def evaluateClassifier( markerFilename, bagFilenames, rocGraphFilename = None, accuracyGraphFilename = None, gaussianStdDev = 0.0 ): '''Takes a list of bag files in as data for the classifier and evaluates the classifer against a ground truth marker file. Returns the average AUC and optimal threshold for the classifier.''' # Load in marker buffer for evaluating classifier markerBuffer = MarkerBuffer.loadMarkerBuffer( markerFilename ) if markerBuffer == None: print "Error: Unable to load marker buffer -", markerFilename # Process each bag file in turn dataList = [] for bagFilename in bagFilenames: print "Reading in bag file -", bagFilename inputSequence = InputSequence( bagFilename ) if ADD_DISTRACTORS: distractors = [ Distractor( radius=24, startPos=( 25, 35 ), endPos=( 100, 100 ), frequency=2.0 ), Distractor( radius=24, startPos=( 200, 200 ), endPos=( 150, 50 ), frequency=0.25 ), Distractor( radius=24, startPos=( 188, 130 ), endPos=( 168, 258 ), frequency=0.6 ), Distractor( radius=24, startPos=( 63, 94 ), endPos=( 170, 81 ), frequency=1.5 ), Distractor( radius=24, startPos=( 40, 287 ), endPos=( 50, 197 ), frequency=3.0 ) ] inputSequence.addDistractorObjects( distractors ) inputSequence.calculateOpticalFlow( OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH, OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT, OPTICAL_FLOW_RANGE_WIDTH, OPTICAL_FLOW_RANGE_HEIGHT, OPTICAL_FLOW_METHOD ) #print "Resampling data" regularisedInputSequence = RegularisedInputSequence( inputSequence, SAMPLES_PER_SECOND ) if gaussianStdDev > 0.0: regularisedInputSequence.smoothOpticalFlow( gaussianStdDev ) #print "Performing cross correlation" crossCorrelatedSequence = CrossCorrelatedSequence( regularisedInputSequence, MAX_CORRELATION_LAG, COMBINATION_METHOD ) #print "Building ROC Curve" rocCurve = GripperDetectorROCCurve( crossCorrelatedSequence, markerBuffer ) print "__AUC =", rocCurve.areaUnderCurve dataList.append( WorkingData( bagFilename, inputSequence, regularisedInputSequence, crossCorrelatedSequence, rocCurve ) ) # Average results if len( dataList ) > 1: curveList = [ data.rocCurve for data in dataList ] averageROCCurve, varianceROCCurve = ROCCurve.averageROCCurves( curveList ) else: averageROCCurve = dataList[ 0 ].rocCurve varianceROCCurve = None # Plot ROC Curve figureROC = Figure( figsize=(8,6), dpi=72 ) canvasROC = FigureCanvas( figureROC ) axisROC = figureROC.add_subplot( 111 ) axisROC.plot( averageROCCurve.falsePositiveRates, averageROCCurve.truePositiveRates ) axisROC.set_xlabel( 'False Positive Rate' ) axisROC.set_ylabel( 'True Positive Rate' ) # Add error bars if varianceROCCurve != None: diffBetweenErrorBars = 0.025 #1.0/(NUM_ERROR_BARS) lastFPRValue = averageROCCurve.falsePositiveRates[ 0 ] errorFPR = [] errorTPR = [] errorErrFPR = [] errorErrTPR = [] for i in range( len( averageROCCurve.falsePositiveRates ) ): curFPRValue = averageROCCurve.falsePositiveRates[ i ] if abs( curFPRValue - lastFPRValue ) >= diffBetweenErrorBars: lastFPRValue = curFPRValue errorFPR.append( averageROCCurve.falsePositiveRates[ i ] ) errorTPR.append( averageROCCurve.truePositiveRates[ i ] ) errorErrFPR.append( math.sqrt( varianceROCCurve.falsePositiveRates[ i ] )*2.571 ) errorErrTPR.append( math.sqrt( varianceROCCurve.truePositiveRates[ i ] )*2.571 ) axisROC.errorbar( errorFPR, errorTPR, yerr=errorErrTPR, linestyle='None' ) #xerr=errorErrFPR, yerr=errorErrTPR, linestyle='None' ) #print errorFPR #print errorTPR #print lastFPRValue, averageROCCurve.falsePositiveRates[ -1 ] axisROC.set_xlim( 0.0, 1.0 ) axisROC.set_ylim( 0.0, 1.0 ) # Plot accuracy figureAccuracy = Figure( figsize=(8,6), dpi=72 ) canvasAccuracy = FigureCanvas( figureAccuracy ) axisAccuracy = figureAccuracy.add_subplot( 111 ) thresholds = averageROCCurve.calculateThresholds() axisAccuracy.plot( thresholds, averageROCCurve.accuracy ) #for data in dataList: # axisAccuracy.plot( thresholds, data.rocCurve.accuracy ) # Add error bars if varianceROCCurve != None: diffBetweenErrorBars = 1.0/(NUM_ERROR_BARS) lastThresholdValue = thresholds[ 0 ] errorThreshold = [] errorAccuracy = [] errorErrAccuracy = [] for i in range( len( thresholds ) ): curThresholdValue = thresholds[ i ] if abs( curThresholdValue - lastThresholdValue ) >= diffBetweenErrorBars: lastThresholdValue = curThresholdValue errorThreshold.append( curThresholdValue ) errorAccuracy.append( averageROCCurve.accuracy[ i ] ) errorErrAccuracy.append( math.sqrt( varianceROCCurve.accuracy[ i ] )*2.571 ) axisAccuracy.errorbar( errorThreshold, errorAccuracy, yerr=errorErrAccuracy, linestyle='None' ) # Mark the threshold with the maximum accuracy maxAccuracyThreshold = thresholds[ np.argsort( averageROCCurve.accuracy )[ -1 ] ] axisAccuracy.axvline( x=float( maxAccuracyThreshold ), color='red' ) axisAccuracy.set_xlabel( 'Threshold' ) axisAccuracy.set_ylabel( 'Accuracy' ) # Save the graphs if rocGraphFilename != None: figureROC.savefig( rocGraphFilename ) if accuracyGraphFilename != None: figureAccuracy.savefig( accuracyGraphFilename ) return averageROCCurve.areaUnderCurve, maxAccuracyThreshold
def __init__( self, bagFilename ): self.scriptPath = os.path.dirname( __file__ ) self.cameraImagePixBuf = None self.bagFilename = bagFilename self.lastImageGray = None # Read in sequence t1 = time.time() self.inputSequence = InputSequence( bagFilename ) distractors = [ Distractor( radius=24, startPos=( 25, 35 ), endPos=( 100, 100 ), frequency=2.0 ), Distractor( radius=24, startPos=( 200, 200 ), endPos=( 150, 50 ), frequency=0.25 ), Distractor( radius=24, startPos=( 188, 130 ), endPos=( 168, 258 ), frequency=0.6 ), Distractor( radius=24, startPos=( 63, 94 ), endPos=( 170, 81 ), frequency=1.5 ), Distractor( radius=24, startPos=( 40, 287 ), endPos=( 50, 197 ), frequency=3.0 ) ] #self.inputSequence.addDistractorObjects( distractors ) self.inputSequence.calculateOpticalFlow( self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_RANGE_WIDTH, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_RANGE_HEIGHT, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_METHOD ) t2 = time.time() print 'Processing sequence took %0.3f ms' % ((t2-t1)*1000.0) # Resample sequence t1 = time.time() self.regularisedInputSequence = RegularisedInputSequence( self.inputSequence, self.SAMPLES_PER_SECOND ) t2 = time.time() print 'Resampling took %0.3f ms' % ((t2-t1)*1000.0) t1 = time.time() self.crossCorrelatedSequence = CrossCorrelatedSequence( self.regularisedInputSequence, self.MAX_CORRELATION_LAG, self.COMBINATION_METHOD ) t2 = time.time() print 'Correlation took %0.3f ms' % ((t2-t1)*1000.0) # Detect the input signal based on the correlation in