    def __init__(self,
                 structure="auto"):  #, smooth=0.1, meta=""):

        self.chainType = chainType
        self.baseClassifier = baseClassifier  # base classifier, it wil be copied for each class

        #	Parameters used for predicting

        # Variables estimated by the method. These HAVE NOT to be modified except by the classifier itself
        self.isfit = False
        self.dCl = {}  #dictionary which contains the classifiers
        self.dChain = {
        }  #dictionary with the classes that form the chain for each class	(Parents, Children, Ancestors)
        self.roots = []  #list with the root nodes
        self.structure = structure  # a matrix which contains the structure
        self.orderTC = [
        ]  # list with the order in which the classifiers has to be trained (aand the for prediction)
	def fit(self, trainSet, cl):	

			raise NameError("smooth has to be greater or equal than 0")

		if( (self.validation < 0.1) or (self.validation > 0.9) ):
			raise NameError("validation only can take values in the range: 0.1<=validation<=0.9")			

		if(self.nameAtts != "auto"):
			if( len(self.nameAtts) != len(trainSet[0]) ):
				raise NameError("The number of atts is different than the number of names given")
			self.nameAtts = [ str(i) for i in range( len(trainSet[0]) ) ]

		#the first row has the name of the attributes
		self.trainSet = np.concatenate([ [self.nameAtts], trainSet ])
		self.cl = cl

		if( (self.meta != "") and (len(self.meta) == len(trainSet[0])) ):
			print("atts from meta")			
			for i in range( len(trainSet[0]) ):
				self.valuesAtts[ self.trainSet[0,i] ] = self.meta[i]
			# obtain some data
			for i in range( len(trainSet[0]) ):
				# avoid the first element (name of the attribute), the name of the attribute is used as key
				self.valuesAtts[ self.trainSet[0,i] ] = np.array( list(set(self.trainSet[1:,i])) )	

		# In this section the training set is divided in training_2 and validation

		# A NBC is trained, and its performance is evaluated, and it is selected as "permanent"

		self.NBC = [] 		# the Naive Bayes Classifier for the classification

		div = int( (len(self.trainSet) - 1 ) * self.validation )
		self.NBC = nb.naiveBayes(self.smooth, self.usePrior, meta = self.meta)
		#print("NBC: ")
		self.NBC.fit(self.trainSet[1:(div+1)] , self.cl[:div] )#	, meta=l2valuesAtts )

		pred = self.NBC.predict( self.trainSet[(div+1):] )
		score = self.exactMatch( self.cl[div:], pred )
		#print("score NBC: "+str(score))

		# call improveStructure

		self.improveStructure( score, 1)	

		#print("number of atts: "+str(len(self.trainSet[0])))

		#trains the classifier with all the data and the respective operations
		self.lvaluesAtts = {}	#lvaluesAtts.copy()
		for j in range( len(self.trainSet[0]) ):
			self.lvaluesAtts[j] = self.valuesAtts[self.trainSet[0,j]].copy()

		self.NBC = nb.naiveBayes(self.smooth, self.usePrior, meta=self.lvaluesAtts)
		self.NBC.fit( self.trainSet[1:] , self.cl )

		self.orderAtts = self.trainSet[0].copy()

		self.trainSet = []	# it is deleted

		self.isfit = True
	def improveStructure(self, prevScore, depth=1):	

		if( depth <= 0 ):

		if( not (1.0 > prevScore >= 0.0)  ):
			raise NameError( "Error: The 'score' to be improved is out of limits" )

		# flag which is useful to recursivity, if there are not changes in the structure, it is not necesary the recursivity anymore
		flag = False
		# local copies
		lvaluesAtts = self.valuesAtts.copy()
		ltrainSet = self.trainSet.copy()

		# Begins the process of the Semi Naive Bayes Classifiers
		#  The estructure is modified in order to improve the previous performance
		#	should leave one out cross-validation be used???? ????????????????????????????????????????

		# 80% train, 20# test
		div = int( (len(ltrainSet) - 1 ) * self.validation )

		# delete the attributes which have a low MI with the class

		n = len(ltrainSet[0])
		#print("real number of attributes: "+str(n))
		ldel = []		# local list of elements that will be deleted
		ldelNames = []
		for i in range( n ): 		
			xmi = utils.MI( ltrainSet[1:,i], self.cl, self.smooth )
			#print("mi (i,cl): ",xmi)
			if( xmi < self.epsilon ):	# should the same "smooth" be used 
				ldelNames.append( ltrainSet[0, i] )

		flagMI = False
		if( len(ldel) > 0 ):
			for i in ldel:
				del lvaluesAtts[ ltrainSet[0,i] ]	# delete from the dictionary
			ltrainSet = np.delete( ltrainSet, ldel, axis=1)			
			flagMI = True	#if there are not attribute to delete, then it wont be added to self.operations

