def plot_clusters(raw, t, Z, N, name, labels, plot_all, plot_path): results = hierarchy.fcluster(Z, t=N, criterion='maxclust') s = pd.DataFrame(results) s.index = raw.columns s.columns = ['name'] lbd = dict(zip(s.index, labels)) tcns = {} for cluster in s['name'].unique(): tcns[cluster] = s[s['name'] == cluster].index.tolist() if plot_all: plot_dendrograms(Z, name, labels, plot_path) r, c = sqfactors(N) fig, axs = subplots(r, c, sharey='all', sharex='all', num='_'.join([name, 'cluster']), figsize=[6 * c, 6 * r]) for i, cluster in enumerate(tcns.keys()): ax = axs[i] for tcn in tcns[cluster]: ax.plot(t, raw.loc[:, tcn], label=lbd[tcn]) ax.legend(fontsize=8) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(plot_path + name + '_cluster.png') plt.close('all') return tcns
for ch in chlist: print(ch) fulldata[ch] = check_and_clean(fulldata[ch],1) table = tb.get('THOR') table = table[table.TYPE.isin(['Frontale/Véhicule']) & table.VITESSE.isin([48,56])] ok, slip = tb.tcns(tb.split(table, column='CBL_BELT', categories=['OK','SLIP'])) #%% if 0: cd = style.colordict(chlist) titles = dict(zip(chlist, ['Upper Left', 'Upper Right', 'Lower Right', 'Lower Left'])) plt.close('all') r, c = 2, 2 fig, axs = style.subplots(r, c, sharex='all', sharey='all') ok_df = pd.DataFrame() slip_df = pd.DataFrame() for i, ch in enumerate(chlist): ax=axs[i] peaks, times = data.find_peak(data.smooth(fulldata[ch]), time) ok_df = pd.concat([ok_df, peaks.loc[ok].dropna().abs()], axis=1) slip_df = pd.concat([slip_df, peaks.loc[slip].dropna().abs()], axis=1) hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(np.array(peaks.loc[ok].dropna().abs()), bins=np.linspace(0,60,41), normed=True)[1:], hist, 60/40, label=titles[ch]+' ok', color=cd[ch], alpha=0.25) hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(np.array(peaks.loc[slip].dropna().abs()), bins=np.linspace(0,60,41), normed=True)[1:], -hist, 60/40, label=titles[ch]+' slip', color=cd[ch], alpha=0.75) ax.set_title(titles[ch]) ax.set_xlabel('Displacement')
def plotbook(subdir, tcns=None): """ Docsting for basic plotting routine """ import os # import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PMG.COM import openbook as ob from PMG.COM import plotstyle as style readdir = os.fspath('P:/AHEC/SAI/') savedir = os.fspath('P:/AHEC/Plots/') time, slipdict, slidedict, okdict, singles, pairs = ob.thor(readdir, tcns) colors = ['tab:blue', 'tab:green', 'tab:orange', 'tab:purple'] lines = { 'TC11-008': [0.016, 0.062, 0.080, 0.093], 'TC12-218': [0.030, 0.063, 0.082, 0.083], 'TC14-035': [0.042, 0.070, 0.081, 0.088], 'TC15-162': [0.013, 0.077, 0.088, 0.095], 'TC15-163': [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.092], 'TC17-031': [0.030, 0.060, 0.076, 0.083], 'TC17-201': [0.030, 0.056, 0.076, 0.084], 'TC17-212': [0.031, 0.060, 0.080, 0.090] } #%% FIGURE 1 - all pairs plotted individually xlim = (0, 0.15) xlabel = 'Time [s]' # plt.close('all') r, c = style.sqfactors(len(tcns)) fig, axs = style.subplots(r, c, sharex='all', sharey='all', visible=True, num='SEBE-NECK', figsize=(5 * c, 3.125 * r)) for i, tcn in enumerate(tcns): ax = axs[i] slip_cols = [] for