def scan(file_path):
    # print "I am scanning VBA on file:", file_path
    vba_malicious_script = None

    ot = Output_Item()
    url_count = 0
    iom = 0
    report = ""
    path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "\malicious_vba_list.txt"
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        vba_malicious_script = f.readlines()
    # print vba_malicious_script

    f = open(file_path, 'r')
    data = f.read()
    # print data

    for pattern in vba_malicious_script:
        pattern = pattern.strip('\n')
        regex = re.compile(pattern, re.I)
        match = regex.findall(data)
        # pdb.set_trace()
        # print "\nPattern: "+pattern+", Match: "+str(len(match))+"\n"
        report = report + "\nPattern: " + pattern + ", Match: " + str(
            len(match)) + "\n"
        iom += len(match) * 10

    ot.set_item(iom, report)

    return ot
def scan(file_path):
    # print "I am scanning VBA on file:", file_path

    with open(path, 'r') as f:
    # print vba_malicious_script

    f = open(file_path, 'r')
    # print data
    for pattern in vba_malicious_script:
        # pdb.set_trace()
        # print "\nPattern: "+pattern+", Match: "+str(len(match))+"\n"
        report=report+"\nPattern: "+pattern+", Match: "+str(len(match))+"\n"


    return ot
def scan(file_path):
    print "I am scanning AS on file:", file_path
    ot = Output_Item()
    url_count = 0
    iom = 0
    report = ""

    ot.set_item(iom, report)

