def sql_load_notes_in_creation_order( self, start = 0, count = 10, reverse = False ): """ Return a SQL string to load a list of the most recently created notes within this notebook. @type start: int or NoneType @param start: index of recent note to start with (defaults to 0, the most recent note) @type count: int or NoneType @param count: number of recent notes to return (defaults to 10 notes) @type reverse: bool or NoneType @param reverse: whether to reverse the chronological order of notes. so if reverse is True, the oldest notes are returned instead of the newest (defaults to False) """ if reverse: ordering = u"asc" else: ordering = u"desc" return \ """ select, note_current.revision, note_current.title, note_current.contents, note_current.notebook_id, note_current.startup, note_current.deleted_from_id, note_current.rank, note_current.user_id, luminotes_user_current.username, note_creation.revision as creation from note_current, luminotes_user_current, ( select id, min( revision ) as revision from note where notebook_id = %s group by id ) as note_creation where notebook_id = %s and = and note_current.user_id = order by creation %s limit %d offset %d; """ % ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( self.object_id ), ordering, count, start )
def sql_update_group_admin(self, group_id, admin=False): """ Return a SQL string to update the user's group membership to have the given admin flag. """ return \ "update user_group set admin = %s where user_id = %s and group_id = %s;" % \ ( quote( admin and 't' or 'f' ), quote( self.object_id ), quote( group_id ) )
def sql_id_exists(object_id, revision=None): if revision: return "select id from luminotes_user where id = %s and revision = %s;" % ( quote(object_id), quote(revision)) return "select id from luminotes_user_current where id = %s;" % quote( object_id)
def sql_update_notebook_rank( self, notebook_id, rank ): """ Return a SQL string to update the user's rank for the given notebook. """ return \ "update user_notebook set rank = %s where user_id = %s and notebook_id = %s;" % \ ( quote( rank ), quote( self.object_id ), quote( notebook_id ) )
def sql_update(self): return "update download_access set revision = %s, item_number = %s, transaction_id = %s where id = %s;" % ( quote(self.revision), quote(self.__item_number), quote(self.__transaction_id), quote(self.object_id), )
def sql_update_group_admin( self, group_id, admin = False ): """ Return a SQL string to update the user's group membership to have the given admin flag. """ return \ "update user_group set admin = %s where user_id = %s and group_id = %s;" % \ ( quote( admin and 't' or 'f' ), quote( self.object_id ), quote( group_id ) )
def sql_save_notebook_tag( self, notebook_id, tag_id, value = None ): """ Return a SQL string to associate a tag with a notebook of this user. """ return \ "insert into tag_notebook ( notebook_id, tag_id, value, user_id ) values " + \ "( %s, %s, %s, %s );" % ( quote( notebook_id ), quote( tag_id ), quote( value ), quote( self.object_id ) )
def sql_save_group( self, group_id, admin = False ): """ Return a SQL string to save the id of a group to which this user has membership. """ return \ "insert into user_group ( user_id, group_id, admin ) values " + \ "( %s, %s, %s );" % ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( group_id ), quote( admin and 't' or 'f' ) )
def sql_load(object_id, revision=None): if revision: return "select * from notebook where id = %s and revision = %s;" % ( quote(object_id), quote(revision)) return "select * from notebook_current where id = %s;" % quote( object_id)
def sql_save_notebook_tag(self, notebook_id, tag_id, value=None): """ Return a SQL string to associate a tag with a notebook of this user. """ return \ "insert into tag_notebook ( notebook_id, tag_id, value, user_id ) values " + \ "( %s, %s, %s, %s );" % ( quote( notebook_id ), quote( tag_id ), quote( value ), quote( self.object_id ) )
def sql_update_notebook_rank(self, notebook_id, rank): """ Return a SQL string to update the user's rank for the given notebook. """ return \ "update user_notebook set rank = %s where user_id = %s and notebook_id = %s;" % \ ( quote( rank ), quote( self.object_id ), quote( notebook_id ) )
def sql_save_group(self, group_id, admin=False): """ Return a SQL string to save the id of a group to which this user has membership. """ return \ "insert into user_group ( user_id, group_id, admin ) values " + \ "( %s, %s, %s );" % ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( group_id ), quote( admin and 't' or 'f' ) )
