def getLinksForVideo(self, cItem): printDBG("WrestlingNet.getLinksForVideo [%s]" % cItem) urlTab = [] sts, data =['url']) if not sts: return urlTab sts, data =, 'entry-content', 'video-meta-info', True) #'id="more-' if not sts: SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError( _("Please visit '%s' from using web-browser form the PC. If links are available please report this problem.\nEmail: [email protected]" ) % cItem['url']) return urlTab data = data.split('<h2>') if len(data): del data[0] re_links = re.compile('<a[^>]+?href="([^"]+?)"[^>]*?>([^<]+?)</a>') for item in data: type = self.cleanHtmlStr(item.split('</h2>')[0]) links = re_links.findall(item) for link in links: urlTab.append({'name': type + ' ' + link[1], 'url': link[0]}) return urlTab
def getPage(self, baseUrl, addParams={}, post_data=None): if addParams == {}: addParams = dict(self.defaultParams) proxy = config.plugins.iptvplayer.hdsto_proxy.value if proxy == 'webproxy': addParams = dict(addParams) proxy = '{0}&b=4'.format(urllib.quote(baseUrl, '')) addParams['header']['Referer'] = proxy + '&f=norefer' baseUrl = proxy elif proxy != 'None': if proxy == 'proxy_1': proxy = config.plugins.iptvplayer.alternative_proxy1.value else: proxy = config.plugins.iptvplayer.alternative_proxy2.value addParams = dict(addParams) addParams.update({'http_proxy':proxy}) tries = 0 while tries < 2: tries += 1 sts, data =, addParams, post_data) if sts: if self.getFullUrl(['url']).endswith('/home.php'): SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError('\n'.join(self.membersOnly)) elif config.plugins.iptvplayer.hdsto_proxy.value == 'webproxy' and 'sslagree' in data: sts, data ='', addParams, post_data) continue break return sts, data
def getVideos(self,videoUrl): urlTab = [] Url = self.MAIN_URL+'/'+videoUrl sts, data = self.getPage(Url) if sts: printDBG('dddddaaaaattttaaaaa'+data) _data2 = re.findall('<iframe.*?src=["\'](.*?)["\']',data, re.S|re.IGNORECASE) if _data2: printDBG('01') URL_=_data2[0] if URL_.startswith('//'): URL_='http:'+URL_ urlTab.append((URL_,'1')) else: printDBG('02') _data2 = re.findall('<body>.*?src=["\'](.*?)["\']',data, re.S|re.IGNORECASE) if _data2: printDBG('03') URL_=_data2[0] if URL_.startswith('//'): URL_='http:'+URL_ urlTab.append((URL_,'1')) else: printDBG('04') if '' in data: SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError('Only premium users!!') return urlTab
def unpackZipArchive(self, tmpFile, tmpDIR): errorCode = 0 # check if archive is not evil cmd = "unzip -l '{0}' 2>&1 ".format(tmpFile) ret = self.iptv_execute(cmd) if not ret['sts'] or 0 != ret['code']: errorCode = ret['code'] if errorCode == 0: errorCode = 9 elif '..' in ret['data']: errorCode = 9 # if archive is valid then upack it if errorCode == 0: cmd = "unzip -o '{0}' -d '{1}' 2>/dev/null".format(tmpFile, tmpDIR) ret = self.iptv_execute(cmd) if not ret['sts'] or 0 != ret['code']: errorCode = ret['code'] if errorCode == 0: errorCode = 9 if errorCode != 0: message = _('Unzip error code[%s].') % errorCode if str(errorCode) == str(127): message += '\n' + _( 'It seems that unzip utility is not installed.') elif str(errorCode) == str(9): message += '\n' + _('Wrong format of zip archive.') SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(message) return False return True
def listSearchResult(self, cItem, searchPattern, searchType): printDBG( "FuufPL.listSearchResult cItem[%s], searchPattern[%s] searchType[%s]" % (cItem, searchPattern, searchType)) post_data = {'q': searchPattern} sts, data =, {}, post_data) if not sts: return try: data = byteify(json.loads(data)) for item in data: url = item['url'] title = self.cleanHtmlStr(item['name']) icon =['name'], 'src="([^"]+?)"')[0] if '' != url and '' != title: params = dict(cItem) params.update({ 'title': title, 'url': self._getFullUrl(url), 'icon': self._getFullUrl(icon) }) self.addVideo(params) except: printExc() SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(_("Parsing search result failed."))