    return ot
def scan(file_path):
	print "I am scanning AS on file:", file_path


	return ot
def scan(file_path):
    "dublincore"  #vba

    # report=report+"\n\nScanning URL on file:"+file_path
    f = open(file_path, 'rb')
    data = f.read()
    # url2=r"(?:http://(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d])?)\. )*(?:[a-zA-Z](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d])?))|(?:(?:\d+)(?:\.(?:\d+) ){3}))(?::(?:\d+))?)(?:/(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F \d]{2}))|[;:@&=])*)(?:/(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[;:@&=])*))*)(?:\?(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[;:@&=])*))?)?)|(?:ftp://(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(? :%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[;?&=])*)(?::(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a- fA-F\d]{2}))|[;?&=])*))?@)?(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|- )*[a-zA-Z\d])?)\.)*(?:[a-zA-Z](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d])?))|(?:(? :\d+)(?:\.(?:\d+)){3}))(?::(?:\d+))?))(?:/(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+! *'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[?:@&=])*)(?:/(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'() ,]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[?:@&=])*))*)(?:;type=[AIDaid])?)?)|(?:news:(?: (?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[;/?:&=])+@(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d])?)\.)*(?:[a-zA-Z](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d])?))|(?:(?:\d+)(?:\.(?:\d+)){3})))|(?:[a-zA-Z](?:[a-zA-Z\d]|[_.+-])*)|\*))|(?:nntp://(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d])?)\.)*(?:[a-zA-Z](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d ])?))|(?:(?:\d+)(?:\.(?:\d+)){3}))(?::(?:\d+))?)/(?:[a-zA-Z](?:[a-zA-Z \d]|[_.+-])*)(?:/(?:\d+))?)|(?:telnet://(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+ !*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[;?&=])*)(?::(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'() ,]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[;?&=])*))?@)?(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d](?:(?:[a -zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d])?)\.)*(?:[a-zA-Z](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d] )?))|(?:(?:\d+)(?:\.(?:\d+)){3}))(?::(?:\d+))?))/?)|(?:gopher://(?:(?: (?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d])?)\.)*(?:[a-zA-Z](?: (?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d])?))|(?:(?:\d+)(?:\.(?:\d+)){3}))(?::(?:\d+ ))?)(?:/(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),;/?:@&=]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),;/?:@&=]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))*)(?:%09(?:(?:(?:[a-zA -Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[;:@&=])*)(?:%09(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$ \-_.+!*'(),;/?:@&=]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))*))?)?)?)?)|(?:wais://(?:(?:(?: (?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d])?)\.)*(?:[a-zA-Z](?:(?: [a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d])?))|(?:(?:\d+)(?:\.(?:\d+)){3}))(?::(?:\d+))? )/(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))*)(?:(?:/(?:(?:[a-zA -Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))*)/(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))*))|\?(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d] {2}))|[;:@&=])*))?)|(?:mailto:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),;/?:@&=]|(?:% [a-fA-F\d]{2}))+))|(?:file://(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d] |-)*[a-zA-Z\d])?)\.)*(?:[a-zA-Z](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d])?))|(?: (?:\d+)(?:\.(?:\d+)){3}))|localhost)?/(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'() ,]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[?:@&=])*)(?:/(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[?:@&=])*))*))|(?:prospero://(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z \d](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d])?)\.)*(?:[a-zA-Z](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-) *[a-zA-Z\d])?))|(?:(?:\d+)(?:\.(?:\d+)){3}))(?::(?:\d+))?)/(?:(?:(?:(? :[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[?:@&=])*)(?:/(?:(?:(?:[a- zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[?:@&=])*))*)(?:(?:;(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[?:@&])*)=(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d $\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[?:@&])*)))*)|(?:ldap://(?:(?:(?:(?: (?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d])?)\.)*(?:[a-zA-Z](?:(?: [a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d])?))|(?:(?:\d+)(?:\.(?:\d+)){3}))(?::(?:\d+))? ))?/(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|%(?:3\d|[46][a-fA-F\d]|[57][Aa\d]) )|(?:%20))+|(?:OID|oid)\.(?:(?:\d+)(?:\.(?:\d+))*))(?:(?:%0[Aa])?(?:%2 0)*)=(?:(?:%0[Aa])?(?:%20)*))?(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F \d]{2}))*))(?:(?:(?:%0[Aa])?(?:%20)*)\+(?:(?:%0[Aa])?(?:%20)*)(?:(?:(? :(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|%(?:3\d|[46][a-fA-F\d]|[57][Aa\d]))|(?:%20))+|(?:OID |oid)\.(?:(?:\d+)(?:\.(?:\d+))*))(?:(?:%0[Aa])?(?:%20)*)=(?:(?:%0[Aa]) ?(?:%20)*))?(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))*)))*)(?:(?:(?:(?:%0[Aa])?(?:%20)*)(?:[;,])(?:(?:%0[Aa])?(?:%20)*))(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|%(?:3\d|[46][a-fA-F\d]|[57][Aa\d]))|(?:%20))+|(?:OID|o id)\.(?:(?:\d+)(?:\.(?:\d+))*))(?:(?:%0[Aa])?(?:%20)*)=(?:(?:%0[Aa])?(?:%20)*))?(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))*))(?:(?:(?: %0[Aa])?(?:%20)*)\+(?:(?:%0[Aa])?(?:%20)*)(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|%(?:3\d|[46][a-fA-F\d]|[57][Aa\d]))|(?:%20))+|(?:OID|oid)\.(?:(?:\d+)(?: \.(?:\d+))*))(?:(?:%0[Aa])?(?:%20)*)=(?:(?:%0[Aa])?(?:%20)*))?(?:(?:[a -zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))*)))*))*(?:(?:(?:%0[Aa])?(?:%2 0)*)(?:[;,])(?:(?:%0[Aa])?(?:%20)*))?)(?:\?(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+ !*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))+)(?:,(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-f A-F\d]{2}))+))*)?)(?:\?(?:base|one|sub)(?:\?(?:((?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),;/?:@&=]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))+)))?)?)?)|(?:(?:z39\.50[rs])://(?:(?:(? :(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d])?)\.)*(?:[a-zA-Z](?:(? :[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d])?))|(?:(?:\d+)(?:\.(?:\d+)){3}))(?::(?:\d+)) ?)(?:/(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))+)(?:\+(?:(?: [a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))+))*(?:\?(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_ .+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))+))?)?(?:;esn=(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(), ]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))+))?(?:;rs=(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA -F\d]{2}))+)(?:\+(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))+))*) ?))|(?:cid:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[;?:@&= ])*))|(?:mid:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[;?:@ &=])*)(?:/(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[;?:@&=] )*))?)|(?:vemmi://(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z \d])?)\.)*(?:[a-zA-Z](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d])?))|(?:(?:\d+)(?:\ .(?:\d+)){3}))(?::(?:\d+))?)(?:/(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a -fA-F\d]{2}))|[/?:@&=])*)(?:(?:;(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a -fA-F\d]{2}))|[/?:@&])*)=(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d ]{2}))|[/?:@&])*))*))?)|(?:imap://(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+ !*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[&=~])+)(?:(?:;[Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh]=(?:\*|(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[&=~])+))))?)|(?:(?:;[Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh]=(?:\*|(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2 }))|[&=~])+)))(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[&=~])+))?))@)?(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d]) ?)\.)*(?:[a-zA-Z](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d])?))|(?:(?:\d+)(?:\.(?: \d+)){3}))(?::(?:\d+))?))/(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?: %[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[&=~:@/])+)?;[Tt][Yy][Pp][Ee]=(?:[Ll](?:[Ii][Ss][Tt]| [Ss][Uu][Bb])))|(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2})) |[&=~:@/])+)(?:\?(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[&=~:@/])+))?(?:(?:;[Uu][Ii][Dd][Vv][Aa][Ll][Ii][Dd][Ii][Tt][Yy]=(?:[1- 9]\d*)))?)|(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[&=~ :@/])+)(?:(?:;[Uu][Ii][Dd][Vv][Aa][Ll][Ii][Dd][Ii][Tt][Yy]=(?:[1-9]\d* )))?(?:/;[Uu][Ii][Dd]=(?:[1-9]\d*))(?:(?:/;[Ss][Ee][Cc][Tt][Ii][Oo][Nn ]=(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d$\-_.+!*'(),]|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2}))|[&=~:@/])+)))?)) )?)|(?:nfs:(?:(?://(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA- Z\d])?)\.)*(?:[a-zA-Z](?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]|-)*[a-zA-Z\d])?))|(?:(?:\d+)(?: \.(?:\d+)){3}))(?::(?:\d+))?)(?:(?:/(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d\$\-_.!~*'(),])|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2})|[:@&=+])*)(?:/(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d\$\-_.!~*'(), ])|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2})|[:@&=+])*))*)?)))?)|(?:/(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d \$\-_.!~*'(),])|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2})|[:@&=+])*)(?:/(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d\$\ -_.!~*'(),])|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2})|[:@&=+])*))*)?))|(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-zA- Z\d\$\-_.!~*'(),])|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2})|[:@&=+])*)(?:/(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d \$\-_.!~*'(),])|(?:%[a-fA-F\d]{2})|[:@&=+])*))*)?)))"

