def draw_sorted(sorted_by_color): #russ 080320: factored out of finish(). """ Traverse color-sorted lists, invoking worker procedures. """ objects_drawn = 0 # Keep track and return. glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) for color, funcs in sorted_by_color.iteritems(): opacity = color[3] if opacity == -1: #piotr 080429: Opacity == -1 signals the "unshaded color". # Also, see my comment in "schedule". glDisable(GL_LIGHTING) # Don't forget to re-enable it! glColor3fv(color[:3]) else: apply_material(color) pass for func, params, name in funcs: objects_drawn += 1 if name != 0: glPushName(name) func(params) if name != 0: glPopName() pass continue if opacity == -1: glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) continue return objects_drawn
def draw_after_highlighting(self, glpane, dispdef, pickCheckOnly = False): """ For ESPImage class, this does all the drawing. (Does it after main drawing code is finished drawing.) This method ensures that the ESP image jig gets selected even when you click inside the rectangular box (i.e. not just along the edges of the box). """ anythingDrawn = False if self.hidden: return anythingDrawn self.pickCheckOnly = pickCheckOnly anythingDrawn = True glPushName(self.glname) try: self._draw(glpane, dispdef) #calls self._draw_jig() except: anythingDrawn = False msg = "ignoring exception when drawing Jig %r" % self print_compact_traceback(msg + ": ") glPopName() return anythingDrawn
def draw_after_highlighting(self, glpane, dispdef, pickCheckOnly = False): """ For ESPImage class, this does all the drawing. (does it after main drawing code is finished drawing) . This method ensures that the ESP image jig gets selected even when you click inside the rectangular box (i.e. not just along the edgets of the box) @see: GraphicsMode.Draw_after_highlighting() @see: Node.draw_after_highlighting() @see:Plane.draw_after_highlighting() """ anythingDrawn = False if self.hidden: return anythingDrawn self.pickCheckOnly = pickCheckOnly try: anythingDrawn = True glPushName(self.glname) self._draw(glpane, dispdef) #calls self._draw_jig() except: anythingDrawn = False glPopName() print_compact_traceback("ignoring exception when drawing Jig %r: " % self) else: glPopName() return anythingDrawn
def draw_after_highlighting(self, glpane, dispdef, pickCheckOnly=False): """ For ESPImage class, this does all the drawing. (does it after main drawing code is finished drawing) . This method ensures that the ESP image jig gets selected even when you click inside the rectangular box (i.e. not just along the edgets of the box) @see: GraphicsMode.Draw_after_highlighting() @see: Node.draw_after_highlighting() @see:Plane.draw_after_highlighting() """ anythingDrawn = False if self.hidden: return anythingDrawn self.pickCheckOnly = pickCheckOnly try: anythingDrawn = True glPushName(self.glname) self._draw(glpane, dispdef) #calls self._draw_jig() except: anythingDrawn = False glPopName() print_compact_traceback( "ignoring exception when drawing Jig %r: " % self) else: glPopName() return anythingDrawn
def draw(self, glpane, dispdef): if self.hidden: return try: glPushName(self.glname) self._draw(glpane, dispdef) except: glPopName() print_compact_traceback("ignoring exception when drawing Plane %r: " % self) else: glPopName()
def draw(self, glpane, dispdef): if self.hidden: return try: glPushName(self.glname) self._draw(glpane, dispdef) except: glPopName() print_compact_traceback( "ignoring exception when drawing Plane %r: " % self) else: glPopName()
def schedule(color, func, params): # staticmethod if ColorSorter.sorting: ColorSorter._add_to_sorter(color, func, params) else: ColorSorter._immediate += 1 # for benchmark/debug stats, mostly # 20060216 We know we can do this here because the stack is # only ever one element deep name = ColorSorter._gl_name_stack[-1] if name: glPushName(name) ## Don't check in immediate drawing, e.g. preDraw_glselect_dict. ## else: ## print "bug_1: attempt to push non-glname", name #Apply appropriate opacity for the object if it is specified #in the 'color' param. (Also do necessary things such as #call glBlendFunc it. -- Ninad 20071009 if len(color) == 4: opacity = color[3] else: opacity = 1.0 if opacity >= 0.0 