class BDTHelpers(object): """ Functions to train a binary class BDT for signal/background separation :param data_obj: instance of ROOTHelpers class. containing Dataframes for simulated signal, simulated background, and possibly data :type data_obj: ROOTHelpers :param train_vars: list of variables to train the BDT with :type train_vars: list :param train_frac: fraction of events to train the network. Test on 1-train_frac :type train_frac: float :param eq_train: whether to train with the sum of signal weights scaled equal to the sum of background weights :type eq_train: bool """ def __init__(self, data_obj, train_vars, train_frac, eq_train=True): self.data_obj = data_obj self.train_vars = train_vars self.train_frac = train_frac self.eq_train = eq_train self.X_train = None self.y_train = None self.train_weights = None self.train_weights_eq = None self.y_pred_train = None self.proc_arr_train = None self.X_test = None self.y_test = None self.test_weights = None self.y_pred_test = None self.proc_arr_test = None #attributes for the hp optmisation and cross validation self.clf = xgb.XGBClassifier(objective='binary:logistic', n_estimators=100, eta=0.05, maxDepth=4, min_child_weight=0.01, subsample=0.6, colsample_bytree=0.6, gamma=1) self.hp_grid_rnge = { 'learning_rate': [0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3], 'max_depth': [x for x in range(3, 10)], #'min_child_weight':[x for x in range(0,3)], #FIXME: probs not appropriate range for a small sumw! 'gamma': np.linspace(0, 5, 6).tolist(), 'subsample': [0.5, 0.8, 1.0], 'n_estimators': [200, 300, 400, 500] } self.X_folds_train = [] self.y_folds_train = [] self.X_folds_validate = [] self.y_folds_validate = [] self.w_folds_train = [] self.w_folds_train_eq = [] self.w_folds_validate = [] self.validation_rocs = [] #attributes for plotting. self.plotter = Plotter(data_obj, train_vars) self.sig_procs = np.unique(data_obj.mc_df_sig['proc']).tolist() self.bkg_procs = np.unique(data_obj.mc_df_bkg['proc']).tolist() del data_obj def create_X_and_y(self, mass_res_reweight=True): """ Create X train/test and y train/test Arguments --------- mass_res_reweight: bool re-weight signal events by 1/sigma(m_ee), in training only. """ mc_df_sig = self.data_obj.mc_df_sig mc_df_bkg = self.data_obj.mc_df_bkg #add y_target label mc_df_sig['y'] = np.ones(self.data_obj.mc_df_sig.shape[0]).tolist() mc_df_bkg['y'] = np.zeros(self.data_obj.mc_df_bkg.shape[0]).tolist() if self.eq_train: if mass_res_reweight: #be careful not to change the real weight variable, or test scores will be invalid mc_df_sig['MoM_weight'] = (mc_df_sig['weight']) * ( 1. / mc_df_sig['dielectronSigmaMoM']) b_to_s_ratio = np.sum(mc_df_bkg['weight'].values) / np.sum( mc_df_sig['MoM_weight'].values) mc_df_sig['eq_weight'] = (mc_df_sig['MoM_weight']) * ( b_to_s_ratio) else: b_to_s_ratio = np.sum(mc_df_bkg['weight'].values) / np.sum( mc_df_sig['weight'].values) mc_df_sig['eq_weight'] = (mc_df_sig['weight']) * (b_to_s_ratio) mc_df_bkg['eq_weight'] = mc_df_bkg['weight'] Z_tot = pd.concat([mc_df_sig, mc_df_bkg], ignore_index=True) X_train, X_test, train_w, test_w, train_w_eqw, test_w_eqw, y_train, y_test, proc_arr_train, proc_arr_test = train_test_split( Z_tot[self.train_vars], Z_tot['weight'], Z_tot['eq_weight'], Z_tot['y'], Z_tot['proc'], train_size=self.train_frac, #test_size=1-self.train_frac, shuffle=True, random_state=1357) #NB: will never test/evaluate with equalised weights. This is explicitly why we set another train weight attribute, # because for overtraining we need to evaluate on the train set (and hence need nominal MC train weights) self.train_weights_eq = train_w_eqw.values elif mass_res_reweight: mc_df_sig['MoM_weight'] = (mc_df_sig['weight']) * ( 1. / mc_df_sig['dielectronSigmaMoM']) Z_tot = pd.concat([mc_df_sig, mc_df_bkg], ignore_index=True) X_train, X_test, train_w, test_w, train_w_eqw, test_w_eqw, y_train, y_test, proc_arr_train, proc_arr_test = train_test_split( Z_tot[self.train_vars], Z_tot['weight'], Z_tot['MoM_weight'], Z_tot['y'], Z_tot['proc'], train_size=self.train_frac, #test_size=1-self.train_frac, shuffle=True, random_state=1357) self.train_weights_eq = train_w_eqw.values self.eq_train = True #use alternate weight in training. could probs rename this to something better else: print('not applying any reweighting...') Z_tot = pd.concat([mc_df_sig, mc_df_bkg], ignore_index=True) X_train, X_test, train_w, test_w, y_train, y_test, proc_arr_train, proc_arr_test = train_test_split( Z_tot[self.train_vars], Z_tot['weight'], Z_tot['y'], Z_tot['proc'], train_size=self.train_frac, #test_size=1-self.train_frac, shuffle=True, random_state=1357) self.X_train = X_train.values self.y_train = y_train.values self.train_weights = train_w.values self.proc_arr_train = proc_arr_train self.X_test = X_test.values self.y_test = y_test.values self.test_weights = test_w.values self.proc_arr_test = proc_arr_test self.X_data_train, self.X_data_test = train_test_split( self.data_obj.data_df[self.train_vars], train_size=self.train_frac, test_size=1 - self.train_frac, shuffle=True, random_state=1357) def create_X_and_y_three_class(self, third_class, mass_res_reweight=True): """ Create X train/test and y train/test for three class BDR Arguments --------- mass_res_reweight: bool re-weight signal events by 1/sigma(m_ee), in training only. third_class: str name third bkg class for the classifier. Remaining classes: 1) all other bkgs, 2) signal """ mc_df_sig = self.data_obj.mc_df_sig mc_df_bkg = self.data_obj.mc_df_bkg #add y_target label bkg_procs_key = [0, 1] bkg_procs_mask = [] bkg_procs_mask.append(mc_df_bkg['proc'].ne(third_class)) bkg_procs_mask.append(mc_df_bkg['proc'].eq(third_class)) mc_df_bkg['y'] =, bkg_procs_key) mc_df_sig['y'] = np.full(self.data_obj.mc_df_sig.shape[0], 2).tolist() if self.eq_train: if mass_res_reweight: #be careful not to change the real weight variable, or test scores will be invalid mc_df_sig['MoM_weight'] = (mc_df_sig['weight']) * ( 1. / mc_df_sig['dielectronSigmaMoM']) bkg_sumw = np.sum(mc_df_bkg[mc_df_bkg.y == 0]['weight'].values) third_class_sumw = np.sum( mc_df_bkg[mc_df_bkg.y == 1]['weight'].values) sig_sumw = np.sum(mc_df_sig['MoM_weight'].values) mc_df_sig['eq_weight'] = (mc_df_sig['MoM_weight']) * ( bkg_sumw / sig_sumw) mc_df_bkg.loc[mc_df_bkg.y == 1, 'weight'] = mc_df_bkg.loc[ mc_df_bkg.y == 1, 'weight'] * (bkg_sumw / third_class_sumw) else: #b_to_s_ratio = np.sum(mc_df_bkg['weight'].values)/np.sum(mc_df_sig['weight'].values) #mc_df_sig['eq_weight'] = (mc_df_sig['weight']) * (b_to_s_ratio) bkg_sumw = np.sum(mc_df_bkg[mc_df_bkg.y == 0]['weight'].values) third_class_sumw = np.sum( mc_df_bkg[mc_df_bkg.y == 1]['weight'].values) sig_sumw = np.sum(mc_df_sig['weight'].values) mc_df_sig['eq_weight'] = (mc_df_sig['weight']) * (bkg_sumw / sig_sumw) mc_df_bkg.loc[mc_df_bkg.y == 1, 'weight'] = mc_df_bkg.loc[ mc_df_bkg.y == 1, 'weight'] * (bkg_sumw / third_class_sumw) mc_df_bkg['eq_weight'] = mc_df_bkg['weight'] Z_tot = pd.concat([mc_df_sig, mc_df_bkg], ignore_index=True) X_train, X_test, train_w, test_w, train_w_eqw, test_w_eqw, y_train, y_test, proc_arr_train, proc_arr_test = train_test_split( Z_tot[self.train_vars], Z_tot['weight'], Z_tot['eq_weight'], Z_tot['y'], Z_tot['proc'], train_size=self.train_frac, #test_size=1-self.train_frac, shuffle=True, random_state=1357) #NB: will never test/evaluate with equalised weights. This is explicitly why we set another train weight attribute, # because for overtraining we need to evaluate on the train set (and hence need nominal MC train weights) self.train_weights_eq = train_w_eqw.values elif mass_res_reweight: mc_df_sig['MoM_weight'] = (mc_df_sig['weight']) * ( 1. / mc_df_sig['dielectronSigmaMoM']) Z_tot = pd.concat([mc_df_sig, mc_df_bkg], ignore_index=True) X_train, X_test, train_w, test_w, train_w_eqw, test_w_eqw, y_train, y_test, proc_arr_train, proc_arr_test = train_test_split( Z_tot[self.train_vars], Z_tot['weight'], Z_tot['MoM_weight'], Z_tot['y'], Z_tot['proc'], train_size=self.train_frac, #test_size=1-self.train_frac, shuffle=True, random_state=1357) self.train_weights_eq = train_w_eqw.values self.eq_train = True #use alternate weight in training. could probs rename this to something better else: print('not applying any reweighting...') Z_tot = pd.concat([mc_df_sig, mc_df_bkg], ignore_index=True) X_train, X_test, train_w, test_w, y_train, y_test, proc_arr_train, proc_arr_test = train_test_split( Z_tot[self.train_vars], Z_tot['weight'], Z_tot['y'], Z_tot['proc'], train_size=self.train_frac, #test_size=1-self.train_frac, shuffle=True, random_state=1357) self.X_train = X_train.values self.y_train = y_train.values self.train_weights = train_w.values self.proc_arr_train = proc_arr_train self.X_test = X_test.values self.y_test = y_test.values self.test_weights = test_w.values self.proc_arr_test = proc_arr_test self.X_data_train, self.X_data_test = train_test_split( self.data_obj.data_df[self.train_vars], train_size=self.train_frac, test_size=1 - self.train_frac, shuffle=True, random_state=1357) def train_classifier(self, file_path, save=False, model_name='my_model'): """ Train the BDT and save the resulting classifier Arguments --------- file_path: string base file path used when saving model save: bool option to save the classifier model_name: string name of the model to be saved """ if self.eq_train: train_weights = self.train_weights_eq else: train_weights = self.train_weights print('Training classifier... ') clf =, self.y_train, sample_weight=train_weights) print('Finished Training classifier!') self.clf = clf Utils.check_dir(os.getcwd() + '/models') if save: pickle.dump( clf, open("{}/models/{}.pickle.dat".format(os.getcwd(), model_name), "wb")) print("Saved classifier as: {}/models/{}.pickle.dat".format( os.getcwd(), model_name)) def batch_gs_cv(self, k_folds=3, pt_rew=False): """ Submit a sets of hyperparameters permutations (based on attribute hp_grid_rnge) to the IC batch. Perform k-fold cross validation; take care to separate training weights, which may be modified w.r.t nominal weights, and the weights used when evaluating on the validation set which should be the nominal weights Arguments --------- k_folds: int number of folds that the training+validation set are partitioned into """ #get all possible HP sets from permutations of the above dict hp_perms = self.get_hp_perms() #submit job to the batch for the given HP range: for hp_string in hp_perms: Utils.sub_hp_script(self.eq_train, hp_string, k_folds, pt_rew) def get_hp_perms(self): """ Return a list of all possible hyper parameter combinations (permutation template set in constructor) in format 'hp1:val1,hp2:val2, ...' Returns ------- final_hps: all possible combinaions of hyper parameters given in self.hp_grid_rnge """ from itertools import product hp_perms = [ perm for perm in apply(product, self.hp_grid_rnge.values()) ] final_hps = [] counter = 0 for hp_perm in hp_perms: l_entry = '' for hp_name, hp_value in zip(self.hp_grid_rnge.keys(), hp_perm): l_entry += '{}:{},'.format(hp_name, hp_value) counter += 1 if (counter % len(self.hp_grid_rnge.keys())) == 0: final_hps.append(l_entry[:-1]) return final_hps def set_hyper_parameters(self, hp_string): """ Set a given set hyper-parameters for the classifier. Append the resulting classifier as a class attribute Arguments -------- hp_string: string string of hyper-parameter values, with format 'hp1:val1,hp2:val2, ...' """ hp_dict = {} for params in hp_string.split(','): hp_name = params.split(':')[0] hp_value = params.split(':')[1] try: hp_value = int(hp_value) except ValueError: hp_value = float(hp_value) hp_dict[hp_name] = hp_value self.clf = xgb.XGBClassifier(**hp_dict) def set_k_folds(self, k_folds): """ Partition the X and Y matrix into folds = k_folds, and append to list (X and y separate) attribute for the class, from the training samples (i.e. X_train -> X_train + X_validate, and same for y and w) Used in conjunction with the get_i_fold function to pull one fold out for training+validating Note that validation weights should always be the nominal MC weights Arguments -------- k_folds: int number of folds that the training+validation set are partitioned into """ kf = KFold(n_splits=k_folds) for train_index, valid_index in kf.split(self.X_train): self.X_folds_train.append(self.X_train[train_index]) self.X_folds_validate.append(self.X_train[valid_index]) self.y_folds_train.append(self.y_train[train_index]) self.y_folds_validate.append(self.y_train[valid_index]) #deal with two possible train weight scenarios self.w_folds_train.append(self.train_weights[train_index]) if