def runTest(self): a = plotting.get_display(True) assert a != None a = plotting.get_display(False) assert a == None a = plotting.get_display(1234) assert a == 1234
def my_image_firing_rate_slide_window(self, bin=100, id_list=[], step=1, stop=None, display=True, kwargs={}): ''' Function that create an image with bin size sliding window firing rate as calculated at step intervals. kwargs - dictionary contening extra parameters that will be sent to the plot function Arguments: bin Bin size of sliding window display If True, a new figure is created. Could also be a subplot id_list List of ids to calculate firing rate for step Step size for moving sliding window (ms) stop End of spike train kwargs Additional plot arguments ''' ax = get_display(display) if not any(id_list): id_list = self.ids t, r, spk = self.my_firing_rate_sliding_window(bin, display, id_list, step, stop, kwargs) kwargs.update( { 'origin' : 'lower', } ) image = ax.imshow(r, extent=[t[0],t[-1],self.ids[0],self.ids[-1]], **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel('Time (ms)') ax.set_ylabel('Neuron #') ax.set_aspect(aspect='auto') return image
def show_results(result): """ visualizes the result of the parameter search. Parameters: result - list of result dictionaries. """ import numpy t_smooth = 100. # ms. integration time to show fiber activity snrs = numpy.sort([r['snr'] for r in result]) neuron_rates = numpy.zeros(len(snr)) for snr_i in range(len(snrs)): neuron_rates[r_i] = [ r['neuron_rate'] for r in result if (r['source_rate'] == snrs[snr_i]) ][0] import NeuroTools.plotting as plotting pylab = plotting.get_display(True) pylab.rcParams.update(plotting.pylab_params()) print rates, neuron_rates subplot = pylab.imshow(neuron_rates, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plotting.set_labels(subplot.get_axes(), xlabel='rate', ylabel='weight') pylab.colorbar() # could add fancy xticks and yticks here import tempfile, os (fd, figfilename) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='parameter_search_result', suffix='.png', dir=os.getcwd()) pylab.gcf().savefig(figfilename)
def plot_spike_histogram(self, bin=10, display=True, id_list=[], n_rep=1, normalized=True, kwargs={}): ''' Plot an mean spike histogram for for all ids generated by spike_histogram_n_rep Arguments: bin - the time bin used to gather the data display - If True, a new figure is created. Could also be a subplot id_list - list with ids to use for creation of histogram n_rep - Number of experimental repetitions with same stimulation. E.g. if n_runs=3 then it is assumed that three experimental runs is recorded and the data will be sliced up into three time intervals. normalized - if True, the histogram are in Hz (spikes/second), otherwise they are in spikes/bin ''' ax = get_display(display) timeAxis, histograms = self.spike_histogram_n_rep( bin, id_list, n_rep, normalized), height=data, width=0.8, bottom=None, hold=None, **kwargs)
def show_results(result): """ visualizes the result of the parameter search. Parameters: result - list of result dictionaries. """ import numpy rates = numpy.sort([r['source_rate'] for r in result]) weights = numpy.sort([r['weight'] for r in result]) neuron_rates = numpy.zeros((len(rates), len(weights))) for r_i in range(len(rates)): for w_i in range(len(weights)): neuron_rates[r_i, w_i] = [r['neuron_rate'] for r in result if (r['source_rate'] == rates[r_i]) and (r['weight'] == weights[w_i])][0] import NeuroTools.plotting as plotting pylab = plotting.get_display(True) pylab.rcParams.update(plotting.pylab_params()) subplot = pylab.imshow(neuron_rates, interpolation = 'nearest', origin = 'lower') plotting.set_labels(subplot.get_axes(), xlabel = 'rate', ylabel = 'weight') pylab.colorbar() # could add fancy xticks and yticks here import tempfile, os (fd, figfilename) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix = 'parameter_search_result', suffix = '.png', dir = os.getcwd()) pylab.gcf().savefig(figfilename)
def plot(self, id_list=None, v_thresh=None, display=True, kwargs={}): """ Plot all cells in the AnalogSignalList defined by id_list Inputs: id_list - can be a integer (and then N cells are randomly selected) or a list of ids. If None, we use all the ids of the SpikeList display - if True, a new figure is created. Could also be a subplot kwargs - dictionary contening extra parameters that will be sent to the plot function Examples: >> z = subplot(221) >> aslist.plot(5, display=z, kwargs={'color':'r'}) """ subplot = get_display(display) id_list = self._AnalogSignalList__sub_id_list(id_list) time_axis = self.time_axis() if not subplot or not HAVE_PYLAB: print(PYLAB_ERROR) else: xlabel = "Time (ms)" ylabel = "Conductance (nS)" set_labels(subplot, xlabel, ylabel) for id in id_list: subplot.plot(time_axis, self.analog_signals[id].signal, **kwargs) subplot.hold(1) pylab.draw()
def plot(self, id_list=None, v_thresh=None, display=True, kwargs={}): """ Plot all cells in the AnalogSignalList defined by id_list Inputs: id_list - can be a integer (and then N cells are randomly selected) or a list of ids. If None, we use all the ids of the SpikeList display - if True, a new figure is created. Could also be a subplot kwargs - dictionary contening extra parameters that will be sent to the plot function Examples: >> z = subplot(221) >> aslist.plot(5, display=z, kwargs={'color':'r'}) """ subplot = get_display(display) id_list = self._AnalogSignalList__sub_id_list(id_list) time_axis = self.time_axis() if not subplot or not HAVE_PYLAB: print PYLAB_ERROR else: xlabel = "Time (ms)" ylabel = "Conductance (nS)" set_labels(subplot, xlabel, ylabel) for id in id_list: subplot.plot(time_axis, self.analog_signals[id].signal, **kwargs) subplot.hold(1) pylab.draw()