    for url in rlt:
        # print url
        if not ext.domain in url_white_list:
            print url


    # for link in rlt:      
    #   report = report +link+"\n"  


    return ot
def scan(file_path):
    ot = Output_Item()
    iom = 0
    report = ""
    utils = Utils()
    timestamp_3906 = "2013-03-21 16:49:05.943"
    time = ""
        time = utils.get_ole_timestamp(file_path)
    except Exception, e:
        print "Error when getting OLE timestamp:" + str(e)
def omh_shellcode_scan(g_f_cnt, file_path):
    global g_power
    global g_f_name

    mode_flg = 0  # <scan | info> mode
    debug_flg = 0
    brute_flg = 0
    g_power = 0

    libc = cdll.msvcrt
    k32 = windll.kernel32
    h = k32.GetStdHandle(0xFFFFFFF5)  # STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
    g_f_size = len(g_f_cnt)

    output = ""

    print "[*] Scanning result...\n\n",
    output = output + "\n[*] File:" + file_path + "\n"
    output = output + "[*] Scanning result...\n"
    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if (
            libc.memcmp(byref(g_FS30Sig1), g_f_cnt[i:], 5) == 0
            or libc.memcmp(byref(g_FS30Sig2), g_f_cnt[i:], 5) == 0
            or libc.memcmp(byref(g_FS30Sig3), g_f_cnt[i:], 5) == 0
            or libc.memcmp(byref(g_FS30Sig4), g_f_cnt[i:], 5) == 0
            or libc.memcmp(byref(g_FS30Sig5), g_f_cnt[i:], 5) == 0
            or libc.memcmp(byref(g_FS30Sig6), g_f_cnt[i:], 5) == 0
            print "FS:[30h] (Method 1) signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "FS:[30h] (Method 1) signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if (
            unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0x6A
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 1])[0] == 0x30
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 3])[0] == 0x64
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 4])[0] == 0x8B
            print "FS:[30] (Method 2) signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "FS:[30] (Method 2) signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if (
            unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0x33
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 3])[0] == 0xB3
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 4])[0] == 0x64
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 5])[0] == 0x8B
            print "FS:[30] (Method 3) signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "FS:[30] (Method 3) signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if (
            unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0x74
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 2])[0] == 0xC1
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 4])[0] == 0x0D
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 5])[0] == 0x03
            print "API-Hashing signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "API-Hashing signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if (
            unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0x55
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 1])[0] == 0x8B
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 2])[0] == 0xEC
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 3])[0] == 0x83
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 4])[0] == 0xC4
            print "Function prolog signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "Function prolog signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if (
            unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0x55
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 1])[0] == 0x8B
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 2])[0] == 0xEC
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 3])[0] == 0x81
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 4])[0] == 0xEC
            print "Function prolog signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "Function prolog signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if (
            unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0xFF
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 1])[0] == 0x75
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 3])[0] == 0xFF
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 4])[0] == 0x55
            print "PUSH DWORD[]/CALL[] signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "PUSH DWORD[]/CALL[] signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if (
            unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0xAC
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 1])[0] == 0x34
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 3])[0] == 0xAA
            print "LODSB/STOSB XOR decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "LODSB/STOSB XOR decryption signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if (
            unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0xAC
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 1])[0] == 0x04
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 3])[0] == 0xAA
            print "LODSB/STOSB ADD decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "LODSB/STOSB XOR decryption signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if (
            unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0xAC
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 1])[0] == 0x2C
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 3])[0] == 0xAA
            print "LODSB/STOSB SUB decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "LODSB/STOSB SUB decryption signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if (
            unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0xAC
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 1])[0] == 0xD0
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 2])[0] == 0xC0
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 3])[0] == 0xAA
            print "LODSB/STOSB ROL decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "LODSB/STOSB ROL decryption signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if (
            unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0xAC
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 1])[0] == 0xD0
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 2])[0] == 0xC8
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 3])[0] == 0xAA
            print "LODSB/STOSB ROR decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "LODSB/STOSB ROR decryption signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if (
            unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0xAC
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 1])[0] == 0xC0
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 2])[0] == 0xC0
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 4])[0] == 0xAA
            print "LODSB/STOSB ROL decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "LODSB/STOSB ROL decryption signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if (
            unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0xAC
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 1])[0] == 0xC0
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 2])[0] == 0xC8
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 4])[0] == 0xAA
            print "LODSB/STOSB ROR decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "LODSB/STOSB ROR decryption signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if (
            unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0x66
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 1])[0] == 0xAD
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 2])[0] == 0x66