def sql_load_note_by_id(self, note_id): """ Return a SQL string to load a particular note within this notebook by the note's id. @type note_id: unicode @param note_id: id of note to load """ return "select id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank, user_id from note_current where notebook_id = %s and id = %s;" % ( quote(self.object_id), quote(note_id))
def sql_count_notebooks(self, parents_only=False, undeleted_only=False, read_write=False, tag_name=None, tag_value=None, exclude_notebook_name=None): """ Return a SQL string to count the number notebooks to which this user has access. """ if parents_only: parents_only_clause = " and trash_id is not null" else: parents_only_clause = "" if undeleted_only: undeleted_only_clause = " and deleted = 'f'" else: undeleted_only_clause = "" if read_write: read_write_clause = " and user_notebook.read_write = 't'" else: read_write_clause = "" if tag_name: tag_tables = ", tag_notebook, tag" tag_clause = \ """ and tag_notebook.tag_id = and tag_notebook.user_id = %s and tag_notebook.notebook_id = and = %s """ % ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( tag_name ) ) if tag_value: tag_clause += " and tag_notebook.value = %s" % quote(tag_value) else: tag_tables = "" tag_clause = "" if exclude_notebook_name: notebook_name_clause = " and not = %s" % quote( exclude_notebook_name) else: notebook_name_clause = "" return \ """ select count( ) from user_notebook, notebook_current%s where user_notebook.user_id = %s%s%s%s%s%s and user_notebook.notebook_id =; """ % ( tag_tables, quote( self.object_id ), parents_only_clause, undeleted_only_clause, read_write_clause, tag_clause, notebook_name_clause )
def sql_load_note_by_title(self, title): """ Return a SQL string to load a particular note within this notebook by the note's title. The title lookup is performed case-insensitively. @type note_id: unicode @param note_id: title of note to load """ return "select id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank, user_id from note_current where notebook_id = %s and lower( title ) = lower( %s );" % ( quote(self.object_id), quote(title))
def sql_update_access( self, notebook_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_ONLY, owner = False ): """ Return a SQL string to update the user's notebook access to the given read_write and owner level. """ return \ "update user_notebook set read_write = %s, owner = %s, own_notes_only = %s where user_id = %s and notebook_id = %s;" % ( quote( ( read_write not in ( Notebook.READ_ONLY, False ) ) and 't' or 'f' ), quote( owner and 't' or 'f' ), quote( ( read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES ) and 't' or 'f' ), quote( self.object_id ), quote( notebook_id ), )
def sql_in_group( self, group_id, admin = False ): """ Return a SQL string to determine whether this has membership to the given group. """ if admin is True: return \ "select user_id from user_group where user_id = %s and group_id = %s and admin = 't';" % \ ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( group_id ) ) else: return \ "select user_id from user_group where user_id = %s and group_id = %s;" % \ ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( group_id ) )
def sql_in_group(self, group_id, admin=False): """ Return a SQL string to determine whether this has membership to the given group. """ if admin is True: return \ "select user_id from user_group where user_id = %s and group_id = %s and admin = 't';" % \ ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( group_id ) ) else: return \ "select user_id from user_group where user_id = %s and group_id = %s;" % \ ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( group_id ) )