			#flag = True		#this is not necesary, because the MI will be the same

		n = len(ltrainSet[0])		#update the number of atts
		#print("actual number of attributes: "+str(n))
		#print("actual number of atts in dic: "+str(len( lvaluesAtts )))

		if(n <= 0):
			raise NameError("Error: All the attributtes have been deleted, try to modify the values of epsilon/omega")

		# estimate the CMI, between two attributes given the class
		z = int( ( n*(n - 1) ) / 2.0 )  
		info = np.zeros( ( 3, z ) ).astype(str)
		for i in range(n):
			for j in range(i+1,n):
				info[0,c] = ltrainSet[0,i]		# instead of the number/index, it is better to use the name of the attribute
				info[1,c] = ltrainSet[0,j]
				info[2,c] = utils.CMI( ltrainSet[1:,i], ltrainSet[1:,j], self.cl, self.smooth )
				c += 1

		info=info[ :, info[2,:].astype(np.float64).argsort()[::-1] ]

		#print("CMI's info:")
		#print("avg: ", np.average(info[2].astype(float)))
		#print("std: ", np.std(info[2].astype(float)))

		#print("z values: "+str(z))			
		for i in range( z ):	#len(info[0])
			#print("z: "+str(i))
			if( float(info[2,i]) <= self.omega ):		
			# time to compare the 3 diferent options
			# 	eliminate first or second attribute or join the attributes
			lscores = np.zeros(3) 	# 0: del first, 1: del second, 2: join

			flagUpd = False		#  flag that indicates if was updated the structure

			# del attribute 1
			att1 = np.where( ltrainSet[0] == info[0,i] )[0]
			if(len(att1) > 0):

				l2trainSet = np.delete( ltrainSet, att1[0], axis=1)	#train set without att1

				# this dic uses the index as key, not the name of the att
				l2valuesAtts = {}	#lvaluesAtts.copy()
				for j in range( len(l2trainSet[0]) ):
					l2valuesAtts[j] = lvaluesAtts[l2trainSet[0,j]].copy()

				if( len(l2trainSet[0]) != len(l2valuesAtts) ):
					raise NameError("Error (att1) updating the structure")

				nbc = nb.naiveBayes(self.smooth, self.usePrior, meta=l2valuesAtts)
				nbc.fit( l2trainSet[1:(div+1)] , self.cl[:div] )	#, meta=l2valuesAtts )

				pred = nbc.predict(l2trainSet[(div+1):])
				lscores[0] = self.exactMatch( self.cl[div:], pred )
				#print("del att 1: ", lscores[0])

				if( lscores[0] > prevScore):
					prevScore = lscores[0]
					self.NBC = nbc
					self.trainSet = l2trainSet.copy()
					self.valuesAtts = lvaluesAtts.copy()
					del self.valuesAtts[ ltrainSet[0, att1[0] ] ]
					if(not flagMI):
						flagMI = True
						self.operations.append( ["del", ldel] )
						self.opeNameAtts.append( ["del", ldelNames ])

					self.operations.append( ["del", att1[0]] )
					self.opeNameAtts.append( ["del", ltrainSet[0, att1[0] ] ] )
					flagUpd = True

				del l2trainSet
			# del attribute 2
			att2 = np.where( ltrainSet[0] == info[1,i] )[0]
			if(len(att2) > 0):

				l2trainSet = np.delete( ltrainSet, att2[0], axis=1)	#train set without att1

				l2valuesAtts = {}	#lvaluesAtts.copy()
				for j in range( len(l2trainSet[0]) ):
					l2valuesAtts[j] = lvaluesAtts[l2trainSet[0,j]].copy()

				if( len(l2trainSet[0]) != len(l2valuesAtts) ):
					raise NameError("Error (att2) updating the structure")

				nbc = nb.naiveBayes(self.smooth, self.usePrior, meta=l2valuesAtts)
				nbc.fit( l2trainSet[1:(div+1)] , self.cl[:div] )	#, meta=l2valuesAtts )

				pred = nbc.predict(l2trainSet[(div+1):])
				lscores[1] = self.exactMatch( self.cl[div:], pred )
				#print("del att 2: ", lscores[1])

				if( lscores[1] > prevScore):
						del self.operations[-1]		#deleted the last operation
						del self.opeNameAtts[-1] 

					prevScore = lscores[1]
					self.NBC = nbc
					self.trainSet = l2trainSet.copy()
					self.valuesAtts = lvaluesAtts.copy()
					del self.valuesAtts[ ltrainSet[0, att2[0] ] ]
					if(not flagMI):
						flagMI = True
						self.operations.append( ["del", ldel] )
						self.opeNameAtts.append( ["del", ldelNames] )

					self.operations.append( ["del", att2[0]] )
					self.opeNameAtts.append( ["del", ltrainSet[0, att2[0] ] ] )
					flagUpd = True

				del l2trainSet

			#join the attributtes
			if( (len(att1) > 0) and (len(att2) > 0) ):

				l2trainSet = np.delete( ltrainSet, [att1[0], att2[0] ], axis=1)	#train set without att1 and att2

