def samplesToFLP(dtxypower, xymmToDac=None):
    clock_Hz = 60e3
    xytickspmm = float(0xffff) / 125
    lastPower = None
    xyticks = []
    import numpy as np
    dtxypower = np.asarray(dtxypower)
    from OpenFL import FLP
    result = FLP.Packets()
    result.append(FLP.TimeRemaining(int(sum(dtxypower[:, 0]))))
    import numpy as np
    if xymmToDac is None:
        tickspmm = float(0xffff) / 125.0
        midticks = float(0xffff) / 2
        xyToTicks = np.array([[tickspmm, 0, midticks], [0, tickspmm, midticks],
                              [0, 0, 1]])

        def xymmToDac(x_mm, y_mm):
            xy_ticks = xyToTicks.dot((x_mm, y_mm, 1))
            x_ticks, y_ticks = xy_ticks[:2] / xy_ticks[-1]
            return x_ticks, y_ticks

    for dt_s, x_mm, y_mm, power in dtxypower:
        #power = mWToNumber(power)
        if power != lastPower:
            if xyticks:
                xyticks = []
            lastPower = power
        xy_ticks = xymmToDac(x_mm, y_mm)
        dt_ticks = dt_s * clock_Hz
        # Deal with potential that the move takes too long to fit in one step:
        for i in range(int(dt_ticks // 0xffff)):
            alpha = (i + 1) * 0xffff / dt_ticks
            x = np.interp(alpha, [0.0, 1.0], [lastxy_ticks[0], xy_ticks[0]])
            y = np.interp(alpha, [0.0, 1.0], [lastxy_ticks[1], xy_ticks[1]])
            xyticks.append((x, y, 0xffff))
        dt_ticks %= 0xffff  # Now we just have to do the last little bit.
        xyticks.append(tuple(xy_ticks) + (dt_ticks, ))
        lastxy_ticks = xy_ticks
    if xyticks:
    return result
 def samples_to_FLP(self, xy_mm_dts_s_mW, max_mm=5.0):
     import FLP
     clock_Hz = FLP.XYMoveClockRate.moverate_Hz()
     xyticks = []
     import numpy as np
     xy_mm_dts_s_mW = np.asarray(xy_mm_dts_s_mW)
     result = FLP.Packets()
     xydtmW = self.sample_line_segments_mm_s(
         start_xy_mm=xy_mm_dts_s_mW[0, :2],
         xys_mm=xy_mm_dts_s_mW[1:, :2],
         dts_s=xy_mm_dts_s_mW[1:, 2],
         mWs=xy_mm_dts_s_mW[1:, 3],
     # Use the starting row, then interpolate elsewhere.
     xydtmW = np.vstack([
         np.hstack([xydtmW[:, :2], xydtmW[:, 2:3], xydtmW[:, 3:4]])
     last_mW = None
     lastxy_ticks = self.mm_to_galvo(xydtmW[0][0], xydtmW[0][1])
     for x_mm, y_mm, dt_s, mW in xydtmW:
         if mW != last_mW:
             if xyticks:
                 xyticks = []
             last_mW = mW
         xy_ticks = self.mm_to_galvo(x_mm, y_mm)
         dt_ticks = dt_s * clock_Hz
         # Deal with potential that the move takes too long to fit in one step:
         for i in range(int(dt_ticks // 0xffff)):
             alpha = (i + 1) * 0xffff / dt_ticks
             x = np.interp(alpha, [0.0, 1.0],
                           [lastxy_ticks[0], xy_ticks[0]])
             y = np.interp(alpha, [0.0, 1.0],
                           [lastxy_ticks[1], xy_ticks[1]])
             xyticks.append((x, y, 0xffff))
         dt_ticks %= 0xffff  # Now we just have to do the last little bit.
         xyticks.append(tuple(xy_ticks) + (dt_ticks, ))
         lastxy_ticks = xy_ticks
     if xyticks:
     return result
def to_flp(stipples, dpi=300, x_mm=0, y_mm=0, laser_pwr=35000,
           ticks=500, base=100):
    """" Converts a set of stipples into a list of FLP packets
            dpi is the image's DPI
            x_mm and y_mm are the corner location of the image (default 0,0)
                (where 0,0 is the center of the build platform)
            laser_power is the laser's power level in ticks
            ticks is the number of frames the laser spends a black point
            base is the number of frames the laser spends on a white point
    # Accumulated list of FLP packets
    packets = F.Packets()

    # Sort by X to reduce the amount of laser moves necessary
    stipples = sorted(stipples, key=lambda s: s[0])

    # Draw stuff for every point
    for x, y, i in stipples:
        # Center position in mm
        x = mm_to_pos(x / float(dpi) * 25.4 + x_mm)
        y = mm_to_pos(y / float(dpi) * 25.4 + y_mm)

        # Decide how long to stay on this point (longer time = darker point)
        t = int(ceil((ticks - base) * (1 - i)) + base)
        if t == 0:

        # Move to this stipple's location with the laser off, then pause
        # briefly to let the controller stabilize
        packets.append(F.XYMove([[x, y, 200], [x, y, 100]]))

        # Draw the spot with the laser on
        packets.append(F.XYMove([[x, y, t]]))

    return packets