def __init__(self, adjLst, startPt, goalPt):
        self.adjLst = adjLst
        closest = adjLst[0].selfInd
        closestG = adjLst[0].selfInd
        for i in adjLst:
            dist = getDistance(startPt, i.getCenter())
            distG = getDistance(goalPt, i.getCenter())

            if dist < getDistance(adjLst[closest].getCenter(), startPt):
                closest = i.selfInd

            if distG < getDistance(adjLst[closestG].getCenter(), goalPt):
                closestG = i.selfInd

        self.start = adjLst[closest]
        self.start.g = 0
        self.start.f = 0
        self.goal = adjLst[closestG] = PriorityQueue(), 0)
        self.closed = dict()
        self.closed[str(self.start.selfInd)] = self.start
        self.curr = self.start
        self.bestPath = None
        self.bestPathDist = 10000
    def getWidthThrough(self, tri1, tri2):
        """Returns the width of tri2 when crossed from tr1 to tri2 on to tri2's parent (if it has a parent)."""
        # the following gives the edge on the 1st triangle that the 2nd passed triangle lies on
        edgeIn = getSharedEdgeStr(tri2, tri1)
        if tri2.par is not None:
            edgeOut = getSharedEdgeStr(tri2, self.adjLst[tri2.par])
            # TODO: take the least width between the two possible exit edges
            # print "parent == None"
            if edgeIn == '12':
                return getDistance(tri2.getPoint1(), tri2.getPoint2())
            elif edgeIn == '23':
                return getDistance(tri2.getPoint2(), tri2.getPoint3())
                return getDistance(tri2.getPoint1(), tri2.getPoint3())
        # print "parent does NOT equal None"
        # 12 always comes first. 13 always comes last. Possibilities are 12, 23, 13 mutually exclusive (not duplicates)
        crossedEdges = ''
        if edgeIn == '12':
            crossedEdges = edgeIn + edgeOut
        elif edgeOut == '12':
            crossedEdges = edgeOut + edgeIn
        elif edgeIn == '13':
            crossedEdges = edgeOut + edgeIn
        elif edgeOut == '13':
            crossedEdges = edgeIn + edgeOut
            msg = "getWidthThrough defaulted edge match-up edgeIn: " + edgeIn + " edgeOut: " + edgeOut
            raise StandardError(msg)
        # crossedEdges = 'w' + crossedEdges

        #print crossedEdges + " =====================  crossedEdges"
        if crossedEdges == '1223':
            return tri2.w1223
        elif crossedEdges == '2313':
            return tri2.w2313
        elif crossedEdges == '1213':
            return tri2.w1213
            msg = "getWidthThrough defaulted return value crossedEdges: " + crossedEdges
            raise StandardError(msg)
    def getWidthThrough(self, tri1, tri2):
        """Returns the width of tri2 when crossed from tr1 to tri2 on to tri2's parent (if it has a parent)."""
        # the following gives the edge on the 1st triangle that the 2nd passed triangle lies on
        edgeIn = getSharedEdgeStr(tri2, tri1)
        if tri2.par is not None:
            edgeOut = getSharedEdgeStr(tri2, self.adjLst[tri2.par])
            # TODO: take the least width between the two possible exit edges
            # print "parent == None"
            if edgeIn == '12':
                return getDistance(tri2.getPoint1(), tri2.getPoint2())
            elif edgeIn == '23':
                return getDistance(tri2.getPoint2(), tri2.getPoint3())
                return getDistance(tri2.getPoint1(), tri2.getPoint3())
        # print "parent does NOT equal None"
        # 12 always comes first. 13 always comes last. Possibilities are 12, 23, 13 mutually exclusive (not duplicates)
        crossedEdges = ''
        if edgeIn == '12':
            crossedEdges = edgeIn + edgeOut
        elif edgeOut == '12':
            crossedEdges = edgeOut + edgeIn
        elif edgeIn == '13':
            crossedEdges = edgeOut + edgeIn
        elif edgeOut == '13':
            crossedEdges = edgeIn + edgeOut
            msg = "getWidthThrough defaulted edge match-up edgeIn: " + edgeIn + " edgeOut: " + edgeOut
            raise StandardError(msg)
        # crossedEdges = 'w' + crossedEdges

        #print crossedEdges + " =====================  crossedEdges"
        if crossedEdges == '1223':
            return tri2.w1223
        elif crossedEdges == '2313':
            return tri2.w2313
        elif crossedEdges == '1213':
            return tri2.w1213
            msg = "getWidthThrough defaulted return value crossedEdges: " + crossedEdges
            raise StandardError(msg)
    def calculateG(self, chldInd, h, n):
        child = self.adjLst[chldInd]
        # region Calculate g using makeChannel PROBLEMATIC!!!
        # child = copyAdjLstElement(child)
        # # child.par = n.selfInd
        # g = 0
        # # swap out the  goal so that the funnel algorithm will calculate based on this temporary goal
        # print " child goal ", child
        # tmpG = self.goal
        # self.goal = child
        # tmpGPt = self.goalPt
        # self.goalPt = self.getNearestTrianglePtToStartOrGoal(child, target='start')
        # path = self.makeChannel(child, n)
        # # just for printing
        # pt = self.getNearestTrianglePtToStartOrGoal(child, target='start')
        # print "nearest point to start ", pt, " goalPt ", self.goalPt, " tmpGPt ", tmpGPt, "\npath", path
        # for p in range(0, len(path) - 1):
        #     # The goal pt is the last point but we need to use a point in this triangle
        #     g += getDistance(path[p], path[p + 1])
        #     print "g counter ", g, " point p", path[p], " point p + 1", path[p + 1]
        # self.goal = tmpG
        # self.goalPt = tmpGPt
        # return g
        # endregion

