def point_in_solid(occ_solid, pypt): gp_pnt = gp_Pnt(pypt[0], pypt[1], pypt[2]) if Common.point_in_solid(occ_solid, gp_pnt)[0]: return True elif Common.point_in_solid(occ_solid, gp_pnt)[0] == None: return None #means its on the solid else: return False
def get_bounding_box(occtopology): """ This function calculates the bounding box of the OCCtopology. Parameters ---------- occtopology : OCCtopology The OCCtopology to be analysed. OCCtopology includes: OCCshape, OCCcompound, OCCcompsolid, OCCsolid, OCCshell, OCCface, OCCwire, OCCedge, OCCvertex Returns ------- xmin : float Minimum X-coordinate ymin : float Minimum Y-coordinate zmin : float Minimum Z-coordinate xmax : float Maximum X-coordinate ymax : float Maximum Y-coordinate zmax : float Maximum Z-coordinate """ return Common.get_boundingbox(occtopology)
def rmv_duplicated_pts_by_distance(pyptlist, distance=1e-06): """ This function fuses all the points within a certain distance. Parameters ---------- pyptlist : a list of tuples List of points to be fused. A pypt is a tuple that documents the xyz coordinates of a pt e.g. (x,y,z), thus a pyptlist is a list of tuples e.g. [(x1,y1,z1), (x2,y2,z2), ...] distance : float, optional The minimal distance between two points, default = 1e-06. Any points closer than this distance will be fused. Returns ------- list of fused points : pyptlist The list of fused points. """ vert_list = construct.make_occvertex_list(pyptlist) occpt_list = occvertex_list_2_occpt_list(vert_list) filtered_pt_list = Common.filter_points_by_distance(occpt_list, distance=distance) f_pyptlist = occpt_list_2_pyptlist(filtered_pt_list) return f_pyptlist
def rmv_duplicated_pts_by_distance(pyptlist, distance = 1e-06): """ This function fuses all the points within a certain distance. Parameters ---------- pyptlist : a list of tuples List of points to be fused. A pypt is a tuple that documents the xyz coordinates of a pt e.g. (x,y,z), thus a pyptlist is a list of tuples e.g. [(x1,y1,z1), (x2,y2,z2), ...] distance : float, optional The minimal distance between two points, default = 1e-06. Any points closer than this distance will be fused. Returns ------- list of fused points : pyptlist The list of fused points. """ vert_list = construct.make_occvertex_list(pyptlist) occpt_list = occvertex_list_2_occpt_list(vert_list) filtered_pt_list = Common.filter_points_by_distance(occpt_list, distance = distance) f_pyptlist = occpt_list_2_pyptlist(filtered_pt_list) return f_pyptlist
def make_bspline_edge_interpolate(pyptlist, is_closed): ''' pyptlist: list of pypt type: list(tuple) is_closed: is the curve open or close type: bool, True or False ''' gpptlist = make_gppntlist(pyptlist) bcurve = Common.interpolate_points_to_spline_no_tangency(gpptlist, closed=is_closed) curve_edge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(bcurve) return curve_edge.Edge()
def calc_center(product, ifcfile): productIfc = ifcfile.by_id( try: productShape = get_shape(productIfc) center = Common.center_boundingbox(productShape) pnt = Pnt(X=center.Coord()[0], Y=center.Coord()[1], Z=center.Coord()[2]) except: pass
def point_in_solid(pypt, occsolid): """ This function checks if a point is inside an OCCsolid. Parameters ---------- pypt : tuple of floats Check if this point is inside the OCCsolid. A pypt is a tuple that documents the xyz coordinates of a pt e.g. (x,y,z) occsolid : OCCsolid Check if the point is inside this OCCsolid. Returns ------- True, False, None : True, False, None If True means the point is in the solid, if False the point is not in the solid, if None means the point is on the solid. """ gp_pnt = gp_Pnt(pypt[0], pypt[1], pypt[2] ) if Common.point_in_solid(occsolid, gp_pnt)[0]: return True elif Common.point_in_solid(occsolid, gp_pnt)[0] == None: return None #means its on the solid else: return False
def point_in_solid(pypt, occsolid): """ This function checks if a point is inside an OCCsolid. Parameters ---------- pypt : tuple of floats Check if this point is inside the OCCsolid. A pypt is a tuple that documents the xyz coordinates of a pt e.g. (x,y,z) occsolid : OCCsolid Check if the point is inside this OCCsolid. Returns ------- True, False, None : True, False, None If True means the point is in the solid, if False the point is not in the solid, if None means the point is on the solid. """ gp_pnt = gp_Pnt(pypt[0], pypt[1], pypt[2]) if Common.point_in_solid(occsolid, gp_pnt)[0]: return True elif Common.point_in_solid(occsolid, gp_pnt)[0] == None: return None #means its on the solid else: return False