def firing_rate(self, bin=200, display=True, id_list=[], n_rep=1, kwargs={}): ''' Plot all the instantaneous firing rates along time (in Hz) over all ids in id_list from histogram generated by spike_histogram_n_rept. Inputs: bin - the time bin used to gather the data display - If True, a new figure is created. Could also be a subplot id_list - list with ids to use for creation of histogram n_rep - Number of experimental repetitions with same stimulation. E.g. if n_runs=3 then it is assumed that three experimental runs is recorded and the data will be sliced up into three time intervals. kwargs - dictionary contening extra parameters that will be sent to the plot function ''' ax = get_display(display) timeAxis, histograms = self.spike_histogram_n_rep( bin, id_list, n_rep, True) firingRates = numpy.mean(histograms, axis=0) ax.plot(timeAxis, firingRates, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel('Time (ms)') ax.set_ylabel('Frequency (spike/s)')
def raster_plot_cluster(self, id_list=[], t_start=None, t_stop=None, display=True, clusters=[], kwargs={}): """ (functional?) Generate a raster plot for the SpikeList in a subwindow of interest, defined by id_list, t_start and t_stop. Inputs: id_list - can be a integer (and then N cells are randomly selected) or a list of ids. If None, we use all the ids of the SpikeList t_start - in ms. If not defined, the one of the SpikeList object is used t_stop - in ms. If not defined, the one of the SpikeList object is used display - if True, a new figure is created. Could also be a subplot clusters - vector containing code for cluster belonging of each spike train opatain from clustering analysis. Plotted accordingly. kwargs - dictionary contening extra parameters that will be sent to the plot function Examples: >> z = subplot(221) >> spikelist.raster_plot(display=z, kwargs={'color':'r'}) See also SpikeTrain.raster_plot """ ax = get_display(display) spk = self.list if t_start is None: t_start = spk.t_start if t_stop is None: t_stop = spk.t_stop ids, spike_times = spk.convert(format="[ids, times]") idx = numpy.where((spike_times >= t_start) & (spike_times <= t_stop))[0] sorted_index = numpy.argsort( clusters) # Sort spike trains accoringly to clusters for i, id in enumerate(self.ids): ids[ids == id] = -self.ids[sorted_index[i]] ids = abs(ids) if len(spike_times) > 0: ax.plot(spike_times, ids, ',', **kwargs) xlabel = "Time (ms)" ylabel = "Neuron #" set_labels(ax, xlabel, ylabel) min_id = numpy.min(spk.id_list()) max_id = numpy.max(spk.id_list()) length = t_stop - t_start set_axis_limits(ax, t_start - 0.05 * length, t_stop + 0.05 * length, min_id - 2, max_id + 2) pylab.draw()
def my_raster_plot(self, id_list=None, t_start=None, t_stop=None, display=True, kwargs={}, reduce=1, id_start=0): """ Generate a raster plot for the SpikeList in a subwindow of interest, defined by id_list, t_start and t_stop. Inputs: id_list - can be a integer (and then N cells are randomly selected) or a list of ids. If None, we use all the ids of the SpikeList t_start - in ms. If not defined, the one of the SpikeList object is used t_stop - in ms. If not defined, the one of the SpikeList object is used kwargs - dictionary contening extra parameters that will be sent to the plot function Examples: >> z = subplot(221) >> spikelist.raster_plot(display=z, kwargs={'color':'r'}) See also SpikeTrain.raster_plot """ subplot = get_display(display) if id_list == None: id_list = self.id_list spk = self else: spk = self.id_slice(id_list) if t_start is None: t_start = spk.t_start if t_stop is None: t_stop = spk.t_stop if t_start != spk.t_start or t_stop != spk.t_stop: spk = spk.time_slice(t_start, t_stop) ids, spike_times = spk.convert(format="[ids, times]") idx = numpy.where((spike_times >= t_start) & (spike_times <= t_stop))[0] new_id_list=numpy.arange(len(id_list))+id_start ids_map = dict(zip(id_list, new_id_list)) new_ids=[ids_map[id] for id in ids] if len(spike_times) > 0: subplot.plot(spike_times[::reduce], new_ids[::reduce], ',', **kwargs) xlabel = "Time (ms)" ylabel = "Neuron #" set_labels(subplot, xlabel, ylabel) min_id = numpy.min(new_id_list) max_id = numpy.max(new_id_list) length = t_stop - t_start set_axis_limits(subplot, t_start-0.05*length, t_stop+0.05*length, min_id-2, max_id+2) pylab.draw()
def image_spike_histogram(sself, bin=10, display=True, id_list=[], n_rep=1, normalized=True, kwargs={}): ''' Plot an image of all the spike_histograms generated by spike_histogram_n_rep Arguments: bin - the time bin used to gather the data display - If True, a new figure is created. Could also be a subplot id_list - list with ids to use for creation of histogram n_rep - Number of experimental repetitions with same stimulation. E.g. if n_runs=3 then it is assumed that three experimental runs is recorded and the data will be sliced up into three time intervals. normalized - if True, the histogram are in Hz (spikes/second), otherwise they are in spikes/bin kwargs . Additional plot arguments ''' ax = get_display(display) timeAxis, histograms = self.spike_histogram_n_rep( bin, id_list, n_rep, normalized) kwargs.update({ 'origin': 'lower', }) image = ax.imshow(histograms, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel('Time (ms)') ax.set_ylabel('Neuron #') ax.set_aspect(aspect='auto') n_points = len(timeAxis) xticks = numpy.arange(0, n_points, n_points * 0.2) xticklabels = numpy.arange(0, timeAxis[-1], timeAxis[-1] * 0.2) ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_xticklabels([str(l) for l in xticklabels]) n_ids = len(id_list) yticks = numpy.arange(0, n_ids, n_ids * 0.2) ax.set_yticks(yticks) ax.set_yticklabels(id_list[yticks]) return image
def runTest(self): f = plotting.get_display(True) x = range(10) pylab.plot(x) plotting.set_axis_limits(pylab, 0., 123., -123., 456.) # set up a SimpleMultiplot with arbitrary values self.nrows = 1 self.ncolumns = 1 title = 'testMultiplot' xlabel = 'testXlabel' ylabel = 'testYlabel' scaling = ('linear','log') self.smt = plotting.SimpleMultiplot(nrows=self.nrows, ncolumns=self.ncolumns, title=title, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, scaling=scaling) plotting.set_axis_limits(self.smt.panel(0), 0., 123., -123., 456.)