the x and y axis self.inputSignalDetectedArray = \ self.crossCorrelatedSequence.detectInputSequence( self.CORRELATION_THRESHOLD ) # Build a histogram for the gripper self.gripperHistogram = cv.CreateHist( [ 256/8, 256/8, 256/8 ], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, [ (0,255), (0,255), (0,255) ], 1 ) firstImage = self.inputSequence.cameraImages[ 0 ] imageRGB = cv.CreateImageHeader( ( firstImage.shape[ 1 ], firstImage.shape[ 0 ] ), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 ) cv.SetData( imageRGB,, firstImage.shape[ 1 ]*3 ) r_plane = cv.CreateMat( imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1 ) g_plane = cv.CreateMat( imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1 ) b_plane = cv.CreateMat( imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1 ) cv.Split( imageRGB, r_plane, g_plane, b_plane, None ) planes = [ r_plane, g_plane, b_plane ] maskArray = np.zeros(shape=( imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width ), dtype=np.uint8 ) for rowIdx in range( self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[ 0 ] ): for colIdx in range( self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[ 1 ] ): if self.inputSignalDetectedArray[ rowIdx, colIdx ]: rowStartIdx = rowIdx*self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT rowEndIdx = rowStartIdx + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT colStartIdx = colIdx*self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH colEndIdx = colStartIdx + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH maskArray[ rowStartIdx:rowEndIdx, colStartIdx:colEndIdx ] = 255 cv.CalcHist( [ cv.GetImage( i ) for i in planes ], self.gripperHistogram, 0, mask=cv.fromarray( maskArray ) ) markerBuffer = MarkerBuffer.loadMarkerBuffer( self.scriptPath + self.GROUND_TRUTH_FILENAME ) if markerBuffer == None: raise Exception( "Unable to load marker buffer" ) self.rocCurve = GripperDetectorROCCurve( self.crossCorrelatedSequence, markerBuffer ) # Create the matplotlib graph self.figure = Figure( figsize=(8,6), dpi=72 ) self.axisX = self.figure.add_subplot( 311 ) self.axisY = self.figure.add_subplot( 312 ) self.axisROC = self.figure.add_subplot( 313 ) self.canvas = None # Wait for GUI to be created before creating canvas self.navToolbar = None # Setup the GUI builder = gtk.Builder() builder.add_from_file( self.scriptPath + "/GUI/" ) self.dwgCameraImage = builder.get_object( "dwgCameraImage" ) self.window = builder.get_object( "winMain" ) self.vboxMain = builder.get_object( "vboxMain" ) self.hboxWorkArea = builder.get_object( "hboxWorkArea" ) self.adjTestPointX = builder.get_object( "adjTestPointX" ) self.adjTestPointY = builder.get_object( "adjTestPointY" ) self.adjTestPointX.set_upper( self.MAX_TEST_POINT_X ) self.adjTestPointY.set_upper( self.MAX_TEST_POINT_Y ) self.sequenceControls = builder.get_object( "sequenceControls" ) self.sequenceControls.setNumFrames( len( self.inputSequence.cameraImages ) ) self.sequenceControls.setOnFrameIdxChangedCallback( self.onSequenceControlsFrameIdxChanged ) self.setFrameIdx( 0 ) self.processOpticalFlowData() builder.connect_signals( self ) updateLoop = self.update() gobject.idle_add( ) self.window.maximize()
class MainWindow: OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH = 16 OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT = 16 OPTICAL_FLOW_RANGE_WIDTH = 16 # Range to look outside of a block for motion OPTICAL_FLOW_RANGE_HEIGHT = 16 OPTICAL_FLOW_METHOD = "BlockMatching" #OPTICAL_FLOW_METHOD = "LucasKanade" #OPTICAL_FLOW_METHOD = "HornSchunck" COMBINATION_METHOD = "NoChange" #GROUND_TRUTH_FILENAME = "/../../config/TopPosGripper.yaml" #GROUND_TRUTH_FILENAME = "/../../config/ExperimentPosGripper.yaml" #GROUND_TRUTH_FILENAME = "/../../config/OnTablePosGripper.yaml" GROUND_TRUTH_FILENAME = "/../../config/TightBasicWave_Gripper.yaml" CORRELATION_THRESHOLD = 0.52 MAX_TEST_POINT_X = (640 - OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH)/OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH - 1 MAX_TEST_POINT_Y = (480 - OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT)/OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT - 1 SAMPLES_PER_SECOND = 30.0 MAX_CORRELATION_LAG = 2.0 GRIPPER_WAVE_FREQUENCY = 1.0 # Waves per second GRIPPER_NUM_WAVES = 3.0 GRIPPER_WAVE_AMPLITUDE = math.radians( 20.0 ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__( self, bagFilename ): self.scriptPath = os.path.dirname( __file__ ) self.cameraImagePixBuf = None self.bagFilename = bagFilename self.lastImageGray = None # Read in sequence t1 = time.time() self.inputSequence = InputSequence( bagFilename ) distractors = [ Distractor( radius=24, startPos=( 25, 35 ), endPos=( 100, 100 ), frequency=2.0 ), Distractor( radius=24, startPos=( 200, 200 ), endPos=( 150, 50 ), frequency=0.25 ), Distractor( radius=24, startPos=( 188, 130 ), endPos=( 168, 258 ), frequency=0.6 ), Distractor( radius=24, startPos=( 63, 94 ), endPos=( 170, 81 ), frequency=1.5 ), Distractor( radius=24, startPos=( 40, 287 ), endPos=( 50, 197 ), frequency=3.0 ) ] #self.inputSequence.addDistractorObjects( distractors ) self.inputSequence.calculateOpticalFlow( self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_RANGE_WIDTH, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_RANGE_HEIGHT, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_METHOD ) t2 = time.time() print 'Processing sequence took %0.3f ms' % ((t2-t1)*1000.0) # Resample sequence t1 = time.time() self.regularisedInputSequence = RegularisedInputSequence( self.inputSequence, self.SAMPLES_PER_SECOND ) t2 = time.time() print 'Resampling took %0.3f ms' % ((t2-t1)*1000.0) t1 = time.time() self.crossCorrelatedSequence = CrossCorrelatedSequence( self.regularisedInputSequence, self.MAX_CORRELATION_LAG, self.COMBINATION_METHOD ) t2 = time.time() print 'Correlation took %0.3f ms' % ((t2-t1)*1000.0) # Detect the input signal based on the correlation in the x and y axis self.inputSignalDetectedArray = \ self.crossCorrelatedSequence.detectInputSequence( self.CORRELATION_THRESHOLD ) # Build a histogram for the gripper self.gripperHistogram = cv.CreateHist( [ 256/8, 256/8, 256/8 ], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, [ (0,255), (0,255), (0,255) ], 1 ) firstImage = self.inputSequence.cameraImages[ 0 ] imageRGB = cv.CreateImageHeader( ( firstImage.shape[ 1 ], firstImage.shape[ 0 ] ), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 ) cv.SetData( imageRGB,, firstImage.shape[ 1 ]*3 ) r_plane = cv.CreateMat( imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1 ) g_plane = cv.CreateMat( imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1 ) b_plane = cv.CreateMat( imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1 ) cv.Split( imageRGB, r_plane, g_plane, b_plane, None ) planes = [ r_plane, g_plane, b_plane ] maskArray = np.zeros(shape=( imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width ), dtype=np.uint8 ) for rowIdx in range( self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[ 0 ] ): for colIdx in range( self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[ 1 ] ): if self.inputSignalDetectedArray[ rowIdx, colIdx ]: rowStartIdx = rowIdx*self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT rowEndIdx = rowStartIdx + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT colStartIdx = colIdx*self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH colEndIdx = colStartIdx + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH maskArray[ rowStartIdx:rowEndIdx, colStartIdx:colEndIdx ] = 255 cv.CalcHist( [ cv.GetImage( i ) for i in planes ], self.gripperHistogram, 0, mask=cv.fromarray( maskArray ) ) markerBuffer = MarkerBuffer.loadMarkerBuffer( self.scriptPath + self.GROUND_TRUTH_FILENAME ) if markerBuffer == None: raise Exception( "Unable to load marker buffer" ) self.rocCurve = GripperDetectorROCCurve( self.crossCorrelatedSequence, markerBuffer ) # Create the matplotlib graph self.figure = Figure( figsize=(8,6), dpi=72 ) self.axisX = self.figure.add_subplot( 311 ) self.axisY = self.figure.add_subplot( 312 ) self.axisROC = self.figure.add_subplot( 313 ) self.canvas = None # Wait for GUI to be created before creating canvas self.navToolbar = None # Setup the GUI builder = gtk.Builder() builder.add_from_file( self.scriptPath + "/GUI/" ) self.dwgCameraImage = builder.get_object( "dwgCameraImage" ) self.window = builder.get_object( "winMain" ) self.vboxMain = builder.get_object( "vboxMain" ) self.hboxWorkArea = builder.get_object( "hboxWorkArea" ) self.adjTestPointX = builder.get_object( "adjTestPointX" ) self.adjTestPointY = builder.get_object( "adjTestPointY" ) self.adjTestPointX.set_upper( self.MAX_TEST_POINT_X ) self.adjTestPointY.set_upper( self.MAX_TEST_POINT_Y ) self.sequenceControls = builder.get_object( "sequenceControls" ) self.sequenceControls.setNumFrames( len( self.inputSequence.cameraImages ) ) self.sequenceControls.setOnFrameIdxChangedCallback( self.onSequenceControlsFrameIdxChanged ) self.setFrameIdx( 0 ) self.processOpticalFlowData() builder.connect_signals( self ) updateLoop = self.update() gobject.idle_add( ) self.window.maximize() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def onWinMainDestroy( self, widget, data = None ): gtk.main_quit() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def main( self ): # All PyGTK applications must have a gtk.main(). Control ends here # and waits for an event to occur (like a key press or mouse event). gtk.main() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def processOpticalFlowData( self ): testX = int( self.adjTestPointX.get_value() ) testY = int( self.adjTestPointY.get_value() ) regSeq = self.regularisedInputSequence corSeq = self.crossCorrelatedSequence # Normalise the data ready for display normalisedServoAngleData = Utils.normaliseSequence( regSeq.regularServoAngleData ) normalisedOpticalFlowDataX = Utils.normaliseSequence( regSeq.regularOpticalFlowArrayX[ testY ][ testX ] ) normalisedOpticalFlowDataY = Utils.normaliseSequence( regSeq.regularOpticalFlowArrayY[ testY ][ testX ] ) numCorrelationChannels = len( corSeq.correlationChannels ) # Plot graphs self.axisX.clear() self.axisX.plot( regSeq.regularSampleTimes, normalisedServoAngleData ) self.axisX.plot( regSeq.regularSampleTimes, normalisedOpticalFlowDataX ) if numCorrelationChannels >= 1: correlationChannel = corSeq.correlationChannels[ 0 ][ testY ][ testX ] self.axisX.plot( regSeq.regularSampleTimes[:len(correlationChannel)], correlationChannel ) self.axisY.clear() self.axisY.plot( regSeq.regularSampleTimes, normalisedServoAngleData ) self.axisY.plot( regSeq.regularSampleTimes, normalisedOpticalFlowDataY ) inpSeq = self.inputSequence self.axisY.plot( inpSeq.imageTimes, Utils.normaliseSequence( inpSeq.opticalFlowArraysY[ testY ][ testX ] ) ) if numCorrelationChannels >= 2: correlationChannel = corSeq.correlationChannels[ 1 ][ testY ][ testX ] self.axisY.plot( regSeq.regularSampleTimes[:len(correlationChannel)], correlationChannel ) self.axisROC.clear() self.axisROC.plot( self.rocCurve.falsePositiveRates, self.rocCurve.truePositiveRates ) #self.axisROC.plot( self.rocCurve.thresholds, self.rocCurve.sensitivity ) #self.axisROC.plot( self.rocCurve.thresholds, self.rocCurve.specificity ) self.refreshGraphDisplay() outputFile = open( self.scriptPath + "/../../test_results/CrossCorrelation.csv", "w" ) numSamples = len( regSeq.regularSampleTimes ) correlationChannel = corSeq.correlationChannels[ 0 ][ testY ][ testX ] numCorrelationSamples = len( correlationChannel ) print >>outputFile, "Time,Input,Output,CrossCorrelation" for i in range( numSamples ): if i < numCorrelationSamples: correlationData = correlationChannel[ i ] else: correlationData = 0.0 print >>outputFile, "{0},{1},{2},{3}".format( regSeq.regularSampleTimes[ i ], normalisedServoAngleData[ i ], normalisedOpticalFlowDataX[ i ], correlationData ) outputFile.close() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refreshGraphDisplay( self ): if self.canvas != None: self.hboxWorkArea.remove( self.canvas ) self.canvas.destroy() self.canvas = None if self.navToolbar != None: self.vboxMain.remove( self.navToolbar ) self.navToolbar.destroy() self.navToolbar = None self.canvas = FigureCanvas( self.figure ) # a gtk.DrawingArea self.hboxWorkArea.pack_start( self.canvas, True, True ) # Navigation toolbar self.navToolbar = NavigationToolbar( self.canvas, self.window ) self.navToolbar.lastDir = '/var/tmp/' self.vboxMain.pack_start( self.navToolbar, expand=False, fill=False ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setFrameIdx( self, frameIdx ): self.frameIdx = frameIdx # Display the frame image = self.inputSequence.cameraImages[ frameIdx ] imageWidth = image.shape[ 1 ] imageHeight = image.shape[ 0 ] imageStep = imageWidth*3 self.cameraImagePixBuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data( image.tostring(), gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, imageWidth, imageHeight, imageStep ) # Track gripper imageRGB = cv.CreateImageHeader( ( imageWidth, imageHeight ), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 ) cv.SetData( imageRGB,, imageStep ) imageRGB = cv.CloneImage( imageRGB ) r_plane = cv.CreateMat( imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1 ) g_plane = cv.CreateMat( imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1 ) b_plane = cv.CreateMat( imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1 ) cv.Split( imageRGB, r_plane, g_plane, b_plane, None ) planes = [ r_plane, g_plane, b_plane ] backproject = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(imageRGB), 8, 1) # Run the cam-shift cv.CalcArrBackProject( planes, backproject, self.gripperHistogram ) #cv.Threshold( backproject, backproject, 1, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY ) cv.CvtColor( backproject, imageRGB, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB ) #self.cameraImagePixBuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data( #imageRGB.tostring(), #gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, #False, #8, #imageRGB.width, #imageRGB.height, #imageRGB.width*3 ) # Resize the drawing area if necessary if self.dwgCameraImage.get_size_request() != ( imageWidth, imageHeight ): self.dwgCameraImage.set_size_request( imageWidth, imageHeight ) self.dwgCameraImage.queue_draw() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def onTestPointAdjustmentValueChanged( self, widget ): self.processOpticalFlowData() self.dwgCameraImage.queue_draw() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def onSequenceControlsFrameIdxChanged( self, widget ): self.setFrameIdx( widget.frameIdx ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def onDwgCameraImageButtonPressEvent( self, widget, data ): if self.cameraImagePixBuf != None: imgRect = self.getImageRectangleInWidget( widget, self.cameraImagePixBuf.get_width(), self.cameraImagePixBuf.get_height() ) self.adjTestPointX.set_value( int( ( data.x - imgRect.x )/self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH ) ) self.adjTestPointY.set_value( int( ( data.y - imgRect.y )/self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT ) ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def onDwgCameraImageExposeEvent( self, widget, data = None ): if self.cameraImagePixBuf != None: imgRect = self.getImageRectangleInWidget( widget, self.cameraImagePixBuf.get_width(), self.cameraImagePixBuf.get_height() ) imgOffsetX = imgRect.x imgOffsetY = imgRect.y # Get the total area that needs to be redrawn imgRect = imgRect.intersect( data.area ) srcX = imgRect.x - imgOffsetX srcY = imgRect.y - imgOffsetY widget.window.draw_pixbuf( widget.get_style().fg_gc[ gtk.STATE_NORMAL ], self.cameraImagePixBuf, srcX, srcY, imgRect.x, imgRect.y, imgRect.width, imgRect.height ) #return # Draw an overlay to show places where the input motion has been detected if self.inputSignalDetectedArray != None: imageData = np.frombuffer( self.cameraImagePixBuf.get_pixels(), dtype=np.uint8 ) imageData.shape = ( self.cameraImagePixBuf.get_height(), self.cameraImagePixBuf.get_width(), 3 ) graphicsContext = widget.window.new_gc() graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color( 65535, 65535, 0 ) ) blockY = imgRect.y for y in range( self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[ 0 ] ): blockX = imgRect.x for x in range( self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[ 1 ] ): if self.inputSignalDetectedArray[ y, x ]: # Get source block as NumPy array srcX = blockX - imgRect.x srcY = blockY - imgRect.y srcData = imageData[ srcY:srcY+self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT, srcX:srcX+self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH, : ] # Create a modified version of the block with a yellow layer # alpha blended over the top yellowLayer = np.ones( ( self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT, 3 ) )*[255.0,255.0,0.0]*0.5 modifiedData = ( srcData.astype( np.float32 )*0.5 + yellowLayer ).astype( np.uint8 ) # Blit the modified version into the widget modifiedPixBuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_array( modifiedData, gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, 8 ) widget.window.draw_pixbuf( widget.get_style().fg_gc[ gtk.STATE_NORMAL ], modifiedPixBuf, 0, 0, blockX, blockY, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT ) blockX += self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH blockY += self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT return # Draw the optical flow if it's available opticalFlowX = self.inputSequence.opticalFlowArraysX[ :, :, self.frameIdx ] opticalFlowY = self.inputSequence.opticalFlowArraysY[ :, :, self.frameIdx ] if opticalFlowX != None and opticalFlowY != None: testX = int( self.adjTestPointX.get_value() ) testY = int( self.adjTestPointY.get_value() ) graphicsContext = widget.window.new_gc() graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color( 0, 65535, 0 ) ) blockCentreY = imgRect.y + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT / 2 for y in range( opticalFlowX.shape[ 0 ] ): blockCentreX = imgRect.x + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH / 2 for x in range( opticalFlowX.shape[ 1 ] ): if testX == x and testY == y: # Highlight the current test point radius = 2 arcX = int( blockCentreX - radius ) arcY = int( blockCentreY - radius ) arcWidth = arcHeight = int( radius * 2 ) drawFilledArc = False graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color( 65535, 65535, 65535 ) ) widget.window.draw_arc( graphicsContext, drawFilledArc, arcX, arcY, arcWidth, arcHeight, 0, 360 * 64 ) endX = blockCentreX + opticalFlowX[ y, x ] endY = blockCentreY + opticalFlowY[ y, x ] if endY < blockCentreY: # Up is red graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color( 65535, 0, 0 ) ) elif endY > blockCentreY: # Down is blue graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color( 0, 0, 65535 ) ) else: # Static is green graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color( 0, 65535, 0 ) ) widget.window.draw_line( graphicsContext, int( blockCentreX ), int( blockCentreY ), int( endX ), int( endY ) ) blockCentreX += self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH blockCentreY += self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def getImageRectangleInWidget( self, widget, imageWidth, imageHeight ): # Centre the image inside the widget widgetX, widgetY, widgetWidth, widgetHeight = widget.get_allocation() imgRect = gtk.gdk.Rectangle( 0, 0, widgetWidth, widgetHeight ) if widgetWidth > imageWidth: imgRect.x = (widgetWidth - imageWidth) / 2 imgRect.width = imageWidth if widgetHeight > imageHeight: imgRect.y = (widgetHeight - imageHeight) / 2 imgRect.height = imageHeight return imgRect #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update( self ): UPDATE_FREQUENCY = 30.0 # Updates in Hz lastTime = time.clock() while 1: curTime = time.clock() if curTime - lastTime >= 1.0 / UPDATE_FREQUENCY: # Save the time lastTime = curTime yield True yield False
