py 项目: windpipe/muzero
class DefaultMuZeroPlayer(Player):
    Standard MuZero agent that samples actions from MCTS within its learned model.
    def __init__(self,
                 arg_file: typing.Optional[str] = None,
                 name: str = "") -> None:
        super().__init__(game, arg_file, name, parametric=True)
        if self.player_args is not None:
            # Initialize MuZero by loading its parameter config and constructing the network and search classes.
            self.args = DotDict.from_json(self.player_args)

            self.model = DefaultMuZero(self.game, self.args.net_args,
            self.search_engine = MuZeroMCTS(self.game, self.model,
            self.name = self.args.name

    def set_variables(self, model, search_engine, name: str) -> None:
        """ Assign Neural Network and Search class to an external reference """
        self.model = model
        self.search_engine = search_engine
        self.name = name

    def refresh(self, hard_reset: bool = False) -> None:
        """ Refresh internal state of the Agent along with stored statistics within the MCTS tree """

    def act(self, state: GameState) -> int:
        """ Samples actions using MCTS within the learned RNN/ MDP model. """
        pi, _ = self.search_engine.runMCTS(state, self.history, temp=0)
        return np.argmax(pi).item()
class DefaultMuZeroPlayer(Player):
    def __init__(self,
                 arg_file: typing.Optional[str] = None,
                 name: str = "") -> None:
        super().__init__(game, arg_file, name, parametric=True)
        if self.player_args is not None:
            self.args = DotDict.from_json(self.player_args)

            self.model = DefaultMuZero(self.game, self.args.net_args,
            self.search_engine = MuZeroMCTS(self.game, self.model,
            self.name = self.args.name

    def set_variables(self, model, search_engine, name):
        self.model = model
        self.search_engine = search_engine
        self.name = name

    def refresh(self, hard_reset: bool = False):

    def observe(self, state: GameState) -> None:
        self.history.capture(state, np.array([]), 0, 0)

    def act(self, state: GameState) -> int:
        pi, _ = self.search_engine.runMCTS(state, self.history, temp=0)
        return np.argmax(pi).item()
    def test_tree_search(self) -> None:
        This is a behaviour example of MuZero's MCTS procedure that was worked out analytically.
        Model with fixed prior [3/4 - e, 1/4 + e] where e is a small epsilon term to break ties.
        If action 0 is take reward 0 is given, if action 1 is taken, reward 1 is given.
        The Tree MinMax scaling should adjust to the [0, 1] bounds autonomously.

        The proposed model creates a motif in the tree search of the following action trajectories:
         - (a_0), (a_0, a_0), (a_1,)
        i.e., at some node at first a_0 will be chosen two times, afterwards a_1 will be chosen.
        This pattern reoccurs, however, in the recursive fashion of MCTS.

        Hence, for 4 MCTS simulations (ignoring the root), we get the following path:
         - (0), (0, 0), (1,), (1, 0)
        pi, v = MuMCTS should then return pi = [1/2, 1/2] and v = 1/4
        For 8 MCTS simulations (ignoring the root), we should get:
         - (0), (0, 0), (1,), (1, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 1, 0)
        pi, v = MuMCTS should then return pi = [5/8, 3/8] and v = 2/8 = 1/4
        class DumbModel(GymNet):
            count: int = 0

            def initial_inference(self, observations: np.ndarray) -> typing.Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, float]:
                s, pi, v = super().initial_inference(observations)
                self.count += 1
                return np.ones_like(s) * self.count, np.array([6/8 - 1e-8, 2/8 + 1e-8]), 0

            def recurrent_inference(self, latent_state: np.ndarray, action: int) -> typing.Tuple[float, np.ndarray]:
                r, s, pi, v = super().recurrent_inference(latent_state, action)
                self.count += 1
                return 0, np.ones_like(latent_state) * self.count, np.array([6/8 - 1e-8, 2/8 + 1e-8]), action

        memory_net = self.net
        memory_search = self.mcts

        # Swap class variables
        self.net = DumbModel(self.g, self.config.net_args)
        self.mcts = MuZeroMCTS(self.g, self.net, self.config.args)

        # No discounting and no exploration to ensure deterministic behaviour.
        self.config.args.gamma = 1
        self.config.args.exploration_fraction = 0

        # Experiment 1
        self.config.args.numMCTSSims = 4
        pi_1, v_1 = self.mcts.runMCTS(np.zeros(4), np.ones(2))
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(pi_1, [1/2, 1/2])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(v_1, 1/4)