def composite_plot_movie(SL, time_bin=10, t_start=None, t_stop=None, output="animation.mpg", bounds=(0, 5), fps=10, display=True, maxrate=None, ratebin=None, kwargs={}): pylab.ioff() from NeuroTools.plotting import get_display subplot = get_display(display) assert os.system('mencoder') != 32512, "mencoder not found!" if t_start is None: t_start = SL.t_start if t_stop is None: t_stop = SL.t_stop if maxrate is None: maxrate = 100 if ratebin is None: ratebin = 100 files = [] im = pylab.figure(**kwargs) count = 0 idx = 0 axS, axR = STCompositePlot(SL, t_start=0, t_stop=time_bin, t_start_rate=0, t_stop_rate=ratebin, kwargs=kwargs) axR.hold(False) axS.hold(False) if t_start != SL.t_start or t_stop != SL.t_stop: spk = SL.time_slice(t_start, t_stop) raise RuntimeError('Not implemented') while (t_start < t_stop): STCompositePlot(SL, t_start=0, t_stop=t_start + time_bin, t_start_rate=t_start, t_stop_rate=t_start + ratebin, display=[axS, axR], kwargs=kwargs) axS.set_xlim([0, t_stop]) axR.set_xlim([0, maxrate]) fname = "_tmp_spikes_%05d.png" % count pylab.savefig(fname) files.append(fname) t_start += time_bin count += 1 print('Generated frame {0}'.format(count)) command = "mencoder 'mf://_tmp_*.png' -mf type=png:fps=%d -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=wmv2 -oac copy -o %s" % (fps, output) os.system(command) for fname in files: os.remove(fname)
def runTest(self): f = plotting.get_display(True) x = range(10) p = pylab.plot(x) plotting.set_labels(pylab, 'the x axis', 'the y axis') # set up a SimpleMultiplot with arbitrary values self.nrows = 1 self.ncolumns = 1 title = 'testMultiplot' xlabel = 'testXlabel' ylabel = 'testYlabel' scaling = ('linear', 'log') self.smt = plotting.SimpleMultiplot(nrows=self.nrows, ncolumns=self.ncolumns, title=title, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, scaling=scaling) plotting.set_labels(self.smt.panel(0), 'the x axis', 'the y axis')
def plot(self, ylabel="Analog Signal", display=True, kwargs={}): """ Plot the AnalogSignal Inputs: ylabel - A string to sepcify the label on the yaxis. display - if True, a new figure is created. Could also be a subplot kwargs - dictionary contening extra parameters that will be sent to the plot function Examples: >> z = subplot(221) >> signal.plot(ylabel="Vm", display=z, kwargs={'color':'r'}) """ subplot = get_display(display) time_axis = self.time_axis() if not subplot or not HAVE_PYLAB: print(PYLAB_ERROR) else: xlabel = "Time (ms)" set_labels(subplot, xlabel, ylabel) subplot.plot(time_axis, self.signal, **kwargs) pylab.draw()
def plot(self, ylabel="Analog Signal", display=True, kwargs={}): """ Plot the AnalogSignal Inputs: ylabel - A string to sepcify the label on the yaxis. display - if True, a new figure is created. Could also be a subplot kwargs - dictionary contening extra parameters that will be sent to the plot function Examples: >> z = subplot(221) >> signal.plot(ylabel="Vm", display=z, kwargs={'color':'r'}) """ subplot = get_display(display) time_axis = self.time_axis() if not subplot or not HAVE_PYLAB: print PYLAB_ERROR else: xlabel = "Time (ms)" set_labels(subplot, xlabel, ylabel) subplot.plot(time_axis, self.signal, **kwargs) pylab.draw()
def plot(self, id_list=None, v_thresh=None, display=True, kwargs={}): """ Plot all cells in the AnalogSignalList defined by id_list Inputs: id_list - can be a integer (and then N cells are randomly selected) or a list of ids. If None, we use all the ids of the SpikeList v_thresh- For graphical purpose, plot a spike when Vm > V_thresh. If None, just plot the raw Vm display - if True, a new figure is created. Could also be a subplot kwargs - dictionary contening extra parameters that will be sent to the plot function Examples: >> z = subplot(221) >> aslist.plot(5, v_thresh = -50, display=z, kwargs={'color':'r'}) """ subplot = get_display(display) id_list = self._AnalogSignalList__sub_id_list(id_list) time_axis = self.time_axis() if not subplot or not HAVE_MATPLOTLIB: print MATPLOTLIB_ERROR else: xlabel = "Time (ms)" ylabel = "Membrane Potential (mV)" set_labels(subplot, xlabel, ylabel) for id in id_list: to_be_plot = self.analog_signals[id].signal if v_thresh is not None: to_be_plot = pylab.where(to_be_plot >= v_thresh - 0.02, v_thresh + 0.5, to_be_plot) if len(time_axis) > len(to_be_plot): time_axis = time_axis[:-1] if len(to_be_plot) > len(time_axis): to_be_plot = to_be_plot[:-1] subplot.plot(time_axis, to_be_plot, **kwargs) subplot.hold(1)