        # 1
        shPts = n.getSharedPoints(child)
        closeToSDist = getDistance(shPts[0], self.startPt)
        if chldInd == self.start.selfInd:
            closeToSDist = 0
            for p in shPts:
                if closeToSDist > getDistance(p, self.startPt):
                    closeToSDist = getDistance(p, self.startPt)
        # 2 ??? Why isn't this used
        closeToGDist = getDistance(child.tri[0], self.goalPt)
        for p in child.tri:
            if closeToGDist > getDistance(p, self.goalPt):
                closeToGDist = getDistance(p, self.goalPt)

        startGoalH = getDistance(self.startPt, self.goalPt) - h

        # 3
        if child.par is not None:
            parGdiffHH = self.adjLst[child.par].g + (self.adjLst[child.par].g - closeToGDist)
            parGdiffHH = 0

        return max(closeToSDist, startGoalH, parGdiffHH)
    def calculateG(self, chldInd, h, n):
        child = self.adjLst[chldInd]
        # region Calculate g using makeChannel PROBLEMATIC!!!
        # child = copyAdjLstElement(child)
        # # child.par = n.selfInd
        # g = 0
        # # swap out the  goal so that the funnel algorithm will calculate based on this temporary goal
        # print " child goal ", child
        # tmpG = self.goal
        # self.goal = child
        # tmpGPt = self.goalPt
        # self.goalPt = self.getNearestTrianglePtTo(child, target='start')
        # path = self.makeChannel(child, n)
        # # just for printing
        # pt = self.getNearestTrianglePtTo(child, target='start')
        # print "nearest point to start ", pt, " goalPt ", self.goalPt, " tmpGPt ", tmpGPt, "\npath", path
        # for p in range(0, len(path) - 1):
        #     # The goal pt is the last point but we need to use a point in this triangle
        #     g += getDistance(path[p], path[p + 1])
        #     print "g counter ", g, " point p", path[p], " point p + 1", path[p + 1]
        # self.goal = tmpG
        # self.goalPt = tmpGPt
        # return g
        # endregion

        # 1
        shPts = n.getSharedPoints(child)
        closeToSDist = getDistance(shPts[0], self.startPt)
        if chldInd == self.start.selfInd:
            closeToSDist = 0
            for p in shPts:
                if closeToSDist > getDistance(p, self.startPt):
                    closeToSDist = getDistance(p, self.startPt)
        # 2
        closeToGDist = getDistance(child.tri[0], self.goalPt)
        for p in child.tri:
            if closeToGDist > getDistance(p, self.goalPt):
                closeToGDist = getDistance(p, self.goalPt)
        startGoalH = getDistance(self.startPt, self.goalPt) - h

        # 3
        if child.par is not None:
            parGdiffHH = self.adjLst[child.par].g + (self.adjLst[child.par].g - closeToGDist)
            parGdiffHH = 0

        return max(closeToSDist, startGoalH, parGdiffHH)
    def getNearestTrianglePtTo(self, tri, target='goal'):
        """Gets the nearest point on the triangle to the target triangle."""
        if target == 'goal':
            # print "get nearest to goal"
            target = self.goalPt
        elif target == 'start':
            # print "get nearest to start"
            target = self.startPt

        clst12 = getNearestPointOnLine(target, [tri.tri[0], tri.tri[1]], asLineSeg=True)
        clst23 = getNearestPointOnLine(target, [tri.tri[1], tri.tri[2]], asLineSeg=True)
        clst13 = getNearestPointOnLine(target, [tri.tri[0], tri.tri[2]], asLineSeg=True)
        minDist = getDistance(target, clst12)
        clstPt = clst12
        # print "getNearestPt\n12 ", clst12, " 23 ", clst23, " 13 ", clst13
        if minDist > getDistance(target, clst23):
            minDist = getDistance(target, clst23)
            clstPt = clst23

        if minDist > getDistance(target, clst13):
            clstPt = clst13
        # print "clstPt ", clstPt
        return clstPt
    def getNearestTrianglePtToStartOrGoal(self, tri, target='goal'):
        """Gets the nearest point on the triangle to the target triangle."""
        if target == 'goal':
            # print "get nearest to goal"
            target = self.goalPt
        elif target == 'start':
            # print "get nearest to start"
            target = self.startPt

        clst12 = getNearestPointOnLine(target, [tri.tri[0], tri.tri[1]], asLineSeg=True)
        clst23 = getNearestPointOnLine(target, [tri.tri[1], tri.tri[2]], asLineSeg=True)
        clst13 = getNearestPointOnLine(target, [tri.tri[0], tri.tri[2]], asLineSeg=True)
        minDist = getDistance(target, clst12)
        clstPt = clst12
        # print "getNearestPt\n12 ", clst12, " 23 ", clst23, " 13 ", clst13
        if minDist > getDistance(target, clst23):
            minDist = getDistance(target, clst23)
            clstPt = clst23

