def create_new_order(): init_dict = dict() iter = 0 error_list = [] for i in fields_list: if i not in request.args: error_list.append(error_messages[iter]) return jsonify({"status": 401, "message": "missing some data"}) else: init_dict[i] = request.args[i] iter += 1 new_order = Order(init_dict) if not collection.get_by_id( if == 0: error_message = '' for error in error_list: error_message += error + "\n" return jsonify({"status": 400, "message": error_message}) else: collection.add_order(new_order) collection.rewriting_to_file(file_name) return jsonify({ "status": 201, "message": "order has been successfully added" }) else: return jsonify({ "status": 400, "message": "Order with such id already exist" })
def read_from_file(self, file_name): if Validators.file_not_empty(file_name): f = open(file_name) lines = f.readlines() # print(to_add.make_str()) for i in range(len(lines)): to_add = Order line = lines[i] if i != len(lines) - 1: line = line[:-1] # print("line is:", line) if Order.str_to_order(to_add, line) == 1: print("Data error in line " + str(i + 1)) else: to_add = Order.str_to_order(to_add, line) self.list_of_orders.append(to_add)
def add_elem_to_collection(collection, file_name): print( "Enter a LINE which is similar to (with a ', ' as a delimiter or enter 0 to skip)\n" "ID, order_status (paid, refunded, not paid), amount, discount (percentage), " "order_date, shipped_date, customer_email") read = input() if represents_int(read) and int(read) == 0: pass else: to_add = Order to_add = Order.str_to_order(to_add, read) # print(to_add.make_str_for_print()) collection.add_order(to_add) collection.rewriting_to_file(file_name) collection.print()
def main(): menu_choice = 0 collection = Collection() read = input("Enter file name (eg. Text.txt):") while not Validators.validate_filename(read): # валідувати змінні неможливо, тому я не знаю як це замінити декоратором read = input("Reenter file name (eg. Text.txt):") file_name = read if Validators.file_not_empty(file_name): collection.read_from_file(file_name) collection.print() while menu_choice != 6: print( "You are in main menu. Possible options:\n" "1 - search some data through all info\n" "2 - sort collection by some argument\n" "3 - delete any order(by its number in list) and rewrite collection in file\n" "4 - add an order and rewrite collection in file\n" "5 - edit an order and rewrite collection in file\n" "6 - exit program\n" "Choose your option: ") read = input() while not Validators.menu_choice_and_sort_and_changer_validation(read): read = input() menu_choice = int(read) if menu_choice == 1: read = input("Enter data to be searched:") elif menu_choice == 2: sort_choice = sort_user_choice() collection.sort(sort_choice) collection.print() elif menu_choice == 3: read = input( "Enter a number of order to be deleted(enter 0 not to delete anything)" ) if represents_int(read): while collection.get_len() < int(read) or 0 > int(read): read = input( "Reenter a number of order to be deleted(enter 0 not to delete anything)" ) if int(read) == 0: break else: collection.deleter(int(read), file_name) collection.print() elif menu_choice == 4: print( "Enter a LINE which is similar to (with a ', ' as a delimiter or enter 0 to skip)\n" "ID, order_status (paid, refunded, not paid), amount, discount (percentage), " "order_date, shipped_date, customer_email") read = input() if represents_int(read) and int(read) == 0: pass else: to_add = Order to_add = Order.str_to_order(to_add, read) collection.add_order(to_add) collection.rewriting_to_file(file_name) collection.print() elif menu_choice == 5: editing_the_collection(collection, file_name) collection.print() elif menu_choice == 6: print("Have a nice day! Goodbye!")