and opacity != 1.0: glDepthMask(GL_FALSE) glEnable(GL_BLEND) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) elif opacity == -1: # piotr 080429: I replaced the " < 0" condition with " == -1" # The opacity flag is now used to signal either "unshaded # colors" (opacity == -1) or "multicolor object" (opacity == -2) glDisable(GL_LIGHTING) # Don't forget to re-enable it! glColor3fv(color[:3]) pass apply_material(color) func(params) # Call the draw worker function. if opacity > 0.0 and opacity != 1.0: glDisable(GL_BLEND) glDepthMask(GL_TRUE) elif opacity == -1: # piotr 080429: See my comment above. glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) if name: glPopName() return
def draw(self): """ Draw the direction arrow. (This method is called inside of the parent object's drawing code. """ try: glPushName(self.glname) if self.flipDirection: self._draw(flipDirection = self.flipDirection) else: self._draw() except: glPopName() print_compact_traceback("ignoring exception when drawing handle %r: " % self) else: glPopName() pass
def draw(self, hCenter=None): """ Public method to draw the resize handle. @param hCenter: The center of the handle. If None, use the handle's I{center} property. @type hCenter: L{V} or None @see: :{self._draw} which is called inside this method. """ try: glPushName(self.glname) if hCenter: self._draw(hCenter) else: self._draw() except: glPopName() print_compact_traceback("ignoring exception when drawing handle %r: " % self) else: glPopName()
def draw(self, hCenter=None): """ Public method to draw the resize handle. @param hCenter: The center of the handle. If None, use the handle's I{center} property. @type hCenter: L{V} or None @see: :{self._draw} which is called inside this method. """ try: glPushName(self.glname) if hCenter: self._draw(hCenter) else: self._draw() except: glPopName() print_compact_traceback( "ignoring exception when drawing handle %r: " % self) else: glPopName()
def _draw_sorted(sorted_by_color): #russ 080320: factored out of finish(). """ Traverse color-sorted lists, invoking worker procedures. """ ### REVIEW: still needed? does this have some duplicated code with # parent_csdl.finish? If so, has this been maintained as that's been # modified? [bruce 090224 questions] glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) for color, funcs in sorted_by_color.iteritems(): opacity = color[3] if opacity == -1: #piotr 080429: Opacity == -1 signals the "unshaded color". # Also, see my comment in "schedule". glDisable(GL_LIGHTING) # reenabled below glColor3fv(color[:3]) else: apply_material(color) pass for func, params, name in funcs: if name: glPushName(name) else: pass ## print "bug_4: attempt to push non-glname", name func(params) # Call the draw worker function. if name: glPopName() pass continue if opacity == -1: glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) continue return
def pop_saved_names(self): for glname in self.saved_glnames: # wrong order, but only the total number matters glPopName()
def finish(): """ Finish sorting - objects recorded since "start" will be sorted and invoked now. """ from utilities.debug_prefs import debug_pref, Choice_boolean_False debug_which_renderer = debug_pref( "debug print which renderer", Choice_boolean_False) #bruce 060314, imperfect but tolerable parent_csdl = ColorSorter.parent_csdl if drawing_globals.use_c_renderer: quux.shapeRendererInit() if debug_which_renderer: #bruce 060314 uncommented/revised the next line; it might have # to come after shapeRendererInit (not sure); it definitely has # to come after a graphics context is created and initialized. # 20060314 grantham - yes, has to come after # quux.shapeRendererInit . enabled = quux.shapeRendererGetInteger(quux.IS_VBO_ENABLED) print("using C renderer: VBO %s enabled" % (('is NOT', 'is')[enabled])) quux.shapeRendererSetUseDynamicLOD(0) if ColorSorter.sphereLevel != -1: quux.shapeRendererSetStaticLODLevels(ColorSorter.sphereLevel, 1) quux.shapeRendererStartDrawing() ColorSorter._cur_shapelist.draw() quux.shapeRendererFinishDrawing() ColorSorter.sorting = False # So chunks can actually record their shapelist # at some point if they want to # ColorSorter._cur_shapelist.petrify() # return