psi_background = Component('psi_background', (bkg_m.pdf(), psi_m), Yield= (200000,500,500000) )

from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import readData
tree_name = 'DecayTree'
prefix = '/stuff/PhD' if os.path.exists('/stuff') else '/bfys/raaij'
if dataSample == '2011':
    input_file = os.path.join(prefix, 'p2vv/data/Bs2JpsiPhi_ntupleB_for_fitting_20121012_MagDownMagUp.root')
elif dataSample == '2012':
    input_file = os.path.join(prefix, '/stuff/PhD/p2vv/data/Bs2JpsiPhi_2012_ntupleB_20121212.root')
    raise RuntimeError

cut = 'runNumber > 0 && sel == 1 && sel_cleantail == 1 && (hlt1_biased == 1 || hlt1_unbiased_dec == 1) && hlt2_biased == 1 && '
## cut = 'runNumber > 0 && sel == 1 && sel_cleantail == 1 && hlt1_unbiased_dec == 1 && hlt2_unbiased == 1 && '
cut += ' && '.join(['%s < 4' % e for e in ['muplus_track_chi2ndof', 'muminus_track_chi2ndof', 'Kplus_track_chi2ndof', 'Kminus_track_chi2ndof']])
data = readData(input_file, tree_name, ntupleCuts = cut,
                NTuple = True, observables = observables)

# Create signal component
signal = Component('signal', (sig_m.pdf(), psi_m), Yield = (27437,10000,50000))

## Build PDF
mass_pdf = buildPdf(Components = (signal, background), Observables = (m, ), Name = 'mass_pdf')

## Fit options
fitOpts = dict(NumCPU = 4, Timer = 1, Save = True,
               Verbose = False, Optimize = 2, Minimizer = 'Minuit2')

# make sweighted dataset. TODO: use mumu mass as well...
from P2VV.Utilities.SWeights import SData, splot
    if trigger == 'ExclBiased' :
        #cuts = 'sel == 1 && sel_cleantail==1 && hlt1_excl_biased_dec == 1 && hlt2_biased == 1 && ' + cuts
        cuts = 'sel == 1 && sel_cleantail==1 && hlt1_excl_biased == 1 && hlt2_biased == 1 && ' + cuts
    elif trigger == 'Unbiased' :
        #cuts = 'sel == 1 && sel_cleantail==1 && hlt1_unbiased_dec == 1 && hlt2_biased == 1 && ' + cuts
        cuts = 'sel == 1 && sel_cleantail==1 && hlt1_unbiased == 1 && hlt2_biased == 1 && ' + cuts
    else :
        #cuts = 'sel == 1 && sel_cleantail==1 && (hlt1_unbiased_dec == 1 || hlt1_biased == 1) && hlt2_biased == 1 && ' + cuts
        cuts = 'sel == 1 && sel_cleantail==1 && (hlt1_unbiased == 1 || hlt1_biased == 1) && hlt2_biased == 1 && ' + cuts

readDataOpts = { }
if cuts      : readDataOpts['ntupleCuts'] = cuts
if weightVar : readDataOpts['WeightVar']  = ( weightVar, True )

from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import readData
data = readData( nTupleFile, dataSetName = nTupleName, NTuple = True, observables = obsSet, **readDataOpts )

## build the B_s -> J/psi phi signal time, angular and tagging PDF ##

if normPdf :
    # transversity amplitudes
    from P2VV.Parameterizations.DecayAmplitudes import JpsiVPolarSWaveFrac_AmplitudeSet as Amplitudes
    amplitudes = Amplitudes(  A0Mag2 = A0Mag2Val, AperpMag2 = AperpMag2Val
                            , AparPhase = AparPhVal - A0PhVal, AperpPhase = AperpPhVal - A0PhVal
                            , f_S = 0., ASOddPhase = 0., C_SP = 1.