self.eq_train: self.w_folds_train_eq.append( self.train_weights_eq[train_index]) self.w_folds_validate.append(self.train_weights[valid_index]) def set_i_fold(self, i_fold): """ Gets the training and validation fold for a given CV iteration from class attribute, and overwrites the self.X_train, self.y_train and self.X_train, self.y_train respectively, and the weights, to train Note that for these purposes, our "test" sets are really the "validation" sets Arguments -------- i_folds: int the index describing the train+validate datasets """ self.X_train = self.X_folds_train[i_fold] self.train_weights = self.w_folds_train[ i_fold] #nominal MC weights needed for computing roc on train set (overtraining test) if self.eq_train: self.train_weights_eq = self.w_folds_train_eq[i_fold] self.y_train = self.y_folds_train[i_fold] self.X_test = self.X_folds_validate[i_fold] self.y_test = self.y_folds_validate[i_fold] self.test_weights = self.w_folds_validate[i_fold] def compare_rocs(self, roc_file, hp_string): """ Compare the AUC for the current model, to the current best AUC saved in a .txt file Arguments --------- roc_file: string path for the file holding the current best AUC (as the final line) hp_string: string string contraining each hyper_paramter for the network, with the following syntax: 'hp_1_name:hp_1_value, hp_2_name:hp_2_value, ...' """ hp_roc = roc_file.readlines() avg_val_auc = np.average(self.validation_rocs) print('avg. validation roc is: {}'.format(avg_val_auc)) if len(hp_roc) == 0: roc_file.write('{};{:.4f}'.format(hp_string, avg_val_auc)) elif float(hp_roc[-1].split(';')[-1]) < avg_val_auc: roc_file.write('\n') roc_file.write('{};{:.4f}'.format(hp_string, avg_val_auc)) def compute_roc(self): """ Compute the area under the associated ROC curve, with mc weights. Also compute with blinded data as bkg Returns ------- roc_auc_score: float area under the roc curve evluated on test set """ self.y_pred_train = self.clf.predict_proba(self.X_train)[:, 1:] print('Area under ROC curve for train set is: {:.4f}'.format( roc_auc_score(self.y_train, self.y_pred_train, sample_weight=self.train_weights))) self.y_pred_test = self.clf.predict_proba(self.X_test)[:, 1:] print('Area under ROC curve for test set is: {:.4f}'.format( roc_auc_score(self.y_test, self.y_pred_test, sample_weight=self.test_weights))) #get auc for bkg->data sig_y_pred_test = self.y_pred_test[self.y_test == 1] sig_weights_test = self.test_weights[self.y_test == 1] sig_y_true_test = self.y_test[self.y_test == 1] data_weights_test = np.ones(self.X_data_test.values.shape[0]) data_y_true_test = np.zeros(self.X_data_test.values.shape[0]) data_y_pred_test = self.clf.predict_proba(self.X_data_test.values)[:, 1:] print('Area under ROC curve with data as bkg is: {:.4f}'.format( roc_auc_score(np.concatenate((sig_y_true_test, data_y_true_test), axis=None), np.concatenate((sig_y_pred_test, data_y_pred_test), axis=None), sample_weight=np.concatenate( (sig_weights_test, data_weights_test), axis=None)))) return roc_auc_score(self.y_test, self.y_pred_test, sample_weight=self.test_weights) def compute_roc_three_class(self, third_class): """ Compute the area under the associated ROC curves for three class problem, with mc weights. Also compute with blinded data as bkg """ self.y_pred_train = self.clf.predict_proba(self.X_train) self.y_pred_test = self.clf.predict_proba(self.X_test) sig_y_train = np.where(self.y_train == 2, 1, 0) sig_y_test = np.where(self.y_test == 2, 1, 0) bkg_y_train = np.where(self.y_train > 0, 0, 1) bkg_y_test = np.where(self.y_test > 0, 0, 1) third_class_y_train = np.where(self.y_train == 1, 1, 0) third_class_y_test = np.where(self.y_test == 1, 1, 0) print('area under roc curve for training set (sig vs rest) = %1.3f' % (roc_auc_score(sig_y_train, self.y_pred_train[:, 2], sample_weight=self.train_weights))) print('area under roc curve for test set = %1.3f \n' % (roc_auc_score(sig_y_test, self.y_pred_test[:, 2], sample_weight=self.test_weights))) print('area under roc curve for training set (bkg vs rest) = %1.3f' % (roc_auc_score(bkg_y_train, self.y_pred_train[:, 0], sample_weight=self.train_weights))) print('area under roc curve for test set = %1.3f \n' % (roc_auc_score(bkg_y_test, self.y_pred_test[:, 0], sample_weight=self.test_weights))) print( 'area under roc curve for training set (third class vs rest) = %1.3f' % (roc_auc_score(third_class_y_train, self.y_pred_train[:, 1], sample_weight=self.train_weights))) print('area under roc curve for test set = %1.3f' % (roc_auc_score(third_class_y_test, self.y_pred_test[:, 1], sample_weight=self.test_weights))) #get auc for bkg->data #sig_y_pred_test = self.y_pred_test[self.y_test==1] #sig_weights_test = self.test_weights[self.y_test==1] #sig_y_true_test = self.y_test[self.y_test==1] #data_weights_test = np.ones(self.X_data_test.values.shape[0]) #data_y_true_test = np.zeros(self.X_data_test.values.shape[0]) #data_y_pred_test = self.clf.predict_proba(self.X_data_test.values)[:,1:] #print 'Area under ROC curve with data as bkg is: {:.4f}'.format(roc_auc_score( np.concatenate((sig_y_true_test, data_y_true_test), axis=None), # np.concatenate((sig_y_pred_test, data_y_pred_test), axis=None), # sample_weight=np.concatenate((sig_weights_test, data_weights_test), axis=None) # ) # ) def plot_roc(self, out_tag): """ Method to plot the roc curve, using method from Plotter() class """ roc_fig = self.plotter.plot_roc(self.y_train, self.y_pred_train, self.train_weights, self.y_test, self.y_pred_test, self.test_weights, out_tag=out_tag) Utils.check_dir('{}/plotting/plots/{}'.format(os.getcwd(), out_tag)) roc_fig.savefig('{0}/plotting/plots/{1}/{1}_ROC_curve.pdf'.format( os.getcwd(), out_tag)) print('saving: {0}/plotting/plots/{1}/{1}_ROC_curve.pdf'.format( os.getcwd(), out_tag)) plt.close() def plot_output_score(self, out_tag, ratio_plot=False, norm_to_data=False, log=False): """ Plot the output score for the classifier, for signal, background, and data Arguments --------- out_tag: string output tag used as part of the image name, when saving ratio_plot: bool whether to plot the ratio between simulated background and data norm_to_data: bool whether to normalise the integral of the simulated background, to the integral in data """ output_score_fig = self.plotter.plot_output_score( self.y_test, self.y_pred_test, self.test_weights, self.proc_arr_test, self.clf.predict_proba(self.X_data_test.values)[:, 1:], ratio_plot=ratio_plot, norm_to_data=norm_to_data, log=log) Utils.check_dir('{}/plotting/plots/{}'.format(os.getcwd(), out_tag)) output_score_fig.savefig( '{0}/plotting/plots/{1}/{1}_output_score.pdf'.format( os.getcwd(), out_tag)) print('saving: {0}/plotting/plots/{1}/{1}_output_score.pdf'.format( os.getcwd(), out_tag)) plt.close() def plot_output_score_three_class(self, out_tag, ratio_plot=False, norm_to_data=False, log=False, third_class=''): """ Plot the output score for the classifier, for signal, background, and data Arguments --------- out_tag: string output tag used as part of the image name, when saving ratio_plot: bool whether to plot the ratio between simulated background and data norm_to_data: bool whether to normalise the integral of the simulated background, to the integral in data """ #class_id = {'Background':0, 'Third_Class':1 ,'Signal':2} class_id = {'Other_backgrounds': 0, 'VBF_Z': 1, 'VBF_Signal': 2} for clf_class, _id in class_id.iteritems(): #plot all processes for each predicted class y_pred_test = self.y_pred_test[:, _id] output_score_fig = self.plotter.plot_output_score_three_class( self.y_test, y_pred_test, self.test_weights, norm_to_data=norm_to_data, log=log, clf_class=clf_class) Utils.check_dir('{}/plotting/plots/{}'.format( os.getcwd(), out_tag)) output_score_fig.savefig( '{0}/plotting/plots/{1}/{1}_output_score_clf_class_{2}.pdf'. format(os.getcwd(), out_tag, clf_class)) print( 'saving: {0}/plotting/plots/{1}/{1}_output_score_clf_class_{2}.pdf' .format(os.getcwd(), out_tag, clf_class)) plt.close()
class LSTM_DNN(object): """ Class for training a DNN that uses LSTM and fully connected layers :param data_obj: instance of ROOTHelpers class. containing Dataframes for simulated signal, simulated background, and possibly data :type data_obj: ROOTHelpers :param low_level_vars: 2d list of low-level objects used as inputs to LSTM network layers :type low_level_vars: list :param high_level_vars: 1d list of high-level objects used as inputs to fully connected network layers :type high_level_vars: list :param train_frac: fraction of events to train the network. Test on 1-train_frac :type train_frac: float :param eq_weights: whether to train with the sum of signal weights scaled equal to the sum of background weights :type eq_weights: bool :param batch_boost: option to increase batch size based on ROC improvement. Needed for submitting to IC computing batch in hyper-parameter optimisation :type batch_boost: bool """ def __init__(self, data_obj, low_level_vars, high_level_vars, train_frac, eq_weights=True, batch_boost=False): self.data_obj = data_obj self.low_level_vars = low_level_vars self.low_level_vars_flat = [ var for sublist in low_level_vars for var in sublist ] self.high_level_vars = high_level_vars self.train_frac = train_frac self.batch_boost = batch_boost #needed for HP opt self.eq_train = eq_weights self.max_epochs = 100 self.X_tot = None self.y_tot = None self.X_train_low_level = None self.X_train_high_level = None self.y_train = None self.train_weights = None self.train_eqw = None self.proc_arr_train = None self.y_pred_train = None self.X_test_low_level = None self.X_test_high_level = None self.y_test = None self.test_weights = None self.proc_arr_test = None self.y_pred_test = None self.X_train_low_level = None self.X_valid_low_level = None self.y_valid = None self.valid_weights = None self.X_data_train_low_level = None self.X_data_train_high_level = None self.X_data_test_low_level = None self.X_data_test_high_level = None # high complex #self.set_model(n_lstm_layers=3, n_lstm_nodes=150, n_dense_1=2, n_nodes_dense_1=300, # n_dense_2=3, n_nodes_dense_2=200, dropout_rate=0.3, # learning_rate=0.001, batch_norm=True, batch_momentum=0.99) # med complex self.set_model(n_lstm_layers=2, n_lstm_nodes=50, n_dense_1=2, n_nodes_dense_1=50, n_dense_2=2, n_nodes_dense_2=20, dropout_rate=0.25, learning_rate=0.001, batch_norm=True, batch_momentum=0.99) #ggH model that learns the m_ee #self.set_model(n_lstm_layers=3, n_lstm_nodes=50, n_dense_1=3, n_nodes_dense_1=150, # n_dense_2=2, n_nodes_dense_2=100, dropout_rate=0.1, # learning_rate=0.001, batch_norm=True, batch_momentum=0.99) #self.set_model(n_lstm_layers=2, n_lstm_nodes=50, n_dense_1=2, n_nodes_dense_1=100, # n_dense_2=1, n_nodes_dense_2=50, dropout_rate=0.25, # learning_rate=0.001, batch_norm=True, batch_momentum=0.99) # simple #self.set_model(n_lstm_layers=1, n_lstm_nodes=20, n_dense_1=2, n_nodes_dense_1=20, # n_dense_2=1, n_nodes_dense_2=10, dropout_rate=0.2, # learning_rate=0.001, batch_norm=False, batch_momentum=0.99) #self.hp_grid_rnge = {'n_lstm_layers': [1,2,3], 'n_lstm_nodes':[100,150,200], # 'n_dense_1':[1,2,3], 'n_nodes_dense_1':[100,200,300], # 'n_dense_2':[1,2,3,4], 'n_nodes_dense_2':[100,200,300], # 'dropout_rate':[0.1,0.2,0.3] # } self.hp_grid_rnge = { 'n_lstm_layers': [1, 2, 3], 'n_lstm_nodes': [50, 100, 150], 'n_dense_1': [1, 2, 3], 'n_nodes_dense_1': [50, 100, 150], 'n_dense_2': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'n_nodes_dense_2': [50, 100, 150], 'dropout_rate': [0.1, 0.2] } #assign plotter attribute before data_obj is deleted for mem self.plotter = Plotter(data_obj, self.low_level_vars_flat + self.high_level_vars) del data_obj def var_transform(self, do_data=False): """ Apply natural log to GeV variables, unless variable value is empty. Do this for signal, background, and potentially data Note that the lead and sublead jet replacements make no difference for VBF, but in evaluating scores on ggH samples, we normally have 0J events; hence all jet varibles need replacing Arguments --------- do_data : bool whether to apply the transforms to X_train in data. Used if plotting the DNN output score distribution in data """ empty_vars = [ 'leadJetEn', 'leadJetPt', 'leadJetPhi', 'leadJetEta', 'leadJetQGL', 'subleadJetEn', 'subleadJetPt', 'subleadJetPhi', 'subleadJetEta', 'subleadJetQGL', 'subsubleadJetEn', 'subsubleadJetPt', 'subsubleadJetPhi', 'subsubleadJetEta', 'subsubleadJetQGL', 'dijetMinDRJetEle', 'dijetDieleAbsDEta', 'dijetDieleAbsDPhiTrunc', 'dijetCentrality', 'dijetMass', 'dijetAbsDEta', 'dijetDPhi' ] replacement_value = -10 for