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 3])[0] == 0x35
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 6])[0] == 0x66
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 7])[0] == 0xAB
            print "LODSW/STOSW XOR decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "LODSW/STOSW XOR decryption signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if (
            unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0x66
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 1])[0] == 0xAD
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 2])[0] == 0x66
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 3])[0] == 0x05
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 6])[0] == 0x66
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 7])[0] == 0xAB
            print "LODSW/STOSW ADD decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "LODSW/STOSW ADD decryption signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if (
            unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0x66
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 1])[0] == 0xAD
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 2])[0] == 0x66
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 3])[0] == 0x2D
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 6])[0] == 0x66
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 7])[0] == 0xAB
            print "LODSW/STOSW SUB decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "LODSW/STOSW SUB decryption signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if (
            unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0xAD
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 1])[0] == 0x35
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 6])[0] == 0xAB
            print "LODSD/STOSD XOR decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "LODSD/STOSD XOR decryption signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if (
            unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0xAD
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 1])[0] == 0x05
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 6])[0] == 0xAB
            print "LODSD/STOSD ADD decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "LODSD/STOSD ADD decryption signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if (
            unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0xAD
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 1])[0] == 0x2D
            and unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 6])[0] == 0xAB
            print "LODSD/STOSD SUB decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "LODSD/STOSD SUB decryption signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if libc.memcmp(byref(g_FldzSig), g_f_cnt[i:], 6) == 0:
            print "FLDZ/FSTENV [esp-12] signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "FLDZ/FSTENV [esp-12] signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if (
            libc.memcmp(byref(g_CallPopSig1), g_f_cnt[i:], 6) == 0
            or libc.memcmp(byref(g_CallPopSig2), g_f_cnt[i:], 6) == 0
            or libc.memcmp(byref(g_CallPopSig3), g_f_cnt[i:], 6) == 0
            or libc.memcmp(byref(g_CallPopSig4), g_f_cnt[i:], 6) == 0
            or libc.memcmp(byref(g_CallPopSig5), g_f_cnt[i:], 6) == 0
            or libc.memcmp(byref(g_CallPopSig6), g_f_cnt[i:], 6) == 0
            or libc.memcmp(byref(g_CallPopSig7), g_f_cnt[i:], 6) == 0
            print "CALL next/POP signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "CALL next/POP signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0xEB:
            # print binascii.hexlify(g_f_cnt[i+1])
            # print i, g_f_size
            if i <= g_f_size - 2:
                if i + unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 1])[0] + 2 < g_f_size:
                    # unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+unpack('B',g_f_cnt[i+1])[0]+2] )[0] == 0xE8 ):
                    jmp_off = i + unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 1])[0] + 2
                    #                call_va  = unpack( '<L', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+1:jmp_off+5] )[0]  # python is much simple
                    call_va = unpack("B", g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 1])[0]
                    call_va += unpack("B", g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 2])[0] << 8
                    call_va += unpack("B", g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 3])[0] << 16
                    call_va += unpack("B", g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 4])[0] << 24
                    if jmp_off + call_va + 5 < g_f_size:
                        if (
                            unpack("B", g_f_cnt[jmp_off + call_va + 5])[0] == 0x58
                            or unpack("B", g_f_cnt[jmp_off + call_va + 5])[0] == 0x59
                            or unpack("B", g_f_cnt[jmp_off + call_va + 5])[0] == 0x5A
                            or unpack("B", g_f_cnt[jmp_off + call_va + 5])[0] == 0x5B
                            or unpack("B", g_f_cnt[jmp_off + call_va + 5])[0] == 0x5E
                            or unpack("B", g_f_cnt[jmp_off + call_va + 5])[0] == 0x5F
                            print "JMP [0xEB]/CALL/POP signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
                            output = output + "JMP [0xEB]/CALL/POP signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
                            if debug_flg == 1:
                            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0xE9:
            # print binascii.hexlify(g_f_cnt[i+1])
            # print i, g_f_size
            if i <= g_f_size - 2:
                if i + unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 1])[0] + 5 < g_f_size:
                    # unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+unpack('B',g_f_cnt[i+1])[0]+2] )[0] == 0xE8 ):
                    jmp_off = i + unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 1])[0] + 5
                    #                call_va  = unpack( '<L', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+1:jmp_off+5] )[0]  # python is much simple
                    call_va = unpack("B", g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 1])[0]
                    call_va += unpack("B", g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 2])[0] << 8
                    call_va += unpack("B", g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 3])[0] << 16
                    call_va += unpack("B", g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 4])[0] << 24
                    if jmp_off + call_va + 5 < g_f_size:
                        if (
                            unpack("B", g_f_cnt[jmp_off + call_va + 5])[0] == 0x58
                            or unpack("B", g_f_cnt[jmp_off + call_va + 5])[0] == 0x59
                            or unpack("B", g_f_cnt[jmp_off + call_va + 5])[0] == 0x5A
                            or unpack("B", g_f_cnt[jmp_off + call_va + 5])[0] == 0x5B
                            or unpack("B", g_f_cnt[jmp_off + call_va + 5])[0] == 0x5E
                            or unpack("B", g_f_cnt[jmp_off + call_va + 5])[0] == 0x5F
                            print "JMP [0xE9]/CALL/POP signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
                            output = output + "JMP [0xE9]/CALL/POP signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
                            if debug_flg == 1:
                            g_power += RATING_CODE