    # B lifetime
st = RealVar('sigmat',Title = '#sigma(t)', Unit = 'ps', Observable = True, MinMax = (0.01, 0.07))
t_true = RealVar('truetime', Title = 'true decay time', Unit='ps', Observable = True, MinMax=(-1100, 14))
m  = RealVar('mass', Title = 'B mass', Unit = 'MeV', Observable = True, MinMax = (5200, 5550))

observables = [m, t, st, t_true]

cut = 'sel == 1 && triggerDecisionUnbiasedPrescaled == 1 && '
cut += ' && '.join(['%s < 4' % e for e in ['muplus_track_chi2ndof', 'muminus_track_chi2ndof', 'Kplus_track_chi2ndof', 'Kminus_track_chi2ndof']])
cut += ' && sel_cleantail == 1'
cut += ' && abs(trueid) == 531'

if not generate:
    prefix = '/stuff/PhD' if os.path.exists('/stuff') else '/bfys/raaij'
    filename = os.path.join(prefix, 'p2vv/data/Bs2JpsiPhiPrescaled_MC11a_ntupleB_for_fitting_20130222.root')
    from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import readData
    data = readData(filename, "DecayTree", NTuple = True, observables = observables, ntupleCuts = cut)

    t_diff = FormulaVar(Name = 'time_diff', Formula = '@1 > -900 ? @0 - @1 : @0', Arguments = [t, t_true], data = data)
    t_diff = RealVar('time_diff', Unit = 'ps', Observable = True, MinMax = (-5, 5))

# Create combinatorical background component
mean = RealVar(Name = 'mean', Value = 5368, MinMax = (5300, 5400))
sigma = RealVar(Name = 'sigma', Value = 50, MinMax = (1, 500))
from ROOT import RooGaussian as Gaussian
bkg_m = Pdf(Name = 'gauss', Type = Gaussian, Parameters = (m, mean, sigma))
background = Component('background', (bkg_m,), Yield = (19620,100,500000) )
# PV bins
from array import array
PV_bounds = array('d', [-0.5 + i for i in range(12)])

from ROOT import gStyle
corr_canvas = None

## List of all plots we make
from collections import defaultdict
plots = defaultdict(list)

## Build simple mass pdf
if fit_mass:
    from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import readData
    data = readData(input_data[args[0]]['data'], tree_name, NTuple = True, observables = observables,
                    ntupleCuts = cut, ImportIntoWS = False)
    if signal_MC and data.numEntries() > 3e5:
        data = data.reduce(EventRange = (int(2e5), int(5e5)))
    elif data.numEntries() > 6e5:
        data = data.reduce(EventRange = (0, int(6e5)))
    if options.reduce:
        data = data.reduce(EventRange = (0, int(options.reduce)))

    # In case of reweighing
    sig_mass_pdf = buildPdf(Components = (signal, background), Observables = (m,), Name = 'sig_mass_pdf')
    psi_mass_pdf = buildPdf(Components = (psi_ll, background), Observables = (mpsi,), Name='psi_mass_pdf')
    if signal_MC:
        signal_name = signal.GetName()
        mass_pdf = sig_mass_pdf
# ntuple selection string
dataSetArgs = {}
if applySelection:
    from P2VV.Imports import cutSelStringsJpsiKst as selection
    if runPeriod == 2011: selection.pop('bdtg_2012')
    if runPeriod == 2012: selection.pop('bdtg_2011')
    dataSetArgs['ntupleCuts'] =  ' && '.join( selection.itervalues() )

# read tree into RooDataSet
from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import readData 
outDataSet = readData( intermediateFileName, inputTreeName, 
                       NTuple       = True,
                       observables  = [ obs for obs in observables.itervalues()], 
                       WeightVar    = ( weightVarName,True ),            
                       ImportIntoWS = False,

# create final output file
outFileName = outDataSetPaths[dataSetKey] + '_fitNtuple_%s_%s.root'%(prodDate,weightName + '_weighted')
#if createFitNtuple: outFileName += '_fitNtuple'
#if createAngAccNtuple or calculateHelAngles: outFileName += '_angEff'

outFile = TFile.Open(outFileName, 'recreate')
del outFile
## Fit options
fitOpts = dict(NumCPU = 4, Timer = 1, Save = True, Optimize = 2,
               Strategy = 2, Offset = True, Minimizer = 'Minuit2')

valid_definition = [[(hlt1_excl_biased_dec, 'exclB'), (hlt1_excl_biased_dec, 'notExclB')], [(hlt2_biased, 'B'), (hlt2_unbiased, 'UB')]]
valid = valid_combinations(valid_definition)

data = None
if ntuple_file:
    from ROOT import TFile
    input_file = TFile(ntuple_file)
    tree_name = 'DecayTree'
    if input_file.FindKey(tree_name):
        from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import readData
        data = readData(ntuple_file, tree_name, cuts = 'sel == 1 && (hlt1_biased == 1 || hlt1_unbiased_dec == 1) && (hlt2_biased == 1 || hlt2_unbiased == 1)',
                        NTuple = True, observables = observables)

        for i in range(3):
            mass_result = mass_pdf.fitTo(data, **fitOpts)
            if mass_result.status() == 0:
        assert(mass_result.status() == 0)