def listItems(self, cItem, nextCategory): printDBG("MaxtvGO.listItems [%s]" % cItem) sts, data = self.getPage(cItem['url']) if not sts: return article = self.getArticleContent(cItem, data) if len(article): title = article[0]['title'] icon = article[0]['images'][0]['url'] params = dict(cItem) params.update({'good_for_fav': True, 'title': title, 'icon': icon}) self.addVideo(params) cookieHeader = catsTitle = '' data =, ('<div', '>', 'slajder_film'), ('<div', '>', 'chat_round'))[1] data = re.compile('(<h3[^>]*?>[^>]*?</[^>]*?>)').split(data) for catData in data: if catData.startswith('<h3'): catsTitle = self.cleanHtmlStr(catData) tmp =, '<a', '</a>') for item in tmp: url = self.getFullUrl( item, '''href=['"]([^'^"]+?)['"]''')[0]) icon = self.getFullIconUrl( item, '''src=['"]([^'^"]+?)['"]''')[0]) icon = strwithmeta( icon, { 'Cookie': cookieHeader, 'User-Agent': self.USER_AGENT, 'Referer': cItem['url'] }) title = self.cleanHtmlStr( item, '''alt=['"]([^'^"]+?)['"]''')[0]) if title == '': title = catsTitle + ' ' + self.cleanHtmlStr( icon.split('/')[-1].split('.', 1)[0].replace( 'small', '')) # 'category':nextCategory, params = dict(cItem) params.update({ 'good_for_fav': True, 'title': title, 'url': url, 'icon': icon }) self.addVideo(params) if self.loggedIn != True and 0 == len(self.currList): msg = _( 'The host %s requires registration. \nPlease fill your login and password in the host configuration. Available under blue button.' % self.getMainUrl()) GetIPTVNotify().push(msg, 'error', 10) SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(msg)
def getVideoLinks(self, videoUrl): printDBG("CineTO.getVideoLinks [%s]" % videoUrl) videoUrl = strwithmeta(videoUrl) urlTab = [] # mark requested link as used one if len(self.cacheLinks.keys()): for key in self.cacheLinks: for idx in range(len(self.cacheLinks[key])): if videoUrl in self.cacheLinks[key][idx]['url']: if not self.cacheLinks[key][idx]['name'].startswith( '*'): self.cacheLinks[key][idx][ 'name'] = '*' + self.cacheLinks[key][idx][ 'name'] break sts, data = self.getPage(videoUrl) if sts: videoUrl = data.meta['url'] urlTab = self.up.getVideoLinkExt(videoUrl) if 0 == len(urlTab) and 'gcaptchaSetup' in data: SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError( _('Link protected with google recaptcha v2.')) else: urlTab = self.up.getVideoLinkExt(videoUrl) return urlTab
def getVideoLinks(self, videoUrl): printDBG("GamatoMovies.getVideoLinks [%s]" % videoUrl) urlTab = [] # mark requested link as used one if len(self.cacheLinks.keys()): key = self.cacheLinks.keys()[0] for idx in range(len(self.cacheLinks[key])): if videoUrl in self.cacheLinks[key][idx]['url']: if not self.cacheLinks[key][idx]['name'].startswith('*'): self.cacheLinks[key][idx][ 'name'] = '*' + self.cacheLinks[key][idx]['name'] break shortUri = videoUrl domain = self.up.getDomain(videoUrl) if '' in domain or '' in domain: from Plugins.Extensions.IPTVPlayer.libs.unshortenit import unshorten uri, sts = unshorten(videoUrl) videoUrl = str(uri) if not SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(str(sts)) else: # set resolved uri in cache if len(self.cacheLinks.keys()): key = self.cacheLinks.keys()[0] for idx in range(len(self.cacheLinks[key])): if shortUri in self.cacheLinks[key][idx]['url']: self.cacheLinks[key][idx]['url'] = videoUrl break if return self.up.getVideoLinkExt(videoUrl) return urlTab
def _getLanguages(self): lang = GetDefaultLang() subParams = [{'name': 'sublanguageid', 'value': lang}] params = [self.loginToken, self._getArraryParam(subParams)] sts, data = self._rpcMethodCall("GetSubLanguages", params) printDBG(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data[%s]" % data) if sts: try: list = [] defaultLanguageItem = None for item in data: if 'LanguageName' in item and 'SubLanguageID' in item and 'ISO639' in item: params = { 'title': '{0} [{1}]'.format(item['LanguageName'], item['SubLanguageID']), 'lang': item['SubLanguageID'] } if lang != item['ISO639']: list.append(params) else: defaultLanguageItem = params if None != defaultLanguageItem: list.insert(0, defaultLanguageItem) return list except Exception: printExc() SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(_('Get languages failed!')) return []