channel in slipdict: slip_cols.extend(slipdict[channel].columns) slip_cols = list(set(slip_cols)) slip = tcn in slip_cols ax.plot(time, slipdict['11SEBE0000B3FO0D'][tcn] if slip else okdict['11SEBE0000B3FO0D'][tcn], color='tab:blue') ax2 = plt.twinx(ax) ax2.plot(time, slipdict['11NECKLO00THFOXA'][tcn] if slip else okdict['11NECKLO00THFOXA'][tcn], color='tab:green') ax2.plot(time, slipdict['11NECKLO00THFOYA'][tcn] if slip else okdict['11NECKLO00THFOYA'][tcn], color='tab:green') ax3 = plt.twinx(ax) ax3.plot(time, slipdict['11CLAVLEINTHFOZA'][tcn] if slip else okdict['11CLAVLEINTHFOZA'][tcn], color='tab:orange') ax3.plot(time, slipdict['11CLAVRIOUTHFOZA'][tcn] if slip else okdict['11CLAVRIOUTHFOZA'][tcn], color='tab:purple') for line, color in zip(lines.get(tcn, [-1] * 4), colors): ax.axvline(line, color=color) ax.set_xlim(*xlim) ax.set_ylim(-6000, 6000) ax2.set_ylim(-2000, 2000) ax3.set_ylim(-1000, 1000) title = tcn ax.set_title(title) ax.set_ylabel('Seat Belt Tension [N]') ax2.set_ylabel('Neck Force [N]') ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.legend(loc=4) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.92]) plt.savefig(savedir + subdir + 'SEBE-NECK.png', dpi=200) plt.close('all') #%% FIGURE 2 - Vehicle groups and means plt.close('all') plt.figure('SEBE-NECK Groups', figsize=(20, 12.5)) #FIRST SUBPLOT - 'SLIP' Group full data set ax = plt.subplot(2, 3, 1) plt.plot(time, slipdict['11SEBE0000B3FO0D'], '.', color='tab:blue', markersize=0.5, label='inner n = {}'.format(len(slipdict['11SEBE0000B3FO0D']))) plt.xlim(*xlim) ax.set_ylim(-6000, 6000) ax.axvline(0.055) ax.axvline(0.080) ax.axvline(0.090) plt.title('Slip SEBE') plt.ylabel('Seat Belt Tension [N]') plt.xlabel(xlabel) style.legend(ax=plt.gca(), loc=4) #FIRST SUBPLOT - 'SLIP' Group full data set ax = plt.subplot(2, 3, 2) plt.plot(time, slipdict['11NECKLO00THFOXA'], '.', color='tab:orange', markersize=0.5, label='inner n = {}'.format(len(slipdict['11NECKLO00THFOXA']))) plt.xlim(*xlim) ax.set_ylim(-2000, 2000) ax.axvline(0.055) ax.axvline(0.080) ax.axvline(0.090) plt.title('Slip NECK X') plt.ylabel('Neck Force [N]') plt.xlabel(xlabel) style.legend(ax=plt.gca(), loc=4) #FIRST SUBPLOT - 'SLIP' Group full data set ax = plt.subplot(2, 3, 3) plt.plot(time, slipdict['11NECKLO00THFOYA'], '.', color='tab:purple', markersize=0.5, label='inner n = {}'.format(len(slipdict['11NECKLO00THFOYA']))) plt.xlim(*xlim) ax.set_ylim(-2000, 2000) ax.axvline(0.055) ax.axvline(0.080) ax.axvline(0.090) plt.title('Slip NECK Y') plt.ylabel('Neck Force [N]') plt.xlabel(xlabel) style.legend(ax=plt.gca(), loc=4) #FIRST SUBPLOT - 'SLIP' Group full data set ax = plt.subplot(2, 3, 4) plt.plot(time, okdict['11SEBE0000B3FO0D'], '.', color='tab:blue', markersize=0.5, label='inner n = {}'.format(len(okdict['11SEBE0000B3FO0D']))) plt.xlim(*xlim) ax.set_ylim(-6000, 6000) ax.axvline(0.055) ax.axvline(0.080) ax.axvline(0.090) plt.title('OK SEBE') plt.ylabel('Seat Belt Tension [N]') plt.xlabel(xlabel) style.legend(ax=plt.gca(), loc=4) #FIRST SUBPLOT - 'SLIP' Group full data set ax = plt.subplot(2, 3, 5) plt.plot(time, okdict['11NECKLO00THFOXA'], '.', color='tab:orange', markersize=0.5, label='inner