def __init__(self,name=None): self._packets = [] self._jobs = [] if name: self._name = name self._path = '/home/ilge/jobs/%s' % self._name else: i =0 while True: i += 1 self._name = '%03d' % i self._path = '/home/ilge/jobs/%s' % self._name if not os.path.isdir(self._path): break notice('using queue name <%s>' % self._name) if os.path.isdir(self._path): notice('removing queue <%s>' % self._path, 'del') shutil.rmtree(self._path) os.makedirs(self._path)
def __init__(self, name=None): self._packets = [] self._jobs = [] if name: self._name = name self._path = '/home/ilge/jobs/%s' % self._name else: i = 0 while True: i += 1 self._name = '%03d' % i self._path = '/home/ilge/jobs/%s' % self._name if not os.path.isdir(self._path): break notice('using queue name <%s>' % self._name) if os.path.isdir(self._path): notice('removing queue <%s>' % self._path, 'del') shutil.rmtree(self._path) os.makedirs(self._path)
def system(command): if verbose: notice('running "%s"' % command, 'run') return os.system(command)
def error(self, message): notice('Error: %s' % message, 'failed') sys.exit(2)
def submit(self,local=False, cores=1): cwd = os.getcwd() if len(self._jobs): self.finishPacket() jobs = [] for packet in self._packets: jobs += packet group = 1 if len(jobs) > 1100: group = len(jobs) / 500 walltime = jobs[0].walltime(group) notice('using group size %d and walltime %s' % (group, walltime)) f = open('%s/' % self._path, 'w') f.write('#!/bin/bash\n') f.write('#PBS -N %s\n' % (self._name)) f.write('#PBS -S /bin/bash\n') f.write('#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=%d,mem=%dmb,walltime=%s\n' % (jobs[0].cores(), jobs[0].mem(), walltime)) f.write('#PBS -m a\n') f.write('#PBS -M %[email protected]\n' % 'ilge') f.write('#PBS -j oe\n') f.write('set -e\n') f.write('set -o pipefail\n') n = 0 while len(jobs): f.write('if [ "$PBS_ARRAYID" == %s ]; then\n' % n ) for i in range(0, group): if not len(jobs): break job = jobs.pop() currentPath = '/'.join(job.log().split('/')[:-1]) f.write(' mkdir -p %s 2>&1\n' % currentPath) f.write(' echo "---------- job started" | tee -a %s\n' % job.log()) f.write(' echo `date`: cd %s 2>&1 | tee -a %s\n' % (currentPath, job.log())) f.write(' cd %s 2>&1 | tee -a %s\n' % (currentPath, job.log())) f.write(' cd %s 2>&1\n' % (currentPath)) for path, cmd in job.commands(): if path != currentPath: f.write(' mkdir -p %s 2>&1 | tee -a %s\n' % (path, job.log())) f.write(' cd %s 2>&1 | tee -a %s\n' % (path, job.log())) f.write(' cd %s\n' % (currentPath)) f.write(' echo `date`: cd %s 2>&1 | tee -a %s\n' % (path, job.log())) currentPath = path f.write(' echo `date`: \'%s\' 2>&1 | tee -a %s\n' % (cmd.replace('\'', '\'"\'"\''), job.log())) f.write(' %s 2>&1 | tee -a %s\n' % (cmd, job.log())) f.write(' echo `date`: "SUCCEEDED" | tee -a %s 2>&1\n' % job.log()) f.write(' #--------------------------------------\n') f.write(' exit 0\n') f.write('fi\n') n += 1 f.close() notice('queue <%s> contains %d jobs' % (self._name, n)) if local: notice('computing locally') for i in range(0,n): print os.system('PBS_ARRAYID=%d bash %s/' % (i,self._path)), else: notice('submitting queue <%s> to cluster' % self._name) os.system('ssh lmbtorque "cd /home/ilge/jobs; dir>/dev/null; cd %s; qsub %s/ -t 0-%d"' % (self._path, self._path, n - 1)) os.chdir(cwd)
def submit(self, local=False, cores=1): cwd = os.getcwd() if len(self._jobs): self.finishPacket() jobs = [] for packet in self._packets: jobs += packet group = 1 if len(jobs) > 1100: group = len(jobs) / 500 walltime = jobs[0].walltime(group) notice('using group size %d and walltime %s' % (group, walltime)) f = open('%s/' % self._path, 'w') f.write('#!/bin/bash\n') f.write('#PBS -N %s\n' % (self._name)) f.write('#PBS -S /bin/bash\n') f.write('#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=%d,mem=%dmb,walltime=%s\n' % (jobs[0].cores(), jobs[0].mem(), walltime)) f.write('#PBS -m a\n') f.write('#PBS -M %[email protected]\n' % 'ilge') f.write('#PBS -j oe\n') f.write('set -e\n') f.write('set -o pipefail\n') n = 0 while len(jobs): f.write('if [ "$PBS_ARRAYID" == %s ]; then\n' % n) for i in range(0, group): if not len(jobs): break job = jobs.pop() currentPath = '/'.join(job.log().split('/')[:-1]) f.write(' mkdir -p %s 2>&1\n' % currentPath) f.write(' echo "---------- job started" | tee -a %s\n' % job.log()) f.write(' echo `date`: cd %s 2>&1 | tee -a %s\n' % (currentPath, job.log())) f.write(' cd %s 2>&1 | tee -a %s\n' % (currentPath, job.log())) f.write(' cd %s 2>&1\n' % (currentPath)) for path, cmd in job.commands(): if path != currentPath: f.write(' mkdir -p %s 2>&1 | tee -a %s\n' % (path, job.log())) f.write(' cd %s 2>&1 | tee -a %s\n' % (path, job.log())) f.write(' cd %s\n' % (currentPath)) f.write(' echo `date`: cd %s 2>&1 | tee -a %s\n' % (path, job.log())) currentPath = path f.write(' echo `date`: \'%s\' 2>&1 | tee -a %s\n' % (cmd.replace('\'', '\'"\'"\''), job.log())) f.write(' %s 2>&1 | tee -a %s\n' % (cmd, job.log())) f.write(' echo `date`: "SUCCEEDED" | tee -a %s 2>&1\n' % job.log()) f.write(' #--------------------------------------\n') f.write(' exit 0\n') f.write('fi\n') n += 1 f.close() notice('queue <%s> contains %d jobs' % (self._name, n)) if local: notice('computing locally') for i in range(0, n): print os.system('PBS_ARRAYID=%d bash %s/' % (i, self._path)), else: notice('submitting queue <%s> to cluster' % self._name) os.system( 'ssh lmbtorque "cd /home/ilge/jobs; dir>/dev/null; cd %s; qsub %s/ -t 0-%d"' % (self._path, self._path, n - 1)) os.chdir(cwd)