def writeTxt(plt_cfg, part1, part2, o_name, ymd, dict_cabr, DayOrNight, isMonthly): ''' 生成abr文件 ymd: YYYYMMDD or YYYYMM ''' if len(ymd) == 6: ymd = ymd + '01' if isMonthly: FileName = os.path.join(ABR_DIR, '%s_%s' % (part1, part2), '%s_%s_%s_%s_Monthly.txt' % (part1, part2, o_name, DayOrNight)) else: FileName = os.path.join(ABR_DIR, '%s_%s' % (part1, part2), '%s_%s_%s_%s_%s.txt' % (part1, part2, o_name, DayOrNight, ymd[:4])) title_line = 'YMD ' newline = '' for chan in plt_cfg['chan']: title_line = title_line + ' Count(%s) Slope(%s) Intercept(%s) RSquared(%s)' % (chan, chan, chan, chan) newline = newline + ' %10d %-10.6f %-10.6f %-10.6f' % (tuple(dict_cabr[o_name][chan])) newline = newline + '\n' # don't forget to end with \n allLines = [] titleLines = [] DICT_TXT = {} pb_io.make_sure_path_exists(os.path.dirname(FileName)) # 写十行头信息 titleLines.append('Sat1: %s\n' % part1) titleLines.append('Sat2: %s\n' % part2) if isMonthly: titleLines.append('TimeRange: since launch\n') titleLines.append(' Monthly\n') else: titleLines.append('TimeRange: %s\n' % ymd[:4]) titleLines.append(' Daily\n') titleLines.append('Day or Night: %s\n' % DayOrNight) titleLines.append('Calc time : %s\n' % get_local_time().strftime('%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S')) titleLines.append('\n') titleLines.append('\n') titleLines.append(title_line + '\n') titleLines.append('-' * len(title_line) + '\n') # if os.path.isfile(FileName) and os.path.getsize(FileName) != 0: fp = open(FileName, 'r') for i in xrange(10): fp.readline() # 跳过头十行 Lines = fp.readlines() fp.close() # 使用字典特性,保证时间唯一,读取数据 for Line in Lines: DICT_TXT[Line[:8]] = Line[8:] # 添加或更改数据 DICT_TXT[ymd] = newline # 按照时间排序 newLines = sorted(DICT_TXT.iteritems(), key=lambda d:d[0], reverse=False) for i in xrange(len(newLines)): allLines.append(str(newLines[i][0]) + str(newLines[i][1])) else: allLines.append(ymd + newline) fp = open(FileName, 'w') fp.writelines(titleLines) fp.writelines(allLines) fp.close()
def runLEO_LEO_SNOX(s1, s2, sat_dist, timeGap, outPath, Log, day_counts=1): ''' 极轨对极轨 交叉点计算 ''' zangle = 180 # 天顶角阈值 80改为180 2018/6/15 drew_points = [] output_list = [] for day_num in range(0, day_counts): ymd = ymd_plus(s1.ymd, day_num) s1.get_orbit(ymd) if s1.error: continue s2.get_orbit(ymd) if s2.error: continue if len(s1.orbit) == 0 or len(s2.orbit) == 0: continue s1.divide_by_lat0() s2.divide_by_lat0() day_list = [] # 输出用 for i in xrange(len(s1.divide)): index1 = s1.divide[i] for j in xrange(len(s2.divide)): index2 = s2.divide[j] timeDiff = index2 - index1 if abs(timeDiff) > timeGap * 60: continue dist = distance_GreatCircle(s1.orbit['Lat'][index1], s1.orbit['Lon'][index1], s2.orbit['Lat'][index2], s2.orbit['Lon'][index2]) if dist > sat_dist: continue # TODO: 只保留太阳天顶角<80°的点(白天) yy, mm, dd = s1.orbit['date'][index1].split(".") hh = int(s1.orbit['time'][index1][0:2]) sz = solar_zen(yy, mm, dd, hh, s1.orbit['Lon'][index1], s1.orbit['Lat'][index1]) if sz > zangle: continue day_list.append([ s1.orbit['date'][index1].replace('.', ''), s1.orbit['time'][index1][0:8], s1.orbit['Lat'][index1], s1.orbit['Lon'][index1], s2.orbit['time'][index2][0:8], s2.orbit['Lat'][index2], s2.orbit['Lon'][index2], dist, timeDiff ]) # 画图所需信息 st = max(index1 - 240, 0) et = min(index1 + 80, len(s1.orbit['Lon'])) trails1 = [s1.orbit['Lon'][st:et], s1.orbit['Lat'][st:et]] st = max(index2 - 240, 0) et = min(index2 + 80, len(s2.orbit['Lon'])) trails2 = [s2.orbit['Lon'][st:et], s2.orbit['Lat'][st:et]] drew_points.append( (s1.orbit['Lon'][index1], s1.orbit['Lat'][index1], s2.orbit['Lon'][index2], s2.orbit['Lat'][index2], trails1, trails2)) output_list.extend(day_list) # ----------------------- if len(output_list) == 0:'No SNOX!') return wout_fig_file = outPath.replace('.txt', '_worldmap.png') ymd_s = ymd2y_m_d(s1.ymd) # 画交叉点图像 if len(drew_points) > 0: draw_world(s1.sat, s2.sat, ymd_s, ymd2y_m_d(ymd), drew_points, wout_fig_file) folder = os.path.dirname(outPath) if not os.path.isdir(folder): os.makedirs(folder) # 输出交叉点文件 fid_Result = open(outPath, 'w') # 写十行信息 fid_Result.write('Sat1: %s \n' % (s1.sat)) fid_Result.write('Sat2: %s \n' % (s2.sat)) if ymd_s == ymd: fid_Result.write('Time: %s \n' % ymd_s) else: fid_Result.write('Time: %s-%s \n' % (ymd_s, ymd)) fid_Result.write('Time Gap MAX = %d min\n' % timeGap) fid_Result.write('Dist MAX = %d (km)\n' % sat_dist) fid_Result.write('Solar Zenith MAX = %s (deg)\n' % str(zangle)) fid_Result.write('Calc time : %s \n' % get_local_time().strftime('%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S')) fid_Result.write('\n') title_line = 'YMD HMS(%s) Lat,Lon(%s) HMS(%s) Lat,Lon(%s) Distance(km) Time_Diff(sec)\n' % \ (s1.sat, s1.sat, s2.sat, s2.sat) fid_Result.write(title_line) fid_Result.write('-' * len(title_line) + '\n') for eachline in output_list: fid_Result.write( '%s %s %6.2f %-7.2f %s %6.2f %-7.2f %7.2f %4d\n' % tuple(eachline)) fid_Result.close() s1.clear()'Success')
def runGEO_LEO(s1, s2, sat_dist, outPath, Log): ''' # 和过区域算法一样 s1 : Sat_Orbit的实例 LEO s2 : Sat_Orbit的实例 GEO latlonInfo: list,区域上下左右4个经纬度 outPath: 输出全路径 ''' s1.get_orbit(s1.ymd) # 只计算一天 if s1.error: return s2.get_orbit(s1.ymd) if s2.error: return lat0 = s2.orbit['Lat'][0] lon0 = s2.orbit['Lon'][0] latlonInfo = [ lat0 + sat_dist, lat0 - sat_dist, lon0 - sat_dist, lon0 + sat_dist ] s1.setArea(latlonInfo) if s1.error: return s1.divide_by_lat_lon() # 轨迹分段 index_list = [] index_pair = [] for j in s1.divide: if j <= 5: continue if j >= len(s1.orbit['Lon']) - 6: continue j1 = j - 5 j2 = j + 5 # 入区域 if (s1.lonW <= s1.orbit['Lon'][j2] <= s1.lonE and s1.latS <= s1.orbit['Lat'][j2] <= s1.latN and (s1.lonE < s1.orbit['Lon'][j1] or s1.orbit['Lon'][j1] < s1.lonW or s1.latN < s1.orbit['Lat'][j1] or s1.orbit['Lat'][j1] < s1.latN)): index_pair = [] index_pair.append(j) # 出区域 elif (s1.lonW <= s1.orbit['Lon'][j1] <= s1.lonE and s1.latS <= s1.orbit['Lat'][j1] <= s1.latN and (s1.lonE < s1.orbit['Lon'][j2] or s1.orbit['Lon'][j2] < s1.lonW or s1.latN < s1.orbit['Lat'][j2] or s1.orbit['Lat'][j2] < s1.latN)): index_pair.append(j) if len(index_pair) == 2: index_list.append(index_pair) index_pair = [] if len(index_list) == 0:'Not Passing Area!') return # 画图 sat2(GEO) 在前 out_fig = outPath.replace('.txt', '_worldmap.png') drew_points = [] for i1, i2 in index_list: trails1 = [s1.orbit['Lon'][i1:i2], s1.orbit['Lat'][i1:i2]] trails2 = [None, None] drew_points.append((None, None, None, None, trails2, trails1)) if len(drew_points) > 0: drew_points.append((lon0, lat0, None, None, [None, None], [None, None])) if len(drew_points) > 0: draw_china(s2.sat, s1.sat, ymd2y_m_d(s1.ymd), ymd2y_m_d(s1.ymd), drew_points, out_fig) folder = os.path.dirname(outPath) if not os.path.isdir(folder): os.makedirs(folder) fp = open(outPath, 'w') # 写十行信息 fp.write(u'GEO: %s (星下点 lat = %.2f, lon = %.2f)\n' % (s2.sat, lat0, lon0)) fp.write('LEO: %s\n' % s1.sat) fp.write('Time: %s\n' % ymd2y_m_d(s1.ymd)) fp.write('latlonInfo: Square side 1/2 = %s (degree)\n' % sat_dist) fp.write(' lat N: %.4f lat S: %.4f\n' % (s1.latN, s1.latS)) fp.write(' lon W: %.4f lon E: %.4f\n' % (s1.lonW, s1.lonE)) fp.write('Calc time : %s \n' % get_local_time().strftime('%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S')) fp.write('\n') title_line = 'YMD HMS(start) HMS(end) Lat,Lon(start) Lat,Lon(end)\n' fp.write(title_line) fp.write('-' * len(title_line) + '\n') # for eachPair in index_list: i1, i2 = eachPair fp.write('%s %s %s %6.2f %-7.2f %6.2f %-7.2f\n' % (s1.ymd, s1.orbit['time'][i1][0:8], s1.orbit['time'][i2][0:8], s1.orbit['Lat'][i1], s1.orbit['Lon'][i1], s1.orbit['Lat'][i2], s1.orbit['Lon'][i2])) fp.close() # clean s1.clear()'Success')
def runLEO_LEO(s1, s2, sat_dist, timeGap_high, timeGap_low, outPath, Log, day_counts=1): ''' 极轨对极轨 交叉点计算 ''' drew_points = [] output_list = [] for day_num in range(0, day_counts): ymd = ymd_plus(s1.ymd, day_num) s1.get_orbit(ymd) if s1.error: continue s2.get_orbit(ymd) if s2.error: continue if len(s1.orbit) == 0 or len(s2.orbit) == 0: continue s1.divide_orbit() s2.divide_orbit() day_list = [] # 输出用 # day_points = [] # 画图用 for i in xrange(len(s1.divide)): if i == 0: continue ii_s = s1.divide[i - 1] ii_e = s1.divide[i] if abs(ii_e - ii_s) < 2: continue line1 = LineString( zip(s1.orbit['Lon'][ii_s:ii_e], s1.orbit['Lat'][ii_s:ii_e])) for j in xrange(len(s2.divide)): if j == 0: continue jj_s = s2.divide[j - 1] jj_e = s2.divide[j] if abs(jj_e - jj_s) < 2: continue if abs(ii_s + ii_e - jj_s - jj_e) > timeGap_low * 60 * 2 * 4: # 中间点4倍时间范围粗筛 continue line2 = LineString( zip(s2.orbit['Lon'][jj_s:jj_e], s2.orbit['Lat'][jj_s:jj_e])) inters = line1.intersection(line2) if inters.geom_type == 'Point': pass elif inters.geom_type == 'MultiPoint': inters = np.array(inters) if (np.abs(np.diff(inters[:, 0])) < 1.).all() and \ (np.abs(np.diff(inters[:, 1])) < 1.).all(): inters = [np.mean(inters[:, 0]), np.mean(inters[:, 1])] else: continue else: continue inters = np.array(inters) # 转成array if len(inters) > 0: index1 = ii_s + \ getIndex(s1.orbit['Lon'][ii_s:ii_e], inters[0]) index2 = jj_s + \ getIndex(s2.orbit['Lon'][jj_s:jj_e], inters[0]) timeDiff = index2 - index1 if abs(timeDiff) <= timeGap_low * 60: # 60度以上高纬 timeGap过滤 if abs(s1.orbit['Lat'][index1]) > 60. and \ abs(timeDiff) > timeGap_high * 60: continue dd = distance_GreatCircle(s1.orbit['Lat'][index1], s1.orbit['Lon'][index1], s2.orbit['Lat'][index2], s2.orbit['Lon'][index2]) if dd > sat_dist: continue day_list.append([ s1.orbit['date'][index1].replace('.', ''), s1.orbit['time'][index1][0:8], s1.orbit['Lat'][index1], s1.orbit['Lon'][index1], s2.orbit['time'][index2][0:8], s2.orbit['Lat'][index2], s2.orbit['Lon'][index2], dd, timeDiff ]) # 画图所需信息 st = max(index1 - 240, 0) et = min(index1 + 80, len(s1.orbit['Lon'])) trails1 = [ s1.orbit['Lon'][st:et], s1.orbit['Lat'][st:et] ] st = max(index2 - 240, 0) et = min(index2 + 80, len(s2.orbit['Lon'])) trails2 = [ s2.orbit['Lon'][st:et], s2.orbit['Lat'][st:et] ] drew_points.append( (s1.orbit['Lon'][index1], s1.orbit['Lat'][index1], s2.orbit['Lon'][index2], s2.orbit['Lat'][index2], trails1, trails2)) # ------- 交叉点多 隔3个 取一个 -------- output_list.extend(day_list[::3]) # drew_points.extend(day_points[::3]) # ----------------------- if len(output_list) == 0: # 20160708 黄叶建huangyj modify'No SNO!') return pout_fig_file = outPath.replace('.txt', '_polarmap.png') wout_fig_file = outPath.replace('.txt', '_worldmap.png') ymd_s = ymd2y_m_d(s1.ymd) # 画交叉点图像 if len(drew_points) > 0: draw_polar(s1.sat, s2.sat, ymd_s, ymd2y_m_d(ymd), drew_points, pout_fig_file) draw_world(s1.sat, s2.sat, ymd_s, ymd2y_m_d(ymd), drew_points, wout_fig_file) folder = os.path.dirname(outPath) if not os.path.isdir(folder): os.makedirs(folder) # 输出交叉点文件 fid_Result = open(outPath, 'w') fid_Result.write('Sat1: %s \n' % (s1.sat)) fid_Result.write('Sat2: %s \n' % (s2.sat)) if ymd_s == ymd: fid_Result.write('Time: %s \n' % ymd_s) else: fid_Result.write('Time: %s-%s \n' % (ymd_s, ymd)) fid_Result.write('When |lat|<=60: Time Gap MAX = %d min\n' % timeGap_low) fid_Result.write('When |lat|>60: Time Gap MAX = %d min\n' % timeGap_high) fid_Result.write('Dist MAX = %d (km)\n' % sat_dist) fid_Result.write('Calc time : %s \n' % get_local_time().strftime('%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S')) fid_Result.write('\n') title_line = 'YMD HMS(%s) Lat,Lon(%s) HMS(%s) Lat,Lon(%s) Distance(km) Time_Diff(sec)\n' % \ (s1.sat, s1.sat, s2.sat, s2.sat) fid_Result.write(title_line) fid_Result.write('-' * len(title_line) + '\n') for eachline in output_list: fid_Result.write( '%s %s %6.2f %-7.2f %s %6.2f %-7.2f %7.2f %4d\n' % tuple(eachline)) fid_Result.close() s1.clear()'Success')
def runSatPassingFixedPoint(s1, fix_list, fix_dist, outPath, FIX_DICT, Log, day_counts=1): ''' s1 : Sat_Orbit的实例 fix_list: 固定点组名list fix_dist: 距离阈值 outPath: 输出txt全路径 day_counts: 算几天 ''' out_fig = outPath.replace('.txt', '.png') fixDict = {} drew_points = [] output_list = [] # 去重 for fix_group in fix_list: # 循环不同组 for fix_point in FIX_DICT[fix_group].keys(): # 循环每个组中的键 if fix_point not in fixDict.keys(): # 如果键不存在字典中,则将该键和键值进行存入 fixDict[fix_point] = FIX_DICT[fix_group][fix_point] for fix_point in fixDict.keys(): fixed_lon, fixed_lat = [float(e) for e in fixDict[fix_point]] # 提取站点的经度和维度 # log.debug('%s and %s of %s' % (fixed_point[0], sat2, date)) for day_num in range(0, day_counts): ymd = ymd_plus(s1.ymd, day_num) # 将进行进行进行往后推 s1.get_orbit(ymd) if s1.error: continue if