        # Plot mass pdf
        from ROOT import kDashed, kRed, kGreen, kBlue, kBlack
        from ROOT import TCanvas
        canvas = TCanvas('mass_canvas', 'mass_canvas', 600, 530)
        obs = [m]
        for (p,o) in zip(canvas.pads(len(obs)), obs):
            from P2VV.Utilities.Plotting import plot
            pdfOpts  = dict()
pdfConfig['timeEffHistFiles'].getSettings( [ ( 'runPeriod', 'p2012' ) ] )['file'] = 'timeAcceptanceFit_2012.root'
pdfConfig['anglesEffType'] = 'basisSig6'
pdfConfig['angEffMomsFiles'] = 'angEffNominalRew_5thOrder.par'

## read data and build PDF ##

# workspace
from P2VV.RooFitWrappers import RooObject
ws = RooObject( workspace = 'JpsiphiWorkspace' ).ws()

# read data set from file
from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import readData
inputData = readData( filePath = args.inputData, dataSetName = args.dataName,  NTuple = False )
pdfConfig['signalData'] = inputData
pdfConfig['readFromWS'] = True

# build the PDF
from P2VV.Parameterizations.FullPDFs import Bs2Jpsiphi_PdfBuilder as PdfBuilder
pdfBuild = PdfBuilder( **pdfConfig )
pdf = pdfBuild.pdf()

if parFileIn :
    # read parameters from file
    pdfConfig.readParametersFromFile( filePath = parFileIn )

if args.model == 'phi' :
    # set |lambda| = 1
               , ctl  = 'Candidates / %.2g'
               , phi  = 'Candidates / (%.2g#kern[0.3]{#pi} rad)'
asymRange = ( -0.3, +0.3 )
numBins = 15

# workspace
from P2VV.RooFitWrappers import RooObject
worksp = RooObject( workspace = 'JpsiKK' ).ws()

# read data sets from file
dataSets = { }
from itertools import product
from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import readData
for cat in dataSetCats :
    dataSets[cat[0]] = readData( filePath = dataSetFilePath, dataSetName = dataSetName + '_' + cat[1],  NTuple = False )

# create histograms
from math import exp, log
from array import array
timeRange = ( 0.3, 12., numBins )
timeBinLog = log( timeRange[1] / timeRange[0] ) / float( timeRange[2] )
timeBins = array( 'd', [ timeRange[0] * exp( float(it) * timeBinLog ) for it in range( timeRange[2] + 1 ) ] )

from P2VV.Load import LHCbStyle
from ROOT import TH1D
from math import pi
timeHists = dict( [ ( cat[0], TH1D( '%sHistTime' % cat[0], '%sHistTime' % cat[0], timeRange[2], timeBins ) ) for cat in dataSetCats ] )
ctkHists  = dict( [ ( cat[0], TH1D( '%sHistCtk'  % cat[0], '%sHistCtk'  % cat[0], numBins, -1., +1. ) ) for cat in dataSetCats ] )
ctlHists  = dict( [ ( cat[0], TH1D( '%sHistCtl'  % cat[0], '%sHistCtl'  % cat[0], numBins, -1., +1. ) ) for cat in dataSetCats ] )
                                         , ReAperp = sqrt( AperpMag2Val / A0Mag2Val ) * cos( AperpPhVal - A0PhVal )
                                         , ImAperp = sqrt( AperpMag2Val / A0Mag2Val ) * sin( AperpPhVal - A0PhVal )
                                         , ReAS    = sqrt( ASMag2Val    / A0Mag2Val ) * cos( ASPhVal    - A0PhVal )
                                         , ImAS    = sqrt( ASMag2Val    / A0Mag2Val ) * sin( ASPhVal    - A0PhVal )

from P2VV.Parameterizations.AngularPDFs import Amplitudes_AngularPdfTerms
pdfTerms = Amplitudes_AngularPdfTerms( AmpNames = ampsToUse, Amplitudes = transAmps, AngFunctions = angleFuncs.functions )