        if minDist > getDistance(target, clst13):
            clstPt = clst13
        # print "clstPt ", clstPt
        return clstPt
    def getWidthAcrossEdges(self, searchTri, edge1, edge2):
        """Calculates the path width through this triangle. Edge1 and edge2 are the edges being crossed."""
        # this calculates the distance from the point shared by edge1 and edge2 to the nearest obstacle
        # 1st it sets the width of the triangle to the shortest edge being crossed
        # then it searches across the third edge to see if there is an obstacle closer than its own vertices
        # yes that can happen!!!
        for p in edge1:
            if p in edge2:
                pt = p  # get the point that both edges share. This is the point we are measuring the distance to.

        if edge2 == searchTri.getEdge12() and searchTri.n12 is None\
            or edge2 == searchTri.getEdge23() and searchTri.n23 is None\
            or edge2 == searchTri.getEdge13() and searchTri.n13 is None:
            # if edge2 is on a constrained side swap it for edge1
            # doint this makes it so we only have to check edge1. It cuts our code for the next step in half.
            tmp = edge2
            edge2 = edge1
            edge1 = tmp

        # TODO make this work with edge 1, 2, & 3 and local vars nayb 1, 2, & 3 so it's not sooo much code
        if edge1 == searchTri.getEdge12() and searchTri.n12 is None:
            if edge2 == searchTri.getEdge23() and searchTri.n23 is None:
                # Both search edges are constrained, so the width of the triangle is the width of the third edge.
                return getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint3())

            elif edge2 == searchTri.getEdge13() and searchTri.n13 is None:
                # ditto
                return getDistance(searchTri.getPoint2(), searchTri.getPoint3())
                # the other edge is not constrained, so the initial width
                # should be the shortest of either the length of this unconstrained edge
                # or the distance from its non-shared point to the constrained side
                if edge2 == searchTri.getEdge23():
                    minWidth = getDistance(searchTri.getPoint2(), searchTri.getPoint3())
                    # we also need to find the end point for the next step
                    if pt != edge2[0]:
                        otherPt = edge2[0]
                        otherPt = edge2[1]
                else:  # the other (non-constrained) edge is 13
                    minWidth = getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint3())
                    # we also need to find the end point for the next step
                    if pt != edge2[0]:
                        otherPt = edge2[0]
                        otherPt = edge2[1]
                # so now get the distance from the end to the other (constrained) edge
                debugEdgeConstrained = edge1  ############################# DEBUG
                distAcrossTri = getDistance(getNearestPointOnLine(otherPt, edge1),
                if distAcrossTri < minWidth:
                    minWidth = distAcrossTri
                # ########################### this next bit seems off
                    minWidth = getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint3())
        elif edge1 == searchTri.getEdge13() and searchTri.n13 is None:

            if edge2 == searchTri.getEdge23() and searchTri.n23 is None:
                # both are constrained, so the width of the triangle is the length of the unconstrained edge
                return getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint2())

            elif edge2 == searchTri.getEdge12() and searchTri.n12 is None:
                return getDistance(searchTri.getPoint2(), searchTri.getPoint3())
                # the other edge is not constrained, so the initial width
                # should be either the length of this unconstrained edge
                # or the distance from its non-shared point to the constrained side, whichever is shortest
                if edge2 == searchTri.getEdge23():
                    minWidth = getDistance(searchTri.getPoint2(), searchTri.getPoint3())
                    # we also need to find the end point for the next step
                    if pt != edge2[0]:
                        otherPt = edge2[0]
                        otherPt = edge2[1]
                else:  # the other (non-constrained) edge is 12
                    minWidth = getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint2())
                    # we also need to find the end point for the next step
                    if pt != edge2[0]:
                        otherPt = edge2[0]
                        otherPt = edge2[1]
                # so now get the distance from the end to the other (constrained) edge
                debugEdgeConstrained = edge1  ############################# DEBUG
                distAcrossTri = getDistance(getNearestPointOnLine(otherPt, edge1),
                if distAcrossTri < minWidth:
                    minWidth = distAcrossTri
                # ########################### this next bit seems off
                    minWidth = getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint3())

        elif edge1 == searchTri.getEdge23() and searchTri.n23 is None:

            if edge2 == searchTri.getEdge13() and searchTri.n13 is None:
                # both are constrained, so the width of the triangle is the length of the unconstrained edge
                return getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint2())

            elif edge2 == searchTri.getEdge12() and searchTri.n12 is None:
                return getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint2())
                # the other edge is not constrained, so the initial width
                # should be either the length of this unconstrained edge
                # or the distance from its non-shared point to the constrained side, whichever is shortest
                if edge2 == searchTri.getEdge12():
                    minWidth = getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint2())
                    # we also need to find the end point for the next step
                    if pt != edge2[0]:
                        otherPt = edge2[0]
                        otherPt = edge2[1]
                else:  # the other (non-constrained) edge is 13
                    minWidth = getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint3())
                    # we also need to find the end point for the next step
                    if pt != edge2[0]:
                        otherPt = edge2[0]
                        otherPt = edge2[1]
                # so now get the distance from the end to the other (constrained) edge
                debugEdgeConstrained = edge1  ############################# DEBUG
                distAcrossTri = getDistance(getNearestPointOnLine(otherPt, edge1),
                if distAcrossTri < minWidth:
                    minWidth = distAcrossTri
                # ########################### this next bit seems off
                    minWidth = getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint3())
        else:  # edge1 and edge2 are not constrained
            # Get the width of the shortest of the these two edges
            minWidth = min((edge1[0] - edge1[1]).length(), (edge2[0] - edge2[1]).length())