def downloadAndUnpack(self, url, params={}, post_data=None, unpackToSubDir=False): data, fileName = self.downloadFileData(url, params, post_data) if data == None: return None ext = fileName.rsplit('.', 1)[-1].lower() printDBG("fileName[%s] ext[%s]" % (fileName, ext)) if ext not in ['zip', 'rar']: SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(_('Unknown file extension "%s".') % ext) return None tmpFile = GetTmpDir( self.TMP_FILE_NAME ) tmpArchFile = tmpFile + '.' + ext tmpDIR = '' if unpackToSubDir: dirName = fileName.rsplit('.', 1)[0].split('filename=', 1)[-1] if dirName != '': tmpDIR = GetSubtitlesDir(dirName) if tmpDIR == '': tmpDIR = GetTmpDir(self.TMP_DIR_NAME) printDBG(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>") printDBG(fileName) printDBG(tmpFile) printDBG(tmpArchFile) printDBG(tmpDIR) printDBG(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>") if not self.writeFile(tmpArchFile, data): return None if not self.unpackArchive(tmpArchFile, tmpDIR): rm(tmpArchFile) return None return tmpDIR
def downloadAndUnpack(self, url, params={}, post_data=None): data, fileName = self.downloadFileData(url, params, post_data) if data == None: return None ext = fileName.split('.')[-1].lower() if ext not in ['zip', 'rar']: SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(_('Unknown file extension "%s".') % ext) return None tmpFile = GetTmpDir(self.TMP_FILE_NAME) tmpArchFile = tmpFile + '.' + ext tmpDIR = GetTmpDir(self.TMP_DIR_NAME) printDBG(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>") printDBG(fileName) printDBG(tmpFile) printDBG(tmpArchFile) printDBG(tmpDIR) printDBG(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>") if not self.writeFile(tmpArchFile, data): return None if not self.unpackArchive(tmpArchFile, tmpDIR): rm(tmpArchFile) return None return tmpDIR
def getLinksForVideo(self, cItem, source_id=None): linksTab = [] if 'item_data' not in cItem: sts, data = self.getPage(cItem['url']) if not sts: return client_location =['url'] data = ph.find(data, 'var contentResources = [', '];', flags=0)[1] try: data = json_loads('[%s]' % data)[0] except Exception: pass else: client_location = cItem['url'] data = cItem['item_data'] try: drm = data.get('drm') if drm: SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(_('Link protected with DRM.')) video_id = data['id'] except Exception: printExc() return [] #dashLinks = self.doGetLinks(video_id, client_location, 'application/dash+xml') try: for it in (False, True): hlsLinks = self.doGetLinks(video_id, client_location, 'application/x-mpegURL', it) if hlsLinks: linksTab.extend( getDirectM3U8Playlist(hlsLinks[0]['url'], checkExt=True, checkContent=True, sortWithMaxBitrate=999999999)) break for it in (True, False): mp4Links = self.doGetLinks(video_id, client_location, 'video/mp4', it) for item in mp4Links: if item['mimetype'] == 'video/mp4': linksTab.append({ 'name': '[MP4] bitrate: %s' % item['bitrate'], 'url': item['url'], 'bitrate': item['bitrate'] }) if mp4Links: break if not mp4Links and drm: return [] linksTab.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda k: int(k['bitrate'])) except Exception: printExc() return linksTab
def getSubtitles(self, cItem): printDBG("YoutubeComProvider.getSubtitles") if not SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(_('Wrong uri.')) return url = self.popcornsubtitlesUrl urlParams = dict(self.defaultParams) sts, tmp =, urlParams) if not sts: return imdbid =, '/(tt[0-9]+?)[^0-9]')[0] tmp =, '<tbody>', '</tbody>')[1] tmp =, '<tr', '</tr>', withMarkers=True) for item in tmp: url = self.getFullUrl(, '''href=['"]([^'^"]+?)['"]''')[0]) title = self.cleanHtmlStr(item) lang = self.cleanHtmlStr(, '<td', '</td>')[1]) if params = dict(cItem) params.update({ 'title': lang, 'url': url, 'lang': lang, 'imdbid': imdbid, 'desc': title }) self.addSubtitle(params)