# build angular PDF
pdf = pdfTerms.buildSumPdf('AngularPDF')

if readData :
    # read data
    from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import readData
    data = readData( dataSetFile, dataSetName = dataSetName )
    print 'amplitudeMoments: read %d events' % data.sumEntries()

else :
    # generate data with PDF
    print 'amplitudeMoments: generating %d events' % nEvents
    data = pdf.generate( observables, nEvents )

    from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import writeData
    writeData( dataSetFile, dataSetName, data )

if fitDataOriginal :
    # fit amplitudes PDF to data
    print 'amplitudeMoments: fitting %d events' % data.numEntries()
    pdf.fitTo( data, **fitOpts )
## Read data and get observables ##

from P2VV.Load import P2VVLibrary, LHCbStyle
from ROOT import gStyle

# workspace
from P2VV.RooFitWrappers import RooObject
ws = RooObject( workspace = 'JpsiphiWorkspace' ).ws()

# read data set from file
from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import readData
if drawTotalDists:
    data = readData( filePath = dataSetFile, dataSetName = 'JpsiKK', NTuple = False )
    data = data.reduce('hlt2_biased==1 && mass>5338. && mass<5398.')
sigData = readData( filePath = dataSetFile, dataSetName = 'JpsiKK_sigSWeight', NTuple = False )
sigData = sigData.reduce('hlt2_biased==1')

# get observables
from P2VV.RooFitWrappers import RealVar
mumuMass = RealVar('mdau1')
KKMass   = RealVar('mdau2')

# LHCb label
labelText = '' # 'LHCb'
if labelText :
    from ROOT import TLatex
angles   = [ angleFuncs.angles['cpsi'], angleFuncs.angles['ctheta'], angleFuncs.angles['phi'] ]

obsSet = [ time if tResModel in [ 'Gauss', '3Gauss' ] else trueTime ] + angles

# read ntuple
bkgcatCut      = '(bkgcat == 0 || bkgcat == 50)'
trackChiSqCuts = 'muplus_track_chi2ndof < 4. && muminus_track_chi2ndof < 4. && Kplus_track_chi2ndof < 4. && Kminus_track_chi2ndof < 4.'
massCuts       = 'mass > 5200. && mass < 5550. && mdau1 > 3030. && mdau1 < 3150. && mdau2 > 990. && mdau2 < 1050.'
timeCuts       = 'time > 0.3 && time < 14. && sigmat < 0.12'
tagCuts        = '(tagdecision == 0 || tagdecision == -1 || tagdecision == +1)'

from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import readData
cuts = bkgcatCut + ' && ' + trackChiSqCuts + ' && ' + massCuts + ' && ' + timeCuts + ' && ' + tagCuts
if trigger == 'ExclBiased' :
    cuts  = 'sel == 1 && sel_cleantail==1 && hlt1_excl_biased_dec == 1 && hlt2_biased == 1 && ' + cuts
    data = readData(  nTupleFile, dataSetName = nTupleName, NTuple = True, observables = obsSet, ntupleCuts = cuts )

elif trigger == 'Unbiased' :
    cuts = 'sel == 1 && sel_cleantail==1 && hlt1_unbiased_dec == 1 && hlt2_biased == 1 && ' + cuts
    data = readData(  nTupleFile, dataSetName = nTupleName, NTuple = True, observables = obsSet, ntupleCuts = cuts )

else :
    cuts = 'sel == 1 && sel_cleantail==1 && (hlt1_unbiased_dec == 1 || hlt1_biased == 1) && hlt2_biased == 1 && ' + cuts
    data = readData(  nTupleFile, dataSetName = nTupleName, NTuple = True, observables = obsSet, ntupleCuts = cuts )

## build the B_s -> J/psi phi signal time, angular and tagging PDF ##

if physPdf :
## generate/read data and fit ##

# generate data
from P2VV.Load import RooFitOutput
if generateData :
  print 'timeAnglesSignal: generating %d events' % nEvents
  data = pdf.generate( observables, nEvents )

  from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import writeData
  writeData( dataSetFile, dataSetName, data, NTuple )

else :
  from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import readData
  data = readData( dataSetFile, dataSetName = dataSetName, NTuple = NTuple, observables = observables )