				# dataMod: contains the data of the attributtes combined, the first element is the combinated name of the attributes
				dataMod = []	
				for j in range( len(ltrainSet) ):
					dataMod.append( ltrainSet[ j, att1[0] ] + ";" + ltrainSet[ j, att2[0] ] )

				# it joins the train set with the new attribute
				l2trainSet = np.column_stack( [l2trainSet, dataMod] )

				l2valuesAtts = {}	#lvaluesAtts.copy()
				for j in range( len(l2trainSet[0]) - 1):
					l2valuesAtts[j] = lvaluesAtts[l2trainSet[0,j]].copy()

				# the las value of the dic is the "combination" of the two attributes
				l2valuesAtts[ len(l2valuesAtts) ] = self.joinList( lvaluesAtts[ ltrainSet[0, att1[0] ] ], lvaluesAtts[ ltrainSet[0, att2[0] ] ] )
				if( len(l2trainSet[0]) != len(l2valuesAtts) ):
					raise NameError("Error (join1) updating the structure")

				nbc = nb.naiveBayes(self.smooth, self.usePrior, meta=l2valuesAtts)
				nbc.fit( l2trainSet[1:(div+1)] , self.cl[:div] )	#, meta=l2valuesAtts )

				pred = nbc.predict(l2trainSet[(div+1):])
				lscores[2] = self.exactMatch( self.cl[div:], pred )
				#print("join atts: ", lscores[2])

				if( lscores[2] > prevScore):
						del self.operations[-1]		#deleted the last operation
						del self.opeNameAtts[-1]

					prevScore = lscores[2]
					self.NBC = nbc
					self.trainSet = l2trainSet.copy()
					self.valuesAtts = lvaluesAtts.copy()
					del self.valuesAtts[ ltrainSet[0, att1[0] ] ]
					del self.valuesAtts[ ltrainSet[0, att2[0] ] ]
					self.valuesAtts[ l2trainSet[0,-1] ] = l2valuesAtts[ len(l2valuesAtts) - 1 ].copy()

					if(not flagMI):
						flagMI = True
						self.operations.append( ["del", ldel] )
						self.opeNameAtts.append( ["del", ldelNames] )

					self.operations.append( [ "join", [ att1[0], att2[0] ] ] )
					self.opeNameAtts.append( ["join", [ ltrainSet[0, att1[0] ], ltrainSet[0, att2[0]] ] ] )

					flagUpd = True

				del l2trainSet

			if(flagUpd):	# if the structure was updated, we need to update the local structure
				ltrainSet = self.trainSet.copy()
				lvaluesAtts = self.valuesAtts.copy()
				if( len(ltrainSet[0]) != len(lvaluesAtts) ):
					raise NameError("Error updating the structure")
Code author: Jonathan Serrano-Pérez

import numpy as np
import PGM_PyLib.naiveBayes as nb

np.random.seed(0)   # it is not necessary
# two classes
# 5 attributes

# 100 instances for training
data_train = np.random.randint(0,5,size=(100,5))
cl_train = np.random.randint(0,2,size=100)
# 50 instances for testing
data_test = np.random.randint(0,5,size=(50,5))
cl_test = np.random.randint(0,2,size=50) 

# create the classifiers 
c = nb.naiveBayes(smooth=0.1, usePrior=True)
# train the classifier
c.fit(data_train, cl_train)
# predict 
p = c.predict(data_test)
# evaluation
print(c.exactMatch(cl_test, p))

# ignore the Prior probabilities
c.usePrior = False
p = c.predict(data_test)
Code author: Jonathan Serrano-Pérez

import numpy as np
import PGM_PyLib.BCC as bcc
import PGM_PyLib.naiveBayes as nb

np.random.seed(0)   # it is not necessary
# 5 variable classes
# three classes for each variable class
# 7 attributes

# 300 instances for training
data_train = np.random.randint(0,5,size=(300,7))
cl_train = np.random.randint(0,3,size=(300,5))
# 100 instances for testing
data_test = np.random.randint(0,5,size=(100,7))
cl_test = np.random.randint(0,3,size=(100,5)) 

# create the classifiers 
c = bcc.BCC(chainType="parents", baseClassifier=nb.naiveBayes(), structure="auto")
# train the classifier
c.fit(data_train, cl_train)
# predict 
p = c.predict(data_test)
# evaluation
print(c.exactMatch(cl_test, p))

# show the structure