def sql_search_notes(user_id, first_notebook_id, search_text, database_backend): """ Return a SQL string to perform a full-text search for notes within notebooks readable by the given user whose contents contain the given search_text. This is a case-insensitive search. @type search_text: unicode @param search_text: text to search for within the notes """ if database_backend == Persistent.POSTGRESQL_BACKEND: # strip out all search operators search_text = Notebook.SEARCH_OPERATORS.sub(u"", search_text).strip() # join all words with boolean "and" operator search_text = u"&".join( Notebook.WHITESPACE_PATTERN.split(search_text)) return \ """ select id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank, user_id, null, null, headline( drop_html_tags( contents ), query ) as summary from ( select, note_current.revision, note_current.title, note_current.contents, note_current.notebook_id, note_current.startup, note_current.deleted_from_id, rank_cd( search, query ) as rank, note_current.user_id, null, null, query from note_current, user_notebook, to_tsquery( 'default', %s ) query where note_current.notebook_id = user_notebook.notebook_id and user_notebook.user_id = %s and note_current.deleted_from_id is null and query @@ search order by note_current.notebook_id = %s desc, rank desc limit 20 ) as sub; """ % ( quote( search_text ), quote( user_id ), quote( first_notebook_id ) ) else: search_text = search_text.strip().lower() # TODO: use SQLite's FTS (full text search) support instead return \ """ select note_current.* from note_current, user_notebook where note_current.notebook_id = user_notebook.notebook_id and user_notebook.user_id = %s and note_current.deleted_from_id is null and lower( note_current.contents ) like %s order by note_current.notebook_id = %s desc, note_current.rank desc limit 20 """ % ( quote( user_id ), quote_fuzzy( search_text ), quote( first_notebook_id ) )
def sql_update( self ): rank = self.__rank if rank is None: rank = quote( None ) # this relies on a database trigger to copy the updated row into the note table return \ """ update note_current set id = %s, revision = %s, title = %s, contents = %s, notebook_id = %s, startup = %s, deleted_from_id = %s, rank = %s, user_id = %s where id = %s; """ % \ ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( self.revision ), quote( self.__title ), quote( self.__contents ), quote( self.__notebook_id ), quote( self.__startup and 't' or 'f' ), quote( self.__deleted_from_id ), rank, quote( self.user_id ), quote( self.object_id ) )
def sql_load_similar(self): # select invites with the same notebook_id, and email_address as this invite return \ """ select, invite.revision, invite.from_user_id, invite.notebook_id, invite.email_address, invite.read_write, invite.owner, invite.redeemed_user_id, luminotes_user_current.username from invite left outer join luminotes_user_current on ( invite.redeemed_user_id = ) where invite.notebook_id = %s and invite.email_address = %s and != %s; """ % ( quote( self.__notebook_id ), quote( self.__email_address ), quote( self.object_id ) )
def sql_count_notebooks( self, parents_only = False, undeleted_only = False, read_write = False, tag_name = None, tag_value = None, exclude_notebook_name = None ): """ Return a SQL string to count the number notebooks to which this user has access. """ if parents_only: parents_only_clause = " and trash_id is not null" else: parents_only_clause = "" if undeleted_only: undeleted_only_clause = " and deleted = 'f'" else: undeleted_only_clause = "" if read_write: read_write_clause = " and user_notebook.read_write = 't'" else: read_write_clause = "" if tag_name: tag_tables = ", tag_notebook, tag" tag_clause = \ """ and tag_notebook.tag_id = and tag_notebook.user_id = %s and tag_notebook.notebook_id = and = %s """ % ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( tag_name ) ) if tag_value: tag_clause += " and tag_notebook.value = %s" % quote( tag_value ) else: tag_tables = "" tag_clause = "" if exclude_notebook_name: notebook_name_clause = " and not = %s" % quote( exclude_notebook_name ) else: notebook_name_clause = "" return \ """ select count( ) from user_notebook, notebook_current%s where user_notebook.user_id = %s%s%s%s%s%s and user_notebook.notebook_id =; """ % ( tag_tables, quote( self.object_id ), parents_only_clause, undeleted_only_clause, read_write_clause, tag_clause, notebook_name_clause )
def sql_load_similar( self ): # select invites with the same notebook_id, and email_address as this invite return \ """ select, invite.revision, invite.from_user_id, invite.notebook_id, invite.email_address, invite.read_write, invite.owner, invite.redeemed_user_id, luminotes_user_current.username from invite left outer join luminotes_user_current on ( invite.redeemed_user_id = ) where invite.notebook_id = %s and invite.email_address = %s and != %s; """ % ( quote( self.__notebook_id ), quote( self.__email_address ), quote( self.object_id ) )
