def Search(item): d = timeout(set_filehash, args=(item["file_original_path"], item["rar"]), timeout_duration=15) md5hash = d.hexdigest() t = f(md5hash) filename = '.'.join(os.path.basename(item["file_original_path"]).split(".")[:-1]) helper = NapiProjektHelper(filename, md5hash) results =, t) for result in results: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=xbmc.convertLanguage(result["language"], xbmc.ENGLISH_NAME), # language name for the found subtitle label2=filename, # file name for the found subtitle iconImage="5", # rating for the subtitle, string 0-5 thumbnailImage=xbmc.convertLanguage(result["language"], xbmc.ISO_639_1) # language flag, ISO_639_1 language + gif extention, e.g - "en.gif" ) listitem.setProperty("sync", '{0}'.format("true").lower()) # set to "true" if subtitle is matched by hash, # indicates that sub is 100 Comaptible listitem.setProperty("hearing_imp", '{0}'.format("false").lower()) # set to "true" if subtitle is for hearing impared ## below arguments are optional, it can be used to pass any info needed in download function ## anything after "action=download&" will be sent to addon once user clicks listed subtitle to download url = "plugin://%s/?action=download&l=%s&f=%s&filename=%s" % ( __scriptid__, result["language"], md5hash, filename) ## add it to list, this can be done as many times as needed for all subtitles found xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=False)
def Download(language, hash, filename): subtitle_list = [] ## Cleanup temp dir, we recomend you download/unzip your subs in temp folder and ## pass that to XBMC to copy and activate if xbmcvfs.exists(__temp__): shutil.rmtree(__temp__) xbmcvfs.mkdirs(__temp__) filename = os.path.join(__temp__, filename + ".zip") napiHelper = NapiProjektHelper(filename, hash) filename = subtitle_list.append(filename) # this can be url, local path or network path. return subtitle_list