len(s1.orbit) == 0: continue l = len(s1.orbit) lat_fixed_array = np.array([fixed_lat] * l) lon_fixed_array = np.array([fixed_lon] * l) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") # Suppressing RuntimeWarning deltaDist_list = distance_GreatCircle_np( lat_fixed_array, lon_fixed_array, s1.orbit['Lat'], s1.orbit['Lon']) y_growth_flips = np.where( np.diff(np.diff(deltaDist_list) > 0))[0] + 1 i_old = 0 cross_list = [] for i in y_growth_flips: if (deltaDist_list[i] < fix_dist and (i - i_old > 10) and # 去掉间隔秒数在10秒以内的点 (deltaDist_list[i] - deltaDist_list[i_old] < 0)): # 每行2个元素:index, deltaDist_list cross_list.append((i, deltaDist_list[i])) i_old = i # 排序 按deltaDist从小到大 cross_list.sort(cmp_byDeltaDist) if (len(cross_list) == 0): continue j = 0 for each in cross_list: cross_index = each[0] # TODO:过滤夜晚数据 ------------------- # 以太阳天顶角 大于85度作为夜晚的判断。 # 用这种方法,'Greenland' 'Dome_C'就不需要特别考虑极夜极昼了 ymd_sol = s1.orbit['date'][cross_index] yy = int(ymd_sol[:4]) mm = int(ymd_sol[5:7]) dd = int(ymd_sol[8:10]) hh = int(s1.orbit['time'][cross_index][0:2]) if solar_zen(yy, mm, dd, hh, s1.orbit['Lon'][cross_index], s1.orbit['Lat'][cross_index]) >= 85.: continue # ------------------------------ output_list.append([ s1.orbit['date'][cross_index].replace('.', ''), s1.orbit['time'][cross_index][0:8], fix_point, fixed_lat, fixed_lon, s1.orbit['Lat'][cross_index], s1.orbit['Lon'][cross_index], deltaDist_list[cross_index] ]) # 保留画图信息 st = max(cross_index - 240, 0) et = min(cross_index + 80, len(s1.orbit['Lon'])) drew_points.append( (fixed_lon, fixed_lat, s1.orbit['Lon'][cross_index], s1.orbit['Lat'][cross_index], [None, None], [s1.orbit['Lon'][st:et], s1.orbit['Lat'][st:et]])) j = j + 1 if fix_point in ['Greenland', 'Dome_C']: pass # 冰雪目标全部保留 elif j >= 1: # 其他目标只保留最近点 break if (len(output_list) == 0):'No SNO!') return # 排序 output_list.sort(cmp_col0_col1) ymd_s = ymd2y_m_d(s1.ymd) # 画图 if len(drew_points) > 0: draw_fixed(s1.sat, ymd_s, ymd2y_m_d(ymd), drew_points, out_fig) folder = os.path.dirname(outPath) if not os.path.isdir(folder): os.makedirs(folder) # 写文件 fid_Result = open(outPath, 'w') fid_Result.write('Sat: %s \n' % s1.sat) if ymd_s == ymd: fid_Result.write('Time: %s \n' % ymd_s) else: fid_Result.write('Time: %s-%s \n' % (ymd_s, ymd)) fid_Result.write('Dist MAX = %s (km) \n' % fix_dist) fid_Result.write(u'Solar Zenith MAX = 85° \n') fid_Result.write(u' 对于Greenland和Dome_C,保留所有符合阈值的每轨最近点\n') fid_Result.write(u' 对于其它固定点,只保留符合阈值的全天最近点\n') fid_Result.write('Calc time : %s \n' % get_local_time().strftime('%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S')) fid_Result.write('\n') title_line = 'YMD HMS(%s) %-24s %-16s %-19s %s \n' % \ (s1.sat, 'Fixed_Point', 'Lat,Lon(Fixed)', 'Lat,Lon(%s)' % s1.sat, 'Distance(km)') fid_Result.write(title_line) fid_Result.write('-' * len(title_line) + '\n') for eachline in output_list: fid_Result.write( '%s %s %-24s %6.2f %-7.2f %6.2f %-7.2f %7.2f\n' % tuple(eachline)) fid_Result.close() # clean s1.clear()'Success')
