    def find_components(self, comps):
        """Discover components from comps (LabelSequence) of an assembly.

        Components of an assembly are, by definition, references which refer
        to either a shape or another assembly. Components are essentially
        'instances' of the referred shape or assembly, and carry a location
        vector specifing the location of the referred shape or assembly.
        for j in range(comps.Length()):
            c_label = comps.Value(j + 1)  # component label <class 'TDF_Label'>
            c_name = c_label.GetLabelName()
            c_entry = c_label.EntryDumpToString()
            ref_label = TDF_Label()  # label of referred shape (or assembly)
            is_ref = self.shape_tool.GetReferredShape(c_label, ref_label)
            if is_ref:  # just in case all components are not references
                ref_entry = ref_label.EntryDumpToString()
                ref_name = ref_label.GetLabelName()
                indent = "\t" * self.indent
                self.output += f"{self.uid}{indent}[{c_entry}] {c_name}"
                self.output += f" => [{ref_entry}] {ref_name}\n"
                self.uid += 1
                if self.shape_tool.IsAssembly(ref_label):
                    self.indent += 1
                    ref_comps = TDF_LabelSequence()  # Components of Assy
                    subchilds = False
                    _ = self.shape_tool.GetComponents(ref_label, ref_comps,
                    if ref_comps.Length():

        self.indent -= 1
    def parse_components(self, comps, shape_tool, color_tool):
        """Parse components from comps (LabelSequence).

        Components of an assembly are, by definition, references which refer
        to either a simple shape or a compound shape (an assembly).
        Components are essentially 'instances' of the referred shape or assembly
        and carry a location vector specifing the location of the referred
        shape or assembly."""

        for j in range(comps.Length()):
            logger.debug("Assy_entry_stack: %s", self.assy_entry_stack)
            logger.debug("loop %i of %i", j + 1, comps.Length())
            c_label = comps.Value(j + 1)  # component label <class 'TDF_Label'>
            c_name = c_label.GetLabelName()
            c_entry = c_label.EntryDumpToString()
            c_uid = self.get_uid_from_entry(c_entry)
            c_shape = shape_tool.GetShape(c_label)
            logger.debug("Component number %i", j + 1)
            logger.debug("Component name: %s", c_name)
            logger.debug("Component entry: %s", c_entry)
            ref_label = TDF_Label()  # label of referred shape (or assembly)
            is_ref = shape_tool.GetReferredShape(c_label, ref_label)
            if is_ref:  # I think all components are references
                ref_name = ref_label.GetLabelName()
                ref_shape = shape_tool.GetShape(ref_label)
                ref_entry = ref_label.EntryDumpToString()
                self.label_dict[c_uid] = {
                    'entry': c_entry,
                    'name': c_name,
                    'parent_uid': self.parent_uid_stack[-1],
                    'ref_entry': ref_entry
                if shape_tool.IsSimpleShape(ref_label):
                    self.label_dict[c_uid].update({'is_assy': False})
                    temp_assy_loc_stack = list(self.assy_loc_stack)
                    # Multiply locations in stack sequentially to a result
                    if len(temp_assy_loc_stack) > 1:
                        res_loc = temp_assy_loc_stack.pop(0)
                        for loc in temp_assy_loc_stack:
                            res_loc = res_loc.Multiplied(loc)
                    elif len(temp_assy_loc_stack) == 1:
                        res_loc = temp_assy_loc_stack.pop()
                        res_loc = None
                    # It is possible for this component to both specify a
                    # location 'c_loc' and refer directly to a top level shape.
                    # If this component *does* specify a location 'c_loc',
                    # it will be applied to the referred shape without being
                    # included in temp_assy_loc_stack. But in order to keep
                    # track of the total location from the root shape to the
                    # instance, it needs to be accounted for (by mutiplying
                    # res_loc by it) before saving it to part_dict.
                    c_loc = None
                    c_loc = shape_tool.GetLocation(c_label)
                    if c_loc:
                        loc = res_loc.Multiplied(c_loc)
                    color = Quantity_Color()
                    color_tool.GetColor(ref_shape, XCAFDoc_ColorSurf, color)
                    self.part_dict[c_uid] = {
                        'shape': c_shape,
                        'color': color,
                        'name': c_name,
                        'loc': loc
                elif shape_tool.IsAssembly(ref_label):
                    self.label_dict[c_uid].update({'is_assy': True})
                    logger.debug("Referred item is an Assembly")
                    # Location vector is carried by component
                    aLoc = TopLoc_Location()
                    aLoc = shape_tool.GetLocation(c_label)
                    r_comps = TDF_LabelSequence()  # Components of Assy
                    subchilds = False
                    isAssy = shape_tool.GetComponents(ref_label, r_comps,
                    logger.debug("Assy name: %s", ref_name)
                    logger.debug("Is Assembly? %s", isAssy)
                    logger.debug("Number of components: %s", r_comps.Length())
                    if r_comps.Length():
                        logger.debug("Parsing components of label entry %s)",
                        self.parse_components(r_comps, shape_tool, color_tool)
                    f"I was wrong: All components are *not* references {c_uid}"