        if libc.memcmp(c_char_p("MZ"), g_f_cnt[i:], 2) == 0:
            pe_off = unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 0x3C])[0]
            pe_off += unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 0x3D])[0] << 8
            pe_off += unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 0x3E])[0] << 16
            pe_off += unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i + 0x3F])[0] << 24
            if libc.memcmp(c_char_p("PE"), g_f_cnt[i + pe_off :], 2) == 0:
                print "unencrypted MZ/PE signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
                output = output + "unencrypted MZ/PE signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
                if debug_flg == 1:
                    dump_data("PE-File", g_f_cnt[i:], 0x100)
                g_power += RATING_EXEC

    i = 0
    while i < g_f_size:
        if libc.memcmp(byref(g_NopSig), g_f_cnt[i:], 3) == 0:
            print "NOP slides signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            output = output + "NOP slides signature found at offset: " + hex(i) + "\n"
            if debug_flg == 1:
            while unpack("B", g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0x90:
                i += 1
            g_power += RATING_OLENOP
        i += 1

    # for api in APIZ:
    #     for i in xrange(g_f_size):
    #         if libc.memcmp( c_char_p(api), g_f_cnt[i:], len(api) ) == 0:
    #             print "API-Name %s string found at offset: 0x%x\n" % (api, i),
    #             if debug_flg == 1: dump_data( "PE-File", g_f_cnt[i:], 0x100 )
    #             g_power += RATING_STRS
    # for i in xrange(8, g_f_size):
    #     if libc.memcmp( byref(g_aOfficeSig), g_f_cnt[i:], 8 ) == 0:
    #         print "Embedded OLE signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
    #         if debug_flg == 1: dump_data( "PE-File", g_f_cnt[i:], 0x100 )
    #         g_power += RATING_OLENOP

    print "\n\nAnalysis finished!\n\n",
    # output=output+"\n\nAnalysis finished!\n\n"

    if g_power:
        # k32.SetConsoleTextAttribute( h, 0x0E ) # FOREGROUND_GREEN or FOREGROUND_RED or FOREGROUND_INTENSITY
        output = output + "---------------------------------------------"
        i = 0
        while i < len(g_f_name):
            i += 1
        libc.printf("\n%s seems to be malicious! Malicious Index = %02d\n", g_f_name, g_power)
        output = output + "\n" + g_f_name + " seems to be malicious! Malicious Index = " + str(g_power) + "\n"
        output = output + "---------------------------------------------"
        i = 0
        while i < len(g_f_name):
            output = output + "-"
            i += 1
        # k32.SetConsoleTextAttribute( h, 0x07 ) # FOREGROUND_BLUE or FOREGROUND_GREEN or FOREGROUND_RED
        print "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
        print "             No malicious traces found in this file!\n",
        print 'Assure that this file is being scanned with the "info" parameter too.\n',
        print "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
        output = output + "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
        output = output + "             No malicious traces found in this file!\n"
        output = output + 'Assure that this file is being scanned with the "info" parameter too.\n'
        output = output + "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
    oi = Output_Item()
    oi.set_item(g_power, output)
    return oi
def omh_shellcode_scan(g_f_cnt):
    global g_power
    global g_f_name
    mode_flg  = 0 # <scan | info> mode
    debug_flg = 0
    brute_flg = 0

    libc = cdll.msvcrt
    k32  = windll.kernel32
    h = k32.GetStdHandle( 0xFFFFFFF5 ) # STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
    g_f_size = len(g_f_cnt)


    report=report+ "[*] Scanning now...\n\n"
    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( libc.memcmp( byref(g_FS30Sig1), g_f_cnt[i:], 5 ) == 0 or
            libc.memcmp( byref(g_FS30Sig2), g_f_cnt[i:], 5 ) == 0 or
            libc.memcmp( byref(g_FS30Sig3), g_f_cnt[i:], 5 ) == 0 or
            libc.memcmp( byref(g_FS30Sig4), g_f_cnt[i:], 5 ) == 0 or
            libc.memcmp( byref(g_FS30Sig5), g_f_cnt[i:], 5 ) == 0 or
            libc.memcmp( byref(g_FS30Sig6), g_f_cnt[i:], 5 ) == 0 ):
            print "FS:[30h] (Method 1) signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0x6A and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x30 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0x64 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0x8B ):
            print "FS:[30] (Method 2) signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0x33 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0xB3 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0x64 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+5] )[0] == 0x8B ):
            print "FS:[30] (Method 3) signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0x74 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0xC1 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0x0D and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+5] )[0] == 0x03 ):
            print "API-Hashing signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE
    i = 0
    while ( i < g_f_size ):        
        if ( libc.memcmp( byref(g_NopSig), g_f_cnt[i:], 3 ) == 0 ):
            print "NOP slides signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            while unpack('B', g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0x90: i += 1
            g_power += RATING_OLENOP
        i += 1

    for api in APIZ:
        for i in xrange(g_f_size):
            if libc.memcmp( c_char_p(api), g_f_cnt[i:], len(api) ) == 0:
                print "API-Name %s string found at offset: 0x%x\n" % (api, i),
                if debug_flg == 1: dump_data( "PE-File", g_f_cnt[i:], 0x100 )
                g_power += RATING_STRS
    for i in xrange(8, g_f_size):
        if libc.memcmp( byref(g_aOfficeSig), g_f_cnt[i:], 8 ) == 0:
            print "Embedded OLE signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: dump_data( "PE-File", g_f_cnt[i:], 0x100 )
            g_power += RATING_OLENOP