def listItems(self, cItem, nextCategory): printDBG("MaxtvGO.listItems [%s]" % cItem) sts, data = self.getPage(cItem['url']) if not sts: return try: data = byteify(json.loads(data)) if data.get('error') != None: SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(str(data['error']['message'])) for item in data['data']: sTitle = self.cleanHtmlStr(item['name']) subItems = [] for it in item['videos']: title = self.cleanHtmlStr(it['title']) #icon = self.getFullIconUrl(it['image']) icon = str(it.get('vimeoPosterId', '')) if icon != '': icon = '' % icon url = self.getFullUrl('video.php?film=') + it['code'] params = dict(cItem) params.update({'type':'video', 'good_for_fav':True, 'title':title, 'url':url, 'icon':icon}) subItems.append(params) if len(subItems): params = dict(cItem) params.update({'category':nextCategory, 'good_for_fav':False, 'title':sTitle, 'sub_items':subItems}) self.addDir(params) except Exception: printExc() if self.loggedIn != True and 0 == len(self.currList): msg = _('The host %s requires registration. \nPlease fill your login and password in the host configuration. Available under blue button.' % self.getMainUrl()) GetIPTVNotify().push(msg, 'error', 10)
def _doLogin(self, login, password): lang = GetDefaultLang() params = [login, hex_md5(password), lang, self.USER_AGENT] sts, data = self._rpcMethodCall("LogIn", params) if sts and (None == data or 0 == len(data)): sts = False printDBG(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data[%s]" % data) if not sts: SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(_('Login failed!')) elif ('' != login and self._checkStatus(data, 0)) or '' == login: if 'token' in data[0]: self.loginToken = data[0]['token'] else: SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(_('Get token failed!') + '\n' + _('Error message: \"%s\".\nError code: \"%s\".') % (self.lastApiError['code'], self.lastApiError['message'])) else: SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(_('Login failed!') + '\n' + _('Error message: \"%s\".\nError code: \"%s\".') % (self.lastApiError['code'], self.lastApiError['message']))
def getVideoLink(self, cItem): printDBG("InternetowaApi.getVideoLink") urlsTab = [] sts, data =['url'], self.http_params) if not sts: return urlsTab cUrl =['url'] SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(self.cleanHtmlStr(, ('<div', '>', 'nostream'), ('</div', '>'), False)[1])) data =, '<iframe', '>', caseSensitive=False) printDBG(data) for item in data: url = self.getFullUrl(, '''src=['"]([^'^"]+?)['"]''')[0]) if not continue if 1 == self.up.checkHostSupport(url): url = strwithmeta(url, {'Referer':cUrl}) urlsTab.extend( self.up.getVideoLinkExt(url) ) else: params = dict(self.http_params) params['header'] = MergeDicts(self.HTTP_HEADER, {'Referer':cUrl}) sts, tmp =, params) if not sts: continue tmp2 =, '<audio', '</audio>', False)[1] tmp2 =, '<audio', '</audio>', False)[1] tmp =, '<source', '>') for it in tmp: printDBG(it) type =, '''type=['"]([^"^']+?)['"]''')[0].lower().split('/', 1) mediaUrl =, '''src=['"]([^"^']+?)['"]''')[0],['url']) if type[0] in ('audio', 'video'): mediaUrl = strwithmeta(mediaUrl, {'User-Agent':params['header']['User-Agent'], 'Referer'['url']}) urlsTab.append({'name':'[%s] %s' % (type[1],, True)), 'url':mediaUrl, 'need_resolve':0}) return urlsTab
