    def execute(self,fp):
        b = fp.pin_circle_radius
        d = fp.roller_diameter
        e = fp.eccentricity
        n = fp.teeth_number
        p = b/n
        s = fp.segment_count
        ang = fp.pressure_angle_lim
        c = fp.pressure_angle_offset

        q = 2*math.pi/float(s)

        # Find the pressure angle limit circles
        minAngle = -1.0
        maxAngle = -1.0
        for i in range(0, 180):
            x = self.calc_pressure_angle(p, d, n, i * math.pi / 180.)
            if ( x < ang) and (minAngle < 0):
                minAngle = float(i)
            if (x < -ang) and (maxAngle < 0):
                maxAngle = float(i-1)

        minRadius = self.calc_pressure_limit(p, d, e, n, minAngle * math.pi / 180.)
        maxRadius = self.calc_pressure_limit(p, d, e, n, maxAngle * math.pi / 180.)
        # unused
        # Wire(Part.makeCircle(minRadius,App.Vector(-e, 0, 0)))
        # Wire(Part.makeCircle(maxRadius,App.Vector(-e, 0, 0)))

        App.Console.PrintMessage("Generating cam disk\r\n")
        #generate the cam profile - note: shifted in -x by eccentricicy amount
        x = self.calc_x(p, d, e, n, q*i / float(n))
        y = self.calc_y(p, d, e, n, q*i / n)
        x, y = self.check_limit(x,y,maxRadius,minRadius,c)
        points = [App.Vector(x-e, y, 0)]
        for i in range(0,s):
            x = self.calc_x(p, d, e, n, q*(i+1) / n)
            y = self.calc_y(p, d, e, n, q*(i+1) / n)
            x, y = self.check_limit(x, y, maxRadius, minRadius, c)
            points.append([x-e, y, 0])

        wi = make_bspline_wire([points])
        wires = []
        mat= App.Matrix()
        mat.move(App.Vector(e, 0., 0.))
        mat.rotateZ(2 * np.pi / n)
        mat.move(App.Vector(-e, 0., 0.))
        for _ in range(n):
            wi = wi.transformGeometry(mat)

        cam = Face(Wire(wires))
        #add a circle in the center of the cam
        if fp.hole_radius.Value:
            centerCircle = Face(Wire(Part.makeCircle(fp.hole_radius.Value, App.Vector(-e, 0, 0))))
            cam = cam.cut(centerCircle)

        to_be_fused = []
        if fp.show_disk0==True:
            if fp.disk_height.Value==0:
                to_be_fused.append(cam.extrude(App.Vector(0, 0, fp.disk_height.Value)))

        #secondary cam disk
        if fp.show_disk1==True:
            App.Console.PrintMessage("Generating secondary cam disk\r\n")
            second_cam = cam.copy()
            mat= App.Matrix()
            mat.move(App.Vector(-e, 0, 0))
            if n%2 == 0:
            mat.move(App.Vector(e, 0, 0))
            second_cam = second_cam.transformGeometry(mat)
            if fp.disk_height.Value==0:
                to_be_fused.append(second_cam.extrude(App.Vector(0, 0, -fp.disk_height.Value)))

        if fp.show_pins==True:
            App.Console.PrintMessage("Generating pins\r\n")
            pins = []
            for i in range(0, n + 1):
                x = p * n * math.cos(2 * math.pi / (n + 1) * i)
                y = p * n * math.sin(2 * math.pi / (n + 1) * i)
                pins.append(Wire(Part.makeCircle(d / 2, App.Vector(x, y, 0))))

            pins = Face(pins)

            z_offset = -fp.pin_height.Value / 2;

            if fp.center_pins==True:
                if fp.show_disk0==True and fp.show_disk1==False:
                    z_offset += fp.disk_height.Value / 2;
                elif fp.show_disk0==False and fp.show_disk1==True:
                    z_offset += -fp.disk_height.Value / 2;
            if z_offset!=0:
                pins.translate(App.Vector(0, 0, z_offset))
            if fp.pin_height!=0:
                pins = pins.extrude(App.Vector(0, 0, fp.pin_height.Value))


        if to_be_fused:
            fp.Shape = Part.makeCompound(to_be_fused)