class CtsCapitainsLocalResolver(Resolver):
    """ XML Folder Based resolver. CtsTextMetadata and metadata resolver based on local directories

    :param resource: Resource should be a list of folders retaining data as Capitains Guidelines Repositories
    :type resource: [str]
    :param name: Key used to differentiate Repository and thus enabling different repo to be used
    :type name: str
    :param logger: Logging object
    :type logger: logging

    :cvar TEXT_CLASS: CtsTextMetadata Class [not instantiated] to be used to parse Texts. Can be changed to support Cache for example
    :type TEXT_CLASS: class
    :cvar DEFAULT_PAGE: Default Page to show
    :cvar PER_PAGE: Tuple representing the minimal number of texts returned, the default number and the maximum number of texts returned

    TEXT_CLASS = CapitainsCtsText
    PER_PAGE = (1, 10, 100)  # Min, Default, Mainvex,

    def inventory(self):
        return self.__inventory__

    def texts(self):
        return self.inventory.readableDescendants

    def __init__(self, resource, name=None, logger=None, dispatcher=None):
        """ Initiate the XMLResolver
        if dispatcher is None:
            inventory_collection = CtsTextInventoryCollection(identifier="defaultTic")
            ti = XmlCtsTextInventoryMetadata("default")
            ti.parent = inventory_collection
            ti.set_label("Default collection", "eng")
            self.dispatcher = CollectionDispatcher(inventory_collection)
            self.dispatcher = dispatcher
        self.__inventory__ = self.dispatcher.collection
        self.name = name

        self.logger = logger
        if not logger:
            self.logger = logging.getLogger(name)

        if not name:
            self.name = "repository"

        self.TEXT_CLASS = type(self).TEXT_CLASS
        self.works = []


    def xmlparse(self, file):
        """ Parse a XML file
        :param file: Opened File
        :return: Tree
        return xmlparser(file)

    def parse(self, resource):
        """ Parse a list of directories and reades it into a collection

        :param resource: List of folders
        :return: An inventory resource and a list of CtsTextMetadata metadata-objects
        for folder in resource:
            textgroups = glob("{base_folder}/data/*/__cts__.xml".format(base_folder=folder))
            for __cts__ in textgroups:
                    with io.open(__cts__) as __xml__:
                        textgroup = XmlCtsTextgroupMetadata.parse(
                        tg_urn = str(textgroup.urn)
                    if tg_urn in self.inventory:
                        self.dispatcher.dispatch(textgroup, path=__cts__)

                    for __subcts__ in glob("{parent}/*/__cts__.xml".format(parent=os.path.dirname(__cts__))):
                        with io.open(__subcts__) as __xml__:
                            work = XmlCtsWorkMetadata.parse(
                            work_urn = str(work.urn)
                            if work_urn in self.inventory[tg_urn].works:

                        for __textkey__ in work.texts:
                            __text__ = self.inventory[__textkey__]
                            __text__.path = "{directory}/{textgroup}.{work}.{version}.xml".format(
                            if os.path.isfile(__text__.path):
                                    with io.open(__text__.path) as f:
                                        t = CapitainsCtsText(resource=self.xmlparse(f))
                                        cites = list()
                                        for cite in [c for c in t.citation][::-1]:
                                            if len(cites) >= 1:
                                                    xpath=cite.xpath.replace("'", '"'),
                                                    scope=cite.scope.replace("'", '"'),
                                                    xpath=cite.xpath.replace("'", '"'),
                                                    scope=cite.scope.replace("'", '"'),
                                        del t
                                    __text__.citation = cites[-1]
                                    self.logger.info("%s has been parsed ", __text__.path)
                                    if __text__.citation.isEmpty() is False:
                                        self.logger.error("%s has no passages", __text__.path)
                                except Exception:
                                        "%s does not accept parsing at some level (most probably citation) ",
                                self.logger.error("%s is not present", __text__.path)
                except UndispatchedTextError as E:
                    self.logger.error("Error dispatching %s ", __cts__)
                    if self.RAISE_ON_UNDISPATCHED is True:
                        raise E
                except Exception as E:
                    self.logger.error("Error parsing %s ", __cts__)