def getVideoLinks(self, videoUrl): printDBG("BSTO.getVideoLinks [%s]" % videoUrl) urlTab = [] key = strwithmeta(videoUrl).meta.get('links_key', '') if key in self.cacheLinks: for idx in range(len(self.cacheLinks[key])): if self.cacheLinks[key][idx][ 'url'] == videoUrl and not self.cacheLinks[key][idx][ 'name'].startswith('*'): self.cacheLinks[key][idx][ 'name'] = '*' + self.cacheLinks[key][idx]['name'] sts, data = self.getPage(videoUrl) if not sts: return [] errorMsg = '' baseUrl = data, '''href=['"][^'^"]*?(/out/[^'^"]+?)['"]''')[0] url = self.getFullUrl(baseUrl) params = dict(self.defaultParams) params['return_data'] = False try: prevUrl = url sts, response =, params) url = response.geturl() response.close() if url == prevUrl: sts, data = self.getPage(url) if 'bitte das Captcha' in data: errorMsg = _('Link protected with google recaptcha v2.') except Exception: printExc() if 1 != self.up.checkHostSupport(url): url = baseUrl.replace('/out/', '/watch/')[1:] hostUrl = '' try: sts, data ='/api/' + url), self.getHeaders(url)) if not sts: return [] data = byteify(json.loads(data)) printDBG(data) hostUrl = data['fullurl'] except Exception: printExc() else: hostUrl = url if 1 != self.up.checkHostSupport(hostUrl): SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(errorMsg) elif urlTab = self.up.getVideoLinkExt(hostUrl) return urlTab
def getVideoLink(self, cItem): printDBG("WizjaTvApi.getVideoLink") urlsTab = [] sts, data =['url'], self.http_params) if not sts: return urlsTab data =, '<iframe', '>', caseSensitive=False) printDBG(data) for item in data: url = self.getFullUrl(, '''src=['"]([^'^"]+?)['"]''')[0]) if not continue HTTP_HEADER = dict(self.HTTP_HEADER) HTTP_HEADER.update({'Referer': cItem['url']}) params = dict(self.http_params) params['header'] = HTTP_HEADER tries = 0 while tries < 2: tries += 1 if 'porter' in url or 'player' in item: sts, tmp =, params) if not sts: break printDBG(tmp) videoUrl = urllib.unquote( tmp, '''['"]?src['"]?\s*:\s*['"](rtmp[^'^"]+?)['"]''') [0]) killUrl = self.getFullUrl( tmp, '''<a[^>]+?href=["']([^'^"]*?killme\.php[^'^"]*?)''' )[0]) if videoUrl != '': urlTab = videoUrl, '''rtmp://([^/]+?)/([^/]+?)/([^/]+?)\?(.+?)&streamType''', 4) rtmp = 'rtmp://' + urlTab[0] + '/' + urlTab[1] + '?' + urlTab[3] + \ ' playpath=' + urlTab[2] + '?' + urlTab[3] + \ ' app=' + urlTab[1] + '?' + urlTab[3] + \ ' swfVfy=1 flashVer=WIN\\2020,0,0,306 swfUrl= live=1 token=fake pageUrl=' + cItem['url'] urlsTab.append({'name': 'rtmp', 'url': rtmp}) elif sts, tmp =, params) continue SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(self.cleanHtmlStr(tmp)) break return urlsTab
def getLinksForVideo(self, cItem): printDBG("Filmativa.getLinksForVideo [%s]" % cItem) urlTab = [] if not cItem.get('url', ''): return [] if cItem.get('direct', False): if cItem.get('subtitles', ''): subtitlesTab = [{ 'title': 'Serbian', 'url': cItem.get('subtitles', ''), 'lang': 'srp', 'format': 'vtt' }] url = strwithmeta(cItem['url'], {'external_sub_tracks': subtitlesTab}) urlTab.append({'name': 'link', 'url': url, 'need_resolve': 1}) else: urlTab.append({ 'name': 'link', 'url': cItem['url'], 'need_resolve': 1 }) else: sts, data =['url']) if not sts: return urlTab if 'USKORO!' in data: SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError('USKORO!') return urlTab divIframe = data, ('<div', '>', 'trailer'), '</div>', False)[1] url =, 'src="([^"]+?)"')[0] if '' in url: sts, data = url, { 'header': { 'Referer': cItem['url'], 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0' } }) if sts: data =, 'ref="([^"]+?)"')[0] linkUrl = '{0}&width=700&height=460&val=1'.format( data) urlTab.append({ 'name': '', 'url': linkUrl, 'need_resolve': 1 }) elif urlTab.append({'name': 'link', 'url': url, 'need_resolve': 1}) return urlTab
def getLinksForVideo(self, cItem): printDBG("TVNowDE.getLinksForVideo [%s]" % cItem) retTab = [] cacheTab = self.cacheLinks.get(cItem['url'], []) if len(cacheTab): return cacheTab urlDashClear = '' #cItem.get('dashclear', '') if not try: seoUrlItem = cItem['f_seo_url_format'] seoUrlFormat = cItem['f_seo_url_item'] station = cItem['f_station'] url = self.getFullUrl( '/movies/{0}/{1}?fields=*,format,files,manifest,breakpoints,paymentPaytypes,trailers,packages&station={2}' .format(seoUrlItem, seoUrlFormat, station)) sts, data = self.getPage(url) if not sts: return [] try: data = json_loads(data) except Exception: data = 'error' if 'error' in data: data = cItem['orig_item'] urlDashClear = data['manifest']['dashclear'] if data.get('isDrm', False): SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(_("Video with DRM protection.")) if not return [] except Exception: printExc() if urlHlsClear = urlDashClear.replace('/vodnowusodash.', '/vodnowusohls.').split('?', 1) urlHlsClear[0] = urlHlsClear[0][:-3] + 'm3u8' urlHlsClear = '?'