        # if minWidth < 1:
        #     print "minWidth < 1 pt = ", pt, " || otherPt = ", otherPt, "  || debugConstrained = ", debugEdgeConstrained

        # save these so we don't consider them as nearest points later, else every triangle's width will be 0
        edgePts = [edge1[0], edge1[1]]
        edgePts.extend([edge2[0], edge2[1]])

        # FINALLY search across the third edge for a constrained edge
        # that's closer (to the shared point) than this triangle's vertices
        # print self.adjLst
        # ###################################################
        counter = 0
        # ###################################################
        for t in range(0, len(self.adjLst)):
            # if the edge is constrained, check to see if it narrows the width of this path
            tri = self.adjLst[t]
            # print tri
            if tri.selfInd != searchTri.selfInd:
                if tri.n12 is None:
                    # if the constrained edge, is on the opposite side
                    # from the point shared between the shared edges i.e. for point C check across edge c
                    nearest = getNearestPointOnLine(pt, [tri.tri[0], tri.tri[1]], True)
                    # print tri.selfInd, " 12 is none nearest", nearest
                    if isPointInWedge(nearest, edge1, edge2) and nearest not in edgePts:
                        # and it's in the wedge, check the distance against the current minimum width
                        newW = getDistance(pt, nearest)
                        # print "in wedge newW", newW
                        if newW < minWidth:
                            # ####################################################
                            from panda3d.core import LineSegs
                            # print "pt = ", pt, " || nearest = ", nearest
                            counter += 1
                            linesegs2 = LineSegs("lines" + str(counter))
                            linesegs2.setColor(0, 1, 1, 1)
                            node2 = linesegs2.create(False)
                            nodePath = render.attachNewNode(node2)
                            # ####################################################
                            minWidth = newW
                # do likewise for the other edges
                if tri.n23 is None:
                    nearest = getNearestPointOnLine(pt, [tri.tri[1], tri.tri[2]], True)
                    # print tri.selfInd, " 23  is none nearest", nearest
                    if isPointInWedge(nearest, edge1, edge2) and nearest not in edgePts:
                        newW = getDistance(pt, nearest)
                        # print "in wedge newW", newW
                        if newW < minWidth:
                            # ####################################################
                            from panda3d.core import LineSegs
                            # print "pt = ", pt, " || nearest = ", nearest
                            counter += 1
                            linesegs2 = LineSegs("lines" + str(counter))
                            linesegs2.setColor(0, 1, 1, 1)
                            node2 = linesegs2.create(False)
                            nodePath = render.attachNewNode(node2)
                            # ####################################################
                            minWidth = newW

                if tri.n13 is None:
                    nearest = getNearestPointOnLine(pt, [tri.tri[0], tri.tri[2]], True)
                    # print tri.selfInd, " 13 is none nearest", nearest
                    if isPointInWedge(nearest, edge1, edge2) and nearest not in edgePts:
                        newW = getDistance(pt, nearest)
                        # print "in wedge newW", newW
                        if newW < minWidth:
                            # ####################################################
                            from panda3d.core import LineSegs
                            # print "pt = ", pt, " || nearest = ", nearest
                            counter += 1
                            linesegs2 = LineSegs("lines" + str(counter))
                            linesegs2.setColor(0, 1, 1, 1)
                            node2 = linesegs2.create(False)
                            nodePath = render.attachNewNode(node2)
                            # ####################################################
                            minWidth = newW

        return minWidth
    def AStar(self):
        print "start AStar start: ", self.start.selfInd, " startPt ", self.startPt,\
            " goal: ", self.goal.selfInd, " goalPt ", self.goalPt
        bestPath = path = []
        bestPathCost = 100000
        if self.start == self.goal:
            return [self.startPt, self.goalPt]

        while != []:
            n = heapq.heappop([1]
            print "tri ind " + str(n.selfInd), " f: ", n.f
            isFirst = True
            bestF = 100000
            bestInd = -1
            # resolve ties in favor of best path
            for chldInd in n.getNaybs():
                if str(chldInd) in self.closed and n.selfInd != self.closed[str(chldInd)].par:
                    w = self.getWidthThrough(n, self.closed[str(chldInd)])
                    print "ind " + str(chldInd) + " is in closed." + " Width: " + str(w)
                    if isFirst and self.getWidthThrough(n, self.closed[str(chldInd)]) > 2*self.radius:
                        print "first and width good"
                        bestF = self.closed[str(chldInd)].f
                        bestInd = self.closed[str(chldInd)].selfInd
                        isFirst = False
                    elif self.closed[str(chldInd)].f < bestF\
                            and self.getWidthThrough(n, self.closed[str(chldInd)]) > 2*self.radius:
                        print "better f and width good"
                        bestF = self.closed[str(chldInd)].f
                        bestInd = self.closed[str(chldInd)].selfInd

            if bestInd != -1:  # we found a legal parent
                print "parented to ", bestInd
                n.par = bestInd

            if n.f > bestPathCost:
                print "ind " + str(n.selfInd), " n.f ", n.f, " bestPathCost ", bestPathCost