ColorSorter._cur_shapelist else: if debug_which_renderer: print( "using Python renderer: use_color_sorted_dls %s enabled" % (drawing_globals.use_color_sorted_dls and 'IS' or 'is NOT')) print( "using Python renderer: use_color_sorted_vbos %s enabled" % (drawing_globals.use_color_sorted_vbos and 'IS' or 'is NOT')) color_groups = len(ColorSorter.sorted_by_color) objects_drawn = 0 if (not (drawing_globals.allow_color_sorting and drawing_globals.use_color_sorted_dls) or (ColorSortedDisplayList.cache_ColorSorter and drawing_globals.allow_color_sorting and drawing_globals.use_color_sorted_vbos) #russ 080225 Added, 080320 VBO experiment. or parent_csdl is None): # Either all in one display list, or immediate-mode drawing. objects_drawn += ColorSorter.draw_sorted( ColorSorter.sorted_by_color) #russ 080225: Moved glEndList here for displist re-org. if parent_csdl is not None: #russ 080320: Experiment with VBO drawing from cached #ColorSorter lists. if (ColorSortedDisplayList.cache_ColorSorter and drawing_globals.allow_color_sorting and drawing_globals.use_color_sorted_vbos): # Remember the ColorSorter lists for use as a # pseudo-display-list. parent_csdl.sorted_by_color = \ ColorSorter.sorted_by_color else: # Terminate a single display list, created when color # sorting is turned off. Started in ColorSorter.start . glEndList() pass pass else: #russ 080225 parent_csdl.reset() selColor = env.prefs[selectionColor_prefs_key] # First build the lower level per-color sublists of primitives. for color, funcs in ColorSorter.sorted_by_color.iteritems(): sublists = [glGenLists(1), 0] # Remember the display list ID for this color. parent_csdl.per_color_dls.append([color, sublists]) glNewList(sublists[0], GL_COMPILE) opacity = color[3] if opacity == -1: #russ 080306: "Unshaded colors" for lines are signaled # by an opacity of -1 (4th component of the color.) glDisable(GL_LIGHTING) # Don't forget to re-enable it! pass for func, params, name in funcs: objects_drawn += 1 if name != 0: glPushName(name) func(params) if name != 0: glPopName() pass continue if opacity == -1: # Enable lighting after drawing "unshaded" objects. glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) pass glEndList() if opacity == -2: # piotr 080419: Special case for drawpolycone_multicolor # create another display list that ignores # the contents of color_array. # Remember the display list ID for this color. sublists[1] = glGenLists(1) glNewList(sublists[1], GL_COMPILE) for func, params, name in funcs: objects_drawn += 1 if name != 0: glPushName(name) if func == drawpolycone_multicolor_worker: # Just to be sure, check if the func # is drawpolycone_multicolor_worker # and call drawpolycone_worker instead. # I think in the future we can figure out # a more general way of handling the # GL_COLOR_MATERIAL objects. piotr 080420 pos_array, color_array, rad_array = params drawpolycone_worker((pos_array, rad_array)) elif func == drawtriangle_strip_worker: # piotr 080710: Multi-color modification # for triangle_strip primitive (used by # reduced protein style). pos_array, normal_array, color_array = params drawtriangle_strip_worker( (pos_array, normal_array, None)) if name != 0: glPopName() pass continue glEndList() continue # Now the upper-level lists call all of the per-color sublists. # One with colors. color_dl = parent_csdl.color_dl = glGenLists(1) glNewList(color_dl, GL_COMPILE) for color, dls in parent_csdl.per_color_dls: opacity = color[3] if opacity < 0: #russ 080306: "Unshaded colors" for lines are signaled # by a negative alpha. glColor3fv(color[:3]) # piotr 080417: for opacity == -2, i.e. if # GL_COLOR_MATERIAL is enabled, the color is going # to be ignored, anyway, so it is not necessary # to be tested here else: apply_material(color) glCallList(dls[0]) continue glEndList() # A second one without any colors. nocolor_dl = parent_csdl.nocolor_dl = glGenLists(1) glNewList(nocolor_dl, GL_COMPILE) for color, dls in parent_csdl.per_color_dls: opacity = color[3] if opacity == -2 \ and dls[1] > 0: # piotr 080420: If GL_COLOR_MATERIAL is enabled, # use a regular, single color dl rather than the # multicolor one. Btw, dls[1] == 0 should never # happen. glCallList(dls[1]) else: glCallList(dls[0]) glEndList() # A