  # TODO: a trick to change the observables in a data set ( iTag( +1, -1 ) <--> iTag( +1, -1, 0 ) )
  data = RooDataSet( dataSetName + '1', '', data, ( obs._var for obs in observables ) )

if fitData :
  # fix values of some parameters

  # fit data
  print 'timeAnglesSignal: fitting %d events' % data.numEntries()
  pdf.fitTo( data, NumCPU = 2, Timer = 1 )#, ConditionalObservables = [iTag] )

                   , etaTag    = ( 'tagomega_os_cb', 'tagomega_ss_nn' )
                   , OSSSTagEq = ( 'iTagOS', 'iTagSS' )

## build J/psiKK mass PDF ##

# create workspace
from P2VV.RooFitWrappers import RooObject
ws = RooObject( workspace = 'JpsiKKWS' ).ws()

# read data set
from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import readData
dataSet = readData( filePath = args.dataPathIn, dataSetName = args.datasetName,  NTuple = False )

# get observables
from P2VV.RooFitWrappers import RealVar, Category
observables = dict( mass = RealVar('mass'), runPeriod = Category('runPeriod'), KKMassCat = Category('KKMassCat') )

# initialize PDF components
from P2VV.RooFitWrappers import Component
nSig = dataSet.sumEntries()
nTot = float( dataSet.numEntries() )
sigMassComps  = Component( 'sigMass',  [ ], Yield = ( nSig,        0., nTot ) )
cbkgMassComps = Component( 'cbkgMass', [ ], Yield = ( nTot - nSig, 0., nTot ) )
massComps = [ sigMassComps, cbkgMassComps ]

# build the signal mass PDF
sigMassArgs = dict( Name = 'sig_m', mass = observables['mass'] )
# angular acceptance input
pdfConfig['anglesEffType']   = 'weights'
pdfConfig['angEffMomsFiles'] = options.AngAccFile if options.AngAccFile \
    else path   + 'angEffMoments/correctedEffMoms/DEC/Sim08_20112012_hel_UB_UT_trueTime_BkgCat050_KK30_Phys_moms_norm_fromAna' # Iter. proc. corrected acc. of DEC dataset  

## read data and build pdf ##

# workspace
from P2VV.RooFitWrappers import RooObject
ws = RooObject( workspace = 'JpsiKstWorkspace' ).ws()

# read data set from file
from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import readData
dataSet = readData( filePath = dataSetFile, dataSetName = dataSetName,  NTuple = False, ImportIntoWS = False )
pdfConfig['signalData'] = dataSet
pdfConfig['readFromWS'] = False

# build PDF
from P2VV.Parameterizations.FullPDFs import Bs2JpsiKst_PdfBuilder as PdfBuilder
pdfBuild = PdfBuilder( **pdfConfig )
pdf = pdfBuild.pdf()

assert False
if parFileIn:
    # read parameters from file
    pdfConfig.readParametersFromFile( filePath = parFileIn )
print '-' * 80 + '\n\n'
# script paramters
plotsFilePath   = 'plots/Reco14/20112012Reco14_tagging.pdf'
dataSetFilePath = '/project/bfys/jleerdam/data/Bs2Jpsiphi/Reco14/P2VVDataSets20112012Reco14_I2Mass_6KKMassBins_2TagCats_HLT2B_20140619.root'
fullDataSetName = 'JpsiKK'
sigDataSetName  = 'JpsiKK_sigSWeight'
cbkgDataSetName = 'JpsiKK_cbkgSWeight'
numEstWTagBins  = 50

# workspace
from P2VV.RooFitWrappers import RooObject
ws = RooObject(workspace = 'JpsiphiWorkspace').ws()

# read data sets
from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import readData
fullData = readData( filePath = dataSetFilePath, dataSetName = fullDataSetName, NTuple = False )
sigData  = readData( filePath = dataSetFilePath, dataSetName = sigDataSetName,  NTuple = False )
cbkgData = readData( filePath = dataSetFilePath, dataSetName = cbkgDataSetName, NTuple = False )

# get observables
from P2VV.RooFitWrappers import RealVar, Category
estWTagOS = RealVar('tagomega_os_cb')
estWTagSS = RealVar('tagomega_ss_nn')
tagCatOS  = Category('tagCatP2VVOS')
tagCatSS  = Category('tagCatP2VVSS')