def sql_update_access(self, notebook_id, read_write=Notebook.READ_ONLY, owner=False): """ Return a SQL string to update the user's notebook access to the given read_write and owner level. """ return \ "update user_notebook set read_write = %s, owner = %s, own_notes_only = %s where user_id = %s and notebook_id = %s;" % ( quote( ( read_write not in ( Notebook.READ_ONLY, False ) ) and 't' or 'f' ), quote( owner and 't' or 'f' ), quote( ( read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES ) and 't' or 'f' ), quote( self.object_id ), quote( notebook_id ), )
def sql_search_notes( user_id, first_notebook_id, search_text, database_backend ): """ Return a SQL string to perform a full-text search for notes within notebooks readable by the given user whose contents contain the given search_text. This is a case-insensitive search. @type search_text: unicode @param search_text: text to search for within the notes """ if database_backend == Persistent.POSTGRESQL_BACKEND: # strip out all search operators search_text = Notebook.SEARCH_OPERATORS.sub( u"", search_text ).strip() # join all words with boolean "and" operator search_text = u"&".join( Notebook.WHITESPACE_PATTERN.split( search_text ) ) return \ """ select id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank, user_id, null, null, headline( drop_html_tags( contents ), query ) as summary from ( select, note_current.revision, note_current.title, note_current.contents, note_current.notebook_id, note_current.startup, note_current.deleted_from_id, rank_cd( search, query ) as rank, note_current.user_id, null, null, query from note_current, user_notebook, to_tsquery( 'default', %s ) query where note_current.notebook_id = user_notebook.notebook_id and user_notebook.user_id = %s and note_current.deleted_from_id is null and query @@ search order by note_current.notebook_id = %s desc, rank desc limit 20 ) as sub; """ % ( quote( search_text ), quote( user_id ), quote( first_notebook_id ) ) else: search_text = search_text.strip().lower() # TODO: use SQLite's FTS (full text search) support instead return \ """ select note_current.* from note_current, user_notebook where note_current.notebook_id = user_notebook.notebook_id and user_notebook.user_id = %s and note_current.deleted_from_id is null and lower( note_current.contents ) like %s order by note_current.notebook_id = %s desc, note_current.rank desc limit 20 """ % ( quote( user_id ), quote_fuzzy( search_text ), quote( first_notebook_id ) )
def sql_create( self ): rank = self.__rank if rank is None: rank = quote( None ) # this relies on a database trigger to copy the new row into the note table return \ "insert into note_current ( id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank, user_id ) " + \ "values ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s );" % \ ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( self.revision ), quote( self.__title ), quote( self.__contents ), quote( self.__notebook_id ), quote( self.__startup and 't' or 'f' ), quote( self.__deleted_from_id ), rank, quote( self.user_id ) )
def sql_count_notes(self): """ Return a SQL string to count the total number of notes in this notebook. """ return \ "select count( id ) from note_current where notebook_id = %s;" % \ ( quote( self.object_id ) )
def sql_count_notes( self ): """ Return a SQL string to count the total number of notes in this notebook. """ return \ "select count( id ) from note_current where notebook_id = %s;" % \ ( quote( self.object_id ) )
def sql_increment_rank(self, start_note_rank): """ Return a SQL string to increment the rank for every note in this notebook (in rank order) starting from the given note rank. Notes before the given note rank are not updated. """ return \ """ update note_current set rank = rank + 1, revision = %s where notebook_id = %s and rank is not null and rank >= %s; """ % ( quote( tz = utc ) ), quote( self.object_id ), start_note_rank )
def sql_increment_rank( self, start_note_rank ): """ Return a SQL string to increment the rank for every note in this notebook (in rank order) starting from the given note rank. Notes before the given note rank are not updated. """ return \ """ update note_current set rank = rank + 1, revision = %s where notebook_id = %s and rank is not null and rank >= %s; """ % ( quote( tz = utc ) ), quote( self.object_id ), start_note_rank )