third DL implements the selected appearance. selected_dl = parent_csdl.selected_dl = glGenLists(1) glNewList(selected_dl, GL_COMPILE) # russ 080530: Support for patterned selection drawing modes. patterned = isPatternedDrawing(select=True) if patterned: # Patterned drawing needs the colored dl drawn first. glCallList(color_dl) startPatternedDrawing(select=True) pass # Draw solid color (unpatterned) or an overlay pattern, in the # selection color. apply_material(selColor) glCallList(nocolor_dl) if patterned: # Reset from patterning drawing mode. endPatternedDrawing(select=True) glEndList() # Use either the normal-color display list or the selected one. parent_csdl.selectDl() # Draw the newly-built display list. parent_csdl.draw_dl() pass ColorSorter.sorted_by_color = None pass ColorSorter.sorting = False return
def finish(self, sorted_by_color): #bruce 090224 split this out of caller """ Finish collecting new primitives for use in self, and store them all in self, ready to be drawn in various ways. [meant to be called only by ColorSorter.start, for now] """ ## self._reset() ## # (note: this deallocates any existing display lists) if self.transformControl and (self.spheres or self.cylinders): self.updateTransform() # needed to do the transform for the first time, # even if it didn't change. Review: refactor to # whereever we first compile these down? That # might be a different place in self.draw vs. # draw from DrawingSet. selColor = env.prefs[selectionColor_prefs_key] # Note: if sorted_by_color is empty, current code still builds all # toplevel display lists, though they are noops. This may be needed # by some client code which uses those dls directly. Client code # wanting to know if it needs to draw our dls should test # self.has_nonempty_DLs(), which tests self._per_color_dls, # or self.has_nonshader_drawing(), which reports on that or any # other kind of nonshader (immediate mode opengl) drawing we might # have. [bruce 090225/090312 comment] # First build the lower level per-color sublists of primitives. for color, funcs in sorted_by_color.iteritems(): sublists = [glGenLists(1), 0] # Remember the display list ID for this color. self._per_color_dls.append([color, sublists]) glNewList(sublists[0], GL_COMPILE) opacity = color[3] if opacity == -1: #russ 080306: "Unshaded colors" for lines are signaled # by an opacity of -1 (4th component of the color.) glDisable(GL_LIGHTING) # Don't forget to re-enable it! pass for func, params, name in funcs: if name: glPushName(name) else: pass ## print "bug_2: attempt to push non-glname", name func(params) # Call the draw worker function. if name: glPopName() pass continue if opacity == -1: # Enable lighting after drawing "unshaded" objects. glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) pass glEndList() if opacity == -2: # piotr 080419: Special case for drawpolycone_multicolor # create another display list that ignores # the contents of color_array. # Remember the display list ID for this color. sublists[1] = glGenLists(1) glNewList(sublists[1], GL_COMPILE) for func, params, name in funcs: if name: glPushName(name) else: pass ## print "bug_3: attempt to push non-glname", name if func == drawpolycone_multicolor_worker: # Just to be sure, check if the func # is drawpolycone_multicolor_worker # and call drawpolycone_worker instead. # I think in the future we can figure out # a more general way of handling the # GL_COLOR_MATERIAL objects. piotr 080420 pos_array, color_array_junk, rad_array = params drawpolycone_worker((pos_array, rad_array)) elif func == drawtriangle_strip_worker: # piotr 080710: Multi-color modification # for triangle_strip primitive (used by # reduced protein style). pos_array, normal_array, color_array_junk = params drawtriangle_strip_worker( (pos_array, normal_array, None)) if name: glPopName() pass continue glEndList() continue # Now the upper-level lists call all of the per-color sublists. #### REVIEW: these are created even when empty. Is that necessary? # [bruce 090224 Q] # One with colors. color_dl = self.color_dl = glGenLists(1) glNewList(color_dl, GL_COMPILE) for color, dls in self._per_color_dls: opacity = color[3] if opacity < 0: #russ 080306: "Unshaded colors" for lines are