def get_root_workflows(username):
    Returns a collection of root level workflows.

    :query int start-index: Return results starting from record <start-index> (0 indexed)
    :query int max-results: Return a maximum of <max-results> records
    :query string query: Search criteria
    :query string order: Sorting criteria
    :query boolean pretty-print: Return formatted JSON response.

    :statuscode 200: OK
    :statuscode 204: No content; when no workflows found.
    :statuscode 400: Bad request
    :statuscode 401: Authentication failure
    :statuscode 403: Authorization failure

    :return type: Collection
    :return resource: Root Workflow
    queries = MasterWorkflowQueries(g.master_db_url)
    paged_response = queries.get_root_workflows(**g.query_args)

    if paged_response.total_records == 0:
        log.debug('Total records is 0; returning HTTP 204 No content')
        return make_response('', 204, JSON_HEADER)

    # Generate JSON Response
    response_json = jsonify(paged_response)

    return make_response(response_json, 200, JSON_HEADER)
def get_root_workflows(username):
    Returns a collection of root level workflows.

    :query int start-index: Return results starting from record <start-index> (0 indexed)
    :query int max-results: Return a maximum of <max-results> records
    :query string query: Search criteria
    :query string order: Sorting criteria
    :query boolean pretty-print: Return formatted JSON response.

    :statuscode 200: OK
    :statuscode 204: No content; when no workflows found.
    :statuscode 400: Bad request
    :statuscode 401: Authentication failure
    :statuscode 403: Authorization failure

    :return type: Collection
    :return resource: Root Workflow
    queries = MasterWorkflowQueries(g.master_db_url)
    paged_response = queries.get_root_workflows(**g.query_args)

    if paged_response.total_records == 0:
        log.debug("Total records is 0; returning HTTP 204 No content")
        return make_response("", 204, JSON_HEADER)

    # Generate JSON Response
    response_json = jsonify(paged_response)

    return make_response(response_json, 200, JSON_HEADER)