
# Copyrigth 2016 A. Farchi and M. Bocquet
# CEREA, joint laboratory Ecole des Ponts ParisTech and EDF R&D

# Code for the paper: Using the Wasserstein distance to compare fields of pollutants:
# Application to the radionuclide atmospheric dispersion of the Fukushima-Daiichi accident
# by A. Farchi, M. Bocquet, Y. Roustan, A. Mathieu and A. Querel


from OT.utils.sys.argv import extractArgv
from OT.OTObjects2D.configuration import Configuration
from OT.OTObjects2D.analyse.computeOperators import applyAllOperators

# Extract Arguments
arguments = extractArgv()

    configFile = arguments['CONFIG_FILE']
    config = Configuration(configFile)
    outputDir = config.outputDir
    outputDir = arguments['OUTPUT_DIR']

# Analyse
# Copyrigth 2016 A. Farchi and M. Bocquet
# CEREA, joint laboratory Ecole des Ponts ParisTech and EDF R&D

# Code for the paper: Using the Wasserstein distance to compare fields of pollutants:
# Application to the radionuclide atmospheric dispersion of the Fukushima-Daiichi accident
# by A. Farchi, M. Bocquet, Y. Roustan, A. Mathieu and A. Querel


from OT.utils.sys.run                              import runCommand
from OT.utils.sys.argv                             import extractArgv
from OT.OTObjects1D.plotting.plottingConfiguration import PlottingConfiguration

# Extract Arguments
arguments   = extractArgv()
configFile  = arguments['CONFIG_FILE']

    printIO = ( arguments['PRINT_IO'] == 'True' )
    printIO = False

# Builds configuration
config      = PlottingConfiguration(configFile)

# Creates figDir
runCommand('mkdir -p '+config.figDir, printIO)

# Plots
plotter     = config.plotter()