signaled # by a negative alpha. glColor3fv(color[:3]) # piotr 080417: for opacity == -2, i.e. if # GL_COLOR_MATERIAL is enabled, the color is going # to be ignored, anyway, so it is not necessary # to be tested here else: apply_material(color) glCallList(dls[0]) continue glEndList() # A second one without any colors. nocolor_dl = self.nocolor_dl = glGenLists(1) glNewList(nocolor_dl, GL_COMPILE) for color, dls in self._per_color_dls: opacity = color[3] if opacity == -2 \ and dls[1] > 0: # piotr 080420: If GL_COLOR_MATERIAL is enabled, # use a regular, single color dl rather than the # multicolor one. Btw, dls[1] == 0 should never # happen. glCallList(dls[1]) else: glCallList(dls[0]) glEndList() # A third DL implements the selected appearance. selected_dl = self.selected_dl = glGenLists(1) glNewList(selected_dl, GL_COMPILE) # russ 080530: Support for patterned selection drawing modes. patterned = isPatternedDrawing(select=True) if patterned: # Patterned drawing needs the colored dl drawn first. glCallList(color_dl) startPatternedDrawing(select=True) pass # Draw solid color (unpatterned) or an overlay pattern, in the # selection color. apply_material(selColor) glCallList(nocolor_dl) if patterned: # Reset from patterning drawing mode. endPatternedDrawing(select=True) glEndList() pass
def pop_name(self): glPopName()
def finish(self, sorted_by_color): # bruce 090224 split this out of caller """ Finish collecting new primitives for use in self, and store them all in self, ready to be drawn in various ways. [meant to be called only by ColorSorter.start, for now] """ ## self._reset() ## # (note: this deallocates any existing display lists) if self.transformControl and (self.spheres or self.cylinders): self.updateTransform() # needed to do the transform for the first time, # even if it didn't change. Review: refactor to # whereever we first compile these down? That # might be a different place in self.draw vs. # draw from DrawingSet. selColor = env.prefs[selectionColor_prefs_key] # Note: if sorted_by_color is empty, current code still builds all # toplevel display lists, though they are noops. This may be needed # by some client code which uses those dls directly. Client code # wanting to know if it needs to draw our dls should test # self.has_nonempty_DLs(), which tests self._per_color_dls, # or self.has_nonshader_drawing(), which reports on that or any # other kind of nonshader (immediate mode opengl) drawing we might # have. [bruce 090225/090312 comment] # First build the lower level per-color sublists of primitives. for color, funcs in sorted_by_color.iteritems(): sublists = [glGenLists(1), 0] # Remember the display list ID for this color. self._per_color_dls.append([color, sublists]) glNewList(sublists[0], GL_COMPILE) opacity = color[3] if opacity == -1: # russ 080306: "Unshaded colors" for lines are signaled # by an opacity of -1 (4th component of the color.) glDisable(GL_LIGHTING) # Don't forget to re-enable it! pass for func, params, name in funcs: if name: glPushName(name) else: pass ## print "bug_2: attempt to push non-glname", name func(params) # Call the draw worker function. if name: glPopName() pass continue if opacity == -1: # Enable lighting after drawing "unshaded" objects. glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) pass glEndList() if opacity == -2: # piotr 080419: Special case for drawpolycone_multicolor # create another display list that ignores # the contents of color_array. # Remember the display list ID for this color. sublists[1] = glGenLists(1) glNewList(sublists[1], GL_COMPILE) for func, params, name in funcs: if name: glPushName(name) else: pass ## print "bug_3: attempt to push non-glname", name if func == drawpolycone_multicolor_worker: # Just to be sure, check if the func # is drawpolycone_multicolor_worker # and call drawpolycone_worker instead. # I think in the future we can figure out # a more general way of handling the # GL_COLOR_MATERIAL objects. piotr 080420 pos_array, color_array_junk, rad_array = params drawpolycone_worker((pos_array, rad_array)) elif func == drawtriangle_strip_worker: # piotr 080710: Multi-color modification # for triangle_strip primitive (used by # reduced protein