def resample_wire(occwire): """ This function resamples an OCCwire uniformly. Parameters ---------- occwire : OCCwire The OCCwire to be resampled. Returns ------- resampled wire : OCCwire The resampled OCCwire. """ resample_curve = Common.resample_curve_with_uniform_deflection(occwire) return resample_curve
def face_area(occface): """ This function calculates the area of the OCCface. Parameters ---------- occface : OCCface The OCCface to be analysed. Returns ------- face area : float The area of the face. """ surface_area = Common.GpropsFromShape(occface).surface() return surface_area.Mass()
def get_centre_bbox(occtopology): """ This function calculates the centre of the bounding box of the OCCtopology. Parameters ---------- occtopology : OCCtopology The OCCtopology to be analysed. OCCtopology includes: OCCshape, OCCcompound, OCCcompsolid, OCCsolid, OCCshell, OCCface, OCCwire, OCCedge, OCCvertex Returns ------- centre point : pypt The centre point of the OCCtopology's bounding box. """ occ_midpt = Common.center_boundingbox(occtopology) return (occ_midpt.X(), occ_midpt.Y(), occ_midpt.Z())
def minimum_distance(occtopology1, occtopology2): """ This function calculates the minimum distance between the two OCCtopologies. Parameters ---------- occtopology1 : OCCtopology The OCCtopology to be analysed. OCCtopology includes: OCCshape, OCCcompound, OCCcompsolid, OCCsolid, OCCshell, OCCface, OCCwire, OCCedge, OCCvertex occtopology2 : OCCtopology The OCCtopology to be analysed. OCCtopology includes: OCCshape, OCCcompound, OCCcompsolid, OCCsolid, OCCshell, OCCface, OCCwire, OCCedge, OCCvertex Returns ------- minimum distance : float The minimum distance between the two topologies. """ min_dist, min_dist_shp1, min_dist_shp2 = Common.minimum_distance(occtopology1, occtopology2) return min_dist
def minimum_distance(occtopology1, occtopology2): """ This function calculates the minimum distance between the two OCCtopologies. Parameters ---------- occtopology1 : OCCtopology The OCCtopology to be analysed. OCCtopology includes: OCCshape, OCCcompound, OCCcompsolid, OCCsolid, OCCshell, OCCface, OCCwire, OCCedge, OCCvertex occtopology2 : OCCtopology The OCCtopology to be analysed. OCCtopology includes: OCCshape, OCCcompound, OCCcompsolid, OCCsolid, OCCshell, OCCface, OCCwire, OCCedge, OCCvertex Returns ------- minimum distance : float The minimum distance between the two topologies. """ min_dist, min_dist_shp1, min_dist_shp2 = Common.minimum_distance( occtopology1, occtopology2) return min_dist
def get_bbox(shape, length): vertices = [] shape = Common.get_boundingbox(shape) vertices.append([ correctLengt(shape[0], length, None), correctLengt(shape[1], length, None), correctLengt(shape[2], length, None) ]) vertices.append([ correctLengt(shape[3], length, None), correctLengt(shape[1], length, None), correctLengt(shape[2], length, None) ]) vertices.append([ correctLengt(shape[0], length, None), correctLengt(shape[4], length, None), correctLengt(shape[2], length, None) ]) vertices.append([ correctLengt(shape[0], length, None), correctLengt(shape[1], length, None), correctLengt(shape[5], length, None) ]) vertices.append([ correctLengt(shape[3], length, None), correctLengt(shape[1], length, None), correctLengt(shape[5], length, None) ]) vertices.append([ correctLengt(shape[0], length, None), correctLengt(shape[4], length, None), correctLengt(shape[5], length, None) ]) return vertices
def get_bounding_box(occ_shape): """return xmin,ymin,zmin,xmax,ymax,zmax""" return Common.get_boundingbox(occ_shape)
def get_centre_bbox(occ_shape): occ_midpt = Common.center_boundingbox(occ_shape) return (occ_midpt.X(), occ_midpt.Y(), occ_midpt.Z())
def face_area(occ_face): surface_area = Common.GpropsFromShape(occ_face).surface() return surface_area.Mass()
def minimum_distance(occ_shape1, occ_shape2): min_dist, min_dist_shp1, min_dist_shp2 = Common.minimum_distance( occ_shape1, occ_shape2) return min_dist