            # once the nodes we're getting from open are costlier than our path, we've found the best path
            if n == self.goal:# and self.goal.par is not None:  # commented code is a reminder in case of another "bug"
                print "################       FOUND GOAL       ####################"
                path = self.makeChannel(self.goal, self.closed[str(self.goal.par)])
                cost = 0
                for c in range(0, len(path) - 1):
                    cost += getDistance(path[c], path[c + 1])

                if bestPathCost == -1:  # this is the first path
                    bestPath = path
                    bestPathCost = cost
                elif cost < bestPathCost:
                    bestPath = path
                    bestPathCost = cost
            # put n in closed
            self.closed[str(n.selfInd)] = n
            # terminate algorithm
            # if n == self.goal:
            #     break

            for chldInd in n.getNaybs():
                sChl = str(chldInd)
                # print "child ", sChl, "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
                # get the width of the path through each side
                if self.adjLst[chldInd].n12 is None:
                    w12 = getDistToLine(self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[2], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[0], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[1])
                    w12 = self.getWidthAcrossEdges(self.adjLst[chldInd],
                                                        [self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[1], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[2]],
                                                          [self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[0], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[2]])
                # print " w2313: ", w2313, "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"
                if self.adjLst[chldInd].n23 is None:
                    w23 = getDistToLine(self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[0], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[1], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[2])
                    w23 = self.getWidthAcrossEdges(self.adjLst[chldInd],
                                                        [self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[0], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[1]],
                                                          [self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[0], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[2]])
                # print "w2313: ", w2313, " w1213: ", w1213, "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"
                if self.adjLst[chldInd].n13 is None:
                    w13 = getDistToLine(self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[1], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[0], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[2])
                    w13 = self.getWidthAcrossEdges(self.adjLst[chldInd],
                                                        [self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[0], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[1]],
                                                          [self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[1], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[2]])
                # region Tampering with the width base on the degree of the triangle
                # # if there are two unconstrained edges, then there's only one way through the triangle.
                # # The width calculation misses the true width. So, this *SHOULD* fix it.
                # constrainedEdges = 0
                # if self.adjLst[chldInd].n12 is None:
                #     constrainedEdges += 1
                # if self.adjLst[chldInd].n23 is None:
                #     constrainedEdges += 1
                # if self.adjLst[chldInd].n13 is None:
                #     constrainedEdges += 1
                # if constrainedEdges == 1:
                #     w12 = w23 = w13 = min(w12, w23, w13)
                # elif constrainedEdges == 2:
                #     # if the triangle has only one unconstrained side, that side is the only width that can be crossed
                #     chl = self.adjLst[chldInd]
                #     if chl.n12 is not None:
                #         wOfUnconstrained = getDistance(chl.getPoint1(), chl.getPoint2())
                #     elif chl.n23 is not None:
                #         wOfUnconstrained = getDistance(chl.getPoint2(), chl.getPoint3())
                #     else:
                #         wOfUnconstrained = getDistance(chl.getPoint1(), chl.getPoint3())
                #     w12 = w23 = w13 = wOfUnconstrained
                # endregion

                print "n ind", n.selfInd, "chl ind " + sChl + " nw12: ", w12, " w1213: ", w23, " w1223: ", w13, "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"

                nrToG = self.getNearestTrianglePtTo(self.adjLst[chldInd])
                h = getDistance(self.goalPt, nrToG)
                # TODO: handle their MAX( g1, g2, g3,...) or leave it to my shortened version
                g = self.calculateG(chldInd, h, n)
                f = h + g
                print "g: ", g, " h: ", h
                if sChl not in self.closed:# or f < self.closed[sChl].f:
                    if self.getWidthThrough(self.adjLst[chldInd], n) <= 2*self.radius:
                        print "ignore child width <= r width ", self.getWidthThrough(self.adjLst[chldInd], n),\
                                " from ", self.adjLst[chldInd].selfInd, " to ", n.selfInd
                    # print "put in closed and open"
                    # self.closed[sChl] = self.adjLst[chldInd]
                    # self.adjLst[chldInd].par = n.selfInd  # double parenting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    self.adjLst[chldInd].f = f
                    self.adjLst[chldInd].g = g
                    # 12 is the edge that was searched across. 2313 are the edges being traveled over by the seeker.
                    self.adjLst[chldInd].w2313 = w12
                    self.adjLst[chldInd].w1213 = w23
                    self.adjLst[chldInd].w1223 = w13
                    w = str(self.getWidthThrough(self.adjLst[chldInd], n))
                    print "ind " + sChl + " child width = ", w
                    print "put in open j = ", f
                    heapq.heappush(, (f, self.adjLst[chldInd]))
                elif sChl in self.closed and f < self.closed[sChl].f:# or chldInd == self.goal.selfInd:    ## and self.getWidthThrough(self.closed[sChl], n) > 2*self.radius:
                    print "ind " + sChl + " in closed w/ better f. bestPathCost ", bestPathCost, " chldInd.f ", f
                    self.closed[sChl] = self.adjLst[chldInd]
                    self.closed[sChl].f = f
                    self.closed[sChl].g = g
                    # self.closed[sChl].w2313 = w12
                    # self.closed[sChl].w1213 = w23
                    # self.closed[sChl].w1223 = w13
                    heapq.heappush(, (f, self.adjLst[chldInd]))

