 def copy_object(self, ref, target_ws_id, target_ws_name, target_name, src_info):
     # There should be some logic related to DataPalettes
     if (not target_ws_id) and (not target_ws_name):
         raise ValueError("Neither target workspace ID nor name is defined")
     if not src_info:
         src_info_tuple = self.ws.get_object_info_new({'objects': [{'ref': ref}],
                                                       'includeMetadata': 0})[0]
         src_info = ServiceUtils.objectInfoToObject(src_info_tuple)
     type_name = src_info['typeModule'] + '.' + src_info['typeName']
     type_config = self.DATA_PALETTES_TYPES.get(type_name)
     if type_config is not None:
         # Copy with DataPaletteService
         if target_name:
             raise ValueError("'target_name' cannot be defined for DataPalette copy")
         target_ws_name_or_id = self._get_workspace_name_or_id(target_ws_id, target_ws_name)
         self.dps_cache.call_method("add_to_palette", [{'workspace': target_ws_name_or_id,
                                                        'new_refs': [{'ref': ref}]}],
         return {'info': src_info}
         if not target_name:
             target_name = src_info['name']
         obj_info_tuple = self.ws.copy_object({'from': {'ref': ref},
                                               'to': {'wsid': target_ws_id,
                                                      'workspace': target_ws_name,
                                                      'name': target_name}})
         obj_info = ServiceUtils.objectInfoToObject(obj_info_tuple)
         return {'info': obj_info}
    def _completeNewNarrative(self, workspaceId, objectId, importData, is_temporary, title, num_cells):
        'Completes' the new narrative by updating workspace metadata with the required fields and
        copying in data from the importData list of references.
        new_meta = {
            'narrative': str(objectId),
            'is_temporary': is_temporary,
            'searchtags': 'narrative',
            'cell_count': str(num_cells)
        if is_temporary == 'false' and title is not None:
            new_meta['narrative_nice_name'] = title

        self.ws.alter_workspace_metadata({'wsi': {'id': workspaceId},
                                          'new': new_meta})
        # copy_to_narrative:
        if importData:
            objectsToCopy = [{'ref': x} for x in importData]
            infoList = self.ws.get_object_info_new({'objects': objectsToCopy, 'includeMetadata': 0})
            for item in infoList:
                objectInfo = ServiceUtils.objectInfoToObject(item)
                self.copy_object(objectInfo['ref'], workspaceId, None, None, objectInfo)

        return self.ws.get_workspace_info({'id': workspaceId})
    def _create_temp_narrative(self, cells, parameters, importData, includeIntroCell, title):
        # Migration to python of JavaScript class from https://github.com/kbase/kbase-ui/blob/4d31151d13de0278765a69b2b09f3bcf0e832409/src/client/modules/plugins/narrativemanager/modules/narrativeManager.js#L414
        narr_id = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
        workspaceName = self.user_id + ':narrative_' + str(narr_id)
        narrativeName = "Narrative." + str(narr_id)

        ws = self.ws
        ws_info = ws.create_workspace({'workspace': workspaceName, 'description': ''})
        [narrativeObject, metadataExternal] = self._fetchNarrativeObjects(
            workspaceName, cells, parameters, includeIntroCell, title
        is_temporary = 'true'
        if title is not None and title != 'Untitled':
            is_temporary = 'false'

        metadataExternal['is_temporary'] = is_temporary
        objectInfo = ws.save_objects({'workspace': workspaceName,
                                      'objects': [{'type': 'KBaseNarrative.Narrative',
                                                   'data': narrativeObject,
                                                   'name': narrativeName,
                                                   'meta': metadataExternal,
                                                   'provenance': [{'script': 'NarrativeManager.py',
                                                                   'description': 'Created new ' +
                                                                   'Workspace/Narrative bundle.'}],
                                                   'hidden': 0}]})[0]
        objectInfo = ServiceUtils.objectInfoToObject(objectInfo)
        ws_info = self._completeNewNarrative(ws_info[0], objectInfo['id'],
                                             importData, is_temporary, title,
        return {
            'workspaceInfo': ServiceUtils.workspaceInfoToObject(ws_info),
            'narrativeInfo': objectInfo
    def find_report_from_object(self, upa):
        # 1. make sure upa's real.

        # first, fetch object references (without data)
        ref_list = self.ws_client.list_referencing_objects([{"ref": upa}])[0]
        # scan it for a report.
        # if we find at least one, return them
        # if we find 0, test if it's a copy, and search upstream.
        if len(ref_list):
            report_upas = list()
            for ref_info in ref_list:
                if "KBaseReport.Report" in ref_info[2]:
            if len(report_upas):
                return self.build_output(upa, report_upas)
                return self.find_report_from_copy_source(upa)
            return self.find_report_from_copy_source(upa)
 def _completeNewNarrative(self, workspaceId, objectId, importData):
         'wsi': {
             'id': workspaceId
         'new': {
             'narrative': str(objectId),
             'is_temporary': 'true'
     # copy_to_narrative:
     if not importData:
     objectsToCopy = [{'ref': x} for x in importData]
     infoList = self.ws.get_object_info_new({
         'objects': objectsToCopy,
         'includeMetadata': 0
     for item in infoList:
         objectInfo = ServiceUtils.objectInfoToObject(item)
         self.copy_object(objectInfo['ref'], workspaceId, None, None,