def __init__(self, bagFilename): self.scriptPath = os.path.dirname(__file__) self.cameraImagePixBuf = None self.bagFilename = bagFilename self.lastImageGray = None # Read in sequence t1 = time.time() self.inputSequence = InputSequence(bagFilename) distractors = [ Distractor(radius=24, startPos=(25, 35), endPos=(100, 100), frequency=2.0), Distractor(radius=24, startPos=(200, 200), endPos=(150, 50), frequency=0.25), Distractor(radius=24, startPos=(188, 130), endPos=(168, 258), frequency=0.6), Distractor(radius=24, startPos=(63, 94), endPos=(170, 81), frequency=1.5), Distractor(radius=24, startPos=(40, 287), endPos=(50, 197), frequency=3.0) ] #self.inputSequence.addDistractorObjects( distractors ) self.inputSequence.calculateOpticalFlow(self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_RANGE_WIDTH, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_RANGE_HEIGHT, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_METHOD) t2 = time.time() print 'Processing sequence took %0.3f ms' % ((t2 - t1) * 1000.0) # Resample sequence t1 = time.time() self.regularisedInputSequence = RegularisedInputSequence( self.inputSequence, self.SAMPLES_PER_SECOND) t2 = time.time() print 'Resampling took %0.3f ms' % ((t2 - t1) * 1000.0) t1 = time.time() self.crossCorrelatedSequence = CrossCorrelatedSequence( self.regularisedInputSequence, self.MAX_CORRELATION_LAG, self.COMBINATION_METHOD) t2 = time.time() print 'Correlation took %0.3f ms' % ((t2 - t1) * 1000.0) # Detect the input signal based on the correlation in the x and y axis self.inputSignalDetectedArray = \ self.crossCorrelatedSequence.detectInputSequence( self.CORRELATION_THRESHOLD ) # Build a histogram for the gripper self.gripperHistogram = cv.CreateHist([256 / 8, 256 / 8, 256 / 8], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, [(0, 255), (0, 255), (0, 255)], 1) firstImage = self.inputSequence.cameraImages[0] imageRGB = cv.CreateImageHeader( (firstImage.shape[1], firstImage.shape[0]), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) cv.SetData(imageRGB,, firstImage.shape[1] * 3) r_plane = cv.CreateMat(imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1) g_plane = cv.CreateMat(imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1) b_plane = cv.CreateMat(imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1) cv.Split(imageRGB, r_plane, g_plane, b_plane, None) planes = [r_plane, g_plane, b_plane] maskArray = np.zeros(shape=(imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width), dtype=np.uint8) for rowIdx in range(self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[0]): for colIdx in range(self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[1]): if self.inputSignalDetectedArray[rowIdx, colIdx]: rowStartIdx = rowIdx * self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT rowEndIdx = rowStartIdx + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT colStartIdx = colIdx * self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH colEndIdx = colStartIdx + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH maskArray[rowStartIdx:rowEndIdx, colStartIdx:colEndIdx] = 255 cv.CalcHist([cv.GetImage(i) for i in planes], self.gripperHistogram, 0, mask=cv.fromarray(maskArray)) markerBuffer = MarkerBuffer.loadMarkerBuffer( self.scriptPath + self.GROUND_TRUTH_FILENAME) if markerBuffer == None: raise Exception("Unable to load marker buffer") self.rocCurve = GripperDetectorROCCurve(self.crossCorrelatedSequence, markerBuffer) # Create the matplotlib graph self.figure = Figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=72) self.axisX = self.figure.add_subplot(311) self.axisY = self.figure.add_subplot(312) self.axisROC = self.figure.add_subplot(313) self.canvas = None # Wait for GUI to be created before creating canvas self.navToolbar = None # Setup the GUI builder = gtk.Builder() builder.add_from_file(self.scriptPath + "/GUI/") self.dwgCameraImage = builder.get_object("dwgCameraImage") self.window = builder.get_object("winMain") self.vboxMain = builder.get_object("vboxMain") self.hboxWorkArea = builder.get_object("hboxWorkArea") self.adjTestPointX = builder.get_object("adjTestPointX") self.adjTestPointY = builder.get_object("adjTestPointY") self.adjTestPointX.set_upper(self.MAX_TEST_POINT_X) self.adjTestPointY.set_upper(self.MAX_TEST_POINT_Y) self.sequenceControls = builder.get_object("sequenceControls") self.sequenceControls.setNumFrames(len( self.inputSequence.cameraImages)) self.sequenceControls.setOnFrameIdxChangedCallback( self.onSequenceControlsFrameIdxChanged) self.setFrameIdx(0) self.processOpticalFlowData() builder.connect_signals(self) updateLoop = self.update() gobject.idle_add( self.window.maximize()
class MainWindow: OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH = 16 OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT = 16 OPTICAL_FLOW_RANGE_WIDTH = 16 # Range to look outside of a block for motion OPTICAL_FLOW_RANGE_HEIGHT = 16 OPTICAL_FLOW_METHOD = "BlockMatching" #OPTICAL_FLOW_METHOD = "LucasKanade" #OPTICAL_FLOW_METHOD = "HornSchunck" COMBINATION_METHOD = "NoChange" #GROUND_TRUTH_FILENAME = "/../../config/TopPosGripper.yaml" #GROUND_TRUTH_FILENAME = "/../../config/ExperimentPosGripper.yaml" #GROUND_TRUTH_FILENAME = "/../../config/OnTablePosGripper.yaml" GROUND_TRUTH_FILENAME = "/../../config/TightBasicWave_Gripper.yaml" CORRELATION_THRESHOLD = 0.52 MAX_TEST_POINT_X = ( 640 - OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH) / OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH - 1 MAX_TEST_POINT_Y = ( 480 - OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT) / OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT - 1 SAMPLES_PER_SECOND = 30.0 MAX_CORRELATION_LAG = 2.0 GRIPPER_WAVE_FREQUENCY = 1.0 # Waves per second GRIPPER_NUM_WAVES = 3.0 GRIPPER_WAVE_AMPLITUDE = math.radians(20.0) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, bagFilename): self.scriptPath = os.path.dirname(__file__) self.cameraImagePixBuf = None self.bagFilename = bagFilename self.lastImageGray = None # Read in sequence t1 = time.time() self.inputSequence = InputSequence(bagFilename) distractors = [ Distractor(radius=24, startPos=(25, 35), endPos=(100, 100), frequency=2.0), Distractor(radius=24, startPos=(200, 200), endPos=(150, 50), frequency=0.25), Distractor(radius=24, startPos=(188, 130), endPos=(168, 258), frequency=0.6), Distractor(radius=24, startPos=(63, 94), endPos=(170, 81), frequency=1.5), Distractor(radius=24, startPos=(40, 287), endPos=(50, 