style). pos_array, normal_array, color_array_junk = params drawtriangle_strip_worker((pos_array, normal_array, None)) if name: glPopName() pass continue glEndList() continue # Now the upper-level lists call all of the per-color sublists. #### REVIEW: these are created even when empty. Is that necessary? # [bruce 090224 Q] # One with colors. color_dl = self.color_dl = glGenLists(1) glNewList(color_dl, GL_COMPILE) for color, dls in self._per_color_dls: opacity = color[3] if opacity < 0: # russ 080306: "Unshaded colors" for lines are signaled # by a negative alpha. glColor3fv(color[:3]) # piotr 080417: for opacity == -2, i.e. if # GL_COLOR_MATERIAL is enabled, the color is going # to be ignored, anyway, so it is not necessary # to be tested here else: apply_material(color) glCallList(dls[0]) continue glEndList() # A second one without any colors. nocolor_dl = self.nocolor_dl = glGenLists(1) glNewList(nocolor_dl, GL_COMPILE) for color, dls in self._per_color_dls: opacity = color[3] if opacity == -2 and dls[1] > 0: # piotr 080420: If GL_COLOR_MATERIAL is enabled, # use a regular, single color dl rather than the # multicolor one. Btw, dls[1] == 0 should never # happen. glCallList(dls[1]) else: glCallList(dls[0]) glEndList() # A third DL implements the selected appearance. selected_dl = self.selected_dl = glGenLists(1) glNewList(selected_dl, GL_COMPILE) # russ 080530: Support for patterned selection drawing modes. patterned = isPatternedDrawing(select=True) if patterned: # Patterned drawing needs the colored dl drawn first. glCallList(color_dl) startPatternedDrawing(select=True) pass # Draw solid color (unpatterned) or an overlay pattern, in the # selection color. apply_material(selColor) glCallList(nocolor_dl) if patterned: # Reset from patterning drawing mode. endPatternedDrawing(select=True) glEndList() pass
def draw_after_highlighting(self, glpane, dispdef, pickCheckOnly = False): """ Things to draw after highlighting. Subclasses should override this method. This API method ensures that , when user clicks on the filled area of a plane, the plane gets selected. @param pickCheckOnly: This flag in conjunction with this API method allows selection of the plane when you click inside the plane (i.e. not along the highlighted plane borders) . (Note flag copied over from the old implementation before 2008-06-20) @type pickCheckOnly: boolean @return: A boolean flag 'anythingDrawn' that tells whether this method drew something. @rtype: boolean @see: GraphicsMode.Draw_after_highlighting() @see: Node.draw_after_highlighting() which is overridden here """ #This implementation fixes bug 2900 anythingDrawn = False if self.hidden: return False self.pickCheckOnly = pickCheckOnly try: anythingDrawn = True glPushName(self.glname) glPushMatrix() glTranslatef([0],[1],[2]) q = self.quat glRotatef( q.angle * ONE_RADIAN, q.x, q.y, q.z) if dot(self.getaxis(), glpane.lineOfSight) < 0: fill_color = brown #backside else: fill_color = self.fill_color # Urmi-20080613: display grid lines on the plane if env.prefs[PlanePM_showGrid_prefs_key]: drawGPGridForPlane(self.glpane, self.gridColor, self.gridLineType, self.width, self.height, self.gridXSpacing, self.gridYSpacing, self.quat.unrot(self.glpane.up), self.quat.unrot(self.glpane.right), env.prefs[PlanePM_showGridLabels_prefs_key], self.originLocation, self.displayLabelStyle) textureReady = False if self.display_image and \ self.tex_image: textureReady = True glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.tex_image) fill_color = [1.0,1.0,1.0] if self.display_heightfield: if self.heightfield and \ self.image: if not self.heightfield_use_texture: textureReady = False drawHeightfield(fill_color, self.width, self.height, textureReady, self.opacity, SOLID=True, pickCheckOnly=self.pickCheckOnly, hf=self.heightfield) else: drawPlane(fill_color, self.width, self.height, textureReady, self.opacity, SOLID=True, pickCheckOnly=self.pickCheckOnly, tex_coords=self.tex_coords) glPopMatrix() except: anythingDrawn = False glPopName() print_compact_traceback( "ignoring exception when drawing Plane %r: " % self) else: glPopName() return anythingDrawn