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0x55 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x8B and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0xEC and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0x83 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0xC4 ):
            print "Function prolog signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE
    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0x55 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x8B and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0xEC and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0x81 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0xEC ):
            print "Function prolog signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xFF and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x75 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0xFF and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0x55 ):
            print "PUSH DWORD[]/CALL[] signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xAC and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x34 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0xAA ):
            print "LODSB/STOSB XOR decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xAC and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x04 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0xAA ):
            print "LODSB/STOSB ADD decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xAC and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x2C and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0xAA ):
            print "LODSB/STOSB SUB decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xAC and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0xD0 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0xC0 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0xAA ):
            print "LODSB/STOSB ROL decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xAC and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0xD0 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0xC8 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0xAA ):
            print "LODSB/STOSB ROR decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xAC and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0xC0 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0xC0 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0xAA ):
            print "LODSB/STOSB ROL decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xAC and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0xC0 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0xC8 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0xAA ):
            print "LODSB/STOSB ROR decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0x66 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0xAD and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0x66 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0x35 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+6] )[0] == 0x66 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+7] )[0] == 0xAB ):
            print "LODSW/STOSW XOR decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0x66 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0xAD and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0x66 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0x05 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+6] )[0] == 0x66 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+7] )[0] == 0xAB ):
            print "LODSW/STOSW ADD decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0x66 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0xAD and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0x66 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0x2D and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+6] )[0] == 0x66 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+7] )[0] == 0xAB ):
            print "LODSW/STOSW SUB decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE
    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
            if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xAD and
                 unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x35 and
                 unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+6] )[0] == 0xAB ):
                print "LODSD/STOSD XOR decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
                if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
                g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xAD and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x05 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+6] )[0] == 0xAB ):
            print "LODSD/STOSD ADD decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xAD and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x2D and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+6] )[0] == 0xAB ):
            print "LODSD/STOSD SUB decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if libc.memcmp( byref(g_FldzSig), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0:
            print "FLDZ/FSTENV [esp-12] signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( libc.memcmp( byref(g_CallPopSig1), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0 or
                libc.memcmp( byref(g_CallPopSig2), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0 or
                libc.memcmp( byref(g_CallPopSig3), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0 or
                libc.memcmp( byref(g_CallPopSig4), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0 or
                libc.memcmp( byref(g_CallPopSig5), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0 or
                libc.memcmp( byref(g_CallPopSig6), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0 or
                libc.memcmp( byref(g_CallPopSig7), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0 ):
            print "CALL next/POP signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        # print "%08X" % i
        import binascii
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0xEB ):
            # print binascii.hexlify(g_f_cnt[i+1])
            # print i, g_f_size
                if(i+unpack('B',g_f_cnt[i+1])[0]+2<g_f_size) :
                    # unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+unpack('B',g_f_cnt[i+1])[0]+2] )[0] == 0xE8 ):
                    jmp_off  = i + unpack('B',g_f_cnt[i+1])[0] + 2
            #                call_va  = unpack( '<L', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+1:jmp_off+5] )[0]  # python is much simple
                    call_va  = unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 1] )[0]
                    call_va += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 2] )[0] << 8
                    call_va += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 3] )[0] << 16
                    call_va += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 4] )[0] << 24
                    if ( jmp_off + call_va + 5 < g_f_size):
                        if( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x58 or
                           unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x59 or
                           unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x5A or
                           unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x5B or
                           unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x5E or
                           unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x5F ):
                            print "JMP [0xEB]/CALL/POP signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
                            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
                            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        # print "%08X" % i
        import binascii
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0xE9 ):
            # print binascii.hexlify(g_f_cnt[i+1])
            # print i, g_f_size
                if(i+unpack('B',g_f_cnt[i+1])[0]+5<g_f_size) :
                    # unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+unpack('B',g_f_cnt[i+1])[0]+2] )[0] == 0xE8 ):
                    jmp_off  = i + unpack('B',g_f_cnt[i+1])[0] + 5
            #                call_va  = unpack( '<L', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+1:jmp_off+5] )[0]  # python is much simple
                    call_va  = unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 1] )[0]
                    call_va += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 2] )[0] << 8
                    call_va += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 3] )[0] << 16
                    call_va += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 4] )[0] << 24
                    if ( jmp_off + call_va + 5 < g_f_size):
                        if( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x58 or
                           unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x59 or
                           unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x5A or
                           unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x5B or
                           unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x5E or
                           unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x5F ):
                            print "JMP [0xE9]/CALL/POP signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
                            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
                            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( libc.memcmp( c_char_p("MZ"), g_f_cnt[i:], 2 ) == 0 ):
            pe_off  = unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+0x3C] )[0]
            pe_off += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+0x3D] )[0] << 8
            pe_off += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+0x3E] )[0] << 16
            pe_off += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+0x3F] )[0] << 24
            if ( libc.memcmp( c_char_p("PE"), g_f_cnt[i+pe_off:], 2 ) == 0):
                print "unencrypted MZ/PE signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
                if debug_flg == 1: dump_data( "PE-File", g_f_cnt[i:], 0x100 )
                g_power += RATING_EXEC