def runSatPassingArea(s1, areaName, latlonInfo, outPath, Log): ''' s1 : Sat_Orbit的实例 areaName: 区域名称 latlonInfo: list,区域上下左右4个经纬度 outPath: 输出全路径 ''' index_list = [] s1.get_orbit(s1.ymd) # 只计算一天 if s1.error: return s1.setArea(latlonInfo) if s1.error: return latN, latS, lonW, lonE = latlonInfo if latN == '90' and latS == '-90' and lonW == '-180' and lonE == '180': index_list = [[0, len(s1.orbit) - 1]] else: s1.divide_by_lat_lon() # 轨迹分段 index_pair = [] for j in s1.divide: if j <= 5: continue if j >= len(s1.orbit['Lon']) - 6: continue j1 = j - 5 j2 = j + 5 if latN == latS: # 极地情况 if latN >= 0: # 北半球 # 入区域 if (s1.lonW <= s1.orbit['Lon'][j2] <= s1.lonE and s1.latN <= s1.orbit['Lat'][j2] and (s1.lonE < s1.orbit['Lon'][j1] or s1.orbit['Lon'][j1] < s1.lonW or s1.latN > s1.orbit['Lat'][j1])): index_pair = [] index_pair.append(j) # 出区域 elif (s1.lonW <= s1.orbit['Lon'][j1] <= s1.lonE and s1.latN <= s1.orbit['Lat'][j1] and (s1.lonE < s1.orbit['Lon'][j2] or s1.orbit['Lon'][j2] < s1.lonW or s1.latN > s1.orbit['Lat'][j2])): index_pair.append(j) if len(index_pair) == 2: index_list.append(index_pair) index_pair = [] else: # 南半球 # 入区域 if (s1.lonW <= s1.orbit['Lon'][j2] <= s1.lonE and s1.latN >= s1.orbit['Lat'][j2] and (s1.lonE < s1.orbit['Lon'][j1] or s1.orbit['Lon'][j1] < s1.lonW or s1.latN < s1.orbit['Lat'][j1])): index_pair = [] index_pair.append(j) # 出区域 elif (s1.lonW <= s1.orbit['Lon'][j1] <= s1.lonE and s1.latN >= s1.orbit['Lat'][j1] and (s1.lonE < s1.orbit['Lon'][j2] or s1.orbit['Lon'][j2] < s1.lonW or s1.latN < s1.orbit['Lat'][j2])): index_pair.append(j) if len(index_pair) == 2: index_list.append(index_pair) index_pair = [] else: # 入区域 if (s1.lonW <= s1.orbit['Lon'][j2] <= s1.lonE and s1.latS <= s1.orbit['Lat'][j2] <= s1.latN and (s1.lonE < s1.orbit['Lon'][j1] or s1.orbit['Lon'][j1] < s1.lonW or s1.latN < s1.orbit['Lat'][j1] or s1.orbit['Lat'][j1] < s1.latN)): index_pair = [] index_pair.append(j) # 出区域 elif (s1.lonW <= s1.orbit['Lon'][j1] <= s1.lonE and s1.latS <= s1.orbit['Lat'][j1] <= s1.latN and (s1.lonE < s1.orbit['Lon'][j2] or s1.orbit['Lon'][j2] < s1.lonW or s1.latN < s1.orbit['Lat'][j2] or s1.orbit['Lat'][j2] < s1.latN)): index_pair.append(j) if len(index_pair) == 2: index_list.append(index_pair) index_pair = [] if len(index_list) == 0:'Not Passing Area!') return folder = os.path.dirname(outPath) if not os.path.isdir(folder): os.makedirs(folder) fp = open(outPath, 'w') # 写十行信息 fp.write('Sat: %s\n' % s1.sat) fp.write('Area: %s\n' % areaName) fp.write('Time: %s \n' % ymd2y_m_d(s1.ymd)) fp.write('latlonInfo:\n') fp.write(' lat N: %.4f lat S: %.4f\n' % (s1.latN, s1.latS)) fp.write(' lon W: %.4f lon E: %.4f\n' % (s1.lonW, s1.lonE)) fp.write('Calc time : %s \n' % get_local_time().strftime('%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S')) fp.write('\n') title_line = 'YMD HMS(start) HMS(end) Lat,Lon(start) Lat,Lon(end)\n' fp.write(title_line) fp.write('-' * len(title_line) + '\n') # for eachPair in index_list: i1, i2 = eachPair fp.write('%s %s %s %6.2f %-7.2f %6.2f %-7.2f\n' % (s1.ymd, s1.orbit['time'][i1][0:8], s1.orbit['time'][i2][0:8], s1.orbit['Lat'][i1], s1.orbit['Lon'][i1], s1.orbit['Lat'][i2], s1.orbit['Lon'][i2])) fp.close() # clean s1.clear()'Success')