def plot(self, id_list=None, v_thresh=None, display=True, kwargs={}): """ Plot all cells in the AnalogSignalList defined by id_list Inputs: id_list - can be a integer (and then N cells are randomly selected) or a list of ids. If None, we use all the ids of the SpikeList v_thresh- For graphical purpose, plot a spike when Vm > V_thresh. If None, just plot the raw Vm display - if True, a new figure is created. Could also be a subplot kwargs - dictionary contening extra parameters that will be sent to the plot function Examples: >> z = subplot(221) >> aslist.plot(5, v_thresh = -50, display=z, kwargs={'color':'r'}) """ subplot = get_display(display) id_list = self._AnalogSignalList__sub_id_list(id_list) time_axis = self.time_axis() if not subplot or not HAVE_MATPLOTLIB: print(MATPLOTLIB_ERROR) else: xlabel = "Time (ms)" ylabel = "Membrane Potential (mV)" set_labels(subplot, xlabel, ylabel) for id in id_list: to_be_plot = self.analog_signals[id].signal if v_thresh is not None: to_be_plot = pylab.where(to_be_plot>=v_thresh-0.02, v_thresh+0.5, to_be_plot) if len(time_axis) > len(to_be_plot): time_axis = time_axis[:-1] if len(to_be_plot) > len(time_axis): to_be_plot = to_be_plot[:-1] subplot.plot(time_axis, to_be_plot, **kwargs) subplot.hold(1)
def crosscorrelate(sua1, sua2, lag=None, n_pred=1, predictor=None, display=False, kwargs={}): """Cross-correlation between two series of discrete events (e.g. spikes). Calculates the cross-correlation between two vectors containing event times. Returns ``(differeces, pred, norm)``. See below for details. Adapted from original script written by Martin P. Nawrot for the FIND MATLAB toolbox [1]_. Parameters ---------- sua1, sua2 : 1D row or column `ndarray` or `SpikeTrain` Event times. If sua2 == sua1, the result is the autocorrelogram. lag : float Lag for which relative event timing is considered with a max difference of +/- lag. A default lag is computed from the inter-event interval of the longer of the two sua arrays. n_pred : int Number of surrogate compilations for the predictor. This influences the total length of the predictor output array predictor : {None, 'shuffle'} Determines the type of bootstrap predictor to be used. 'shuffle' shuffles interevent intervals of the longer input array and calculates relative differences with the shorter input array. `n_pred` determines the number of repeated shufflings, resulting differences are pooled from all repeated shufflings. display : boolean If True the corresponding plots will be displayed. If False, int, int_ and norm will be returned. kwargs : dict Arguments to be passed to np.histogram. Returns ------- differences : np array Accumulated differences of events in `sua1` minus the events in `sua2`. Thus positive values relate to events of `sua2` that lead events of `sua1`. Units are the same as the input arrays. pred : np array Accumulated differences based on the prediction method. The length of `pred` is ``n_pred * length(differences)``. Units are the same as the input arrays. norm : float Normalization factor used to scale the bin heights in `differences` and `pred`. ``differences/norm`` and ``pred/norm`` correspond to the linear correlation coefficient. Examples -------- >> crosscorrelate(np_array1, np_array2) >> crosscorrelate(spike_train1, spike_train2) >> crosscorrelate(spike_train1, spike_train2, lag = 150.0) >> crosscorrelate(spike_train1, spike_train2, display=True, kwargs={'bins':100}) See also -------- ccf .. [1] Meier R, Egert U, Aertsen A, Nawrot MP, "FIND - a unified framework for neural data analysis"; Neural Netw. 2008 Oct; 21(8):1085-93. """ assert predictor is 'shuffle' or predictor is None, "predictor must be \ either None or 'shuffle'. Other predictors are not yet implemented." #Check whether sua1 and sua2 are SpikeTrains or arrays sua = [] for x in (sua1, sua2): #if isinstance(x, SpikeTrain): if hasattr(x, 'spike_times'): sua.append(x.spike_times) elif x.ndim == 1: sua.append(x) elif x.ndim == 2 and (x.shape[0] == 1 or x.shape[1] == 1): sua.append(x.ravel()) else: raise TypeError("sua1 and sua2 must be either instances of the" \ "SpikeTrain class or column/row vectors") sua1 = sua[0] sua2 = sua[1] if sua1.size < sua2.size: if lag is None: lag = np.ceil(10 * np.mean(np.diff(sua1))) reverse = False else: if lag is None: lag = np.ceil(20 * np.mean(np.diff(sua2))) sua1, sua2 = sua2, sua1 reverse = True #construct predictor if predictor is 'shuffle': isi = np.diff(sua2) sua2_ = np.array([]) for ni in xrange(1, n_pred + 1): idx = np.random.permutation(isi.size - 1) sua2_ = np.append( sua2_, np.add(np.insert((np.cumsum(isi[idx])), 0, 0), sua2.min() + (np.random.exponential(isi.mean())))) #calculate cross differences in spike times differences = np.array([]) pred = np.array([]) for k in xrange(0, sua1.size): differences = np.append( differences, sua1[k] - sua2[np.nonzero((sua2 > sua1[k] - lag) & (sua2 < sua1[k] + lag))]) if predictor == 'shuffle': for k in xrange(0, sua1.size): pred = np.append( pred, sua1[k] - sua2_[np.nonzero((sua2_ > sua1[k] - lag) & (sua2_ < sua1[k] + lag))]) if reverse is True: differences = -differences pred = -pred norm = np.sqrt(sua1.size * sua2.size) # Plot the results if display=True if display: subplot = get_display(display) if not subplot or not HAVE_PYLAB: return differences, pred, norm else: # Plot the