n = {}'.format(len(okdict['11NECKLO00THFOXA']))) plt.xlim(*xlim) ax.set_ylim(-2000, 2000) ax.axvline(0.055) ax.axvline(0.080) ax.axvline(0.090) plt.title('OK NECK X') plt.ylabel('Neck Force [N]') plt.xlabel(xlabel) style.legend(ax=plt.gca(), loc=4) #FIRST SUBPLOT - 'SLIP' Group full data set ax = plt.subplot(2, 3, 6) plt.plot(time, okdict['11NECKLO00THFOYA'], '.', color='tab:purple', markersize=0.5, label='inner n = {}'.format(len(okdict['11NECKLO00THFOYA']))) plt.xlim(*xlim) ax.set_ylim(-2000, 2000) ax.axvline(0.055) ax.axvline(0.080) ax.axvline(0.090) plt.title('OK NECK Y') plt.ylabel('Neck Force [N]') plt.xlabel(xlabel) style.legend(ax=plt.gca(), loc=4) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.893, bottom=0.060, left=0.048, right=0.974, hspace=0.222, wspace=0.128) plt.savefig(savedir + subdir + 'SEBE-NECK_stats.png', dpi=200) plt.close('all') #%% FIGURE 2 - Vehicle groups and means plt.close('all') plt.figure('SEBE-NECK Groups', figsize=(20, 12.5)) #FIRST SUBPLOT - 'SLIP' Group full data set ax = plt.subplot(3, 2, 1) plt.plot(time, slipdict['11SEBE0000B3FO0D'], '.', color='tab:blue', markersize=0.5, label='inner n = {}'.format(len(slipdict['11SEBE0000B3FO0D']))) plt.xlim(*xlim) ax.set_ylim(-6000, 6000) ax.axvline(0.055) ax.axvline(0.080) ax.axvline(0.090) plt.title('Slip SEBE') plt.ylabel('Seat Belt Tension [N]') plt.xlabel(xlabel) style.legend(ax=plt.gca(), loc=4) #FIRST SUBPLOT - 'SLIP' Group full data set ax = plt.subplot(3, 2, 3) plt.plot(time, slipdict['11NECKLO00THFOXA'], '.', color='tab:orange', markersize=0.5, label='inner n = {}'.format(len(slipdict['11NECKLO00THFOXA']))) plt.xlim(*xlim) ax.set_ylim(-2000, 2000) ax.axvline(0.055) ax.axvline(0.080) ax.axvline(0.090) plt.title('Slip NECK X') plt.ylabel('Neck Force [N]') plt.xlabel(xlabel) style.legend(ax=plt.gca(), loc=4) #FIRST SUBPLOT - 'SLIP' Group full data set ax = plt.subplot(3, 2, 5) plt.plot(time, slipdict['11NECKLO00THFOYA'], '.', color='tab:purple', markersize=0.5, label='inner n = {}'.format(len(slipdict['11NECKLO00THFOYA']))) plt.xlim(*xlim) ax.set_ylim(-2000, 2000) ax.axvline(0.055) ax.axvline(0.080) ax.axvline(0.090) plt.title('Slip NECK Y') plt.ylabel('Neck Force [N]') plt.xlabel(xlabel) style.legend(ax=plt.gca(), loc=4) #FIRST SUBPLOT - 'SLIP' Group full data set ax = plt.subplot(3, 2, 2) plt.plot(time, okdict['11SEBE0000B3FO0D'], '.', color='tab:blue', markersize=0.5, label='inner n = {}'.format(len(okdict['11SEBE0000B3FO0D']))) plt.xlim(*xlim) ax.set_ylim(-6000, 6000) ax.axvline(0.055) ax.axvline(0.080) ax.axvline(0.090) plt.title('OK SEBE') plt.ylabel('Seat Belt Tension [N]') plt.xlabel(xlabel) style.legend(ax=plt.gca(), loc=4) #FIRST SUBPLOT - 'SLIP' Group full data set ax = plt.subplot(3, 2, 4) plt.plot(time, okdict['11NECKLO00THFOXA'], '.', color='tab:orange', markersize=0.5, label='inner n = {}'.format(len(okdict['11NECKLO00THFOXA']))) plt.xlim(*xlim) ax.set_ylim(-2000, 2000) ax.axvline(0.055) ax.axvline(0.080) ax.axvline(0.090) plt.title('OK NECK X') plt.ylabel('Neck Force [N]') plt.xlabel(xlabel) style.legend(ax=plt.gca(), loc=4) #FIRST SUBPLOT - 