def sql_load_tags(self, user_id): """ Return a SQL string to load a list of all the tags associated with this notebook by the given user. """ return \ """ select, tag.revision, tag.notebook_id, tag.user_id,, tag.description, tag_notebook.value from tag_notebook, tag where tag_notebook.notebook_id = %s and tag_notebook.user_id = %s and tag_notebook.tag_id = order by; """ % ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( user_id ) )
def sql_load_tags( self, user_id ): """ Return a SQL string to load a list of all the tags associated with this notebook by the given user. """ return \ """ select, tag.revision, tag.notebook_id, tag.user_id,, tag.description, tag_notebook.value from tag_notebook, tag where tag_notebook.notebook_id = %s and tag_notebook.user_id = %s and tag_notebook.tag_id = order by; """ % ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( user_id ) )
def sql_revoke_invite_access( notebook_id, trash_id, email_address ): return \ """ delete from user_notebook where notebook_id in ( %s, %s ) and user_notebook.user_id in ( select redeemed_user_id from invite where notebook_id = %s and email_address = %s ); """ % ( quote( notebook_id ), quote( trash_id ), quote( notebook_id ), quote( email_address ) )
def sql_revoke_invite_access(notebook_id, trash_id, email_address): return \ """ delete from user_notebook where notebook_id in ( %s, %s ) and user_notebook.user_id in ( select redeemed_user_id from invite where notebook_id = %s and email_address = %s ); """ % ( quote( notebook_id ), quote( trash_id ), quote( notebook_id ), quote( email_address ) )
def sql_load_note_files(note_id): return \ """ select, file.revision, file.notebook_id, file.note_id, file.filename, file.size_bytes, file.content_type from file where file.note_id = %s; """ % quote( note_id )
def sql_load_note_files( note_id ): return \ """ select, file.revision, file.notebook_id, file.note_id, file.filename, file.size_bytes, file.content_type from file where file.note_id = %s; """ % quote( note_id )
def sql_load_by_name( name, notebook_id = None, user_id = None ): if notebook_id: notebook_id_clause = " and tag.notebook_id = %s" % quote( notebook_id ) else: notebook_id_clause = "" if user_id: user_id_clause = " and tag.user_id = %s" % quote( user_id ) else: user_id_clause = "" return \ """ select, tag.revision, tag.notebook_id, tag.user_id,, tag.description from tag where = %s%s%s; """ % ( quote( name ), notebook_id_clause, user_id_clause )
def sql_load_revisions( self ): return """ \ select note.revision,, username from note left outer join luminotes_user_current on ( note.user_id = ) where = %s order by note.revision; """ % quote( self.object_id )
def sql_calculate_storage(self, database_backend): """ Return a SQL string to calculate the total bytes of storage usage by this user. This includes storage for all the user's notes (including past revisions) and their uploaded files. It does not include storage for the notebooks themselves. """ if database_backend == Persistent.POSTGRESQL_BACKEND: # this counts bytes for the contents of each column note_size_clause = "pg_column_size( note.* )" else: # this isn't perfect, because length() counts UTF-8 characters instead of bytes. # some columns are left out because they can be null, which screws up the addition note_size_clause = \ """ length( ) + length( note.revision ) + length( note.title ) + length( note.contents ) + length( note.notebook_id ) + length( note.startup ) + length( note.user_id ) """ return \ """ select * from ( select coalesce( sum( %s ), 0 ) from user_notebook, note where user_notebook.user_id = %s and user_notebook.owner = 't' and note.notebook_id = user_notebook.notebook_id ) as note_storage, ( select coalesce( sum( file.size_bytes ), 0 ) from user_notebook, file where user_notebook.user_id = %s and user_notebook.owner = 't' and file.notebook_id = user_notebook.notebook_id ) as file_storage; """ % ( note_size_clause, quote( self.object_id ), quote( self.object_id ) )