empty_var in empty_vars: self.data_obj.mc_df_sig[empty_var] = self.data_obj.mc_df_sig[ empty_var].replace(-999., replacement_value) self.data_obj.mc_df_bkg[empty_var] = self.data_obj.mc_df_bkg[ empty_var].replace(-999., replacement_value) if do_data: self.data_obj.data_df[empty_var] = self.data_obj.data_df[ empty_var].replace(-999., replacement_value) #print self.data_obj.mc_df_sig[empty_vars] #print np.isnan(self.data_obj.mc_df_sig[empty_vars]).any() for var in gev_vars: if var in (self.low_level_vars_flat + self.high_level_vars): self.data_obj.mc_df_sig[var] = self.data_obj.mc_df_sig.apply( self.var_transform_helper, axis=1, args=[var, replacement_value]) self.data_obj.mc_df_bkg[var] = self.data_obj.mc_df_bkg.apply( self.var_transform_helper, axis=1, args=[var, replacement_value]) if do_data: self.data_obj.data_df[var] = self.data_obj.data_df.apply( self.var_transform_helper, axis=1, args=[var, replacement_value]) #print np.isnan(self.data_obj.mc_df_sig[empty_vars]).any() def var_transform_helper(self, row, var, replacement_value): """ Helper function to decide whether to transform variable. Arguments --------- row : pandas Series pandas series object for yielded by pandas apply(). Contains per event information var : string name of the variable we are considering for transform """ if row[var] == replacement_value: return row[var] else: return np.log(row[var]) def create_X_y(self, mass_res_reweight=True): """ Create X and y matrices to be used later for training and testing. Arguments --------- mass_res_reweight: bool re-weight signal events by 1/sigma(m_ee), in training only. Currently only implemented if also equalising weights, Returns -------- X_tot: pandas dataframe of both low-level and high-level featues. Low-level features are returned as 1D columns. y_tot: numpy ndarray of the target column (1 for signal, 0 for background) """ if self.eq_train: if mass_res_reweight: self.data_obj.mc_df_sig['MoM_weight'] = ( self.data_obj.mc_df_sig['weight']) * ( 1. / self.data_obj.mc_df_sig['dielectronSigmaMoM']) b_to_s_ratio = np.sum( self.data_obj.mc_df_bkg['weight'].values) / np.sum( self.data_obj.mc_df_sig['MoM_weight'].values) self.data_obj.mc_df_sig['eq_weight'] = ( self.data_obj.mc_df_sig['MoM_weight']) * (b_to_s_ratio) else: b_to_s_ratio = np.sum( self.data_obj.mc_df_bkg['weight'].values) / np.sum( self.data_obj.mc_df_sig['weight'].values) self.data_obj.mc_df_sig['eq_weight'] = self.data_obj.mc_df_sig[ 'weight'] * b_to_s_ratio self.data_obj.mc_df_bkg['eq_weight'] = self.data_obj.mc_df_bkg[ 'weight'] self.data_obj.mc_df_sig.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) self.data_obj.mc_df_bkg.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) X_tot = pd.concat([self.data_obj.mc_df_sig, self.data_obj.mc_df_bkg], ignore_index=True) #add y_target label (1 for signal, 0 for background). Keep separate from X-train until after Z-scaling y_sig = np.ones(self.data_obj.mc_df_sig.shape[0]) y_bkg = np.zeros(self.data_obj.mc_df_bkg.shape[0]) y_tot = np.concatenate((y_sig, y_bkg)) return X_tot, y_tot def split_X_y(self, X_tot, y_tot, do_data=False): """ Split X and y matrices into a set for training the LSTM, and testing set to evaluate model performance Arguments --------- X_tot: pandas Dataframe pandas dataframe of both low-level and high-level featues. Low-level features are returned as 1D columns. y_tot: numpy ndarray numpy ndarray of the target column (1 for signal, 0 for background) do_data : bool whether to form a test (and train) dataset in data, to use for plotting """ if not self.eq_train: self.all_vars_X_train, self.all_vars_X_test, self.train_weights, self.test_weights, self.y_train, self.y_test, self.proc_arr_train, self.proc_arr_test = train_test_split( X_tot[self.low_level_vars_flat + self.high_level_vars], X_tot['weight'], y_tot, X_tot['proc'], train_size=self.train_frac, shuffle=True, random_state=1357) else: self.all_vars_X_train, self.all_vars_X_test, self.train_weights, self.test_weights, self.train_eqw, self.test_eqw, self.y_train, self.y_test, self.proc_arr_train, self.proc_arr_test = train_test_split( X_tot[self.low_level_vars_flat + self.high_level_vars], X_tot['weight'], X_tot['eq_weight'], y_tot, X_tot['proc'], train_size=self.train_frac, shuffle=True, random_state=1357) self.train_weights_eq = self.train_eqw.values if do_data: #for plotting purposes self.all_X_data_train, self.all_X_data_test = train_test_split( self.data_obj.data_df[self.low_level_vars_flat + self.high_level_vars], train_size=self.train_frac, shuffle=True, random_state=1357) def get_X_scaler(self, X_train, out_tag='lstm_scaler', save=True): """ Derive transform on X features to give to zero mean and unit std. Derive on train set. Save for use later Arguments --------- X_train : Dataframe/ndarray training matrix on which to derive the transform out_tag : string output tag from the configuration file for the wrapper script e.g. LSTM_DNN """ X_scaler = StandardScaler() self.X_scaler = X_scaler if save: print('saving X scaler: models/{}_X_scaler.pkl'.format(out_tag)) dump(X_scaler, open('models/{}_X_scaler.pkl'.format(out_tag), 'wb')) def load_X_scaler(self, out_tag='lstm_scaler'): """ Load X feature scaler, where the transform has been derived from training sample Arguments --------- out_tag : string output tag from the configuration file for the wrapper script e.g. LSTM_DNN """ print('loading X scaler: models/{}_X_scaler.pkl'.format(out_tag)) self.X_scaler = load( open('models/{}_X_scaler.pkl'.format(out_tag), 'rb')) def X_scale_train_test(self, do_data=False): """ Scale train and test X matrices to give zero mean and unit std. Annoying conversions between numpy <-> pandas but necessary for keeping feature names Arguments --------- do_data : bool whether to scale test (and train) dataset in data, to use for plotting """ X_scaled_all_vars_train = self.X_scaler.transform( self.all_vars_X_train ) #returns np array so need to re-cast into pandas to get colums/variables X_scaled_all_vars_train = pd.DataFrame( X_scaled_all_vars_train, columns=self.low_level_vars_flat + self.high_level_vars) self.X_train_low_level = X_scaled_all_vars_train[ self. low_level_vars_flat].values #will get changed to 2D arrays later self.X_train_high_level = X_scaled_all_vars_train[ self.high_level_vars].values