        return self.inventory, self.texts

    def __getText__(self, urn):
        """ Returns a CtsTextMetadata object
        :param urn: URN of a text to retrieve
        :type urn: str, URN
        :return: Textual resource and metadata
        :rtype: (CapitainsCtsText, InventoryText)
        if not isinstance(urn, URN):
            urn = URN(urn)
        if len(urn) != 5:
            if len(urn) == 4:
                urn, reference = urn.upTo(URN.WORK), str(urn.reference)
                urn = [
                    for t in self.texts
                    if t.id.startswith(str(urn)) and isinstance(t, XmlCtsEditionMetadata)
                if len(urn) > 0:
                    urn = URN(urn[0])
                    raise UnknownObjectError
                raise InvalidURN

        text = self.inventory[str(urn)]

        if os.path.isfile(text.path):
            with io.open(text.path) as __xml__:
                resource = self.TEXT_CLASS(urn=urn, resource=self.xmlparse(__xml__))
            resource = None
            self.logger.warning('The file {} is mentioned in the metadata but does not exist'.format(text.path))

        return resource, text

    def __getTextMetadata__(self,
                            urn=None, page=None, limit=None,
                            lang=None, category=None, pagination=False
        """ Retrieve a slice of the inventory filtered by given arguments
        :param urn: Partial URN to use to filter out resources
        :type urn: str
        :param page: Page to show
        :type page: int
        :param limit: Item Per Page
        :type limit: int
        :param inventory: Inventory name
        :type inventory: str
        :param lang: Language to filter on
        :type lang: str
        :param category: Type of elements to show
        :type category: str
        :param pagination: Activate pagination
        :type pagination: bool
        :return: ([Matches], Page, Count)
        :rtype: ([CtsTextMetadata], int, int)
        __PART = None
        if urn is not None:
            if isinstance(urn, URN):
                _urn = urn
                _urn = URN(urn)

        matches = [
            for text in self.texts
            (lang is None or (lang is not None and lang == text.lang)) and
            (urn is None or (urn is not None and text.urn.upTo(__PART) == urn)) and
            (text.citation is not None) and
                category not in ["edition", "translation", "commentary"] or
                (category in ["edition", "translation", "commentary"] and category.lower() == text.subtype.lower())
        if pagination:
            start_index, end_index, page, count = type(self).pagination(page, limit, len(matches))
            start_index, end_index, page, count = None, None, 0, len(matches)

        return matches[start_index:end_index], page, count

    def pagination(page, limit, length):
        """ Help for pagination
        :param page: Provided Page
        :param limit: Number of item to show
        :param length: Length of the list to paginate
        :return: (Start Index, End Index, Page Number, Item Count)
        realpage = page
        page = page or CtsCapitainsLocalResolver.DEFAULT_PAGE
        limit = limit or CtsCapitainsLocalResolver.PER_PAGE[1]

        if limit < CtsCapitainsLocalResolver.PER_PAGE[0] or limit > CtsCapitainsLocalResolver.PER_PAGE[2]:
            limit = CtsCapitainsLocalResolver.PER_PAGE[1]

        page = (page - 1) * limit

        if page > length:
            realpage = int(ceil(length / limit))
            page = limit * (realpage - 1)
            count = length - 1
        elif limit - 1 + page < length:
            count = limit - 1 + page
            count = length - 1

        return page, count + 1, realpage, count - page + 1

    def getMetadata(self, objectId=None, **filters):
        """ Request metadata about a text or a collection

        :param objectId: Object Identifier to filter on
        :type objectId: str
        :param filters: Kwargs parameters.
        :type filters: dict
        :return: Collection
        if objectId is None:
            return self.inventory
        elif objectId in self.inventory.children.keys():
            return self.inventory[objectId]
        texts, _, _ = self.__getTextMetadata__(urn=objectId)