def sql_calculate_storage( self, database_backend ): """ Return a SQL string to calculate the total bytes of storage usage by this user. This includes storage for all the user's notes (including past revisions) and their uploaded files. It does not include storage for the notebooks themselves. """ if database_backend == Persistent.POSTGRESQL_BACKEND: # this counts bytes for the contents of each column note_size_clause = "pg_column_size( note.* )" else: # this isn't perfect, because length() counts UTF-8 characters instead of bytes. # some columns are left out because they can be null, which screws up the addition note_size_clause = \ """ length( ) + length( note.revision ) + length( note.title ) + length( note.contents ) + length( note.notebook_id ) + length( note.startup ) + length( note.user_id ) """ return \ """ select * from ( select coalesce( sum( %s ), 0 ) from user_notebook, note where user_notebook.user_id = %s and user_notebook.owner = 't' and note.notebook_id = user_notebook.notebook_id ) as note_storage, ( select coalesce( sum( file.size_bytes ), 0 ) from user_notebook, file where user_notebook.user_id = %s and user_notebook.owner = 't' and file.notebook_id = user_notebook.notebook_id ) as file_storage; """ % ( note_size_clause, quote( self.object_id ), quote( self.object_id ) )
def sql_load_by_name(name, notebook_id=None, user_id=None): if notebook_id: notebook_id_clause = " and tag.notebook_id = %s" % quote( notebook_id) else: notebook_id_clause = "" if user_id: user_id_clause = " and tag.user_id = %s" % quote(user_id) else: user_id_clause = "" return \ """ select, tag.revision, tag.notebook_id, tag.user_id,, tag.description from tag where = %s%s%s; """ % ( quote( name ), notebook_id_clause, user_id_clause )
def sql_create( self ): return \ "insert into luminotes_user ( id, revision, username, salt, password_hash, email_address, storage_bytes, rate_plan ) " + \ "values ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s );" % \ ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( self.revision ), quote( self.__username ), quote( self.__salt ), quote( self.__password_hash ), quote( self.__email_address ), self.__storage_bytes, self.__rate_plan )
def sql_create(self): return \ "insert into luminotes_user ( id, revision, username, salt, password_hash, email_address, storage_bytes, rate_plan ) " + \ "values ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s );" % \ ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( self.revision ), quote( self.__username ), quote( self.__salt ), quote( self.__password_hash ), quote( self.__email_address ), self.__storage_bytes, self.__rate_plan )
def sql_load( object_id, revision = None ): # Files don't store old revisions if revision: raise NotImplementedError() return \ """ select, file.revision, file.notebook_id, file.note_id, file.filename, file.size_bytes, file.content_type from file where = %s; """ % quote( object_id )
def sql_load( object_id, revision = None ): # Tags don't store old revisions if revision: raise NotImplementedError() return \ """ select, tag.revision, tag.notebook_id, tag.user_id,, tag.description from tag where = %s; """ % quote( object_id )
def sql_load(object_id, revision=None): # Files don't store old revisions if revision: raise NotImplementedError() return \ """ select, file.revision, file.notebook_id, file.note_id, file.filename, file.size_bytes, file.content_type from file where = %s; """ % quote( object_id )
def sql_load(object_id, revision=None): # Tags don't store old revisions if revision: raise NotImplementedError() return \ """ select, tag.revision, tag.notebook_id, tag.user_id,, tag.description from tag where = %s; """ % quote( object_id )
def sql_load_notes_in_creation_order(self, start=0, count=10, reverse=False): """ Return a SQL string to load a list of the most recently created notes within this notebook. @type start: int or NoneType @param start: index of recent note to start with (defaults to 0, the most recent note) @type count: int or NoneType @param count: number of recent notes to return (defaults to 10 notes) @type reverse: bool or NoneType @param reverse: whether to reverse the chronological order of notes. so if reverse is True, the oldest notes are returned instead of the newest (defaults to False) """ if reverse: ordering = u"asc" else: ordering = u"desc" return \ """ select, note_current.revision, note_current.title, note_current.contents, note_current.notebook_id, note_current.startup, note_current.deleted_from_id, note_current.rank, note_current.user_id, luminotes_user_current.username, note_creation.revision as creation from note_current, luminotes_user_current, ( select id, min( revision ) as revision from note where notebook_id = %s group by id ) as note_creation where notebook_id = %s and = and note_current.user_id = order by creation %s limit %d offset %d; """ % ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( self.object_id ), ordering, count, start )