# build PDFs for estimated wrong-tag probabilities
taggedDataOS = sigData.reduce( '%s > 0' % tagCatOS.GetName() )
taggedDataSS = sigData.reduce( '%s > 0' % tagCatSS.GetName() )
from P2VV.RooFitWrappers import HistPdf
tagPdfOS = HistPdf(  Name = 'sig_bkg_estWTagOS'
        "%s < 4" % e
        for e in ["muplus_TRACK_CHI2NDOF", "muminus_TRACK_CHI2NDOF", "Kplus_TRACK_CHI2NDOF", "Kminus_TRACK_CHI2NDOF"]
cut += " && sel_cleantail == 1"

for o in [mass, t, st]:
    cut += " && {0} > {1} && {0} < {2}".format(o.GetName(), o.getMin(), o.getMax())

from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import readData

data = readData(
    observables=[mass, t, st, excl_biased],

sigFrac = 0.504
nEvents = data.sumEntries()
nSignal = nEvents * sigFrac
nBackground = nEvents * (1.0 - sigFrac)

## from P2VV.Parameterizations.MassPDFs import Ipatia2_Signal_Mass as SignalBMass
## sig_m = SignalBMass(Name = 'sig_m', mass = mass, m_sig_lambda = -2.5, m_sig_zeta = 0.01,
##                     m_sig_alpha_1 = 3.0, m_sig_alpha_2 = 2.5, m_sig_n_1 = 1.5, m_sig_n_2 = 2.0)
from P2VV.Parameterizations.MassPDFs import LP2011_Signal_Mass as SignalBMass

sig_m = SignalBMass(Name="sig_m", mass=mass)
# angular acceptance input
pdfConfig['anglesEffType']   = 'weights'
pdfConfig['angEffMomsFiles'] = options.AngAccFile if options.AngAccFile \
    else path   + 'angEffMoments/correctedEffMoms/DEC/Sim08_20112012_hel_UB_UT_trueTime_BkgCat050_KK30_Phys_moms_norm_fromAna' # Iter. proc. corrected acc. of DEC dataset  

## read data and build pdf ##

# workspace
from P2VV.RooFitWrappers import RooObject
ws = RooObject( workspace = 'JpsiKstWorkspace' ).ws()

# read data set from file
from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import readData
dataSet = readData( filePath = dataSetFile, dataSetName = dataSetName,  NTuple = False )
pdfConfig['signalData'] = dataSet
pdfConfig['readFromWS'] = True

## TODO:: make correct sWeights for jpsiKst.
# data set with weights corrected for background dilution
# from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import correctWeights
# fitData = correctWeights( dataSet, [ 'runPeriod', 'KKMassCat' ] )

# build PDF
from P2VV.Parameterizations.FullPDFs import Bs2JpsiKst_PdfBuilder as PdfBuilder
pdfBuild = PdfBuilder( **pdfConfig )
pdf = pdfBuild.pdf()

assert False
if parFileIn:
background = Component('background', (bkg_m,), Yield= (200000,500,5000000) )
signal = Component('signal', (sig_m, sig_t.pdf()), Yield= (200000,500,500000) )

from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import readData
tree_name = 'DecayTree'

## cut = 'runNumber > 0 && sel == 1 && (hlt1_biased == 1 || hlt1_unbiased_dec == 1) && hlt2_biased == 1 && '
cut = 'runNumber > 0 && sel == 1 && hlt1_unbiased_dec == 1 && hlt2_unbiased == 1 && '
cut += ' && '.join(['%s < 4' % e for e in ['muplus_track_chi2ndof', 'muminus_track_chi2ndof', 'Kplus_track_chi2ndof', 'Kminus_track_chi2ndof']])

from ROOT import RooAbsData
storage = RooAbsData.getDefaultStorageType()

data = readData(input_data[args[0]]['data'], tree_name, ntupleCuts = cut,
                NTuple = True, observables = observables)

from ROOT import TFile
tmp_file = TFile.Open(os.path.join(prefix, 'p2vv/data/tmp.root'), 'recreate')
data_cut = data.reduce("time > 0.3")

## Build PDF
mass_pdf = buildPdf(Components = (background, signal), Observables = (m, ), Name = 'mass_pdf')

## Fit options
fitOpts = dict(NumCPU = 4, Timer = 1, Save = True,
               Verbose = False, Optimize = 1, Minimizer = 'Minuit2')