文件: File.py 项目: westerhack/Omega
            def fixtkns(line):
                """ combine tokens using order of operations """
                if __debug__:
                    assert isinstance(line, group), 'why wouldn\'t it be?'

                if isinstance(line.baseobj, arrayobj) or line.hasparens():# and len(line) <= 1:
                    if __debug__:
                        assert line.data == None, 'when would this happen??'
                    cpy = line.deepcopy()
                    cpy.parens, cpy.baseobj = cpy.defaultparens, obj() #so it wont go into this again.
                    cpy = fixtkns(cpy)
                    if cpy.data in line.control.delims['arraysep']:
                        if __debug__:
                            assert not cpy.hasparens(), 'not hard and fast, just why would it? (a:b), the a:b is cpy'
                        cpy.parens = line.parens
                        return cpy
                    line = group(control = line.control, parens = line.parens, baseobj = line.baseobj,
                                 args = [cpy])
                    return line

                if not len(line):
                    return line

                if len(line) == 1: #if the line is literally a single element, usually: ([blah, blah])
                    return line[0] if not len(line[0]) else fixtkns(line[0])
                fhp = findhighest(line)
                if __debug__:
                    assert isinstance(fhp, group), 'expected a group for fhp! (not %s)' % fhp
                    assert not len(fhp) and fhp.data, fhp

                ret = group(data = fhp.data, control = self.control, parens = line.parens)
                current = group(control = self.control)
                while len(line):
                    e = line.pop(0) #was formerly .pop(0)
                    if e.data == ret.data:
                        if len(current) and current[-1].hasparens():#isinstance(current[-1].baseobj,arrayobj):
                            for ele in current:
                        current = group(control = self.control)
                if len(current):
                return ret
文件: Group.py 项目: westerhack/Omega
 def getobj(self):
     if self.data == None and self.hasparens():
         return arrayobj()
     if self.data == None:
         return nullobj()
     if __debug__:
         assert isinstance(self.data, str), "'%s' has to be of type str, not '%s'" %(self.data, type(self.data))
     for key in objregexes:
         m = re.fullmatch(key.format(quote = self.control.allquotes, escape = self.control.escape), self.datastr)
         if m:
             self.data = m.groupdict()['keep']
             if objregexes[key] == nullobj:
                 return objregexes[key](isuser = True)
             return objregexes[key]()
     if self.data in self.control.allkws:
         return self.control.allkws[self.data]
     return obj()