                # print "end child ", self.adjLst[chldInd]

            print "end AStar loop #####################################################################\n\n"

        print "best path? ", bestPathCost, " f ", n.f
        for i in range(0, len(
            opn =[i][1]
            print "open ind", opn.selfInd, "f", opn.f
        # if the start and goal are not in the same triangle
        # if self.goal.par is not None:
        return bestPath
    def getWidthAcrossEdges(self, searchTri, edge1, edge2):
        """Calculates the path width through this triangle. Edge1 and edge2 are the edges being crossed."""
        # this calculates the distance from the point shared by edge1 and edge2 to the nearest obstacle
        # 1st it sets the width of the triangle to the shortest edge being crossed
        # then it searches across the third edge to see if there is an obstacle closer than its own vertices
        # yes that can happen!!!
        for p in edge1:
            if p in edge2:
                pt = p  # get the point that both edges share. This is the point we are measuring the distance to.

        if edge2 == searchTri.getEdge12() and searchTri.n12 is None\
            or edge2 == searchTri.getEdge23() and searchTri.n23 is None\
            or edge2 == searchTri.getEdge13() and searchTri.n13 is None:
            # if edge2 is on a constrained side swap it for edge1
            # doint this makes it so we only have to check edge1. It cuts our code for the next step in half.
            tmp = edge2
            edge2 = edge1
            edge1 = tmp

        # TODO make this work with edge 1, 2, & 3 and local vars nayb 1, 2, & 3 so it's not sooo much code
        if edge1 == searchTri.getEdge12() and searchTri.n12 is None:
            if edge2 == searchTri.getEdge23() and searchTri.n23 is None:
                # Both search edges are constrained, so the width of the triangle is the width of the third edge.
                return getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint3())

            elif edge2 == searchTri.getEdge13() and searchTri.n13 is None:
                # ditto
                return getDistance(searchTri.getPoint2(), searchTri.getPoint3())
                # the other edge is not constrained, so the initial width
                # should be the shortest of either the length of this unconstrained edge
                # or the distance from its non-shared point to the constrained side
                if edge2 == searchTri.getEdge23():
                    minWidth = getDistance(searchTri.getPoint2(), searchTri.getPoint3())
                    # we also need to find the end point for the next step
                    if pt != edge2[0]:
                        otherPt = edge2[0]
                        otherPt = edge2[1]
                else:  # the other (non-constrained) edge is 13
                    minWidth = getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint3())
                    # we also need to find the end point for the next step
                    if pt != edge2[0]:
                        otherPt = edge2[0]
                        otherPt = edge2[1]
                # so now get the distance from the end to the other (constrained) edge
                debugEdgeConstrained = edge1  ############################# DEBUG
                distAcrossTri = getDistance(getNearestPointOnLine(otherPt, edge1),
                if distAcrossTri < minWidth:
                    minWidth = distAcrossTri
                # ########################### this next bit seems off
                    minWidth = getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint3())
        elif edge1 == searchTri.getEdge13() and searchTri.n13 is None:

            if edge2 == searchTri.getEdge23() and searchTri.n23 is None:
                # both are constrained, so the width of the triangle is the length of the unconstrained edge
                return getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint2())

            elif edge2 == searchTri.getEdge12() and searchTri.n12 is None:
                return getDistance(searchTri.getPoint2(), searchTri.getPoint3())
                # the other edge is not constrained, so the initial width
                # should be either the length of this unconstrained edge
                # or the distance from its non-shared point to the constrained side, whichever is shortest
                if edge2 == searchTri.getEdge23():
                    minWidth = getDistance(searchTri.getPoint2(), searchTri.getPoint3())
                    # we also need to find the end point for the next step
                    if pt != edge2[0]:
                        otherPt = edge2[0]
                        otherPt = edge2[1]
                else:  # the other (non-constrained) edge is 12
                    minWidth = getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint2())
                    # we also need to find the end point for the next step
                    if pt != edge2[0]:
                        otherPt = edge2[0]
                        otherPt = edge2[1]
                # so now get the distance from the end to the other (constrained) edge
                debugEdgeConstrained = edge1  ############################# DEBUG
                distAcrossTri = getDistance(getNearestPointOnLine(otherPt, edge1),
                if distAcrossTri < minWidth:
                    minWidth = distAcrossTri
                # ########################### this next bit seems off
                    minWidth = getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint3())

        elif edge1 == searchTri.getEdge23() and searchTri.n23 is None:

            if edge2 == searchTri.getEdge13() and searchTri.n13 is None:
                # both are constrained, so the width of the triangle is the length of the unconstrained edge
                return getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint2())