X_scaled_all_vars_test = self.X_scaler.transform( self.all_vars_X_test) #important to use scaler tuned on X train X_scaled_all_vars_test = pd.DataFrame( X_scaled_all_vars_test, columns=self.low_level_vars_flat + self.high_level_vars) self.X_test_low_level = X_scaled_all_vars_test[ self. low_level_vars_flat].values #will get changed to 2D arrays later self.X_test_high_level = X_scaled_all_vars_test[ self.high_level_vars].values if do_data: #for plotting purposes X_scaled_data_all_vars_train = self.X_scaler.transform( self.all_X_data_train) X_scaled_data_all_vars_train = pd.DataFrame( X_scaled_data_all_vars_train, columns=self.low_level_vars_flat + self.high_level_vars) self.X_data_train_high_level = X_scaled_data_all_vars_train[ self.high_level_vars].values self.X_data_train_low_level = X_scaled_data_all_vars_train[ self.low_level_vars_flat].values X_scaled_data_all_vars_test = self.X_scaler.transform( self.all_X_data_test) X_scaled_data_all_vars_test = pd.DataFrame( X_scaled_data_all_vars_test, columns=self.low_level_vars_flat + self.high_level_vars) self.X_data_test_high_level = X_scaled_data_all_vars_test[ self.high_level_vars].values self.X_data_test_low_level = X_scaled_data_all_vars_test[ self.low_level_vars_flat].values def set_low_level_2D_test_train(self, do_data=False, ignore_train=False): """ Transform the 1D low-level variables into 2D variables, and overwrite corresponding class atributes Arguments --------- do_data : bool whether to scale test (and train) dataset in data, to use for plotting ignore_train: bool do not join 2D train objects. Useful if we want to keep low level as a 1D array when splitting train --> train+validate, since we want to do a 2D transform on 1D sequence on the rseulting train and validation sets. """ if not ignore_train: self.X_train_low_level = self.join_objects(self.X_train_low_level) self.X_test_low_level = self.join_objects(self.X_test_low_level) if do_data: self.X_data_train_low_level = self.join_objects( self.X_data_train_low_level) self.X_data_test_low_level = self.join_objects( self.X_data_test_low_level) def create_train_valid_set(self): """ Partition the X and y training matrix into a train + validation set (i.e. X_train -> X_train + X_validate, and same for y and w) This also means turning ordinary arrays into 2D arrays, which we should be careful to keep as 1D arrays earlier Note that validation weights should always be the nominal MC weights """ if not self.eq_train: X_train_high_level, X_valid_high_level, X_train_low_level, X_valid_low_level, train_w, valid_w, y_train, y_valid = train_test_split( self.X_train_high_level, self.X_train_low_level, self.train_weights, self.y_train, train_size=0.7, test_size=0.3) else: X_train_high_level, X_valid_high_level, X_train_low_level, X_valid_low_level, train_w, valid_w, w_train_eq, w_valid_eq, y_train, y_valid = train_test_split( self.X_train_high_level, self.X_train_low_level, self.train_weights, self.train_weights_eq, self.y_train, train_size=0.7, test_size=0.3) self.train_weights_eq = w_train_eq #NOTE: might need to re-equalise weights in each folds as sumW_sig != sumW_bkg anymroe! self.train_weights = train_w self.valid_weights = valid_w #validation weights should never be equalised weights! print 'creating validation dataset' self.X_train_high_level = X_train_high_level self.X_train_low_level = self.join_objects(X_train_low_level) self.X_valid_high_level = X_valid_high_level self.X_valid_low_level = self.join_objects(X_valid_low_level) print 'finished creating validation dataset' self.y_train = y_train self.y_valid = y_valid def join_objects(self, X_low_level): """ Function take take all low level objects for each event, and transform into a matrix: [ [jet1-pt, jet1-eta, ...], [jet2-pt, jet2-eta, ...], [jet3-pt, jet3-eta, ...] ]_evt1 , [ [jet1-pt, jet1-eta, ...], [jet2-pt, jet2-eta, ...], [jet3-pt, jet3-eta, ...] ]_evt2 , ... Note that the order of the low level inputs is important, and should be jet objects in descending pT Arguments --------- X_low_level: numpy ndarray array of X_features, with columns labelled in order: low-level vars to high-level vars Returns -------- numpy ndarray: 2D representation of all jets in each event, for all events in X_low_level """ print 'Creating 2D object vars...' l_to_convert = [] for index, row in pd.DataFrame( X_low_level, columns=self.low_level_vars_flat).iterrows( ): #very slow; need a better way to do this l_event = [] for i_object_list in self.low_level_vars: l_object = [] for i_var in i_object_list: l_object.append(row[i_var]) l_event.append(l_object) l_to_convert.append(l_event) print 'Finished creating train object vars' return np.array(l_to_convert, np.float32) def set_model(self, n_lstm_layers=3, n_lstm_nodes=150, n_dense_1=1, n_nodes_dense_1=300, n_dense_2=4, n_nodes_dense_2=200, dropout_rate=0.1, learning_rate=0.001, batch_norm=True, batch_momentum=0.99): """ Set hyper parameters of the network, including the general structure, learning rate, and regularisation coefficients. Resulting model is set as a class attribute, overwriting existing model. Arguments --------- n_lstm_layers : int number of lstm layers/units n_lstm_nodes : int number of nodes in each lstm layer/unit n_dense_1 : int number of dense fully connected layers n_dense_nodes_1 : int number of nodes in each dense fully connected layer n_dense_2 : int number of regular fully connected layers n_dense_nodes_2 : int number of nodes in each regular fully connected layer dropout_rate : float fraction of weights to be dropped during training, to regularise the network learning_rate: float learning rate for gradient-descent based loss minimisation batch_norm: bool option to normalise each batch before training batch_momentum : float momentum for the gradient descent, evaluated on a given batch """ input_objects = keras.layers.Input(shape=(len(self.low_level_vars), len(self.low_level_vars[0])), name='input_objects') input_global = keras.layers.Input(shape=(len(self.high_level_vars), ), name='input_global') lstm = input_objects decay = 0.2 for i_layer in range(n_lstm_layers): #lstm = keras.layers.LSTM(n_lstm_nodes, activation='tanh', kernel_regularizer=keras.regularizers.l2(decay), recurrent_regularizer=keras.regularizers.l2(decay), bias_regularizer=keras.regularizers.l2(decay), return_sequences=(i_layer!