cross-correlation try: counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(differences, **kwargs) edge_distances = np.diff(bin_edges) bin_centers = bin_edges[1:] - edge_distances / 2 counts = counts / norm xlabel = "Time" ylabel = "Cross-correlation coefficient" #NOTE: the x axis corresponds to the upper edge of each bin subplot.plot(bin_centers, counts, label='cross-correlation', color='b') if predictor is None: set_labels(subplot, xlabel, ylabel) pylab.draw() elif predictor is 'shuffle': # Plot the predictor norm_ = norm * n_pred counts_, bin_edges_ = np.histogram(pred, **kwargs) counts_ = counts_ / norm_ subplot.plot(bin_edges_[1:], counts_, label='predictor') subplot.legend() pylab.draw() except ValueError: print("There are no correlated events within the selected lag"\ " window of %s" % lag) else: return differences, pred, norm
def event_triggered_average(self, events, average=True, t_min=0, t_max=100, display=False, with_time=False, kwargs={}): """ Return the spike triggered averaged of an analog signal according to selected events, on a time window t_spikes - tmin, t_spikes + tmax Can return either the averaged waveform (average = True), or an array of all the waveforms triggered by all the spikes. Inputs: events - Can be a SpikeTrain object (and events will be the spikes) or just a list of times average - If True, return a single vector of the averaged waveform. If False, return an array of all the waveforms. t_min - Time (>0) to average the signal before an event, in ms (default 0) t_max - Time (>0) to average the signal after an event, in ms (default 100) display - if True, a new figure is created. Could also be a subplot. kwargs - dictionary contening extra parameters that will be sent to the plot function Examples: >> vm.event_triggered_average(spktrain, average=False, t_min = 50, t_max = 150) >> vm.event_triggered_average(spktrain, average=True) >> vm.event_triggered_average(range(0,1000,10), average=False, display=True) """ if isinstance(events, SpikeTrain): events = events.spike_times ylabel = "Spike Triggered Average" else: assert numpy.iterable( events ), "events should be a SpikeTrain object or an iterable object" ylabel = "Event Triggered Average" assert (t_min >= 0) and (t_max >= 0), "t_min and t_max should be greater than 0" assert len( events ) > 0, "events should not be empty and should contained at least one element" time_axis = numpy.linspace(-t_min, t_max, (t_min + t_max) / self.dt) N = len(time_axis) Nspikes = 0. subplot = get_display(display) if average: result = numpy.zeros(N, float) else: result = [] # recalculate everything into timesteps, is more stable against rounding errors # and subsequent cutouts with different sizes events = numpy.floor(numpy.array(events) / self.dt) t_min_l = numpy.floor(t_min / self.dt) t_max_l = numpy.floor(t_max / self.dt) t_start = numpy.floor(self.t_start / self.dt) t_stop = numpy.floor(self.t_stop / self.dt) for spike in events: if ((spike - t_min_l) >= t_start) and ((spike + t_max_l) < t_stop): spike = spike - t_start if average: result += self.signal[(spike - t_min_l):(spike + t_max_l)] else: result.append(self.signal[(spike - t_min_l):(spike + t_max_l)]) Nspikes += 1 if average: result = result / Nspikes else: result = numpy.array(result) if not subplot or not HAVE_PYLAB: if with_time: return result, time_axis else: return result else: xlabel = "Time (ms)" set_labels(subplot, xlabel, ylabel) if average: subplot.plot(time_axis, result, **kwargs) else: for idx in xrange(len(result)): subplot.plot(time_axis, result[idx, :], c='0.5', **kwargs) subplot.hold(1) result = numpy.sum(result, axis=0) / Nspikes subplot.plot(time_axis, result, c='k', **kwargs) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = subplot.axis() subplot.plot([0, 0], [ymin, ymax], c='r') set_axis_limits(subplot, -t_min, t_max, ymin, ymax) pylab.draw()
def crosscorrelate(sua1, sua2, lag=None, n_pred=1, predictor=None, display=False, kwargs={}): """Cross-correlation between two series of discrete events (e.g. spikes). Calculates the cross-correlation between two vectors containing event times. Returns ``(differeces, pred, norm)``. See below for details. Adapted from original script written by Martin P. Nawrot for the FIND MATLAB toolbox [1]_. Parameters ---------- sua1, sua2 : 1D row or column `ndarray` or `SpikeTrain` Event times. If sua2 == sua1, the result is the autocorrelogram. lag : float Lag for which relative event timing is considered with a max difference of +/- lag. A default lag is computed from the inter-event interval of the longer of the two sua arrays. n_pred : int Number of surrogate compilations for the predictor. This influences the total length of the predictor output array predictor : {None, 'shuffle'} Determines the type of bootstrap predictor to be used. 