            elif edge2 == searchTri.getEdge12() and searchTri.n12 is None:
                return getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint2())
                # the other edge is not constrained, so the initial width
                # should be either the length of this unconstrained edge
                # or the distance from its non-shared point to the constrained side, whichever is shortest
                if edge2 == searchTri.getEdge12():
                    minWidth = getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint2())
                    # we also need to find the end point for the next step
                    if pt != edge2[0]:
                        otherPt = edge2[0]
                        otherPt = edge2[1]
                else:  # the other (non-constrained) edge is 13
                    minWidth = getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint3())
                    # we also need to find the end point for the next step
                    if pt != edge2[0]:
                        otherPt = edge2[0]
                        otherPt = edge2[1]
                # so now get the distance from the end to the other (constrained) edge
                debugEdgeConstrained = edge1  ############################# DEBUG
                distAcrossTri = getDistance(getNearestPointOnLine(otherPt, edge1),
                if distAcrossTri < minWidth:
                    minWidth = distAcrossTri
                # ########################### this next bit seems off
                    minWidth = getDistance(searchTri.getPoint1(), searchTri.getPoint3())
        else:  # edge1 and edge2 are not constrained
            # Get the width of the shortest of the these two edges
            minWidth = min((edge1[0] - edge1[1]).length(), (edge2[0] - edge2[1]).length())

        # if minWidth < 1:
        #     print "minWidth < 1 pt = ", pt, " || otherPt = ", otherPt, "  || debugConstrained = ", debugEdgeConstrained

        # save these so we don't consider them as nearest points later, else every triangle's width will be 0
        edgePts = [edge1[0], edge1[1]]
        edgePts.extend([edge2[0], edge2[1]])

        # FINALLY search across the third edge for a constrained edge
        # that's closer (to the shared point) than this triangle's vertices
        # print self.adjLst
        # ###################################################
        counter = 0
        # ###################################################
        for t in range(0, len(self.adjLst)):
            # if the edge is constrained, check to see if it narrows the width of this path
            tri = self.adjLst[t]
            # print tri
            if tri.selfInd != searchTri.selfInd:
                if tri.n12 is None:
                    # if the constrained edge, is on the opposite side
                    # from the point shared between the shared edges i.e. for point C check across edge c
                    nearest = getNearestPointOnLine(pt, [tri.tri[0], tri.tri[1]], True)
                    # print tri.selfInd, " 12 is none nearest", nearest
                    if isPointInWedge(nearest, edge1, edge2) and nearest not in edgePts:
                        # and it's in the wedge, check the distance against the current minimum width
                        newW = getDistance(pt, nearest)
                        # print "in wedge newW", newW
                        if newW < minWidth:
                            # ####################################################
                            from panda3d.core import LineSegs
                            # print "pt = ", pt, " || nearest = ", nearest
                            counter += 1
                            linesegs2 = LineSegs("lines" + str(counter))
                            linesegs2.setColor(0, 1, 1, 1)
                            node2 = linesegs2.create(False)
                            nodePath = render.attachNewNode(node2)
                            # ####################################################
                            minWidth = newW
                # do likewise for the other edges
                if tri.n23 is None:
                    nearest = getNearestPointOnLine(pt, [tri.tri[1], tri.tri[2]], True)
                    # print tri.selfInd, " 23  is none nearest", nearest
                    if isPointInWedge(nearest, edge1, edge2) and nearest not in edgePts:
                        newW = getDistance(pt, nearest)
                        # print "in wedge newW", newW
                        if newW < minWidth:
                            # ####################################################
                            from panda3d.core import LineSegs
                            # print "pt = ", pt, " || nearest = ", nearest
                            counter += 1
                            linesegs2 = LineSegs("lines" + str(counter))
                            linesegs2.setColor(0, 1, 1, 1)
                            node2 = linesegs2.create(False)
                            nodePath = render.attachNewNode(node2)
                            # ####################################################
                            minWidth = newW

                if tri.n13 is None:
                    nearest = getNearestPointOnLine(pt, [tri.tri[0], tri.tri[2]], True)
                    # print tri.selfInd, " 13 is none nearest", nearest
                    if isPointInWedge(nearest, edge1, edge2) and nearest not in edgePts:
                        newW = getDistance(pt, nearest)
                        # print "in wedge newW", newW
                        if newW < minWidth:
                            # ####################################################
                            from panda3d.core import LineSegs
                            # print "pt = ", pt, " || nearest = ", nearest
                            counter += 1
                            linesegs2 = LineSegs("lines" + str(counter))
                            linesegs2.setColor(0, 1, 1, 1)
                            node2 = linesegs2.create(False)
                            nodePath = render.attachNewNode(node2)
                            # ####################################################
                            minWidth = newW

        return minWidth
    def AStar(self):
        print "start AStar start: ", self.start.selfInd, " startPt ", self.startPt,\
            " goal: ", self.goal.selfInd, " goalPt ", self.goalPt
        bestPath = path = []
        bestPathCost = 100000
        if self.start == self.goal:
            return [self.startPt, self.goalPt]

