def eBindBlockingListener(self, sQueueName, lBindingKeys=None): """ """ if self.oListenerChannel is None: if lBindingKeys is None: lBindingKeys = ['#'] self.oCreateConnection() oChannel = oChannel.exchange_declare(exchange=self.sExchangeName, passive=False, # auto_delete=True, type='topic') # oResult = oChannel.queue_declare(exclusive=True) # self.oListenerQueueName = oResult.method.queue # I don't think we want exclusive here: # we could have more than one listener, # and we could have one listening for retvals... oResult = oChannel.queue_declare(queue=sQueueName, exclusive=False) self.oListenerQueueName = sQueueName for sBindingKey in lBindingKeys: oChannel.queue_bind(exchange=self.sExchangeName, queue=sQueueName, routing_key=sBindingKey, ) time.sleep(0.1) self.oListenerChannel = oChannel vDebug("Bound listener channel " +str(id(oChannel)))
def eBindBlockingListener(self, sQueueName, lBindingKeys=None): """ """ if self.oListenerChannel is None: if lBindingKeys is None: lBindingKeys = ['#'] self.oCreateConnection() oChannel = oChannel.exchange_declare( exchange=self.sExchangeName, passive=False, # auto_delete=True, type='topic') # oResult = oChannel.queue_declare(exclusive=True) # self.oListenerQueueName = oResult.method.queue # I don't think we want exclusive here: # we could have more than one listener, # and we could have one listening for retvals... oResult = oChannel.queue_declare(queue=sQueueName, exclusive=False) self.oListenerQueueName = sQueueName for sBindingKey in lBindingKeys: oChannel.queue_bind( exchange=self.sExchangeName, queue=sQueueName, routing_key=sBindingKey, ) time.sleep(0.1) self.oListenerChannel = oChannel vDebug("Bound listener channel " + str(id(oChannel)))
def oCreateConnection(self): import pika global oCONNECTION if not self.oConnection: try: oConnection = pika.BlockingConnection(self.oParameters) assert oConnection, "oCreateConnection: no oConnection created" self.oConnection = oConnection oCONNECTION = oConnection vDebug("Created connection " +str(id(oConnection))) except Exception as e: # raise exceptions.ProbableAuthenticationError oLOG.exception("Error in oCreateConnection " + str(e)) raise return self.oConnection
def oCreateConnection(self): import pika global oCONNECTION if not self.oConnection: try: oConnection = pika.BlockingConnection(self.oParameters) assert oConnection, "oCreateConnection: no oConnection created" self.oConnection = oConnection oCONNECTION = oConnection vDebug("Created connection " + str(id(oConnection))) except Exception as e: # raise exceptions.ProbableAuthenticationError oLOG.exception("Error in oCreateConnection " + str(e)) raise return self.oConnection
def eBindBlockingSpeaker(self): """ We are going to use our Speaker channel as a broadcast channel for ticks, so we will set it up as a "topic". """ if self.oSpeakerChannel is None: self.oCreateConnection() oChannel = oChannel.exchange_declare(exchange=self.sExchangeName, passive=False, # auto_delete=True, type='topic') time.sleep(0.1) self.oSpeakerChannel = oChannel vDebug("Bound speaker channel " +str(id(oChannel)))
def eBindBlockingSpeaker(self): """ We are going to use our Speaker channel as a broadcast channel for ticks, so we will set it up as a "topic". """ if self.oSpeakerChannel is None: self.oCreateConnection() oChannel = oChannel.exchange_declare( exchange=self.sExchangeName, passive=False, # auto_delete=True, type='topic') time.sleep(0.1) self.oSpeakerChannel = oChannel vDebug("Bound speaker channel " + str(id(oChannel)))
def sPushToPending(self, sMark, sRequest, sType, oOptions): """ We push our requests onto a queue because some of them will be answered immediately (exec) and some of them will have the answer come back on a retval topic in the subcription. """ global dPENDING dPENDING[sMark] = sRequest # # sRequest = sType +"|" +oOptions.sChartId +"|" +"0" +"|" +sMark +"|" +sRequest # , zmq.NOBLOCK self.oReqRepSocket.send(sRequest) i = 1 if oOptions and oOptions.iDebugLevel >= 1: iLen = len(sRequest) vDebug("%d Sent request of length %d: %s" % (i, iLen, sRequest)) return ""
def eSendOnSpeaker(self, sType, sMess): if sType not in lKNOWN_TOPICS: sRetval = "eSendOnSpeaker: oSpeakerChannel unhandled topic " +sMess vError(sRetval) return sRetval if self.oSpeakerChannel is None: self.eBindBlockingSpeaker() assert self.oSpeakerChannel, "eSendOnSpeaker: oSpeakerChannel is null" assert self.oConnection, "eSendOnSpeaker: oConnection is null" # we will break the sChartId up into dots from the underscores # That way the end consumer can look at the feed selectively sPublishingKey = sType + '.' + self.sChartId.replace('_', '.') self.oSpeakerChannel.basic_publish(exchange=self.sExchangeName, routing_key=sPublishingKey, body=sMess, mandatory=False, immediate=False, properties=self.oProperties) vDebug("eSendOnSpeaker: sent " + sMess) return ""
def eSendOnSpeaker(self, sType, sMess): if sType not in lKNOWN_TOPICS: sRetval = "eSendOnSpeaker: oSpeakerChannel unhandled topic " + sMess vError(sRetval) return sRetval if self.oSpeakerChannel is None: self.eBindBlockingSpeaker() assert self.oSpeakerChannel, "eSendOnSpeaker: oSpeakerChannel is null" assert self.oConnection, "eSendOnSpeaker: oConnection is null" # we will break the sChartId up into dots from the underscores # That way the end consumer can look at the feed selectively sPublishingKey = sType + '.' + self.sChartId.replace('_', '.') self.oSpeakerChannel.basic_publish(exchange=self.sExchangeName, routing_key=sPublishingKey, body=sMess, mandatory=False, immediate=False, properties=self.oProperties) vDebug("eSendOnSpeaker: sent " + sMess) return ""