'shuffle' shuffles interevent intervals of the longer input array and calculates relative differences with the shorter input array. `n_pred` determines the number of repeated shufflings, resulting differences are pooled from all repeated shufflings. display : boolean If True the corresponding plots will be displayed. If False, int, int_ and norm will be returned. kwargs : dict Arguments to be passed to np.histogram. Returns ------- differences : np array Accumulated differences of events in `sua1` minus the events in `sua2`. Thus positive values relate to events of `sua2` that lead events of `sua1`. Units are the same as the input arrays. pred : np array Accumulated differences based on the prediction method. The length of `pred` is ``n_pred * length(differences)``. Units are the same as the input arrays. norm : float Normalization factor used to scale the bin heights in `differences` and `pred`. ``differences/norm`` and ``pred/norm`` correspond to the linear correlation coefficient. Examples -------- >> crosscorrelate(np_array1, np_array2) >> crosscorrelate(spike_train1, spike_train2) >> crosscorrelate(spike_train1, spike_train2, lag = 150.0) >> crosscorrelate(spike_train1, spike_train2, display=True, kwargs={'bins':100}) See also -------- ccf .. [1] Meier R, Egert U, Aertsen A, Nawrot MP, "FIND - a unified framework for neural data analysis"; Neural Netw. 2008 Oct; 21(8):1085-93. """ assert predictor is 'shuffle' or predictor is None, "predictor must be \ either None or 'shuffle'. Other predictors are not yet implemented." #Check whether sua1 and sua2 are SpikeTrains or arrays sua = [] for x in (sua1, sua2): #if isinstance(x, SpikeTrain): if hasattr(x, 'spike_times'): sua.append(x.spike_times) elif x.ndim == 1: sua.append(x) elif x.ndim == 2 and (x.shape[0] == 1 or x.shape[1] == 1): sua.append(x.ravel()) else: raise TypeError("sua1 and sua2 must be either instances of the" \ "SpikeTrain class or column/row vectors") sua1 = sua[0] sua2 = sua[1] if sua1.size < sua2.size: if lag is None: lag = np.ceil(10*np.mean(np.diff(sua1))) reverse = False else: if lag is None: lag = np.ceil(20*np.mean(np.diff(sua2))) sua1, sua2 = sua2, sua1 reverse = True #construct predictor if predictor is 'shuffle': isi = np.diff(sua2) sua2_ = np.array([]) for ni in xrange(1,n_pred+1): idx = np.random.permutation(isi.size-1) sua2_ = np.append(sua2_, np.add(np.insert( (np.cumsum(isi[idx])), 0, 0), sua2.min() + ( np.random.exponential(isi.mean())))) #calculate cross differences in spike times differences = np.array([]) pred = np.array([]) for k in xrange(0, sua1.size): differences = np.append(differences, sua1[k] - sua2[np.nonzero( (sua2 > sua1[k] - lag) & (sua2 < sua1[k] + lag))]) if predictor == 'shuffle': for k in xrange(0, sua1.size): pred = np.append(pred, sua1[k] - sua2_[np.nonzero( (sua2_ > sua1[k] - lag) & (sua2_ < sua1[k] + lag))]) if reverse is True: differences = -differences pred = -pred norm = np.sqrt(sua1.size * sua2.size) # Plot the results if display=True if display: subplot = get_display(display) if not subplot or not HAVE_PYLAB: return differences, pred, norm else: # Plot the cross-correlation try: counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(differences, **kwargs) edge_distances = np.diff(bin_edges) bin_centers = bin_edges[1:] - edge_distances/2 counts = counts / norm xlabel = "Time" ylabel = "Cross-correlation coefficient" #NOTE: the x axis corresponds to the upper edge of each bin subplot.plot(bin_centers, counts, label='cross-correlation', color='b') if predictor is None: set_labels(subplot, xlabel, ylabel) pylab.draw() elif predictor is 'shuffle': # Plot the predictor norm_ = norm * n_pred counts_, bin_edges_ = np.histogram(pred, **kwargs) counts_ = counts_ / norm_ subplot.plot(bin_edges_[1:], counts_, label='predictor') subplot.legend() pylab.draw() except ValueError: print "There are no correlated events within the selected lag"\ " window of %s" % lag else: return differences, pred, norm
def event_triggered_average(self, eventdict, events_ids=None, analogsignal_ids=None, average=True, t_min=0, t_max=100, ylim=None, display=False, mode='same', kwargs={}): """ Returns the event triggered averages of the analog signals inside the list. The events can be a SpikeList object or a dict containing times. The average is performed on a time window t_spikes - tmin, t_spikes + tmax Can return either the averaged waveform (average = True), or an array of all the waveforms triggered by all the spikes. Inputs: events - Can be a SpikeList object (and events will be the spikes) or just a dict of times average - If True, return a single vector of the averaged waveform. If False, return an array of all the waveforms. mode - 'same': the average is only done on same ids --> return {'eventids':average}; 'all': for all ids in the eventdict the average from all ananlog signals is returned --> return {'eventids':{'analogsignal_ids':average}} t_min - Time (>0) to average the signal before an event, in ms (default 0) t_max - Time (>0) to average the signal after an event, in ms (default 100) events_ids - when given only perform average over these ids analogsignal_ids = when given only perform average on these ids display - if True, a new figure is created for each average. Could also be a subplot. ylim - ylim of the plot kwargs - dictionary contening extra parameters that will be sent to the plot function Examples >> vmlist.event_triggered_average(spikelist, average=False, t_min = 50, t_max = 150, mode = 'same') >> vmlist.event_triggered_average(spikelist, average=True, mode = 'all') >> vmlist.event_triggered_average({'1':[200,300,'3':[234,788]]}, average=False, display=True) """ if isinstance(eventdict, SpikeList): eventdict = eventdict.spiketrains figure = get_display(display) subplotcount = 1 if events_ids is None: events_ids = eventdict.keys() if analogsignal_ids is None: analogsignal_ids = self.analog_signals.keys() x = numpy.ceil(numpy.sqrt(len(analogsignal_ids))) y = x results = {} first_done = False for id in events_ids: events = eventdict[id] if len(events) <= 0: continue if mode is 'same': if self.analog_signals.has_key(id) and id in analogsignal_ids: sp = pylab.subplot(x, y, subplotcount) results[id] = self.analog_signals[ id].event_triggered_average(events, average=average, t_min=t_min, t_max=t_max, display=sp, kwargs=kwargs) pylab.ylim(ylim) pylab.title('Event: %g; Signal: %g' % (id, id)) subplotcount += 1 elif mode is 'all': if first_done: figure = get_display(display) first_done = True subplotcount_all = 1 results[id] = {} for id_analog in analogsignal_ids: analog_signal = self.analog_signals[id_analog] sp = pylab.subplot(x, y, subplotcount_all) results[id][ id_analog] = analog_signal.event_triggered_average( events, average=average, t_min=t_min, t_max=t_max, display=sp, kwargs=kwargs) pylab.ylim(ylim) pylab.title('Event: %g; Signal: %g' % (id, id_analog)) subplotcount_all += 1 if not figure or not HAVE_PYLAB: return results
def event_triggered_average(self, eventdict, events_ids = None, analogsignal_ids = None, average = True, t_min = 0, t_max = 100, ylim = None, display = False, mode = 'same', kwargs={}): """ Returns the event triggered averages of the analog signals inside the list. The events can be a SpikeList object or a dict containing times. The average is performed on a time window t_spikes - tmin, t_spikes + tmax Can return either the averaged waveform (average = True), or an array of all the waveforms triggered by all the spikes. Inputs: events - Can be a SpikeList object (and events will be the spikes) or just a dict of times average - If True, return a single vector of the averaged waveform. If False, return an array of all the waveforms. mode - 'same': the average is only done on same ids --> return {'eventids':average}; 'all': for all ids in the eventdict the average from all ananlog signals is returned --> return {'eventids':{'analogsignal_ids':average}} t_min - Time (>0) to average the signal before an event, in ms (default 0) t_max - Time (>0) to average the signal after an event, in ms (default 100) events_ids - when given only perform average over these ids analogsignal_ids = when given only perform average on these ids display - if True, a new figure is created for each average. Could also be a subplot. ylim - ylim of the plot kwargs - dictionary contening extra parameters that will be sent to the plot function Examples >> vmlist.event_triggered_average(spikelist, average=False, t_min = 50, t_max = 150, mode = 'same') >> vmlist.event_triggered_average(spikelist, average=True, mode = 'all') >> vmlist.event_triggered_average({'1':[200,300,'3':[234,788]]}, average=False, display=True) """ if isinstance(eventdict, SpikeList): eventdict = eventdict.spiketrains figure = get_display(display) subplotcount = 1 if events_ids is None: events_ids = eventdict.keys() if analogsignal_ids is None: analogsignal_ids = self.analog_signals.keys() x = numpy.ceil(numpy.sqrt(len(analogsignal_ids))) y = x results = {} first_done = False for id in events_ids: events = eventdict[id] if len(events) <= 0: continue if mode is 'same': if self.analog_signals.has_key(id) and id in analogsignal_ids: sp = pylab.subplot(x,y,subplotcount) results[id] = self.analog_signals[id].event_triggered_average(events,average=average,t_min=t_min,t_max=t_max,display=sp,kwargs=kwargs) pylab.ylim(ylim) pylab.title('Event: %g; Signal: %g'%(id,id)) subplotcount += 1 elif mode is 'all': if first_done: figure = get_display(display) first_done = True subplotcount_all = 1 results[id] = {} for id_analog in analogsignal_ids: analog_signal = self.analog_signals[id_analog] sp = pylab.subplot(x,y,subplotcount_all) results[id][id_analog] = analog_signal.event_triggered_average(events,average=average,t_min=t_min,t_max=t_max,display=sp,kwargs=kwargs) pylab.ylim(ylim) pylab.title('Event: %g; Signal: %g'%(id,id_analog)) subplotcount_all += 1 if not figure or not HAVE_PYLAB: return results
