class TextBox(FocusableWidget):
    Represents a text entry control with associated label.

    label_text = None
    text = ''
    text_width = 100
    max_length = None
    allow_alpha = True
    allow_numeric = True
    allow_space = True
    allow_negative = True
    allow_decimal = True

    def __init__(self, display, page, label=None, text=None, text_width=100):
        super(TextBox, self).__init__(display, page)

        if text:
            text = str(text)
        self.text = text
        self.label_text = label
        self.label = TextBlock(display, page, label)
        self.glyph = TextGlyph(display, page)
        self.text_width = text_width

        self.panel = StackPanel(display, page, is_horizontal=True)
        self.panel.center_align = True
        self.panel.children = [self.label, self.glyph]

    def arrange(self):

        # Pass along our values to the children
        self.label.text = self.label_text
        self.glyph.text_width = self.text_width
        self.glyph.text = self.text

        self.desired_size = self.panel.arrange()

        return super(TextBox, self).arrange()

    def render(self):
        Renders the TextBox with its current state
        :return: The rectangle of the TextBox

        # Render the panel's contents

        return self.set_dimensions_from(self.panel)

    def set_alphanumeric(self):
        self.allow_alpha = True
        self.allow_negative = True
        self.allow_numeric = True
        self.allow_decimal = True
        self.allow_space = True

    def set_numeric(self, allow_negative=True, allow_decimal=True):
        self.allow_alpha = False
        self.allow_negative = allow_negative
        self.allow_decimal = allow_decimal
        self.allow_numeric = True
        self.allow_space = False

    def got_focus(self):
        Occurs when the control gets focus
        self.label.is_highlighted = True
        self.glyph.render_focus = True
        super(TextBox, self).got_focus()

    def lost_focus(self):
        Occurs when the control loses focus
        self.label.is_highlighted = False
        self.glyph.render_focus = False
        super(TextBox, self).lost_focus()

    def can_input_more(self):
        Returns whether or not there is room to enter more characters (according to max_length)
        :return: whether or not there is room to enter more characters (according to max_length)
        return self.max_length is None or len(self.text) < self.max_length

    def handle_key(self, key):
        Handles a keypress
        :param key: The keycode
        :returns: True if the event was handled; otherwise False

        # ensure we have text in the textbox
        if not self.text:
            self.text = ''

        if key == Keycodes.KEY_BACKSPACE:
            if self.text and len(self.text) > 0:
                self.text = self.text[:-1]  # TODO: This is simplistic and needs to work with a cursor index
                return True

        if key == Keycodes.KEY_DELETE:
            if self.text and len(self.text) > 0:
                self.text = self.text[1:]  # TODO: This is simplistic and needs to work with a cursor index
                return True

        if self.allow_numeric and Keycodes.KEY_0 <= key <= Keycodes.KEY_9 and self.can_input_more():
            char = key - Keycodes.KEY_0
            self.text += str(char)  # TODO: This will need to take cursor location into account
            return True

        if self.allow_alpha and Keycodes.KEY_a <= key <= Keycodes.KEY_z and self.can_input_more():
            char = chr(key)
            self.text += str(char).upper()  # TODO: This will need to take cursor location into account
            return True

        if self.allow_negative and key in [Keycodes.KEY_KP_MINUS, Keycodes.KEY_MINUS]:
            self.text += '-'
            return True

        if self.allow_decimal and key in [Keycodes.KEY_KP_PERIOD, Keycodes.KEY_PERIOD]:
            self.text += '.'
            return True

        if self.allow_space and key == Keycodes.KEY_SPACE and self.can_input_more():
            self.text += ' '
            return True

        return super(TextBox, self).handle_key(key)

    def has_text(self):

        return self.text and len(self.text) > 0
class CheckBox(FocusableWidget):
    A CheckBox with an associated label.

    text = None
    panel = None
    label = None
    glyph = None
    checked = False

    def __init__(self, display, page, label):
        super(CheckBox, self).__init__(display, page)

        self.text = label
        self.label = TextBlock(display, page, label)
        self.glyph = CheckBoxGlyph(display, page)

        self.panel = StackPanel(display, page, is_horizontal=True)
        self.panel.center_align = True
        self.panel.children = [self.label, self.glyph]

    def arrange(self):

        self.desired_size = self.panel.arrange()

        return super(CheckBox, self).arrange()

    def render(self):
        Renders the checkbox with its current state
        :return: The rectangle of the checkbox

        # Pass along our values to the children
        self.label.text = self.text
        self.glyph.checked = self.checked

        # Render the panel's contents

        return self.set_dimensions_from(self.panel)

    def got_focus(self):
        Occurs when the control gets focus
        self.label.is_highlighted = True
        self.glyph.render_focus = True
        super(CheckBox, self).got_focus()

    def lost_focus(self):
        Occurs when the control loses focus
        self.label.is_highlighted = False
        self.glyph.render_focus = False
        super(CheckBox, self).lost_focus()

    def handle_key(self, key):
        Handles a keypress
        :param key: The keycode
        :returns: True if the event was handled; otherwise False

        if is_enter_key(key) or key == Keycodes.KEY_SPACE:

            if self.checked:
                self.checked = False
                self.checked = True


            return True

            return super(CheckBox, self).handle_key(key)