def rm_rpms_cb(self, b): cmd = '/bin/rm -f' dlg = wait(self.ccw) dlg.show_all() p = self.get_ls() if not p: dlg.hide() info(_("There are no repeated RPM files!"), self.ccw) return s = self.get_size(p)[1] dlg.hide() if not sure( _("Delete %d RPM Files, will save %s!\nAre you sure?" % (len(p), s)), self.ccw): return cmd = '%s %s' % (cmd, ' '.join(p)) dlg.show_all() r = self.ccw.mechanism('run', 'system', cmd) dlg.hide() if r == 'NotAuth': return if r: info( _("%d RPM files has been deleted, TO save %s!") % (len(p), s), self.ccw) else: info( _("We can't complete this action at this time, due unknown error, you can try again!" ), self.ccw)
def apply_cb(self, w): if not sure(_('Are you sure you want to apply changes?'), self.ccw): return dlg=wait(self.ccw) self.convert_img(self.bg_fn, self.bg_nm) self.conf[0]['GRUB_TIMEOUT'] = int(self.Time_Out.get_value()) self.conf[0]['GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR'] = self.conf[0]['GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR'] self.conf[0]['GRUB_DISABLE_RECOVERY'] = str(not self.recovery_c.get_active()).lower() self.conf[0]['GRUB_DEFAULT'] = self.conf[0]['GRUB_DEFAULT'] self.conf[0]['GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX'] = '"' + self.Kernel_Opt.get_text() + '"' self.conf[0]['GRUB_GFXMODE'] = self.gfxmode self.conf[0]['GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX'] = "keep" self.conf[0]['GRUB_BACKGROUND'] = '/boot/grub2/oj.grub2.png' self.conf[1]['BACKGROUND'] = self.bg_fn self.conf[1]['FONT_FILE'] = self.font_fn self.conf[1]['FONT_NAME'] = self.font_nm font=self.font_fn if not self.theme_c.get_active(): font='' cfg = '\n'.join(map(lambda k: "%s=%s" % (k,str(self.conf[0][k])), self.conf[0].keys())) cfg +='\n' usr_cfg = '\n'.join(map(lambda k: "%s=%s" % (k,str(self.conf[1][k])), self.conf[1].keys())) try: open(self.user_conf, 'w+').write(usr_cfg) except IOError: pass #print usr_cfg, '\n\n',cfg,font, self.bg_fn,self.bg_nm r = self.ccw.mechanism('grub2', 'apply_cfg', self.conf_fn, cfg, font, self.bg_nm) dlg.destroy() if r == 'NotAuth': return if r.startswith("Error"): return error('%s: %s' %(_('Error!'),r),self.ccw) info(_('Done!'),self.ccw)
def apply_cb(self, w): if not sure(_('Are you sure you want to detect and add other operating systems?'), self.ccw): return dlg=wait(self.ccw) dlg.show_all() r=self.ccw.mechanism('grub2','os_prober_cb') dlg.hide() if r == 'NotAuth': return if r.startswith("Error"): return info('%s: %s'%(_('Error'),r[6:])) info(_('Operating systems found:\n%s') % r,self.ccw)
def execute(self, *args): f = "/usr/bin/livecd-iso-to-disk" if not os.path.exists(f): f = "/mnt/live/LiveOS/livecd-iso-to-disk" if not os.path.exists(f): error(_("The package 'livecd-tools' is not installed."), self.ccw) if sure(_("Would you like to install 'livecd-tools'?"), self.ccw): self.ccw.install_packages(['livecd-tools']) info(_("Please try again."), self.ccw) return ov = self.overlay_size.get_value() opt = "--noverify" dst, s, l = self.dst_parse(self.target_dev_ls.get_active_text()) if not dst: error(_('Please choose valid target device.'), self.ccw) return if self.format.get_active(): opt += " --format" if not sure( _("Are you sure you want to format target device (labeled %s)?" ) % l, self.ccw): return if self.reset_mbr.get_active(): opt += " --reset-mbr" if ov > 0: opt += " --overlay-size-mb %i" % ov if self.src_iso_file.get_active(): src = self.iso_file_b.get_filename() if not src or not os.path.exists(src) or not src.lower().endswith( '.iso'): error(_('Please choose a valid iso file'), self.ccw) return else: src = self.iso_dev_ls.get_active_text() if not src: error(_('Please choose a source device.'), self.ccw) return os.system("umount '%s'" % dst) cmd = '''%s %s "%s" "%s"''' % (f, opt, src, dst) print cmd dlg = wait(self.ccw) p = self.__dev_re.findall(dst)[0] dst0 = self.__dev_re.sub('', dst) self.ccw.mechanism('run', 'system', '''echo ",,,*" | sfdisk %s -N%s''' % (dst0, p)) while (Gtk.main_iteration_do()): pass r = self.ccw.mechanism('run', 'system', cmd, on_fail='0') if r != '0' and r != 'NotAuth': error( _("An error occurred while creating the live system.\nYou may run the following command in terminal to see the error:\n%s" ) % cmd, self.ccw) while (Gtk.main_iteration_do()): pass dlg.hide() if dlg: dlg.destroy()
def apply_cb(self, w): if not sure( _('Are you sure you want to detect and add other operating systems?' ), self.ccw): return dlg = wait(self.ccw) dlg.show_all() r = self.ccw.mechanism('grub2', 'os_prober_cb') dlg.hide() if r == 'NotAuth': return if r.startswith("Error"): return info('%s: %s' % (_('Error'), r[6:])) info(_('Operating systems found:\n%s') % r, self.ccw)
def apply_cb(self, w): if not sure( _('Make sure all disks are mounted. Are you sure you want to detect and add other operating systems?' ), self.ccw): return dlg = wait() dlg.show_all() r = self.ccw.mechanism('grub', 'set_grub_items') dlg.hide() if r == 'NotAuth': return if not r: return info(_('No operating systems were found')) info(_('Operating systems found:\n%s') % r, self.ccw)
def cp_rpms_cb(self, b): tdir_dlg=sel_dir_dlg(self.ccw) if ( tdir = tdir_dlg.get_filename() tdir_dlg.hide() else: tdir_dlg.hide() return #tdir = '/media/DATA/project/yumarchive/sss' dlg=wait(self.ccw) dlg.show_all() c,r = self.cp(tdir) dlg.hide() info(_("%d RPM files has been copied\nTo:%s\n%d Repeated RPMS removed!") %(len(c), tdir, len(r)), self.ccw)
def apply_cb(self, *b): if not os.path.isdir(self.tdir): return error(_("Select repository directory frist!"), self.ccw) dlg=wait(self.ccw) dlg.show_all() ret=False if self.gen_info_c.get_active(): s=self.create_repo_cb(self.tdir) if s: dlg.hide(); return error(s, self.ccw) ret=True if self.write_config_c.get_active(): if self.write_repo_cb(self.tdir) == '0': ret=True else: self.write_config_c.set_active(False) dlg.hide() if ret:info(_("Done!"), self.ccw) self.ch_rm_repo_b_sens()
def cp_rpms_cb(self, b): tdir_dlg = sel_dir_dlg(self.ccw) if ( == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT): tdir = tdir_dlg.get_filename() tdir_dlg.hide() else: tdir_dlg.hide() return #tdir = '/media/DATA/project/yumarchive/sss' dlg = wait(self.ccw) dlg.show_all() c, r = self.cp(tdir) dlg.hide() info( _("%d RPM files has been copied\nTo:%s\n%d Repeated RPMS removed!") % (len(c), tdir, len(r)), self.ccw)