def draw_after_highlighting(self, glpane, dispdef, pickCheckOnly=False): """ Things to draw after highlighting. Subclasses can override this method. This API method ensures that, when user clicks on the filled area of a plane, the plane gets selected. @param pickCheckOnly: This flag in conjunction with this API method allows selection of the plane when you click inside the plane (i.e. not along the highlighted plane borders) . (Note: flag copied over from the old implementation before 2008-06-20) @type pickCheckOnly: boolean @return: A boolean flag 'anythingDrawn' that tells whether this method drew something. @rtype: boolean @see: Node.draw_after_highlighting() which is overridden here """ #This implementation fixes bug 2900 anythingDrawn = False if self.hidden: return anythingDrawn self.pickCheckOnly = pickCheckOnly try: anythingDrawn = True glPushName(self.glname) glPushMatrix() glTranslatef([0],[1],[2]) q = self.quat glRotatef(q.angle * ONE_RADIAN, q.x, q.y, q.z) if dot(self.getaxis(), glpane.lineOfSight) < 0: fill_color = brown #backside else: fill_color = self.fill_color # Urmi-20080613: display grid lines on the plane if env.prefs[PlanePM_showGrid_prefs_key]: drawGPGridForPlane(self.glpane, self.gridColor, self.gridLineType, self.width, self.height, self.gridXSpacing, self.gridYSpacing, self.quat.unrot(self.glpane.up), self.quat.unrot(self.glpane.right), env.prefs[PlanePM_showGridLabels_prefs_key], self.originLocation, self.displayLabelStyle) textureReady = False if self.display_image and \ self.tex_image: textureReady = True glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.tex_image) fill_color = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] if self.display_heightfield: if self.heightfield and \ self.image: if not self.heightfield_use_texture: textureReady = False drawHeightfield(fill_color, self.width, self.height, textureReady, self.opacity, SOLID=True, pickCheckOnly=self.pickCheckOnly, hf=self.heightfield) else: drawPlane(fill_color, self.width, self.height, textureReady, self.opacity, SOLID=True, pickCheckOnly=self.pickCheckOnly, tex_coords=self.tex_coords) glPopMatrix() except: anythingDrawn = False glPopName() print_compact_traceback( "ignoring exception when drawing Plane %r: " % self) else: glPopName() return anythingDrawn
def finish(): """ Finish sorting - objects recorded since "start" will be sorted and invoked now. """ from utilities.debug_prefs import debug_pref, Choice_boolean_False debug_which_renderer = debug_pref( "debug print which renderer", Choice_boolean_False) #bruce 060314, imperfect but tolerable parent_csdl = ColorSorter.parent_csdl if drawing_globals.use_c_renderer: quux.shapeRendererInit() if debug_which_renderer: #bruce 060314 uncommented/revised the next line; it might have # to come after shapeRendererInit (not sure); it definitely has # to come after a graphics context is created and initialized. # 20060314 grantham - yes, has to come after # quux.shapeRendererInit . enabled = quux.shapeRendererGetInteger(quux.IS_VBO_ENABLED) print ("using C renderer: VBO %s enabled" % (('is NOT', 'is')[enabled])) quux.shapeRendererSetUseDynamicLOD(0) if ColorSorter.sphereLevel != -1: quux.shapeRendererSetStaticLODLevels(ColorSorter.sphereLevel, 1) quux.shapeRendererStartDrawing() ColorSorter._cur_shapelist.draw() quux.shapeRendererFinishDrawing() ColorSorter.sorting = False # So chunks can actually record their shapelist # at some point if they want to # ColorSorter._cur_shapelist.petrify() # return ColorSorter._cur_shapelist else: if debug_which_renderer: print ("using Python renderer: use_color_sorted_dls %s enabled" % (drawing_globals.use_color_sorted_dls and 'IS' or 'is NOT')) print ("using Python renderer: use_color_sorted_vbos %s enabled" % (drawing_globals.use_color_sorted_vbos and 'IS' or 'is NOT')) color_groups = len(ColorSorter.sorted_by_color) objects_drawn = 0 if (not (drawing_globals.allow_color_sorting and drawing_globals.use_color_sorted_dls) or (ColorSortedDisplayList.cache_ColorSorter and drawing_globals.allow_color_sorting and drawing_globals.use_color_sorted_vbos) #russ 080225 Added, 080320 VBO experiment. or parent_csdl is None): # Either all in one display list, or immediate-mode drawing. objects_drawn += ColorSorter.draw_sorted( ColorSorter.sorted_by_color) #russ 080225: Moved glEndList here for