    print "\n\nAnalysis finished!\n\n",

    if g_power:
        k32.SetConsoleTextAttribute( h, 0x0E ) # FOREGROUND_GREEN or FOREGROUND_RED or FOREGROUND_INTENSITY
        libc.printf( "---------------------------------------------" )
        i = 0
        while i < len(g_f_name):
            i += 1
        libc.printf( "\n%s seems to be malicious! Malicious Index = %02d\n", g_f_name, g_power )
        libc.printf( "---------------------------------------------" )
        i = 0
        while i < len(g_f_name):
            i += 1
        k32.SetConsoleTextAttribute( h, 0x07 ) # FOREGROUND_BLUE or FOREGROUND_GREEN or FOREGROUND_RED
        print "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
        print "             No malicious traces found in this file!\n",
        print "Assure that this file is being scanned with the \"info\" parameter too.\n",
        print "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
def omh_shellcode_scan(g_f_cnt):
    global g_power
    global g_f_name
    mode_flg  = 0 # <scan | info> mode
    debug_flg = 0
    brute_flg = 0

    libc = cdll.msvcrt
    k32  = windll.kernel32
    h = k32.GetStdHandle( 0xFFFFFFF5 ) # STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
    g_f_size = len(g_f_cnt)


    report=report+ "\r\n[*] Scanning now...\r\n\r\n"
    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( libc.memcmp( byref(g_FS30Sig1), g_f_cnt[i:], 5 ) == 0 or
            libc.memcmp( byref(g_FS30Sig2), g_f_cnt[i:], 5 ) == 0 or
            libc.memcmp( byref(g_FS30Sig3), g_f_cnt[i:], 5 ) == 0 or
            libc.memcmp( byref(g_FS30Sig4), g_f_cnt[i:], 5 ) == 0 or
            libc.memcmp( byref(g_FS30Sig5), g_f_cnt[i:], 5 ) == 0 or
            libc.memcmp( byref(g_FS30Sig6), g_f_cnt[i:], 5 ) == 0 ):
            output=  "FS:[30h] (Method 1) signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0x6A and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x30 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0x64 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0x8B ):
            output=  "FS:[30] (Method 2) signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0x33 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0xB3 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0x64 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+5] )[0] == 0x8B ):
            output=  "FS:[30] (Method 3) signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0x74 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0xC1 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0x0D and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+5] )[0] == 0x03 ):
            output=  "API-Hashing signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE
    i = 0
    while ( i < g_f_size ):        
        if ( libc.memcmp( byref(g_NopSig), g_f_cnt[i:], 3 ) == 0 ):
            output=  "NOP slides signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            while unpack('B', g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0x90: i += 1
            g_power += RATING_OLENOP
        i += 1

    for api in APIZ:
        for i in xrange(g_f_size):
            if libc.memcmp( c_char_p(api), g_f_cnt[i:], len(api) ) == 0:
                output=  "API-Name %s string found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % (api, i)
                if debug_flg == 1: dump_data( "PE-File", g_f_cnt[i:], 0x100 )
                g_power += RATING_STRS
    for i in xrange(8, g_f_size):
        if libc.memcmp( byref(g_aOfficeSig), g_f_cnt[i:], 8 ) == 0:
            output="Embedded OLE signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i
            if debug_flg == 1: dump_data( "PE-File", g_f_cnt[i:], 0x100 )
            g_power += RATING_OLENOP