def inst_opera(self, b): dlg=wait(self.ccw) opera_url=self.get_latest_opera_url() if not opera_url: dlg.hide() return error(_("Can not get latest opera url, make sure that you are online!"), self.ccw) print opera_url if which_exe('opera'): dlg.hide() return info(_('already installed'), self.ccw) r=self.ccw.mechanism('run','system','rpm -Uvh "%s"' % opera_url, on_fail='-1') dlg.hide() if r == 'NotAuth': return if dlg: dlg.destroy() info(_("You can wait about 5-15 minutes while downloading opera browser."), self.ccw)
def rm_rpms_cb(self, b): cmd = '/bin/rm -f' dlg=wait(self.ccw) dlg.show_all() p = self.get_ls() if not p: dlg.hide() info(_("There are no repeated RPM files!"), self.ccw) return s = self.get_size(p)[1] dlg.hide() if not sure(_("Delete %d RPM Files, will save %s!\nAre you sure?"%(len(p), s)), self.ccw): return cmd = '%s %s'%(cmd, ' '.join(p)) dlg.show_all() r = self.ccw.mechanism('run', 'system', cmd) dlg.hide() if r == 'NotAuth': return if r: info(_("%d RPM files has been deleted, TO save %s!") %(len(p), s), self.ccw) else: info(_("We can't complete this action at this time, due unknown error, you can try again!"), self.ccw)
def execute(self, *args): f="/usr/bin/livecd-iso-to-disk" if not os.path.exists(f): f="/mnt/live/LiveOS/livecd-iso-to-disk" if not os.path.exists(f): error(_("The package 'livecd-tools' is not installed."), self.ccw) if sure(_("Would you like to install 'livecd-tools'?"), self.ccw): self.ccw.install_packages(['livecd-tools']) info(_("Please try again."), self.ccw) return ov=self.overlay_size.get_value() opt="--noverify" dst,s,l=self.dst_parse(self.target_dev_ls.get_active_text()) if not dst: error(_('Please choose valid target device.'), self.ccw); return if self.format.get_active(): opt+=" --format" if not sure(_("Are you sure you want to format target device (labeled %s)?") % l, self.ccw): return if self.reset_mbr.get_active(): opt+=" --reset-mbr" if ov>0: opt+=" --overlay-size-mb %i" % ov if self.src_iso_file.get_active(): src=self.iso_file_b.get_filename() if not src or not os.path.exists(src) or not src.lower().endswith('.iso'): error(_('Please choose a valid iso file'), self.ccw); return else: src=self.iso_dev_ls.get_active_text() if not src: error(_('Please choose a source device.'), self.ccw); return os.system("umount '%s'" % dst) cmd='''%s %s "%s" "%s"''' % (f, opt,src,dst) print cmd dlg=wait(self.ccw) p=self.__dev_re.findall(dst)[0] dst0=self.__dev_re.sub('',dst) self.ccw.mechanism('run','system','''echo ",,,*" | sfdisk %s -N%s''' % (dst0, p)) while(Gtk.main_iteration_do()): pass r=self.ccw.mechanism('run','system',cmd, on_fail='0') if r!='0' and r!='NotAuth': error(_("An error occurred while creating the live system.\nYou may run the following command in terminal to see the error:\n%s") % cmd, self.ccw) while(Gtk.main_iteration_do()): pass dlg.hide() if dlg: dlg.destroy()
def inst_opera(self, b): dlg = wait(self.ccw) opera_url = self.get_latest_opera_url() if not opera_url: dlg.hide() return error( _("Can not get latest opera url, make sure that you are online!" ), self.ccw) print opera_url if which_exe('opera'): dlg.hide() return info(_('already installed'), self.ccw) r = self.ccw.mechanism('run', 'system', 'rpm -Uvh "%s"' % opera_url, on_fail='-1') dlg.hide() if r == 'NotAuth': return if dlg: dlg.destroy() info( _("You can wait about 5-15 minutes while downloading opera browser." ), self.ccw)