def k_means_clustering (k, centroids, points):
    iterations = 0
    while (True):
        recalculatedCentroids = []
        iterations += 1

        # This is a 2-d list where each inner list is a list of points
        # associated with the corresponding centroid/cluster
        clusters = [[]] * k
        for point in points:
            new_clusterPoints = point.find_closest_point(centroids)
        # recalculate the new centroids
        for cluster in clusters:

        # check if centroids match
        if (set(centroids) == set(recalculatedCentroids)):
            print "Clustering completed in " + str(iterations) + " iterations"
            return recalculatedCentroids

	# re-iterate if new and old centroids do not match
	centroids = copy.deepcopy(recalculatedCentroids)