        # Experiment 2
        self.config.args.numMCTSSims = 8
        pi_2, v_2 = self.mcts.runMCTS(np.zeros(4), np.ones(2))
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(pi_2, [5/8, 3/8])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(v_2, 1/4)

        # Undo class variables swap
        self.net = memory_net
        self.mcts = memory_search
    def test_ill_conditioned_model(self):
        Execute all unit tests of this class using a model with badly conditioned weights.
        i.e., large weight magnitudes or only zeros.

        class DumbModel(HexNet):

            def initial_inference(self, observations: np.ndarray) -> typing.Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, float]:
                s, pi, v = super().initial_inference(observations)
                return np.zeros_like(s), np.random.uniform(size=len(pi)), 0

            def recurrent_inference(self, latent_state: np.ndarray, action: int) -> typing.Tuple[float, np.ndarray]:
                r, s, pi, v = super().recurrent_inference(latent_state, action)
                return 0, np.zeros_like(latent_state), np.random.uniform(size=len(pi)), 0

        memory_net = self.net
        memory_search = self.mcts

        # Swap class variables
        self.net = DumbModel(self.g, self.config.net_args)
        self.mcts = MuZeroMCTS(self.g, self.net, self.config.args)


        # Undo class variables swap
        self.net = memory_net
        self.mcts = memory_search
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     # Setup required for unit tests.
     print("Unit testing CWD:", os.getcwd())
     self.config = DotDict.from_json("../Configurations/ModelConfigs/MuzeroCartpole.json")
     self.g = GymGame('CartPole-v1')
     self.net = GymNet(self.g, self.config.net_args)
     self.mcts = MuZeroMCTS(self.g, self.net, self.config.args)
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     # Setup required for unit tests.
     print("Unit testing CWD:", os.getcwd())
     self.config = DotDict.from_json("../Configurations/ModelConfigs/MuzeroBoard.json")
     self.g = HexGame(self.hex_board_size)
     self.net = HexNet(self.g, self.config.net_args)
     self.mcts = MuZeroMCTS(self.g, self.net, self.config.args)
    def __init__(self,
                 arg_file: typing.Optional[str] = None,
                 name: str = "") -> None:
        super().__init__(game, arg_file, name, parametric=True)
        if self.player_args is not None:
            self.args = DotDict.from_json(self.player_args)

            self.model = DefaultMuZero(self.game, self.args.net_args,
            self.search_engine = MuZeroMCTS(self.game, self.model,
            self.name = self.args.name
文件: Player.py 项目: windpipe/muzero
class BlindMuZeroPlayer(Player):
    MuZero agent that receives observations according to a (sparse) schedule. If no observations are provided, the
    agent must extrapolate future time steps within its learned model.
    def __init__(self,
                 nested_config: typing.Optional[DotDict] = None,
                 name: str = "") -> None:
        super().__init__(game, nested_config.file, name, parametric=True)
        if self.player_args is not None:
            # Initialize MuZero by loading its parameter config and constructing the network and search classes.
            # Additionally assign/ bind internal MDP memory to enable planning strictly within the learned model.
            self.args = DotDict.from_json(self.player_args)

            self.model = BlindMuZero(self.game, self.args.net_args,

            self.search_engine = MuZeroMCTS(self.game, self.model,
            self.name = self.args.name

    def set_variables(self, model, search_engine, name: str) -> None:
        """ Assign Neural Network and Search class to an external reference """
        self.model = model
        self.search_engine = search_engine
        self.name = name

    def refresh(self, hard_reset: bool = False) -> None:
        Refresh internal state of the Agent along with stored statistics within the MCTS tree.
        Additionally refreshes the current state within the MuZero learned MDP to again start from an observation's
        # Reset trajectory within the learned model back to the embedding function.

    def act(self, state: GameState) -> int:
        Sample actions from MCTS. Although the 'state' is provided, MCTS does not start from the embedding of the
        current observation (only when refreshed by the schedule) but starts from the last step within the
        learned model trajectory.
        pi, _ = self.search_engine.runMCTS(state, self.history, temp=0)
        return np.argmax(pi).item()
文件: Player.py 项目: windpipe/muzero
    def __init__(self,
                 arg_file: typing.Optional[str] = None,
                 name: str = "") -> None:
        super().__init__(game, arg_file, name, parametric=True)
        if self.player_args is not None:
            # Initialize MuZero by loading its parameter config and constructing the network and search classes.
            self.args = DotDict.from_json(self.player_args)