        # We store inventory names and if there is only one we recreate the inventory
        inv_names = [text.parent.parent.parent.id for text in texts]
        if len(set(inv_names)) == 1:
            inventory = XmlCtsTextInventoryMetadata(name=inv_names[0])
            inventory = XmlCtsTextInventoryMetadata()
        # For each text we found using the filter
        for text in texts:
            tg_urn = str(text.parent.parent.urn)
            wk_urn = str(text.parent.urn)
            txt_urn = str(text.urn)
            # If we need to generate a textgroup object
            if tg_urn not in inventory.textgroups:
                XmlCtsTextgroupMetadata(urn=tg_urn, parent=inventory)
            # If we need to generate a work object
            if wk_urn not in inventory.textgroups[tg_urn].works:
                XmlCtsWorkMetadata(urn=wk_urn, parent=inventory.textgroups[tg_urn])

            if isinstance(text, XmlCtsEditionMetadata):
                x = XmlCtsEditionMetadata(urn=txt_urn, parent=inventory.textgroups[tg_urn].works[wk_urn])
                x.citation = text.citation
            elif isinstance(text, XmlCtsTranslationMetadata):
                x = XmlCtsTranslationMetadata(urn=txt_urn, parent=inventory.textgroups[tg_urn].works[wk_urn], lang=text.lang)
                x.citation = text.citation
            elif isinstance(text, XmlCtsCommentaryMetadata):
                x = XmlCtsCommentaryMetadata(urn=txt_urn, parent=inventory.textgroups[tg_urn].works[wk_urn], lang=text.lang)
                x.citation = text.citation

        return inventory[objectId]

    def getTextualNode(self, textId, subreference=None, prevnext=False, metadata=False):
        """ Retrieve a text node from the API

        :param textId: CtsTextMetadata Identifier
        :type textId: str
        :param subreference: CapitainsCtsPassage Reference
        :type subreference: str
        :param prevnext: Retrieve graph representing previous and next passage
        :type prevnext: boolean
        :param metadata: Retrieve metadata about the passage and the text
        :type metadata: boolean
        :return: CapitainsCtsPassage
        :rtype: CapitainsCtsPassage
        text, text_metadata = self.__getText__(textId)
        if subreference is not None:
            subreference = Reference(subreference)
        passage = text.getTextualNode(subreference)
        if metadata:
        return passage

    def getSiblings(self, textId, subreference):
        """ Retrieve the siblings of a textual node

        :param textId: CtsTextMetadata Identifier
        :type textId: str
        :param subreference: CapitainsCtsPassage Reference
        :type subreference: str
        :return: Tuple of references
        :rtype: (str, str)
        text, inventory = self.__getText__(textId)
        passage = text.getTextualNode(Reference(subreference))
        return passage.siblingsId

    def getReffs(self, textId, level=1, subreference=None):
        """ Retrieve the siblings of a textual node

        :param textId: CtsTextMetadata Identifier
        :type textId: str
        :param level: Depth for retrieval
        :type level: int
        :param subreference: CapitainsCtsPassage Reference
        :type subreference: str
        :return: List of references
        :rtype: [str]
        passage, inventory = self.__getText__(textId)
        if subreference:
            passage = passage.getTextualNode(subreference)
        return passage.getReffs(level=level, subreference=subreference)
class NautilusCTSResolver(CtsCapitainsLocalResolver):
    """ XML Folder Based resolver.

    :param resource: Resource should be a list of folders retaining data as Capitains Guidelines Repositories
    :type resource: [str]
    :param name: Key used to make cache key
    :param cache: Cache object to be used for the inventory
    :type cache: BaseCache
    :param logger: Logging object
    :type logger: logging.logger

    :ivar inventory_cache_key: Werkzeug Cache key to get or set cache for the TextInventory
    :ivar texts_cache_key:  Werkzeug Cache key to get or set cache for lists of metadata texts objects
    :ivar texts_parsed:  Werkzeug Cache key to get or set cache for lists of parsed texts objects
    :ivar texts: List of Text Metadata objects
    :ivar source: Original resource parameter

    .. warning :: This resolver does not support inventories
    TIMEOUT = 0
    NautilusCTSResolver = False
    CACHE_FULL_TEI = False

    def __init__(self, resource, name=None, logger=None, cache=None, dispatcher=None):
        """ Initiate the XMLResolver

        if dispatcher is None:
            inventory_collection = TextInventoryCollection(identifier="defaultTic")
            ti = TextInventory("default")
            ti.parent = inventory_collection
            ti.set_label("Default collection", "eng")
            self.dispatcher = CollectionDispatcher(inventory_collection)
            self.dispatcher = dispatcher

        self.__inventory__ = None
        self.__texts__ = []
        self.name = name

        self.logger = logger
        if not logger:
            self.logger = logging.getLogger(name)

        if not name:
            self.name = "repository"

        if cache is None:
            cache = NullCache()