.join(urlHlsClear) hlsTab = getDirectM3U8Playlist(urlHlsClear, checkContent=True) dashTab = getMPDLinksWithMeta(urlDashClear, False) try: hlsTab = sorted( hlsTab, key=lambda item: -1 * int(item.get('bitrate', 0))) dashTab = sorted( dashTab, key=lambda item: -1 * int(item.get('bandwidth', 0))) except Exception: printExc() if config.plugins.iptvplayer.tvnowde_prefered_format.value == 'hls': retTab.extend(hlsTab) retTab.extend(dashTab) else: retTab.extend(dashTab) retTab.extend(hlsTab) if len(retTab): self.cacheLinks[cItem['url']] = retTab return retTab
def getVideoLink(self, cItem): printDBG("TelewizjadaNetApi.getVideoLink") url = self.MAIN_URL + 'live.php?cid=%s' % cItem['cid'] sts, data =, self.http_params) if not sts: return [] http_params = dict(self.http_params) HTTP_HEADER = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:21.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/21.0' } http_params.update({'header': HTTP_HEADER}) http_params['header']['Referer'] = url url = self.MAIN_URL + 'get_mainchannel.php' sts, data =, http_params, {'cid': cItem['cid']}) if not sts: return [] try: data = byteify(json.loads(data)) vid_url = data['url'] except Exception: printExc() return [] url = self.MAIN_URL + 'set_cookie.php' sts, data =, http_params, {'url': vid_url}) if not sts: return [] url = self.MAIN_URL + 'get_channel_url.php' sts, data =, http_params, {'cid': cItem['cid']}) if not sts: return [] try: vid_url = byteify(json.loads(data)) vid_url = vid_url['url'] except Exception: vid_url = data urlsTab = [] vid_url = vid_url.strip() if vid_url.startswith('http://') and 'm3u8' in vid_url: try: sessid =, 'sessid') msec =, 'msec') statid =, 'statid') url = strwithmeta( vid_url, { 'Cookie': 'sessid=%s; msec=%s; statid=%s;' % (sessid, msec, statid) }) urlsTab = getDirectM3U8Playlist(url) except Exception: SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError( "Problem z dostępem do pliku \"%\".\nSprawdź, czy masz wolne miejsce na pliki cookies." % self.COOKIE_FILE) return urlsTab
def getVideoLinks(self, videoUrl): printDBG("SerienStreamTo.getVideoLinks [%s]" % videoUrl) urlTab = [] videoUrl = strwithmeta(videoUrl) key = videoUrl.meta.get('base_url', '') if key != '' and key in self.cacheLinks: for idx in range(len(self.cacheLinks[key])): if self.cacheLinks[key][idx]['url'] == videoUrl: if not self.cacheLinks[key][idx]['name'].startswith('*'): self.cacheLinks[key][idx][ 'name'] = '*' + self.cacheLinks[key][idx]['name'] if if 1 != self.up.checkHostSupport(videoUrl): params = dict(self.defaultParams) try: params['max_data_size'] = 0 params['no_redirection'] = True tries = 0 url = videoUrl while tries < 3: sts, data = self.getPage(url, params) printDBG("+++++++++++") printDBG( printDBG("+++++++++++") url ='location', '') if not break if url != '': videoUrl = url tries += 1 except Exception: printExc() printDBG(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>||||||||||||||||||||||||") if 1 != self.up.checkHostSupport(videoUrl): sts, data = self.getPage(videoUrl) if sts: videoUrl =['url'] printDBG("+++++++++++") printDBG(data) printDBG("+++++++++++") if sts and '' in data and 'sitekey' in data: message = _('Link protected with google recaptcha v2.') if True != self.loggedIn: message += '\n' + _( 'Please fill your login and password in the host configuration (available under blue button) and try again.' ) else: message += '\n' + self.cleanHtmlStr( data, '<small', '</small>')[1]) message += '\n' + _('Please retry later.') SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(message) if 1 == self.up.checkHostSupport(videoUrl): urlTab = self.up.getVideoLinkExt(videoUrl) return urlTab