=(n_lstm_layers-1)), name='lstm_{}'.format(i_layer))(lstm) lstm = keras.layers.LSTM(n_lstm_nodes, activation='tanh', return_sequences=(i_layer != (n_lstm_layers - 1)), name='lstm_{}'.format(i_layer))(lstm) #inputs to dense layers are output of lstm and global-event variables. Also batch norm the FC layers dense = keras.layers.concatenate([input_global, lstm]) for i in range(n_dense_1): dense = keras.layers.Dense(n_nodes_dense_1, activation='relu', kernel_initializer='he_uniform', name='dense1_%d' % i)(dense) if batch_norm: dense = keras.layers.BatchNormalization( name='dense_batch_norm1_%d' % i)(dense) dense = keras.layers.Dropout(rate=dropout_rate, name='dense_dropout1_%d' % i)(dense) for i in range(n_dense_2): dense = keras.layers.Dense(n_nodes_dense_2, activation='relu', kernel_initializer='he_uniform', name='dense2_%d' % i)(dense) #add droput and norm if not on last layer if batch_norm and i < (n_dense_2 - 1): dense = keras.layers.BatchNormalization( name='dense_batch_norm2_%d' % i)(dense) if i < (n_dense_2 - 1): dense = keras.layers.Dropout(rate=dropout_rate, name='dense_dropout2_%d' % i)(dense) output = keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='output')(dense) #optimiser = keras.optimizers.Nadam(lr = learning_rate) optimiser = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=learning_rate) model = keras.models.Model(inputs=[input_global, input_objects], outputs=[output]) model.compile(optimizer=optimiser, loss='binary_crossentropy') self.model = model def train_w_batch_boost(self, out_tag='my_lstm', save=True, auc_threshold=0.01): """ Alternative method of tranining, where the batch size is increased during training, if the improvement in (1-AUC) is above some threshold. Terminate the training early if no improvement is seen after max batch size update Arguments -------- out_tag: string output tag used as part of the model name, when saving save: bool option to save the best model auc_threshold: float minimum improvement in (1-AUC) to warrant not updating the batch size. """ self.create_train_valid_set() #paramaters that control batch size best_auc = 0.5 #current_batch_size = 1024 current_batch_size = 64 #max_batch_size = 50000 max_batch_size = 50000 #keep track of epochs for plotting loss vs epoch, and for getting best model epoch_counter = 0 best_epoch = 1 keep_training = True while keep_training: epoch_counter += 1 print('beginning training iteration for epoch {}'.format( epoch_counter)) self.train_network(epochs=1, batch_size=current_batch_size) self.save_model(epoch_counter, out_tag) val_roc = self.compute_roc( batch_size=current_batch_size, valid_set=True ) #FIXME: what is the best BS here? final BS from batch boost... initial BS? current BS?? #get average of validation rocs and clear list entries improvement = ((1 - best_auc) - (1 - val_roc)) / (1 - best_auc) #FIXME: if the validation roc does not improve after n bad "epochs", then update the batch size accordingly. Rest bad epochs to zero each time the batch size increases, if it does #do checks to see if batch size needs to change etc if improvement > auc_threshold: print( 'Improvement in (1-AUC) of {:.4f} percent. Keeping batch size at {}' .format(improvement * 100, current_batch_size)) best_auc = val_roc best_epoch = epoch_counter elif current_batch_size * 4 < max_batch_size: print( 'Improvement in (1-AUC) of only {:.4f} percent. Increasing batch size to {}' .format(improvement * 100, current_batch_size * 4)) current_batch_size *= 4 if val_roc > best_auc: best_auc = val_roc best_epoch = epoch_counter elif current_batch_size < max_batch_size: print( 'Improvement in (1-AUC) of only {:.4f} percent. Increasing to max batch size of {}' .format(improvement * 100, max_batch_size)) current_batch_size = max_batch_size if val_roc > best_auc: best_auc = val_roc best_epoch = epoch_counter elif improvement > 0: print( 'Improvement in (1-AUC) of only {:.4f} percent. Cannot increase batch further' .format(improvement * 100)) best_auc = val_roc best_epoch = epoch_counter else: print( 'AUC did not improve and batch size cannot be increased further. Stopping training...' ) keep_training = False if epoch_counter > self.max_epochs: print( 'At the maximum number of training epochs ({}). Stopping training...' .format(self.max_epochs)) keep_training = False best_epoch = self.max_epochs print 'best epoch was: {}'.format(best_epoch) print 'best validation auc was: {}'.format(best_auc) self.val_roc = best_auc #delete all models that aren't from the best training. Re-load best model for predicting on test set for epoch in range(1, epoch_counter + 1): if epoch is not best_epoch: os.system('rm {}/models/{}_model_epoch_{}.hdf5'.format( os.getcwd(), out_tag, epoch)) os.system( 'rm {}/models/{}_model_architecture_epoch_{}.json'.format( os.getcwd(), out_tag, epoch)) os.system( 'mv {0}/models/{1}_model_epoch_{2}.hdf5 {0}/models/{1}_model.hdf5'. format(os.getcwd(), out_tag, best_epoch)) os.system( 'mv {0}/models/{1}_model_architecture_epoch_{2}.json {0}/models/{1}_model_architecture.json' .format(os.getcwd(), out_tag, best_epoch)) #reset model state and load in best weights with open( '{}/models/{}_model_architecture.json'.format( os.getcwd(), out_tag), 'r') as model_json: best_model_architecture = self.model = keras.models.model_from_json(best_model_architecture) self.model.load_weights('{}/models/{}_model.hdf5'.format( os.getcwd(), out_tag)) if not save: os.system('rm {}/models/{}_model_architecture.json'.format( os.getcwd(), out_tag)) os.system('rm {}/models/{}_model.hdf5'.format( os.getcwd(), out_tag)) def train_network(self, batch_size, epochs): """ Train the network over a given number of epochs Arguments --------- batch_size: int number of training samples to compute the gradient on during training epochs: int number of full passes oevr the training sample """ if self.eq_train:[self.X_train_high_level, self.X_train_low_level], self.y_train, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, sample_weight=self.train_weights_eq) else:[self.X_train_high_level, self.X_train_low_level], self.y_train, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, sample_weight=self.train_weights) def save_model(self, epoch=None, out_tag='my_lstm'): """ Save the deep learning