def cancel_the_reservation(reservation: Reservation, user_cancelling_reservation: User, reason: Optional[str]):
	response = check_policy_to_cancel_reservation(reservation, user_cancelling_reservation)
	# Staff must provide a reason when cancelling a reservation they do not own.
	if reservation.user != user_cancelling_reservation and not reason:
		response = HttpResponseBadRequest("You must provide a reason when cancelling someone else's reservation.")

	if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
		# All policy checks passed, so cancel the reservation.
		reservation.cancelled = True
		reservation.cancellation_time = timezone.now()
		reservation.cancelled_by = user_cancelling_reservation

		if reason:
			''' don't notify in this case since we are sending a specific email for the cancellation '''
			dictionary = {
				'staff_member': user_cancelling_reservation,
				'reservation': reservation,
				'reason': reason,
				'template_color': bootstrap_primary_color('info')
			email_contents = get_media_file_contents('cancellation_email.html')
			if email_contents:
				cancellation_email = Template(email_contents).render(Context(dictionary))
				if getattr(reservation.user.preferences, 'attach_cancelled_reservation', False):
					attachment = create_ics_for_reservation(reservation, cancelled=True)
					reservation.user.email_user('Your reservation was cancelled', cancellation_email, user_cancelling_reservation.email, [attachment])
					reservation.user.email_user('Your reservation was cancelled', cancellation_email, user_cancelling_reservation.email)

			''' here the user cancelled his own reservation so notify him '''

	return response
def modify_reservation(request, start_delta, end_delta):
	Cancel the user's old reservation and create a new one. Reservations are cancelled and recreated so that
	reservation abuse can be tracked if necessary. This function should be called by other views and should
	not be tied directly to a URL.
		reservation_to_cancel = Reservation.objects.get(pk=request.POST.get('id'))
	except Reservation.DoesNotExist:
		return HttpResponseNotFound("The reservation that you wish to modify doesn't exist!")
	explicit_policy_override = False
		explicit_policy_override = request.POST['explicit_policy_override'] == 'true'
	response = check_policy_to_cancel_reservation(reservation_to_cancel, request.user)
	# Do not move the reservation if the user was not authorized to cancel it.
	if response.status_code != HTTPStatus.OK:
		return response
	# Record the current time so that the timestamp of the cancelled reservation and the new reservation match exactly.
	now = timezone.now()
	# Cancel the user's original reservation.
	reservation_to_cancel.cancelled = True
	reservation_to_cancel.cancellation_time = now
	reservation_to_cancel.cancelled_by = request.user
	# Create a new reservation for the user.
	new_reservation = Reservation()
	new_reservation.title = reservation_to_cancel.title
	new_reservation.creator = request.user
	new_reservation.additional_information = reservation_to_cancel.additional_information
	# A change in start time will only be provided if the reservation is being moved.
	new_reservation.start = reservation_to_cancel.start
	new_reservation.self_configuration = reservation_to_cancel.self_configuration
	new_reservation.short_notice = False
	if start_delta:
		new_reservation.start += start_delta
	if new_reservation.self_configuration:
		# Reservation can't be short notice since the user is configuring the tool themselves.
		new_reservation.short_notice = False
	elif new_reservation.tool:
		new_reservation.short_notice = determine_insufficient_notice(reservation_to_cancel.tool, new_reservation.start)
	# A change in end time will always be provided for reservation move and resize operations.
	new_reservation.end = reservation_to_cancel.end + end_delta
	new_reservation.reservation_item = reservation_to_cancel.reservation_item
	new_reservation.project = reservation_to_cancel.project
	new_reservation.user = reservation_to_cancel.user
	new_reservation.creation_time = now
	policy_problems, overridable = check_policy_to_save_reservation(cancelled_reservation=reservation_to_cancel, new_reservation=new_reservation, user_creating_reservation=request.user, explicit_policy_override=explicit_policy_override)
	if policy_problems:
		reservation_action = "resize" if start_delta is None else "move"
		return render(request, 'calendar/policy_dialog.html', {'policy_problems': policy_problems, 'overridable': overridable and request.user.is_staff, 'reservation_action': reservation_action})
		# All policy checks passed, so save the reservation.
		reservation_to_cancel.descendant = new_reservation
	return reservation_success(request, new_reservation)
def cancel_reservation(request, reservation_id):
    """ Cancel a reservation for a user. """
    reservation = get_object_or_404(Reservation, id=reservation_id)
    response = check_policy_to_cancel_reservation(reservation, request.user)
    # Staff must provide a reason when cancelling a reservation they do not own.
    reason = parse_parameter_string(request.POST, 'reason')
    if reservation.user != request.user and not reason:
        response = HttpResponseBadRequest(
            "You must provide a reason when cancelling someone else's reservation."

    if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
        # All policy checks passed, so cancel the reservation.
        reservation.cancelled = True
        reservation.cancellation_time = timezone.now()
        reservation.cancelled_by = request.user

        if reason:
            dictionary = {
                'staff_member': request.user,
                'reservation': reservation,
                'reason': reason,
                'template_color': bootstrap_primary_color('info')
            email_contents = get_media_file_contents('cancellation_email.html')
            if email_contents:
                cancellation_email = Template(email_contents).render(
                reservation.user.email_user('Your reservation was cancelled',

    if request.device == 'desktop':
        return response
    if request.device == 'mobile':
        if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
            return render(request, 'mobile/cancellation_result.html', {
                'event_type': 'Reservation',
                'tool': reservation.tool
            return render(request, 'mobile/error.html',
                          {'message': response.content})