            self.model = DefaultMuZero(self.game, self.args.net_args,
            self.search_engine = MuZeroMCTS(self.game, self.model,
            self.name = self.args.name
    def __init__(self,
                 nested_config: typing.Optional[DotDict] = None,
                 name: str = "") -> None:
        super().__init__(game, nested_config.file, name, parametric=True)
        if self.player_args is not None:
            self.args = DotDict.from_json(self.player_args)

            self.model = BlindMuZero(self.game, self.args.net_args,

            self.search_engine = MuZeroMCTS(self.game, self.model,
            self.name = self.args.name
文件: Player.py 项目: windpipe/muzero
    def __init__(self,
                 nested_config: typing.Optional[DotDict] = None,
                 name: str = "") -> None:
        super().__init__(game, nested_config.file, name, parametric=True)
        if self.player_args is not None:
            # Initialize MuZero by loading its parameter config and constructing the network and search classes.
            # Additionally assign/ bind internal MDP memory to enable planning strictly within the learned model.
            self.args = DotDict.from_json(self.player_args)

            self.model = BlindMuZero(self.game, self.args.net_args,

            self.search_engine = MuZeroMCTS(self.game, self.model,
            self.name = self.args.name
class TestHexMuZero(unittest.TestCase):
    Unit testing class to test whether the search engine exhibit well defined behaviour.
    This includes scenarios where either the model or inputs are faulty (empty observations,
    constant predictions, nans/ inf in observations).
    hex_board_size: int = 5

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # Setup required for unit tests.
        print("Unit testing CWD:", os.getcwd())
        self.config = DotDict.from_json("../Configurations/ModelConfigs/MuzeroBoard.json")
        self.g = HexGame(self.hex_board_size)
        self.net = HexNet(self.g, self.config.net_args)
        self.mcts = MuZeroMCTS(self.g, self.net, self.config.args)

    def test_empty_input(self):
        Tests the following scenarios:
         - Assert that observation tensors with only zeros are encoded to finite values (can be zero)
         - Assert that latent state tensors with only zeros are transitioned to finite values (can be zero)
        # Build the environment for an observation.
        s = self.g.getInitialState()
        o_t = self.g.buildObservation(s, player=1, form=self.g.Representation.HEURISTIC)
        h = GameHistory()

        # Build empty observations
        h.capture(o_t, -1, 1, np.array([]), 0, 0)
        stacked = h.stackObservations(self.net.net_args.observation_length, o_t)
        zeros_like = np.zeros_like(stacked)

        # Check if nans are produced
        latent, _, _ = self.net.initial_inference(zeros_like)

        # Exhaustively ensure that all possible dynamics function inputs lead to finite values.
        latent_forwards = [self.net.recurrent_inference(latent, action)[1] for action in range(self.g.getActionSize())]

    def test_search_recursion_error(self):
        The main phenomenon this test attempts to find is:
        Let s be the current latent state, s = [0, 0, 0], along with action a = 1.
        If we fetch the next latent state with (s, a) we do not want to get, s' == s = [0, 0, 0].
        s' is a new state, although it is present in the transition table due to being identical to s.
        if action a = 1 is chosen again by UCB, then this could result in infinite recursion.

        Tests the following scenarios:
         - Assert that MuMCTS does not result in a recursion error when called with the same
           input multiple times without clearing the tree.
         - Assert that MuMCTS does not result in a recursion error when inputs are either zero
           or random.
         - Assert that MuMCTS does not result in a recursion error when only one root action is legal.
        rep = 30  # Repetition factor --> should be high.

        # Build the environment for an observation.
        s = self.g.getInitialState()
        o_t = self.g.buildObservation(s, player=1, form=self.g.Representation.HEURISTIC)
        h = GameHistory()

        # Build empty and random observations tensors
        h.capture(o_t, -1, 1, np.array([]), 0, 0)
        stacked = h.stackObservations(self.net.net_args.observation_length, o_t)
        zeros_like = np.zeros_like(stacked)
        random_like = np.random.rand(*zeros_like.shape)

        # Build root state legal action masks
        legals = np.ones(self.g.getActionSize())
        same = np.zeros_like(legals)
        same[0] = 1  # Can only do one move