def event_triggered_average(self, events, average = True, t_min = 0, t_max = 100, display = False, with_time = False, kwargs={}): """ Return the spike triggered averaged of an analog signal according to selected events, on a time window t_spikes - tmin, t_spikes + tmax Can return either the averaged waveform (average = True), or an array of all the waveforms triggered by all the spikes. Inputs: events - Can be a SpikeTrain object (and events will be the spikes) or just a list of times average - If True, return a single vector of the averaged waveform. If False, return an array of all the waveforms. t_min - Time (>0) to average the signal before an event, in ms (default 0) t_max - Time (>0) to average the signal after an event, in ms (default 100) display - if True, a new figure is created. Could also be a subplot. kwargs - dictionary contening extra parameters that will be sent to the plot function Examples: >> vm.event_triggered_average(spktrain, average=False, t_min = 50, t_max = 150) >> vm.event_triggered_average(spktrain, average=True) >> vm.event_triggered_average(range(0,1000,10), average=False, display=True) """ if isinstance(events, SpikeTrain): events = events.spike_times ylabel = "Spike Triggered Average" else: assert numpy.iterable(events), "events should be a SpikeTrain object or an iterable object" ylabel = "Event Triggered Average" assert (t_min >= 0) and (t_max >= 0), "t_min and t_max should be greater than 0" assert len(events) > 0, "events should not be empty and should contained at least one element" time_axis = numpy.linspace(-t_min, t_max, (t_min+t_max)/self.dt) N = len(time_axis) Nspikes = 0. subplot = get_display(display) if average: result = numpy.zeros(N, float) else: result = [] # recalculate everything into timesteps, is more stable against rounding errors # and subsequent cutouts with different sizes events = numpy.floor(numpy.array(events)/self.dt) t_min_l = numpy.floor(t_min/self.dt) t_max_l = numpy.floor(t_max/self.dt) t_start = numpy.floor(self.t_start/self.dt) t_stop = numpy.floor(self.t_stop/self.dt) for spike in events: if ((spike-t_min_l) >= t_start) and ((spike+t_max_l) < t_stop): spike = spike - t_start if average: result += self.signal[(spike-t_min_l):(spike+t_max_l)] else: result.append(self.signal[(spike-t_min_l):(spike+t_max_l)]) Nspikes += 1 if average: result = result/Nspikes else: result = numpy.array(result) if not subplot or not HAVE_PYLAB: if with_time: return result, time_axis else: return result else: xlabel = "Time (ms)" set_labels(subplot, xlabel, ylabel) if average: subplot.plot(time_axis, result, **kwargs) else: for idx in xrange(len(result)): subplot.plot(time_axis, result[idx,:], c='0.5', **kwargs) subplot.hold(1) result = numpy.sum(result, axis=0)/Nspikes subplot.plot(time_axis, result, c='k', **kwargs) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = subplot.axis() subplot.plot([0,0],[ymin, ymax], c='r') set_axis_limits(subplot, -t_min, t_max, ymin, ymax) pylab.draw()
def firing_rate_sliding_window(self, bin=100, display=True, id_list=[], step=1, stop=None, kwargs={}): ''' Calculate spike rates at ``sample_step`` using s sliding rectangular window. Arguments: bin Bin size of sliding window display If True, a new figure is created. Could also be a subplot id_list List of ids to calculate firing rate for step Step size for moving sliding window (ms) stop End of spike train kwargs Additional plot arguments Here the window is centered over over each time point at sampe_step with window size equalling bin_size. Takes spike times, number of neurons no_neurons, bin_size and sample_step as input argument. ''' ax = get_display(display) if stop is None: stop = self.t_stop if not any(id_list): id_list = self.ids spikes = {} # dictionary with spike times for id in id_list: spikes[id] = self.spiketrains[id].spike_times.copy() n = int((stop - bin) / step) # number of windows f = bin / 2 # first window at bin/2 l = step * n + bin / 2 # last window at bin*n - bin/2 # Time axis for sliding windows, n_win + 1 due to end points # [ 0, 1, 2] -> two windows and tre timings timeAxis = numpy.linspace(f, l, n + 1) firingRates = [] # sliding time window data dataSpk = [] #! Calculate number of spikes in ms bins and then sliding window rates for id in id_list: spk = spikes[id] dataSpk.append(spk) i = 0 j = bin / 2 j_max = stop rates = [] #! For each ms i in 0 to stop at step intervals for tPoint in timeAxis: sum = numpy.sum( (tPoint - bin / 2 <= spk) * (spk < tPoint + bin / 2)) rates.append(1000.0 * sum / float(bin)) firingRates.append(rates) firingRates = numpy.array(firingRates) # Convert to numpy array meanFiringRates = numpy.mean(firingRates, axis=0) ax.plot(timeAxis, meanFiringRates, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel('Time (ms)') ax.set_ylabel('Frequency (spike/s)') return timeAxis, firingRates, dataSpk