model, training up to a given epoch Arguments: --------- epoch: int the epoch to which to model is trained up to out_tag: string output tag used as part of the model name, when saving """ Utils.check_dir('./models/') if epoch is not None: self.model.save_weights('{}/models/{}_model_epoch_{}.hdf5'.format( os.getcwd(), out_tag, epoch)) with open( "{}/models/{}_model_architecture_epoch_{}.json".format( os.getcwd(), out_tag, epoch), "w") as f_out: f_out.write(self.model.to_json()) else: self.model.save_weights('{}/models/{}_model.hdf5'.format( os.getcwd(), out_tag)) with open( "{}/models/{}_model_architecture.json".format( os.getcwd(), out_tag), "w") as f_out: f_out.write(self.model.to_json()) def compare_rocs(self, roc_file, hp_string): """ Compare the AUC for the current model, to the current best AUC saved in a .txt file Arguments --------- roc_file: string path for the file holding the current best AUC (as the final line) hp_string: string string contraining each hyper_paramter for the network, with the following syntax: 'hp_1_name:hp_1_value, hp_2_name:hp_2_value, ...' """ hp_roc = roc_file.readlines() val_auc = self.val_roc print 'validation roc is: {}'.format(val_auc) if len(hp_roc) == 0: roc_file.write('{};{:.4f}'.format(hp_string, val_auc)) elif float(hp_roc[-1].split(';')[-1]) < val_auc: roc_file.write('\n') roc_file.write('{};{:.4f}'.format(hp_string, val_auc)) def batch_gs_cv(self, pt_rew=False): """ Submit sets of hyperparameters permutations (based on attribute hp_grid_rnge) to the IC batch. Take care to separate training weights, which may be modified w.r.t nominal weights, and the weights used when evaluating on the validation set which should be the nominal weights """ #get all possible HP sets from permutations of the above dict hp_perms = self.get_hp_perms() #submit job to the batch for the given HP range: for hp_string in hp_perms: Utils.sub_lstm_hp_script(self.eq_train, self.batch_boost, hp_string, pt_rew=pt_rew) def get_hp_perms(self): """ Get all possible combinations of the hyper-parameters specified in self.hp_grid_range Returns ------- final_hps: list of all possible hyper parameter combinations in format 'hp_1_name:hp_1_value, hp_2_name:hp_2_value, ...' """ from itertools import product hp_perms = [ perm for perm in apply(product, self.hp_grid_rnge.values()) ] final_hps = [] counter = 0 for hp_perm in hp_perms: l_entry = '' for hp_name, hp_value in zip(self.hp_grid_rnge.keys(), hp_perm): l_entry += '{}:{},'.format(hp_name, hp_value) counter += 1 if (counter % len(self.hp_grid_rnge.keys())) == 0: final_hps.append(l_entry[:-1]) return final_hps def set_hyper_parameters(self, hp_string): """ Set the hyperparameters for the network, given some inut string of parameters Arguments: --------- hp_string: string string contraining each hyper_paramter for the network, with the following syntax: 'hp_1_name:hp_1_value, hp_2_name:hp_2_value, ...' """ hp_dict = {} for params in hp_string.split(','): hp_name = params.split(':')[0] hp_value = params.split(':')[1] try: hp_value = int(hp_value) except ValueError: hp_value = float(hp_value) hp_dict[hp_name] = hp_value self.set_model(**hp_dict) def compute_roc(self, batch_size=64, valid_set=False): """ Compute the area under the associated ROC curve, with usual mc weights Arguments --------- batch_size: int necessary to evaluate the network. Has no impact on the output score. valid_set: bool compute the roc score on validation set instead of than the test set Returns ------- roc_test : float return the score on the test set (or validation set if performing any model selection) """ self.y_pred_train = self.model.predict( [self.X_train_high_level, self.X_train_low_level], batch_size=batch_size).flatten() roc_train = roc_auc_score(self.y_train, self.y_pred_train, sample_weight=self.train_weights) print 'ROC train score: {}'.format(roc_train) if valid_set: self.y_pred_valid = self.model.predict( [self.X_valid_high_level, self.X_valid_low_level], batch_size=batch_size).flatten() roc_test = roc_auc_score(self.y_valid, self.y_pred_valid, sample_weight=self.valid_weights) print 'ROC valid score: {}'.format(roc_test) else: self.y_pred_test = self.model.predict( [self.X_test_high_level, self.X_test_low_level], batch_size=batch_size).flatten() roc_test = roc_auc_score(self.y_test, self.y_pred_test, sample_weight=self.test_weights) print 'ROC test score: {}'.format(roc_test) return roc_test def plot_roc(self, out_tag): """ Plot the roc curve for the classifier, using method from Plotter() class Arguments --------- out_tag: string output tag used as part of the image name, when saving """ roc_fig = self.plotter.plot_roc(self.y_train, self.y_pred_train, self.train_weights, self.y_test, self.y_pred_test, self.test_weights, out_tag=out_tag) Utils.check_dir('{}/plotting/plots/{}'.format(os.getcwd(), out_tag)) roc_fig.savefig('{0}/plotting/plots/{1}/{1}_ROC_curve.pdf'.format( os.getcwd(), out_tag)) print('saving: {0}/plotting/plots/{1}/{1}_ROC_curve.pdf'.format( os.getcwd(), out_tag)) plt.close() #for MVA ROC comparisons later on np.savez("{}/models/{}_ROC_comp_arrays".format(os.getcwd(), out_tag), self.y_pred_test, self.y_pred_test, self.test_weights) def plot_output_score(self, out_tag, batch_size=64, ratio_plot=False, norm_to_data=False): """ Plot the output score for the classifier, for signal, background, and data Arguments --------- out_tag: string output tag used as part of the image name, when saving batch_size: int necessary to evaluate the network. Has no impact on the output score. ratio_plot: bool whether to plot the ratio between simulated background and data norm_to_data: bool whether to normalise the integral of the simulated background, to the integral in data """ output_score_fig = self.plotter.plot_output_score( self.y_test, self.y_pred_test, self.test_weights, self.proc_arr_test, self.model.predict( [self.X_data_test_high_level, self.X_data_test_low_level], batch_size=batch_size).flatten(), MVA='DNN', ratio_plot=ratio_plot, norm_to_data=norm_to_data) Utils.check_dir('{}/plotting/plots/{}'.format(os.getcwd(), out_tag)) output_score_fig.savefig( '{0}/plotting/plots/{1}/{1}_output_score.pdf'.format( os.getcwd(), out_tag)) print('saving: {0}/plotting/plots/{1}/{1}_output_score.pdf'.format( os.getcwd(), out_tag)) plt.close()