'SLIP' Group full data set ax = plt.subplot(3, 2, 6) plt.plot(time, okdict['11NECKLO00THFOYA'], '.', color='tab:purple', markersize=0.5, label='inner n = {}'.format(len(okdict['11NECKLO00THFOYA']))) plt.xlim(*xlim) ax.set_ylim(-2000, 2000) ax.axvline(0.055) ax.axvline(0.080) ax.axvline(0.090) plt.title('OK NECK Y') plt.ylabel('Neck Force [N]') plt.xlabel(xlabel) style.legend(ax=plt.gca(), loc=4) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.893, bottom=0.060, left=0.048, right=0.974, hspace=0.222, wspace=0.128) plt.savefig(savedir + subdir + 'SEBE-NECK_stats2.png', dpi=200) plt.close('all')
for ch in chlist: data[ch] = pair_data.loc[:, ch + 'ICE'] - pair_data.loc[:, ch + 'EV'] data2 = {} for ch in th_chs: data2[ch] = pair_data_2.loc[:, ch + 'ICE'] - pair_data_2.loc[:, ch + 'EV'] #%% Figure 1 - Boxplot with scatter/jitter H3_color = '#1b9e77' TH_color = '#d95f02' TH2_color = '#7570b3' plt.close('all') fig, axs = style.subplots(2, 3, sharex='col', sharey='all', figsize=(6.5, 5), visible=False) axs = list(axs) ax2 = axs[2].twinx() #secondary axis for neck force for i, (h3, th, name) in enumerate(zip(h3_chs, th_chs, chname)): if i == 2: ax = ax2 else: ax = axs[i] # H3_array = np.arange(-5,1,1) # TH_array = np.arange(5,11,1) # TH2_array = np.arange(-3,8,1) H3_array = data[h3].dropna().values
#%% table = table[table.BACK.isin(['HB', 'LB']) & table.DATA.isin(['YES'])] colors = style.colordict( ['HBold_accel', 'LBold_accel', 'HBnew_accel', 'LBnew_accel']) labels = dict( zip(['HBold_accel', 'LBold_accel', 'HBnew_accel', 'LBnew_accel'], ['Highback Old', 'Lowback Old', 'Highback New', 'Lowback New'])) channels = ['12HEAD0000Y7ACXA', '12CHST0000Y7ACXC', '12PELV0000Y7ACXA'] chname = dict(zip(channels, ['Head', 'Chest', 'Pelvis'])) plt.close('all') for ch in channels: fig, axs = style.subplots(2, 2, sharex='all', sharey='all') for i, (back, sled, ax) in enumerate( zip(['HB', 'HB', 'LB', 'LB'], ['old_accel', 'new_accel', 'old_accel', 'new_accel'], axs)): SEs = table[table.BACK.isin([back]) & table.SLED.isin([sled])].SE.tolist() data = fulldata[ch].loc[:, SEs].rolling(20, 0, center=True, win_type='triang').mean() ax.plot(time, data, color=colors[back + sled], label=labels[back + sled]) style.legend(ax, loc='lower right') ax.set_xlim(0, 0.12)
def plotbook(subdir, tcns=None): """ Docsting for basic plotting routine """ import os import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PMG.COM import openbook as ob from PMG.COM import plotstyle as style readdir = os.fspath('P:/AHEC/SAI/') savedir = os.fspath('P:/AHEC/Plots/') descriptions = pd.read_excel('P:/AHEC/Descriptions.xlsx', index_col = 0) description = descriptions.to_dict()[descriptions.columns[0]] tcns = ['TC09-027', 'TC13-007', 'TC17-201', 'TC17-212', 'TC15-163', 'TC11-008', 'TC14-035', 'TC12-003', 'TC15-162', 'TC17-209', 'TC14-220', 'TC17-211', 'TC17-025', 'TC12-217', 'TC12-501', 'TC14-139', 'TC16-013', 'TC14-180', 'TC16-129', 'TC17-208'] # REPLACE THE BELOW WITH HDF5 VERSION # time, slipdict, slidedict, okdict, singles, pairs = ob.thor(readdir, tcns) #%% FIGURE 1 - all pairs plotted individually xlim = (0, 0.3) xlabel = 'Time [s]' # plt.close('all') for outer, inner in [['11CLAVRIOUTHFOXA', '11CLAVRIINTHFOXA'], ['11CLAVRIOUTHFOZA', '11CLAVRIINTHFOZA'], ['11CLAVLEOUTHFOXA', '11CLAVLEINTHFOXA'], ['11CLAVLEOUTHFOZA', '11CLAVLEINTHFOZA']]: slipinner = slipdict[inner] slipouter = slipdict[outer] okinner = okdict[inner] okouter = okdict[outer] plotinner = pd.concat([slipinner, okinner], axis=1).dropna(axis=1) plotouter = pd.concat([slipouter, okouter], axis=1).dropna(axis=1) plotinner = plotinner.loc[:,tcns] if tcns is not None else plotinner plotouter = plotouter.loc[:,tcns] if tcns is not None else plotouter if plotinner.shape[0] == 0: continue ylim = style.ylim_no_outliers(pd.concat([plotinner, plotouter], axis=1)) ylabel = style.ylabel(inner[12:14], inner[14:15]) r, c = style.sqfactors(len(plotinner.columns.tolist())) fig, axs = style.subplots(r, c, sharex='all', sharey='all', visible=True, num='All Pairs: '+inner, figsize=(5*c, 3.125*r)) fig.suptitle('{ch} - {desc}'.format(ch = inner, desc = description.get(inner, 'Description Unavailable'))) for i, tcn in enumerate(plotinner.columns.tolist()): ax = axs[i] bool1 = tcn in slipinner.columns ax.plot(time, plotinner.loc[:, tcn], color = 'tab:blue' if bool1 else 'tab:orange', label = 'inner') ax.plot(time, plotouter.loc[:, tcn], color = 'tab:green' if bool1 else 'tab:purple', label = 'outer') ax.set_xlim(*xlim) ax.set_ylim(*ylim) title = tcn ax.set_title(title) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.legend(loc=4) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0,0,1,0.92]) plt.savefig(savedir+subdir+'All_Pairs_'+inner+'_combo.png', dpi=200) plt.close('all') #%% FIGURE 2 - Vehicle groups and means plt.close('all') for outer, inner in [['11CLAVRIOUTHFOXA', '11CLAVRIINTHFOXA'], ['11CLAVRIOUTHFOZA', '11CLAVRIINTHFOZA'], ['11CLAVLEOUTHFOXA', '11CLAVLEINTHFOXA'], ['11CLAVLEOUTHFOZA', '11CLAVLEINTHFOZA']]: slipinner = slipdict[inner] slipouter = slipdict[outer] okinner = okdict[inner] okouter = okdict[outer] plotinner = pd.concat([slipinner, okinner], axis=1).dropna(axis=1) plotouter = pd.concat([slipouter, okouter], axis=1).dropna(axis=1) plotinner = plotinner.loc[:,tcns] if tcns is not None else plotinner plotouter = plotouter.loc[:,tcns] if tcns is not None else plotouter ylim = style.ylim_no_outliers(pd.concat([plotinner, plotouter], axis=1)) ylabel = style.ylabel(inner[12:14], inner[14:15]) fig = plt.figure('Groups: '+inner, figsize=(20, 12.5)) fig.suptitle('{ch} - {desc}'.format(ch = inner, desc = description.get(inner, 'Description Unavailable'))) #FIRST SUBPLOT - 'SLIP' Group full data set ax = plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.plot(time, slipinner, '.', color = 'tab:blue', markersize=0.5, label = 'inner n = {}'.format(slipinner.shape[1])) plt.plot(time, slipouter, '.', color = 'tab:green', markersize=0.5, label = 'outer n = {}'.format(slipouter.shape[1])) plt.xlim(*xlim) ax.set_ylim(*ylim) plt.title('Slipping Belts') plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.xlabel(xlabel) style.legend(ax=plt.gca(), loc=4) #THIRD SUBPLOT - 'OK' Group full data set plt.subplot(2,1,2, sharey = ax) plt.plot(time, okinner, '.', color = 