        # Execute multiple MCTS runs that will result in recurring tree paths.
        for _ in range(rep):
            self.mcts.runMCTS(zeros_like, legals)  # Empty observations ALL moves at the root

        for _ in range(rep):
            self.mcts.runMCTS(zeros_like, same)  # Empty observations ONE move at the root

        for _ in range(rep):
            self.mcts.runMCTS(random_like, legals)  # Empty observations ALL moves at the root

        for _ in range(rep):
            self.mcts.runMCTS(random_like, same)  # Empty observations ONE move at the root

    def test_search_border_cases_latent_state(self):
        Tests the following scenarios:
        - Assert that observation tensors with only infinities or nans result in finite tensors (zeros).
          Testing this phenomenon ensures that bad input is not propagated for more than one step.
          Note that one forward step using bad inputs can already lead to a recursion error in MuMCTS.
          see test_search_recursion_error
        # Build the environment for an observation.
        s = self.g.getInitialState()
        o_t = self.g.buildObservation(s, player=1, form=self.g.Representation.HEURISTIC)
        h = GameHistory()

        # Build empty observations
        h.capture(o_t, -1, 1, np.array([]), 0, 0)
        stacked = h.stackObservations(self.net.net_args.observation_length, o_t)
        nans_like = np.zeros_like(stacked)
        inf_like = np.zeros_like(stacked)

        nans_like[nans_like == 0] = np.nan
        inf_like[inf_like == 0] = np.inf

        # Check if nans are produced
        nan_latent, _, _ = self.net.initial_inference(nans_like)
        inf_latent, _, _ = self.net.initial_inference(inf_like)


        nan_latent[nan_latent == 0] = np.nan
        inf_latent[inf_latent == 0] = np.inf

        # Exhaustively ensure that all possible dynamics function inputs lead to finite values.
        nan_latent_forwards = [self.net.recurrent_inference(nan_latent, action)[1] for action in range(self.g.getActionSize())]
        inf_latent_forwards = [self.net.recurrent_inference(inf_latent, action)[1] for action in range(self.g.getActionSize())]


    def test_ill_conditioned_model(self):
        Execute all unit tests of this class using a model with badly conditioned weights.
        i.e., large weight magnitudes or only zeros.

        class DumbModel(HexNet):

            def initial_inference(self, observations: np.ndarray) -> typing.Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, float]:
                s, pi, v = super().initial_inference(observations)
                return np.zeros_like(s), np.random.uniform(size=len(pi)), 0

            def recurrent_inference(self, latent_state: np.ndarray, action: int) -> typing.Tuple[float, np.ndarray]:
                r, s, pi, v = super().recurrent_inference(latent_state, action)
                return 0, np.zeros_like(latent_state), np.random.uniform(size=len(pi)), 0

        memory_net = self.net
        memory_search = self.mcts

        # Swap class variables
        self.net = DumbModel(self.g, self.config.net_args)
        self.mcts = MuZeroMCTS(self.g, self.net, self.config.args)


        # Undo class variables swap
        self.net = memory_net
        self.mcts = memory_search

    def test_combined_model(self):
        # The prediction and dynamics model can be combined into one computation graph.
        # This should be faster than calling the implementations separately. This test makes
        # sure that the output is still the same, and also shows the time difference.

        batch = 128
        dim = self.g.getDimensions()

        latent_planes = np.random.uniform(size=(batch, dim[0], dim[1]))
        actions = np.floor(np.random.uniform(size=batch) * dim[0] * dim[1])
        actions = actions.astype(int)

        recurrent_inputs = list(zip(latent_planes, actions))

        # This line is just for warm-up, otherwise the timing is unfair.
        combined_results = [self.net.recurrent_inference(latent, a) for latent, a in recurrent_inputs]

        t0 = time.time()
        combined_results = [self.net.recurrent_inference(latent, a) for latent, a in recurrent_inputs]
        t1 = time.time()
        combined_time = t1 - t0

        dynamics_results = [self.net.forward(latent, a) for latent, a in recurrent_inputs]
        predict_results = [self.net.predict(dyn[1]) for dyn in dynamics_results]

        t0 = time.time()
        dynamics_results = [self.net.forward(latent, a) for latent, a in recurrent_inputs]
        predict_results = [self.net.predict(dyn[1]) for dyn in dynamics_results]
        t1 = time.time()
        separate_time = t1 - t0

        print(f"Combined: {combined_time}. Separate: {separate_time}")

        # unzip results
        combined_results = list(zip(*combined_results))
        dynamics_results = list(zip(*dynamics_results))
        predict_results = list(zip(*predict_results))

        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(combined_results[0], dynamics_results[0])
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(combined_results[1], dynamics_results[1])
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(combined_results[2], predict_results[0])
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(combined_results[3], predict_results[1])