def sql_load_groups(self): """ Return a SQL string to load a list of the groups to which this user has membership. """ return \ """ select luminotes_group_current.*, user_group.admin from user_group, luminotes_group_current where user_group.user_id = %s and user_group.group_id = order by; """ % quote( self.object_id )
def sql_load_groups( self ): """ Return a SQL string to load a list of the groups to which this user has membership. """ return \ """ select luminotes_group_current.*, user_group.admin from user_group, luminotes_group_current where user_group.user_id = %s and user_group.group_id = order by; """ % quote( self.object_id )
def sql_load_note_ids_starting_from_rank(self, start_note_rank): """ Return a SQL string to load a list of all the note ids with rank greater than or equal to the given rank. """ return \ """ select id from note_current where notebook_id = %s and rank is not null and rank >= %s; """ % ( quote( self.object_id ), start_note_rank )
def sql_load_notebook_invites(notebook_id): # select a list of invites to the given notebook return \ """ select, invite.revision, invite.from_user_id, invite.notebook_id, invite.email_address, invite.read_write, invite.owner, invite.redeemed_user_id, luminotes_user_current.username from invite left outer join luminotes_user_current on ( invite.redeemed_user_id = ) where invite.notebook_id = %s order by invite.email_address, invite.redeemed_user_id; """ % quote( notebook_id )
def sql_load_note_ids_starting_from_rank( self, start_note_rank ): """ Return a SQL string to load a list of all the note ids with rank greater than or equal to the given rank. """ return \ """ select id from note_current where notebook_id = %s and rank is not null and rank >= %s; """ % ( quote( self.object_id ), start_note_rank )
def sql_load_notebook_invites( notebook_id ): # select a list of invites to the given notebook return \ """ select, invite.revision, invite.from_user_id, invite.notebook_id, invite.email_address, invite.read_write, invite.owner, invite.redeemed_user_id, luminotes_user_current.username from invite left outer join luminotes_user_current on ( invite.redeemed_user_id = ) where invite.notebook_id = %s order by invite.email_address, invite.redeemed_user_id; """ % quote( notebook_id )
def sql_load( object_id, revision = None ): # invites don't store old revisions if revision: raise NotImplementedError() return \ """ select, invite.revision, invite.from_user_id, invite.notebook_id, invite.email_address, invite.read_write, invite.owner, invite.redeemed_user_id, luminotes_user_current.username from invite left outer join luminotes_user_current on ( invite.redeemed_user_id = ) where = %s; """ % quote( object_id )
def sql_has_access( self, notebook_id, read_write = False, owner = False ): """ Return a SQL string to determine whether this user has access to the given notebook. """ if read_write is True and owner is True: return \ "select user_id from user_notebook where user_id = %s and notebook_id = %s and read_write = 't' and owner = 't';" % \ ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( notebook_id ) ) elif read_write is True: return \ "select user_id from user_notebook where user_id = %s and notebook_id = %s and read_write = 't';" % \ ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( notebook_id ) ) elif owner is True: return \ "select user_id from user_notebook where user_id = %s and notebook_id = %s and owner = 't';" % \ ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( notebook_id ) ) else: return \ "select user_id from user_notebook where user_id = %s and notebook_id = %s;" % \ ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( notebook_id ) )
def sql_save_notebook( self, notebook_id, read_write = True, owner = True, rank = None, own_notes_only = False ): """ Return a SQL string to save the id of a notebook to which this user has access. """ if rank is None: rank = quote( None ) return \ "insert into user_notebook ( user_id, notebook_id, read_write, owner, rank, own_notes_only ) values " + \ "( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s );" % ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( notebook_id ), quote( read_write and 't' or 'f' ), quote( owner and 't' or 'f' ), rank, quote( own_notes_only and 't' or 'f' ), )