197), frequency=3.0) ] #self.inputSequence.addDistractorObjects( distractors ) self.inputSequence.calculateOpticalFlow(self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_RANGE_WIDTH, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_RANGE_HEIGHT, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_METHOD) t2 = time.time() print 'Processing sequence took %0.3f ms' % ((t2 - t1) * 1000.0) # Resample sequence t1 = time.time() self.regularisedInputSequence = RegularisedInputSequence( self.inputSequence, self.SAMPLES_PER_SECOND) t2 = time.time() print 'Resampling took %0.3f ms' % ((t2 - t1) * 1000.0) t1 = time.time() self.crossCorrelatedSequence = CrossCorrelatedSequence( self.regularisedInputSequence, self.MAX_CORRELATION_LAG, self.COMBINATION_METHOD) t2 = time.time() print 'Correlation took %0.3f ms' % ((t2 - t1) * 1000.0) # Detect the input signal based on the correlation in the x and y axis self.inputSignalDetectedArray = \ self.crossCorrelatedSequence.detectInputSequence( self.CORRELATION_THRESHOLD ) # Build a histogram for the gripper self.gripperHistogram = cv.CreateHist([256 / 8, 256 / 8, 256 / 8], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, [(0, 255), (0, 255), (0, 255)], 1) firstImage = self.inputSequence.cameraImages[0] imageRGB = cv.CreateImageHeader( (firstImage.shape[1], firstImage.shape[0]), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) cv.SetData(imageRGB,, firstImage.shape[1] * 3) r_plane = cv.CreateMat(imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1) g_plane = cv.CreateMat(imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1) b_plane = cv.CreateMat(imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1) cv.Split(imageRGB, r_plane, g_plane, b_plane, None) planes = [r_plane, g_plane, b_plane] maskArray = np.zeros(shape=(imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width), dtype=np.uint8) for rowIdx in range(self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[0]): for colIdx in range(self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[1]): if self.inputSignalDetectedArray[rowIdx, colIdx]: rowStartIdx = rowIdx * self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT rowEndIdx = rowStartIdx + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT colStartIdx = colIdx * self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH colEndIdx = colStartIdx + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH maskArray[rowStartIdx:rowEndIdx, colStartIdx:colEndIdx] = 255 cv.CalcHist([cv.GetImage(i) for i in planes], self.gripperHistogram, 0, mask=cv.fromarray(maskArray)) markerBuffer = MarkerBuffer.loadMarkerBuffer( self.scriptPath + self.GROUND_TRUTH_FILENAME) if markerBuffer == None: raise Exception("Unable to load marker buffer") self.rocCurve = GripperDetectorROCCurve(self.crossCorrelatedSequence, markerBuffer) # Create the matplotlib graph self.figure = Figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=72) self.axisX = self.figure.add_subplot(311) self.axisY = self.figure.add_subplot(312) self.axisROC = self.figure.add_subplot(313) self.canvas = None # Wait for GUI to be created before creating canvas self.navToolbar = None # Setup the GUI builder = gtk.Builder() builder.add_from_file(self.scriptPath + "/GUI/") self.dwgCameraImage = builder.get_object("dwgCameraImage") self.window = builder.get_object("winMain") self.vboxMain = builder.get_object("vboxMain") self.hboxWorkArea = builder.get_object("hboxWorkArea") self.adjTestPointX = builder.get_object("adjTestPointX") self.adjTestPointY = builder.get_object("adjTestPointY") self.adjTestPointX.set_upper(self.MAX_TEST_POINT_X) self.adjTestPointY.set_upper(self.MAX_TEST_POINT_Y) self.sequenceControls = builder.get_object("sequenceControls") self.sequenceControls.setNumFrames(len( self.inputSequence.cameraImages)) self.sequenceControls.setOnFrameIdxChangedCallback( self.onSequenceControlsFrameIdxChanged) self.setFrameIdx(0) self.processOpticalFlowData() builder.connect_signals(self) updateLoop = self.update() gobject.idle_add( self.window.maximize() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def onWinMainDestroy(self, widget, data=None): gtk.main_quit() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def main(self): # All PyGTK applications must have a gtk.main(). Control ends here # and waits for an event to occur (like a key press or mouse event). gtk.main() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def processOpticalFlowData(self): testX = int(self.adjTestPointX.get_value()) testY = int(self.adjTestPointY.get_value()) regSeq = self.regularisedInputSequence corSeq = self.crossCorrelatedSequence # Normalise the data ready for display normalisedServoAngleData = Utils.normaliseSequence( regSeq.regularServoAngleData) normalisedOpticalFlowDataX = Utils.normaliseSequence( regSeq.regularOpticalFlowArrayX[testY][testX]) normalisedOpticalFlowDataY = Utils.normaliseSequence( regSeq.regularOpticalFlowArrayY[testY][testX]) numCorrelationChannels = len(corSeq.correlationChannels) # Plot graphs self.axisX.clear() self.axisX.plot(regSeq.regularSampleTimes, normalisedServoAngleData) self.axisX.plot(regSeq.regularSampleTimes, normalisedOpticalFlowDataX) if numCorrelationChannels >= 1: correlationChannel = corSeq.correlationChannels[0][testY][testX] self.axisX.plot( regSeq.regularSampleTimes[:len(correlationChannel)], correlationChannel) self.axisY.clear() self.axisY.plot(regSeq.regularSampleTimes, normalisedServoAngleData) self.axisY.plot(regSeq.regularSampleTimes, normalisedOpticalFlowDataY) inpSeq = self.inputSequence self.axisY.plot( inpSeq.imageTimes, Utils.normaliseSequence(inpSeq.opticalFlowArraysY[testY][testX])) if numCorrelationChannels >= 2: correlationChannel = corSeq.correlationChannels[1][testY][testX] self.axisY.plot( regSeq.regularSampleTimes[:len(correlationChannel)], correlationChannel) self.axisROC.clear() self.axisROC.plot(self.rocCurve.falsePositiveRates, self.rocCurve.truePositiveRates) #self.axisROC.plot( self.rocCurve.thresholds, self.rocCurve.sensitivity ) #self.axisROC.plot( self.rocCurve.thresholds, self.rocCurve.specificity ) self.refreshGraphDisplay() outputFile = open( self.scriptPath + "/../../test_results/CrossCorrelation.csv", "w") numSamples = len(regSeq.regularSampleTimes) correlationChannel = corSeq.correlationChannels[0][testY][testX] numCorrelationSamples = len(correlationChannel) print >> outputFile, "Time,Input,Output,CrossCorrelation" for i in range(numSamples): if i < numCorrelationSamples: correlationData = correlationChannel[i] else: correlationData = 0.0 print >> outputFile, "{0},{1},{2},{3}".format( regSeq.regularSampleTimes[i], normalisedServoAngleData[i], normalisedOpticalFlowDataX[i], correlationData) outputFile.close() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refreshGraphDisplay(self): if self.canvas != None: self.hboxWorkArea.remove(self.canvas) self.canvas.destroy() self.canvas = None if self.navToolbar != None: self.vboxMain.remove(self.navToolbar) self.navToolbar.destroy() self.navToolbar = None self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.figure) # a gtk.DrawingArea self.hboxWorkArea.pack_start(self.canvas, True, True) # Navigation toolbar self.navToolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, self.window) self.navToolbar.lastDir = '/var/tmp/' self.vboxMain.pack_start(self.navToolbar, expand=False, fill=False) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setFrameIdx(self, frameIdx): self.frameIdx = frameIdx # Display the frame image = self.inputSequence.cameraImages[frameIdx] imageWidth = image.shape[1] imageHeight = image.shape[0] imageStep = imageWidth * 3 self.cameraImagePixBuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data( image.tostring(), gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, imageWidth, imageHeight, imageStep) # Track gripper imageRGB = cv.CreateImageHeader((imageWidth, imageHeight), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) cv.SetData(imageRGB,, imageStep) imageRGB = cv.CloneImage(imageRGB) r_plane = cv.CreateMat(imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1) g_plane = cv.CreateMat(imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1) b_plane = cv.CreateMat(imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1) cv.Split(imageRGB, r_plane, g_plane, b_plane, None) planes = [r_plane, g_plane, b_plane] backproject = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(imageRGB), 8, 1) # Run the cam-shift cv.CalcArrBackProject(planes, backproject, self.gripperHistogram) #cv.Threshold( backproject, backproject, 1, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY ) cv.CvtColor(backproject, imageRGB, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB) #self.cameraImagePixBuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data( #imageRGB.tostring(), #gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, #False, #8, #imageRGB.width, #imageRGB.height, #imageRGB.width*3 ) # Resize the drawing area if necessary if self.dwgCameraImage.get_size_request() != (imageWidth, imageHeight): self.dwgCameraImage.set_size_request(imageWidth, imageHeight) self.dwgCameraImage.queue_draw() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def onTestPointAdjustmentValueChanged(self, widget): self.processOpticalFlowData() self.dwgCameraImage.queue_draw() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def onSequenceControlsFrameIdxChanged(self, widget): self.setFrameIdx(widget.frameIdx) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def onDwgCameraImageButtonPressEvent(self, widget, data): if self.cameraImagePixBuf != None: imgRect = self.getImageRectangleInWidget( widget, self.cameraImagePixBuf.get_width(), self.cameraImagePixBuf.get_height()) self.adjTestPointX.set_value( int((data.x - imgRect.x) / self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH)) self.adjTestPointY.set_value( int((data.y - imgRect.y) / self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT)) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def onDwgCameraImageExposeEvent(self, widget, data=None): if self.cameraImagePixBuf != None: imgRect = self.getImageRectangleInWidget( widget, self.cameraImagePixBuf.get_width(), self.cameraImagePixBuf.get_height()) imgOffsetX = imgRect.x imgOffsetY = imgRect.y # Get the total area that needs to be redrawn imgRect = imgRect.intersect(data.area) srcX = imgRect.x - imgOffsetX srcY = imgRect.y - imgOffsetY widget.window.draw_pixbuf( widget.get_style().fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL], self.cameraImagePixBuf, srcX, srcY, imgRect.x, imgRect.y, imgRect.width, imgRect.height) #return # Draw an overlay to show places where the input motion has been detected if self.inputSignalDetectedArray != None: imageData = np.frombuffer(self.cameraImagePixBuf.get_pixels(), dtype=np.uint8) imageData.shape = (self.cameraImagePixBuf.get_height(), self.cameraImagePixBuf.get_width(), 3) graphicsContext = widget.window.new_gc() graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color(gtk.gdk.Color( 65535, 65535, 0)) blockY = imgRect.y for y in range(self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[0]): blockX = imgRect.x for x in range(self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[1]): if self.inputSignalDetectedArray[y, x]: # Get source block as NumPy array srcX = blockX - imgRect.x srcY = blockY - imgRect.y srcData = imageData[ srcY:srcY + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT, srcX:srcX + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH, :] # Create a modified version of the block with a yellow layer # alpha blended over the top yellowLayer = np.ones( (self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT, 3)) * [255.0, 255.0, 0.0] * 0.5 modifiedData = (srcData.astype(np.float32) * 0.5 + yellowLayer).astype(np.uint8) # Blit the modified version into the widget modifiedPixBuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_array( modifiedData, gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, 8) widget.window.draw_pixbuf( widget.get_style().fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL], modifiedPixBuf, 0, 0, blockX, blockY, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH, self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT) blockX += self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH blockY += self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT return # Draw the optical flow if it's available opticalFlowX = self.inputSequence.opticalFlowArraysX[:, :, self.frameIdx] opticalFlowY = self.inputSequence.opticalFlowArraysY[:, :, self.frameIdx] if opticalFlowX != None and opticalFlowY != None: testX = int(self.adjTestPointX.get_value()) testY = int(self.adjTestPointY.get_value()) graphicsContext = widget.window.new_gc() graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color(gtk.gdk.Color(0, 65535, 0)) blockCentreY = imgRect.y + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT / 2 for y in range(opticalFlowX.shape[0]): blockCentreX = imgRect.x + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH / 2 for x in range(opticalFlowX.shape[1]): if testX == x and testY == y: # Highlight the current test point radius = 2 arcX = int(blockCentreX - radius) arcY = int(blockCentreY - radius) arcWidth = arcHeight = int(radius * 2) drawFilledArc = False graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color(65535, 65535, 65535)) widget.window.draw_arc(graphicsContext, drawFilledArc, arcX, arcY, arcWidth, arcHeight, 0, 360 * 64) endX = blockCentreX + opticalFlowX[y, x] endY = blockCentreY + opticalFlowY[y, x] if endY < blockCentreY: # Up is red graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color(65535, 0, 0)) elif endY > blockCentreY: # Down is blue graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color(0, 0, 65535)) else: # Static is green graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color(0, 65535, 0)) widget.window.draw_line(graphicsContext, int(blockCentreX), int(blockCentreY), int(endX), int(endY)) blockCentreX += self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH blockCentreY += self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def getImageRectangleInWidget(self, widget, imageWidth, imageHeight): # Centre the image inside the widget widgetX, widgetY, widgetWidth, widgetHeight = widget.get_allocation() imgRect = gtk.gdk.Rectangle(0, 0, widgetWidth, widgetHeight) if widgetWidth > imageWidth: imgRect.x = (widgetWidth - imageWidth) / 2 imgRect.width = imageWidth if widgetHeight > imageHeight: imgRect.y = (widgetHeight - imageHeight) / 2 imgRect.height = imageHeight return imgRect #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update(self): UPDATE_FREQUENCY = 30.0 # Updates in Hz lastTime = time.clock() while 1: curTime = time.clock() if curTime - lastTime >= 1.0 / UPDATE_FREQUENCY: # Save the time lastTime = curTime yield True yield False
def evaluateClassifier(markerFilename, bagFilenames, rocGraphFilename=None, accuracyGraphFilename=None, gaussianStdDev=0.0): '''Takes a list of bag files in as data for the classifier and evaluates the classifer against a ground truth marker file. Returns the average AUC and optimal threshold for the classifier.''' # Load in marker buffer for evaluating classifier markerBuffer = MarkerBuffer.loadMarkerBuffer(markerFilename) if markerBuffer == None: print "Error: Unable to load marker buffer -", markerFilename # Process each bag file in turn dataList = [] for bagFilename in bagFilenames: print "Reading in bag file -", bagFilename inputSequence = InputSequence(bagFilename) if ADD_DISTRACTORS: distractors = [ Distractor(radius=24, startPos=(25, 35), endPos=(100, 100), frequency=2.0), Distractor(radius=24, startPos=(200, 200), endPos=(150, 50), frequency=0.25), Distractor(radius=24, startPos=(188, 130), endPos=(168, 258), frequency=0.6), Distractor(radius=24, startPos=(63, 94), endPos=(170, 81), frequency=1.5), Distractor(radius=24, startPos=(40, 287), endPos=(50, 197), frequency=3.0) ] inputSequence.addDistractorObjects(distractors) inputSequence.calculateOpticalFlow(OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH, OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT, OPTICAL_FLOW_RANGE_WIDTH, OPTICAL_FLOW_RANGE_HEIGHT, OPTICAL_FLOW_METHOD) #print "Resampling data" regularisedInputSequence = RegularisedInputSequence( inputSequence, SAMPLES_PER_SECOND) if gaussianStdDev > 0.0: regularisedInputSequence.smoothOpticalFlow(gaussianStdDev) #print "Performing cross correlation" crossCorrelatedSequence = CrossCorrelatedSequence( regularisedInputSequence, MAX_CORRELATION_LAG, COMBINATION_METHOD) #print "Building ROC Curve" rocCurve = GripperDetectorROCCurve(crossCorrelatedSequence, markerBuffer) print "__AUC =", rocCurve.areaUnderCurve dataList.append( WorkingData(bagFilename, inputSequence, regularisedInputSequence, crossCorrelatedSequence, rocCurve)) # Average results if len(dataList) > 1: curveList = [data.rocCurve for data in dataList] averageROCCurve, varianceROCCurve = ROCCurve.averageROCCurves( curveList) else: averageROCCurve = dataList[0].rocCurve varianceROCCurve = None # Plot ROC Curve figureROC = Figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=72) canvasROC = FigureCanvas(figureROC) axisROC = figureROC.add_subplot(111) axisROC.plot(averageROCCurve.falsePositiveRates, averageROCCurve.truePositiveRates) axisROC.set_xlabel('False Positive Rate') axisROC.set_ylabel('True Positive Rate') # Add error bars if varianceROCCurve != None: diffBetweenErrorBars = 0.025 #1.0/(NUM_ERROR_BARS) lastFPRValue = averageROCCurve.falsePositiveRates[0] errorFPR = [] errorTPR = [] errorErrFPR = [] errorErrTPR = [] for i in range(len(averageROCCurve.falsePositiveRates)): curFPRValue = averageROCCurve.falsePositiveRates[i] if abs(curFPRValue - lastFPRValue) >= diffBetweenErrorBars: lastFPRValue = curFPRValue errorFPR.append(averageROCCurve.falsePositiveRates[i]) errorTPR.append(averageROCCurve.truePositiveRates[i]) errorErrFPR.append( math.sqrt(varianceROCCurve.falsePositiveRates[i]) * 2.571) errorErrTPR.append( math.sqrt(varianceROCCurve.truePositiveRates[i]) * 2.571) axisROC.errorbar(errorFPR, errorTPR, yerr=errorErrTPR, linestyle='None') #xerr=errorErrFPR, yerr=errorErrTPR, linestyle='None' ) #print errorFPR #print errorTPR #print lastFPRValue, averageROCCurve.falsePositiveRates[ -1 ] axisROC.set_xlim(0.0, 1.0) axisROC.set_ylim(0.0, 1.0) # Plot accuracy figureAccuracy = Figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=72) canvasAccuracy = FigureCanvas(figureAccuracy) axisAccuracy = figureAccuracy.add_subplot(111) thresholds = averageROCCurve.calculateThresholds() axisAccuracy.plot(thresholds, averageROCCurve.accuracy) #for data in dataList: # axisAccuracy.plot( thresholds, data.rocCurve.accuracy ) # Add error bars if varianceROCCurve != None: diffBetweenErrorBars = 1.0 / (NUM_ERROR_BARS) lastThresholdValue = thresholds[0] errorThreshold = [] errorAccuracy = [] errorErrAccuracy = [] for i in range(len(thresholds)): curThresholdValue = thresholds[i] if abs(curThresholdValue - lastThresholdValue) >= diffBetweenErrorBars: lastThresholdValue = curThresholdValue errorThreshold.append(curThresholdValue) errorAccuracy.append(averageROCCurve.accuracy[i]) errorErrAccuracy.append( math.sqrt(varianceROCCurve.accuracy[i]) * 2.571) axisAccuracy.errorbar(errorThreshold, errorAccuracy, yerr=errorErrAccuracy, linestyle='None') # Mark the threshold with the maximum accuracy maxAccuracyThreshold = thresholds[np.argsort(averageROCCurve.accuracy)[-1]] axisAccuracy.axvline(x=float(maxAccuracyThreshold), color='red') axisAccuracy.set_xlabel('Threshold') axisAccuracy.set_ylabel('Accuracy') # Save the graphs if rocGraphFilename != None: figureROC.savefig(rocGraphFilename) if accuracyGraphFilename != None: figureAccuracy.savefig(accuracyGraphFilename) return averageROCCurve.areaUnderCurve, maxAccuracyThreshold