def getLinksForVideo(self, cItem): printDBG("FiliserTv.getLinksForVideo [%s]" % cItem) urlTab = [] if len(self.cacheLinks.get(cItem['url'], [])): return self.cacheLinks[cItem['url']] sts, data = self.getPage(cItem['url'], self.defaultParams) if not sts: return [] errorMessage = ph.clean_html( ph.find(data, ('<h2', '>', 'title_block'), '</section>')[1]) if '' != errorMessage: SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(errorMessage) lParams = {} tmp = ph.findall(data, ('<div', '>', ph.check(ph.any, ('"box"', "'box'"))), '</section>', flags=ph.START_S, limits=2) if not tmp: return lParams['code'] = ph.getattr(tmp[0], 'data-code') lParams['code2'] = ph.getattr(tmp[0], 'data-code2') lParams['type'] = ph.getattr(tmp[0], 'id').split('_', 1)[0] tmp = ph.findall(tmp[1], ('<h', '>'), ('</h', '>'), flags=0, limits=2) lParams['title1'] = ph.clean_html(tmp[0]) lParams['title2'] = ph.clean_html(tmp[-1]) data = data.split('<div id="links">') if 2 != len(data): return [] tabs = [] tmp = ph.find(data[0], '<div id="video_links"', '<div class="clear">')[1] tmp = re.compile( '<[^>]+?data-type\="([^"]+?)"[^>]*?>([^<]+?)<').findall(tmp) for item in tmp: tabs.append({'key': item[0], 'title': ph.clean_html(item[1])}) if tabs: del data[0] for tab in tabs: tmp = ph.find(data[0], 'data-type="%s"' % tab['key'], '</ul>')[1] tmp = ph.findall(tmp, '<li', '</li>') for item in tmp: url = strwithmeta(ph.getattr(item, 'data-ref'), {'link_params': lParams}) title = ph.clean_html(item.split('<div class="rightSide">')[0]) urlTab.append({ 'name': '%s: %s' % (tab['title'], title), 'url': url, 'need_resolve': 1 }) self.cacheLinks[cItem['url']] = urlTab return urlTab
def _initialize_api(self, video_id): sts, data ='') if sts: oauth_token =, '''"access_token":"([^"]+?)"''')[0] if 'THIS PAGE IS CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE IN YOUR REGION' in data: SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(_('%s said: This page is currently unavailable in your region') % self.IE_NAME) self._api_url_template = '' + oauth_token
def getPage(self, url, params={}, post_data=None): if params == {}: params = dict(self.defaultParams) sts, data =, params, post_data) if sts: error =, '<div class="alert-message"', '</div>')[1] if error != '': SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(self.cleanHtmlStr(error)) return sts, data
def downloadSubtitleFile(self, cItem): printDBG("OpenSubOrgProvider.downloadSubtitleFile") retData = {} title = cItem['title'] fileName = cItem['file_name'] url = cItem['url'] lang = cItem['lang'] encoding = cItem['encoding'] imdbid = cItem['imdbid'] urlParams = dict(self.defaultParams) urlParams['max_data_size'] = self.getMaxFileSize() sts, data =, urlParams) if not sts: SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(_('Failed to download subtitle.')) return retData try: data = DecodeGzipped(data) except Exception: printExc() SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(_('Failed to gzip.')) return retData try: data = data.decode(encoding).encode('UTF-8') except Exception: printExc() SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(_('Failed to decode to UTF-8.')) return retData fileName = GetSubtitlesDir(fileName) printDBG(">>") printDBG(fileName) printDBG("<<") try: with open(fileName, 'w') as f: f.write(data) retData = {'title': title, 'path': fileName, 'lang': lang, 'imdbid': imdbid} except Exception: SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(_('Failed to write file "%s".') % fileName) printExc() return retData