'tab:orange', markersize=0.5, label = 'inner n = {}'.format(okinner.shape[1])) plt.plot(time, okouter, '.', color = 'tab:purple', markersize=0.5, label = 'outer n = {}'.format(okouter.shape[1])) plt.xlim(*xlim) ax.set_ylim(*ylim) plt.title('Ok Belts') plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.xlabel(xlabel) style.legend(ax=plt.gca(), loc=4) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.893, bottom=0.060, left=0.048, right=0.974, hspace=0.222, wspace=0.128) plt.savefig(savedir+subdir+'Belt_'+inner+'_combo.png', dpi=200) plt.close('all')
def plotbook(savedir, chlist, tcns=None): """ Plot THOR-related basic overview plots. All pairs by channels and both groups with means/intervals by channels. """ import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PMG.COM import plotstyle as style, data, table as tb descriptions = pd.read_excel('P:/AHEC/Descriptions.xlsx', index_col=0) description = descriptions.to_dict()[descriptions.columns[0]] time, fulldata = data.import_data('P:/AHEC/DATA/THOR/', chlist, tcns, check=False) # for k,v in fulldata.items(): # fulldata[k] = data.check_and_clean(v, stage=2) table = tb.get('THOR') table = table[table.CIBLE.isin(tcns)] slips = table[table.CBL_BELT.isin(['SLIP'])].CIBLE.tolist() oks = table[table.CBL_BELT.isin(['OK'])].CIBLE.tolist() table = table[table.CIBLE.isin(slips + oks)] #%% FIGURE 1 - all pairs plotted individually xlim = (0, 0.3) xlabel = 'Time [s]' plt.close('all') for channel in chlist: slipdf = fulldata[channel].loc[:, slips] okdf = fulldata[channel].loc[:, oks] plotdata = pd.concat([slipdf, okdf], axis=1) if plotdata.empty: continue ylabel = style.ylabel(channel[12:14], channel[14:15]) r, c = style.sqfactors(len(plotdata.columns.tolist())) fig, axs = style.subplots(r, c, sharex='all', sharey='all', visible=True, num='All Pairs: ' + channel) fig.suptitle('{ch} - {desc}'.format(ch=channel, desc=description.get( channel, 'Description Unavailable'))) for i, tcn in enumerate(table.CIBLE): ax = axs[i] ax.plot(time, plotdata.loc[:, tcn], color='tab:green', label=tcn) ax.set_xlim(*xlim) title = ' '.join( [tcn, table[table.CIBLE == tcn].CBL_MODELE.tolist()[0]]) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.legend(loc=4) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.92]) plt.savefig(savedir + 'All_Pairs_' + channel + '.png', dpi=200) plt.close('all') #%% FIGURE 2 - Vehicle groups and means plt.close('all') for channel in chlist: slipdf = fulldata[channel].loc[:, slips] okdf = fulldata[channel].loc[:, oks] ylabel = style.ylabel(channel[12:14], channel[14:15]) fig, axs = style.subplots(2, 2, sharex='all', sharey='all', num='Belt: ' + channel, figsize=(20, 12.5)) fig.suptitle('{ch} - {desc}'.format(ch=channel, desc=description.get( channel, 'Description Unavailable'))) #FIRST SUBPLOT - 'SLIP' Group full data set ax = axs[0] ax.plot(time, slipdf, lw=1, color='tab:blue', label='n = {}'.format(slipdf.shape[1])) ax.set_title('Slipping Belts') ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) style.legend(ax, loc=4) #THIRD SUBPLOT - 'OK' Group full data set ax = axs[2] ax.plot(time, okdf, lw=1, color='tab:orange', label='n = {}'.format(okdf.shape[1])) ax.set_title('Ok Belts') ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) style.legend(ax, loc=4) #SECOND SUBPLOT - 'CIBLE' vs 'BELIER' Groups (median and intervals) ax = axs[1] data.tolerance(ax, time, slipdf, 'tab:blue') data.tolerance(ax, time, okdf, 'tab:orange') ax.set_title('All Belts (Mean and Intervals)') ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.legend(loc=4) ax.set_xlim(*xlim) #%% plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.893, bottom=0.060, left=0.048, right=0.974, hspace=0.222, wspace=0.128) plt.savefig(savedir + 'Belt_' + channel + '.png', dpi=200) plt.close('all')
time, fulldata = openHDF5(THOR, chlist) ok, slip = tb.split(tb.get('THOR'), 'CBL_BELT', ['OK', 'SLIP']).values() slip = slip[~slip.T1.isnull() & ~slip.T1.isin(['?'])] bin1 = slip[(0.060 <= slip.T1) & (slip.T1 < 0.075)] #bin2 = slip[(0.075<=slip.T1) & (slip.T1<0.090)] #bin3 = slip[(0.090<=slip.T1) & (slip.T1<0.115)] #%% ok, slip = tb.split(table, 'CBL_BELT', ['OK', 'SLIP']).values() slip = slip[~slip.T1.isnull() & ~slip.T1.isin(['?'])] bin1 = slip[(0.060 <= slip.T1) & (slip.T1 < 0.075)] r, c = 2, 2 plt.close('all') fig, axs = style.subplots(r, c, sharex='all', sharey='col', figsize=(6.5, 6.5)) ind = pd.concat([time, pd.Series(time.index)], axis=1).set_index('Time') chname = dict(zip(chlist, ['Lower Neck $F_x$', 'Upper Left Chest $D_x$'])) alltcns = bin1.CIBLE.tolist() + ok.CIBLE.tolist() for c, (ch, group) in enumerate( zip([ '11NECKLO00THFOXA', '11CHSTLEUPTHDSXB', '11NECKLO00THFOXA', '11CHSTLEUPTHDSXB' ], [bin1, bin1, ok, ok])): ax = axs[c] tcns = group.CIBLE.tolist() df = fulldata[ch].loc[:, tcns] if c in [0, 2]:
xfmt.set_powerlimits((-3,4)) #xloc = matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins='auto', steps=[1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 10], # prune=None, min_n_ticks=4) if 1: plt.close('all') chlist = ['11NECKLO00THFOXA','11NECKLO00THFOYA','11CHSTLEUPTHDSXB','11CHSTRIUPTHDSXB','11CHSTLELOTHDSXB','11CHSTRILOTHDSXB'] labels = ['Lower Neck $\mathregular{F_x}$ [N]', 'Lower Neck $\mathregular{F_y}$ [N]', 'Upper Left Chest $\mathregular{D_x}$ [mm]', 'Upper Right Chest $\mathregular{D_x}$ [mm]', 'Lower Left Chest $\mathregular{D_x}$ [mm]', 'Lower Right Chest $\mathregular{D_x}$ [mm]'] ylabel = dict(zip(chlist, labels)) fig, axs = style.subplots(3, 2, sharex='all', sharey=[1,2,3,3,3,3], figsize=(7,6.5)) for i, channel in enumerate(chlist): df = fulldata[channel].dropna(axis=0).dropna(axis=1) # df = df.loc[:,slips+oks] df.reindex(slips+oks, axis=1) df_slip = df.reindex(slips, axis=1) df_ok = df.reindex(oks, axis=1) window = 100 alpha = 0.10 slip_median = df_slip.median(axis=1).rolling(window,0,center=True,win_type='triang').mean() ok_median = df_ok.median(axis=1).rolling(window,0,center=True,win_type='triang').mean() slip_high = df_slip.quantile(1-alpha/2, axis=1).rolling(window,0,center=True,win_type='triang').mean() slip_low = df_slip.quantile(alpha/2, axis=1).rolling(window,0,center=True,win_type='triang').mean() ok_high = df_ok.quantile(1-alpha/2, axis=1).rolling(window,0,center=True,win_type='triang').mean()