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0x55 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x8B and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0xEC and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0x83 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0xC4 ):
            output=  "Function prolog signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE
    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0x55 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x8B and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0xEC and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0x81 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0xEC ):
            output=  "Function prolog signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xFF and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x75 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0xFF and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0x55 ):
            output=  "PUSH DWORD[]/CALL[] signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xAC and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x34 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0xAA ):
            report=report+  "LODSB/STOSB XOR decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xAC and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x04 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0xAA ):
            report=report+  "LODSB/STOSB ADD decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xAC and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x2C and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0xAA ):
            report=report+  "LODSB/STOSB SUB decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xAC and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0xD0 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0xC0 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0xAA ):
            report=report+  "LODSB/STOSB ROL decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xAC and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0xD0 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0xC8 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0xAA ):
            report=report+  "LODSB/STOSB ROR decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xAC and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0xC0 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0xC0 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0xAA ):
            report=report+  "LODSB/STOSB ROL decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xAC and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0xC0 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0xC8 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0xAA ):
            report=report+  "LODSB/STOSB ROR decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0x66 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0xAD and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0x66 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0x35 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+6] )[0] == 0x66 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+7] )[0] == 0xAB ):
            report=report+  "LODSW/STOSW XOR decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0x66 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0xAD and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0x66 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0x05 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+6] )[0] == 0x66 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+7] )[0] == 0xAB ):
            report=report+  "LODSW/STOSW ADD decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0x66 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0xAD and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0x66 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0x2D and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+6] )[0] == 0x66 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+7] )[0] == 0xAB ):
            report=report+  "LODSW/STOSW SUB decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE
    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
            if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xAD and
                 unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x35 and
                 unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+6] )[0] == 0xAB ):
                report=report+  "LODSD/STOSD XOR decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i,
                if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
                g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xAD and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x05 and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+6] )[0] == 0xAB ):
            report=report+  "LODSD/STOSD ADD decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i]   )[0] == 0xAD and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x2D and
            unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+6] )[0] == 0xAB ):
            report=report+  "LODSD/STOSD SUB decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if libc.memcmp( byref(g_FldzSig), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0:
            report=report+  "FLDZ/FSTENV [esp-12] signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( libc.memcmp( byref(g_CallPopSig1), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0 or
                libc.memcmp( byref(g_CallPopSig2), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0 or
                libc.memcmp( byref(g_CallPopSig3), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0 or
                libc.memcmp( byref(g_CallPopSig4), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0 or
                libc.memcmp( byref(g_CallPopSig5), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0 or
                libc.memcmp( byref(g_CallPopSig6), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0 or
                libc.memcmp( byref(g_CallPopSig7), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0 ):
            output=  "CALL next/POP signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i,
            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        # print "%08X" % i
        import binascii
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0xEB ):
            # print binascii.hexlify(g_f_cnt[i+1])
            # print i, g_f_size
                if(i+unpack('B',g_f_cnt[i+1])[0]+2<g_f_size) :
                    # unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+unpack('B',g_f_cnt[i+1])[0]+2] )[0] == 0xE8 ):
                    jmp_off  = i + unpack('B',g_f_cnt[i+1])[0] + 2
            #                call_va  = unpack( '<L', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+1:jmp_off+5] )[0]  # python is much simple
                    call_va  = unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 1] )[0]
                    call_va += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 2] )[0] << 8
                    call_va += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 3] )[0] << 16
                    call_va += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 4] )[0] << 24
                    if ( jmp_off + call_va + 5 < g_f_size):
                        if( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x58 or
                           unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x59 or
                           unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x5A or
                           unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x5B or
                           unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x5E or
                           unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x5F ):
                            report=report+  "JMP [0xEB]/CALL/POP signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i,
                            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
                            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        # print "%08X" % i
        import binascii
        if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0xE9 ):
            # print binascii.hexlify(g_f_cnt[i+1])
            # print i, g_f_size
                if(i+unpack('B',g_f_cnt[i+1])[0]+5<g_f_size) :
                    # unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+unpack('B',g_f_cnt[i+1])[0]+2] )[0] == 0xE8 ):
                    jmp_off  = i + unpack('B',g_f_cnt[i+1])[0] + 5
            #                call_va  = unpack( '<L', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+1:jmp_off+5] )[0]  # python is much simple
                    call_va  = unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 1] )[0]
                    call_va += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 2] )[0] << 8
                    call_va += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 3] )[0] << 16
                    call_va += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 4] )[0] << 24
                    if ( jmp_off + call_va + 5 < g_f_size):
                        if( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x58 or
                           unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x59 or
                           unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x5A or
                           unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x5B or
                           unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x5E or
                           unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x5F ):
                            report=report+  "JMP [0xE9]/CALL/POP signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i,
                            if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
                            g_power += RATING_CODE

    for i in xrange(g_f_size):
        if ( libc.memcmp( c_char_p("MZ"), g_f_cnt[i:], 2 ) == 0 ):
            pe_off  = unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+0x3C] )[0]
            pe_off += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+0x3D] )[0] << 8
            pe_off += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+0x3E] )[0] << 16
            pe_off += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+0x3F] )[0] << 24
            if ( libc.memcmp( c_char_p("PE"), g_f_cnt[i+pe_off:], 2 ) == 0):
                output=  "unencrypted MZ/PE signature found at offset: 0x%x\r\n" % i
                if debug_flg == 1: dump_data( "PE-File", g_f_cnt[i:], 0x100 )
                g_power += RATING_EXEC

    report=report+  "\r\n\r\nAnalysis finished!\r\n\r\n",

    if g_power:
        k32.SetConsoleTextAttribute( h, 0x0E ) # FOREGROUND_GREEN or FOREGROUND_RED or FOREGROUND_INTENSITY
        report= str(report)+  "---------------------------------------------" 
        i = 0
        while i < len(g_f_name):
            i += 1
        output= "\r\n%s seems to be malicious! Malicious Index = %02d\r\n" % ( g_f_name, g_power )
        report=report+ "---------------------------------------------" 
        i = 0
        while i < len(g_f_name):
            i += 1
        k32.SetConsoleTextAttribute( h, 0x07 ) # FOREGROUND_BLUE or FOREGROUND_GREEN or FOREGROUND_RED
        report=report+  "---------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n",
        report=report+  "             No malicious traces found in this file!\r\n",
        report=report+  "Assure that this file is being scanned with the \"info\" parameter too.\r\n",
        report=report+  "---------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n",

    return ot