def getLinksForVideo(self, cItem): videoUrlTab = [] baseUrl = self.getFullUrl( cItem['url'] ) try: sts, data = baseUrl ) verUrl = self.getFullUrl(, '<iframe id="framep" class="radi" src="([^"]+?)"')[0]) sts, data = verUrl ) versions = [] sts, data =, '<b>Wersja:</b>', '<script>', False) if sts: data = data.split('<input') if len(data): del data[0] for item in data: name =, 'name="([^"]+?)"')[0] value =, 'value="([^"]+?)"')[0] versions.append({'title':value, 'url': verUrl + ('&wi=va&%s=%s' % (name, value) )}) else: versions.append({'title':'', 'url': verUrl + '&wi=va'}) for item in versions: try: url = item['url'] sts, data = url ) videoUrl = '' if "url: escape('http" in data: match ="url: escape\('([^']+?)'", data) if match: videoUrl = elif "eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d)" in data: printDBG( 'Host resolveUrl packed' ) match ='eval\((.+?),0,{}\)\)', data, re.DOTALL) if match: videoUrl = self.decodeJS('eval(' + + ',0,{}))') elif "var flm = '" in data: printDBG( 'Host resolveUrl var flm' ) match ="var flm = '([^']+?)';", data) if match: videoUrl = elif 'primary: "html5"' in data: printDBG( 'Host resolveUrl html5' ) match ='file: "([^"]+?)"', data) if match: videoUrl = elif 'sources:' in data: data2 =, 'sources:', ']', False)[1] videoUrl =, '''src[^'"]*?['"](http[^'"]+?)['"]''')[0] data2 = None if videoUrl.startswith('http') and videoUrl != '': videoUrl = byteify(json.loads('"%s"' % videoUrl)) videoUrlTab.append({'name':item['title'], 'url':videoUrl}) else: msg = self.cleanHtmlStr(, '<div id="errorbox"', '</div>')[1]) if msg == '': msg =, 'on("error"', '}', False)[1] msg = self.cleanHtmlStr(, "text\('([^']+?)'")[0]) SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(msg) printDBG("SerialeNet.getLinksForVideo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> videoUrl[%s]" % videoUrl) except Exception: printExc() except Exception: printExc() return videoUrlTab
def writeFile(self, filePath, data): printDBG('CBaseSubProviderClass.writeFile path[%s]' % filePath) try: with open(filePath, 'w') as f: f.write(data) return True except Exception: printExc() SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(_('Failed to write file "%s".') % filePath) return False
def getPage(self, url, params={}, post_data=None): HTTP_HEADER = dict(self.HEADER) params.update({'header': HTTP_HEADER}) sts, data =, params, post_data) if sts and None == data: sts = False if sts and 'Duze obciazenie!' in data: SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(self.cleanHtmlStr(data)) return sts, data
def getVideoLinks(self, videoUrl): printDBG("EgyBest.getVideoLinks [%s]" % videoUrl) videoUrl = strwithmeta(videoUrl) urlTab = [] # mark requested link as used one if len(self.cacheLinks.keys()): for key in self.cacheLinks: for idx in range(len(self.cacheLinks[key])): if videoUrl in self.cacheLinks[key][idx]['url']: if not self.cacheLinks[key][idx]['name'].startswith('*'): self.cacheLinks[key][idx]['name'] = '*' + self.cacheLinks[key][idx]['name'] + '*' break if videoUrl.meta.get('iptv_proto', '') == 'm3u8': return getDirectM3U8Playlist(videoUrl, False, checkContent=True, sortWithMaxBitrate=999999999) elif videoUrl.meta.get('direct', False): return [{'name': 'direct', 'url': videoUrl}] params = dict(self.defaultParams) params['header'] = dict(self.AJAX_HEADER) params['header']['Referer'] = videoUrl.meta.get('Referer', '') params['with_metadata'] = True if videoUrl.meta.get('priv_api_call', False): url = self.getFullUrl('/api?call=' + videoUrl) else: url = videoUrl if 'api?call=' in url: sts, data = self.getPage(url, params) if not sts: return [] videoUrl = strwithmeta(data.meta['url'], videoUrl.meta) if 1 != self.up.checkHostSupport(videoUrl): try: data = byteify(json.loads(data), '', True) if data.get('status', '') == '200': authUrl = data.get('auth_url', '') url = data.get('url', '') if and sts, tmp = self.getPage(authUrl) if sts: urlTab.append({'name': 'direct', 'url': url}) elif data.get('action', '') == 'message': SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError(self.cleanHtmlStr(data['message'])) printDBG(self.cleanHtmlStr(data['message'])) printDBG(data) except Exception: printExc() if 1 == self.up.checkHostSupport(videoUrl): urlTab = self.up.getVideoLinkExt(videoUrl) return urlTab