def test_delete_all(self):
		notes = NotesApplication()
		notes.create("Day one at Andela BC")
		notes.create("Day two at Andela BC")
		self.assertEqual(len(notes.notes),0, msg="List should not be the same length since delete was successful")
	def test_search_mixed_case(self):
		notes = NotesApplication()
		notes.create("Day one at Andela BC")
		notes.create("Day two at Andela BC")
		self.assertEqual("tWo"), "Showing results for search 'tWo'\nNote ID: 2\nDay two at Andela BC\n\nBy Author Guest", msg="Supposed to be return same result for 'two'")
	def test_search_capitalised1(self):
		notes = NotesApplication()
		notes.create("Day one at Andela BC")
		notes.create("Day two at Andela BC")
		self.assertEqual("ONE"), "Showing results for search 'ONE'\nNote ID: 1\nDay one at Andela BC\n\nBy Author Guest", msg="")
	def test_search(self):
		notes = NotesApplication()
		notes.create("Day one at Andela BC")
		notes.create("Day two at Andela BC")
		self.assertEqual("two"), "Showing results for search 'two'\nNote ID: 2\nDay two at Andela BC\n\nBy Author Guest", msg="")
	def test_search_empty_field(self):
		notes = NotesApplication()
		notes.create("Day one at Andela BC")
		notes.create("Day two at Andela BC")
		self.assertEqual(, None, msg="Supposed to be an empty return")
	def test_create_number_as_arg(self):
		notes = NotesApplication("kigold")
		notes.create("this is y am Hot")
	def test_create_number_as_arg(self):
		notes = NotesApplication()
		self.assertEqual(notes.create(23), None, msg="create not successful")
	def test_empty_create(self):
		notes = NotesApplication()
		self.assertEqual(notes.create(), "Please Enter the name of the note when creating", msg="create parameter not initialised")
	def test_eidt(self):
		notes = NotesApplication()
		notes.create("Day one at Andela BC")
		notes.create("Day two at Andela BC")
		notes.edit(2, "it was fun")
		self.assertEqual(notes.get(2),"Day two at Andela BC it was fun")
	def test_delete_empty_argument(self):
		notes = NotesApplication()
		notes.create("Day one at Andela BC")
		notes.create("Day two at Andela BC")
		self.assertListEqual(notes.notes,["Day one at Andela BC","Day two at Andela BC"], msg="List supposed to be unchange since delet didnt affect anything")
from NoteApplication import NotesApplication
print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NoteApplication Command Interface~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
print"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Enter 'Exit' at any time to quit~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
prompt = ""
author = raw_input("Enter your name\n")
note = NotesApplication(author)
while prompt != "quit":	
	#prompt = raw_input("Enter the content of your note")
	prompt = raw_input("type\n * 'Quit' to quit\n * 'Create' to create new note\n * 'List' to list all your notes\n *'Get' to get a saved note based on its id\n * 'Search' to look for notes with contain your specified search strind \n* 'Edit' to edit and change an already saved note\n * 'Delete' to delete and note\n")
	if prompt.lower() == "create":
		prompt = raw_input("Enter the note you want to create\n")
	elif prompt.lower() =="list":
	elif prompt.lower() =="get":
		prompt = raw_input("Enter the ID of the note you want to get for\n")
	elif prompt.lower() =="search":
		prompt = raw_input("Type in the text you are looking \n")
	elif prompt.lower() == "edit":
		myid = raw_input("enter the 'ID' of the note you want to edit\n")
		prompt = raw_input("enter text here\n")
	elif prompt.lower() =='delete':
		prompt = raw_input("Enter the 'ID' of the note you want to delete\n")