displist re-org. if parent_csdl is not None: #russ 080320: Experiment with VBO drawing from cached #ColorSorter lists. if (ColorSortedDisplayList.cache_ColorSorter and drawing_globals.allow_color_sorting and drawing_globals.use_color_sorted_vbos): # Remember the ColorSorter lists for use as a # pseudo-display-list. parent_csdl.sorted_by_color = \ ColorSorter.sorted_by_color else: # Terminate a single display list, created when color # sorting is turned off. Started in ColorSorter.start . glEndList() pass pass else: #russ 080225 parent_csdl.reset() selColor = env.prefs[selectionColor_prefs_key] # First build the lower level per-color sublists of primitives. for color, funcs in ColorSorter.sorted_by_color.iteritems(): sublists = [glGenLists(1), 0] # Remember the display list ID for this color. parent_csdl.per_color_dls.append([color, sublists]) glNewList(sublists[0], GL_COMPILE) opacity = color[3] if opacity == -1: #russ 080306: "Unshaded colors" for lines are signaled # by an opacity of -1 (4th component of the color.) glDisable(GL_LIGHTING) # Don't forget to re-enable it! pass for func, params, name in funcs: objects_drawn += 1 if name != 0: glPushName(name) func(params) if name != 0: glPopName() pass continue if opacity == -1: # Enable lighting after drawing "unshaded" objects. glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) pass glEndList() if opacity == -2: # piotr 080419: Special case for drawpolycone_multicolor # create another display list that ignores # the contents of color_array. # Remember the display list ID for this color. sublists[1] = glGenLists(1) glNewList(sublists[1], GL_COMPILE) for func, params, name in funcs: objects_drawn += 1 if name != 0: glPushName(name) if func == drawpolycone_multicolor_worker: # Just to be sure, check if the func # is drawpolycone_multicolor_worker # and call drawpolycone_worker instead. # I think in the future we can figure out # a more general way of handling the # GL_COLOR_MATERIAL objects. piotr 080420 pos_array, color_array, rad_array = params drawpolycone_worker((pos_array, rad_array)) elif func == drawtriangle_strip_worker: # piotr 080710: Multi-color modification # for triangle_strip primitive (used by # reduced protein style). pos_array, normal_array, color_array = params drawtriangle_strip_worker((pos_array, normal_array, None)) if name != 0: glPopName() pass continue glEndList() continue # Now the upper-level lists call all of the per-color sublists. # One with colors. color_dl = parent_csdl.color_dl = glGenLists(1) glNewList(color_dl, GL_COMPILE) for color, dls in parent_csdl.per_color_dls: opacity = color[3] if opacity < 0: #russ 080306: "Unshaded colors" for lines are signaled # by a negative alpha. glColor3fv(color[:3]) # piotr 080417: for opacity == -2, i.e. if # GL_COLOR_MATERIAL is enabled, the color is going # to be ignored, anyway, so it is not necessary # to be tested here else: apply_material(color) glCallList(dls[0]) continue glEndList() # A second one without any colors. nocolor_dl = parent_csdl.nocolor_dl = glGenLists(1) glNewList(nocolor_dl, GL_COMPILE) for color, dls in parent_csdl.per_color_dls: opacity = color[3] if opacity == -2 \ and dls[1] > 0: # piotr 080420: If GL_COLOR_MATERIAL is enabled, # use a regular, single color dl rather than the # multicolor one. Btw, dls[1] == 0 should never # happen. glCallList(dls[1]) else: glCallList(dls[0]) glEndList() # A third DL implements the selected appearance. selected_dl = parent_csdl.selected_dl = glGenLists(1) glNewList(selected_dl, GL_COMPILE) # russ 080530: Support for patterned selection drawing modes. patterned = isPatternedDrawing(select = True) if patterned: # Patterned drawing needs the colored dl drawn first. glCallList(color_dl) startPatternedDrawing(select = True) pass # Draw solid color (unpatterned) or an overlay pattern, in the # selection color. apply_material(selColor) glCallList(nocolor_dl) if patterned: # Reset from patterning drawing mode. endPatternedDrawing(select = True) glEndList() # Use either the normal-color display list or the selected one. parent_csdl.selectDl() # Draw the newly-built display list. parent_csdl.draw_dl() pass ColorSorter.sorted_by_color = None pass ColorSorter.sorting = False return