        self.__cache__ = cache
        self.__resources__ = resource

        self.inventory_cache_key = _cache_key("Nautilus", self.name, "Inventory", "Resources")
        self.texts_parsed_cache_key = _cache_key("Nautilus", self.name, "Inventory", "TextsParsed")

    def cache(self):
        return self.__cache__

    def inventory(self):
        if self.__inventory__ is None or len(self.__inventory__.readableDescendants) == 0:
            self.__inventory__ = self.get_or(self.inventory_cache_key, self.parse, self.__resources__)
        return self.__inventory__

    def inventory(self, value):
        self.__inventory__ = value
        self.cache.set(self.inventory_cache_key, value, self.TIMEOUT)

    def texts(self):
        """ List of text known

        :rtype: list
        return self.inventory.readableDescendants

    def xmlparse(self, file):
        """ Parse a XML file

        :param file: Opened File
        :return: Tree
        if self.CACHE_FULL_TEI is True:
            return self.get_or(
                _cache_key("Nautilus", self.name, "File", "Tree", file.name),
                super(NautilusCTSResolver, self).xmlparse, file
        return super(NautilusCTSResolver, self).xmlparse(file)

    def get_or(self, cache_key, callback, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Get or set the cache using callback and arguments

        :param cache_key: Cache key for given resource
        :param callback: Callback if object does not exist
        :param args: Ordered Argument for the callback
        :param kwargs: Keyword argument for the callback
        :return: Output of the callback
        cached = self.cache.get(cache_key)
        if cached is not None:
            return cached
                output = callback(*args, **kwargs)
            except MyCapytain.errors.UnknownCollection as E:
                raise UnknownCollection(str(E))
            except Exception as E:
                raise E
            self.cache.set(cache_key, output, self.TIMEOUT)
            return output

    def read(self, identifier, path=None):
        """ Read a text object given an identifier and a path

        :param identifier: Identifier of the text
        :param path: Path of the text files
        :return: Text
        if self.CACHE_FULL_TEI is True:
            o = self.cache.get(_cache_key(self.texts_parsed_cache_key, identifier))
            if o is not None:
                return o
                with open(path) as f:
                    o = Text(urn=identifier, resource=self.xmlparse(f))
                    self.cache.set(_cache_key(self.texts_parsed_cache_key, identifier), o)
            with open(path) as f:
                o = Text(urn=identifier, resource=self.xmlparse(f))
        return o

    def parse(self, resource=None):
        """ Parse a list of directories ans
        :param resource: List of folders
        :param ret: Return a specific item ("inventory" or "texts")
        if resource is None:
            resource = self.__resources__
        removing = []
        for folder in resource:
            textgroups = glob("{base_folder}/data/*/__cts__.xml".format(base_folder=folder))
            for __cts__ in textgroups:
                    with open(__cts__) as __xml__:
                        textgroup = TextGroup.parse(
                        tg_urn = str(textgroup.urn)
                    if tg_urn in self.dispatcher.collection:
                        self.dispatcher.dispatch(textgroup, path=__cts__)

                    for __subcts__ in glob("{parent}/*/__cts__.xml".format(parent=os.path.dirname(__cts__))):
                        with open(__subcts__) as __xml__:
                            work = Work.parse(
                            work_urn = str(work.urn)
                            if work_urn in self.dispatcher.collection[tg_urn].works:

                        for __textkey__ in work.texts:
                            __text__ = self.dispatcher.collection[__textkey__]
                            __text__.path = "{directory}/{textgroup}.{work}.{version}.xml".format(
                            if os.path.isfile(__text__.path):
                                    t = self.read(__textkey__, __text__.path)
                                    cites = list()
                                    for cite in [c for c in t.citation][::-1]:
                                        if len(cites) >= 1:
                                                xpath=cite.xpath.replace("'", '"'),
                                                scope=cite.scope.replace("'", '"'),
                                                xpath=cite.xpath.replace("'", '"'),
                                                scope=cite.scope.replace("'", '"'),
                                    del t
                                    __text__.citation = cites[-1]
                                    self.logger.info("%s has been parsed ", __text__.path)
                                    if __text__.citation.isEmpty() is True:
                                        self.logger.error("%s has no passages", __text__.path)
                                except Exception as E:
                                        "%s does not accept parsing at some level (most probably citation) ",
                                self.logger.error("%s is not present", __text__.path)
                except MyCapytain.errors.UndispatchedTextError as E:
                    self.logger.error("Error dispatching %s ", __cts__)
                    if self.RAISE_ON_UNDISPATCHED is True:
                        raise UndispatchedTextError(E)
                except Exception as E:
                    self.logger.error("Error parsing %s ", __cts__)

        for removable in removing:
            del self.dispatcher.collection[removable]

        removing = []

        if self.REMOVE_EMPTY is True:
            # Find resource with no readable descendants
            for item in self.dispatcher.collection.descendants:
                if item.readable != True and len(item.readableDescendants) == 0:

            # Remove them only if they have not been removed before
            for removable in removing:
                if removable in self.dispatcher.collection:
                    del self.dispatcher.collection[removable]

        self.inventory = self.dispatcher.collection
        return self.inventory

    def __getText__(self, urn):
        """ Returns a PrototypeText object
        :param urn: URN of a text to retrieve
        :type urn: str, URN
        :return: Textual resource and metadata
        :rtype: (Text, InventoryText)
        if not isinstance(urn, URN):
            urn = URN(urn)
        if len(urn) != 5:
            if len(urn) == 4:
                urn, reference = urn.upTo(URN.WORK), str(urn.reference)
                urn = [
                    for t in self.texts
                    if t.id.startswith(str(urn)) and isinstance(t, Edition)
                if len(urn) > 0:
                    urn = URN(urn[0])
                    raise UnknownCollection
                raise InvalidURN

            text = self.inventory[str(urn)]
        except MyCapytain.errors.UnknownCollection as E:
            raise UnknownCollection(str(E))
        except Exception as E:
            raise E

        if os.path.isfile(text.path):
            resource = self.read(identifier=urn, path=text.path)
            resource = None
            raise UnknownCollection("File matching %s does not exist" % text.path)

        return resource, text

    def getMetadata(self, objectId=None, **filters):
        """ Request metadata about a text or a collection

        :param objectId: Object Identifier to filter on
        :type objectId: str
        :param filters: Kwargs parameters.
        :type filters: dict
        :return: Collection
        return self.get_or(
            _cache_key("Nautilus", self.name, "GetMetadata", objectId),
            super(NautilusCTSResolver, self).getMetadata, objectId

    def getReffs(self, textId, level=1, subreference=None):
        """ Retrieve the siblings of a textual node

        :param textId: PrototypeText Identifier
        :type textId: str
        :param level: Depth for retrieval
        :type level: int
        :param subreference: Passage Reference
        :type subreference: str
        :return: List of references
        :rtype: [str]
        return self.get_or(
            self.__cache_key_reffs__(textId, level, subreference),
            super(NautilusCTSResolver, self).getReffs, textId, level, subreference

    def __cache_key_reffs__(self, textId, level, subreference):
        return _cache_key("Nautilus", self.name, "getReffs", textId, level, subreference)

    def getTextualNode(self, textId, subreference=None, prevnext=False, metadata=False):
        """ Retrieve a text node from the API

        :param textId: PrototypeText Identifier
        :type textId: str
        :param subreference: Passage Reference
        :type subreference: str
        :param prevnext: Retrieve graph representing previous and next passage
        :type prevnext: boolean
        :param metadata: Retrieve metadata about the passage and the text
        :type metadata: boolean
        :return: Passage
        :rtype: Passage
        key = _cache_key("Nautilus", self.name, "Passage", textId, subreference)
        o = self.cache.get(key)
        if o is not None:
            return o
        text, text_metadata = self.__getText__(textId)
        if subreference is not None:
            subreference = Reference(subreference)

        passage = text.getTextualNode(subreference)
        self.cache.set(key, passage)
        return passage

    def getSiblings(self, textId, subreference):
        """ Retrieve the siblings of a textual node

        :param textId: PrototypeText Identifier
        :type textId: str
        :param subreference: Passage Reference
        :type subreference: str
        :return: Tuple of references
        :rtype: (str, str)
        key = _cache_key("Nautilus", self.name, "Siblings", textId, subreference)
        o = self.cache.get(key)
        if o is not None:
            return o
        passage = self.getTextualNode(textId, subreference, prevnext=True)
        siblings = passage.siblingsId
        self.cache.set(key, siblings)
        return siblings