        pathsVisited = []
        while != []:
            n = heapq.heappop([1]  # open = [(]
            print "tri ind " + str(n.selfInd), " f: ", n.f
            isFirst = True
            bestF = 100000
            bestInd = -1
            # resolve ties in favor of best path
            for chldInd in n.getNaybs():
                if str(chldInd) in self.closed and n.selfInd != self.closed[str(chldInd)].par:
                    print "####    find parent in closed    ####"
                    # making the print work below
                    w = self.getWidthThrough(n, self.closed[str(chldInd)])
                    print "ind " + str(chldInd) + " is in closed." + " Width: " + str(w)
                    print "bestF = ", bestF, "   f to check ", self.closed[str(chldInd)].f
                    if isFirst and self.getWidthThrough(n, self.closed[str(chldInd)]) > 2*self.radius:
                        # do not parent the goal to a path that has already been through he funnel
                        if chldInd not in pathsVisited:
                            print "first and width good"
                            bestF = self.closed[str(chldInd)].f
                            bestInd = self.closed[str(chldInd)].selfInd
                            isFirst = False
                    elif self.closed[str(chldInd)].f < bestF\
                            and self.getWidthThrough(n, self.closed[str(chldInd)]) > 2*self.radius:
                        # do not parent the goal to a path that has already been through he funnel
                        if chldInd not in pathsVisited:
                            print "better f and width good"
                            bestF = self.closed[str(chldInd)].f
                            bestInd = self.closed[str(chldInd)].selfInd

            if bestInd != -1:  # we found a legal parent
                print "parented to ", bestInd
                n.par = bestInd

            # once the nodes we're getting from open are costlier than our path, we've found the best path
            if n.f > bestPathCost:
                print "break ind " + str(n.selfInd), " n.f ", n.f, " bestPathCost ", bestPathCost

            if n == self.goal:
                print "################       FOUND GOAL       ####################"
                path = self.makeChannel(self.goal, self.closed[str(self.goal.par)])

                cost = 0
                for c in range(0, len(path) - 1):
                    cost += getDistance(path[c], path[c + 1])

                # keep track of what paths we've traversed, so they don't get re-traversed.

                # # Reset the goal so we can recalculate f, g, and h for other potential paths
                self.goal.par = None
                self.goal.g = 100000
                self.goal.f = 100000

                if bestPathCost == -1:  # this is the first path
                    bestPath = path
                    bestPathCost = cost
                elif cost < bestPathCost:
                    bestPath = path
                    bestPathCost = cost

            if n != self.goal:
                # put n in closed as long as it's not the goal
                self.closed[str(n.selfInd)] = n

            for chldInd in n.getNaybs():
                print "####   EXPAND N   ####"
                # Never expand the goal. We cannot have one of the goal's children parented to the goal.
                # That'd be backwards.
                if n == self.goal:
                sChl = str(chldInd)
                # print "child ", sChl, "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
                # get the width of the path through each side
                if self.adjLst[chldInd].n12 is None:
                    w12 = getDistToLine(self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[2], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[0], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[1])
                    w12 = self.getWidthAcrossEdges(self.adjLst[chldInd],
                                                        [self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[1], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[2]],
                                                          [self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[0], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[2]])
                # print " w2313: ", w2313, "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"
                if self.adjLst[chldInd].n23 is None:
                    w23 = getDistToLine(self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[0], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[1], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[2])
                    w23 = self.getWidthAcrossEdges(self.adjLst[chldInd],
                                                        [self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[0], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[1]],
                                                          [self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[0], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[2]])
                # print "w2313: ", w2313, " w1213: ", w1213, "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"
                if self.adjLst[chldInd].n13 is None:
                    w13 = getDistToLine(self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[1], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[0], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[2])
                    w13 = self.getWidthAcrossEdges(self.adjLst[chldInd],
                                                        [self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[0], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[1]],
                                                          [self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[1], self.adjLst[chldInd].tri[2]])

                print "n ind", n.selfInd, "chl ind " + sChl + " nw12: ", w12, " w1213: ", w23, " w1223: ", w13, "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"

                nrToG = self.getNearestTrianglePtToStartOrGoal(self.adjLst[chldInd])
                h = getDistance(self.goalPt, nrToG)
                # TODO: handle their MAX( g1, g2, g3,...) OR don't and leave it to my shortened version
                g = self.calculateG(chldInd, h, n)
                f = h + g
                print "g: ", g, " h: ", h
                if sChl not in self.closed:# or f < self.closed[sChl].f:
                    if self.getWidthThrough(self.adjLst[chldInd], n) <= 2*self.radius:
                        print "ignore child width <= r width ", self.getWidthThrough(self.adjLst[chldInd], n),\
                                " from ", self.adjLst[chldInd].selfInd, " to ", n.selfInd

                    self.adjLst[chldInd].f = f
                    self.adjLst[chldInd].g = g
                    self.adjLst[chldInd].w2313 = w12
                    self.adjLst[chldInd].w1213 = w23
                    self.adjLst[chldInd].w1223 = w13
                    w = str(self.getWidthThrough(self.adjLst[chldInd], n))  # make the print below work (print bug)
                    print "ind " + sChl + " child width = ", w
                    print "put in open f = ", f
                    heapq.heappush(, (f, self.adjLst[chldInd]))
                elif sChl in self.closed and f < self.closed[sChl].f:# or chldInd == self.goal.selfInd:    ## and self.getWidthThrough(self.closed[sChl], n) > 2*self.radius:
                    print "ind " + sChl + " in closed w/ better f. bestPathCost ", bestPathCost, " chldInd.f ", f
                    self.closed[sChl] = self.adjLst[chldInd]
                    self.closed[sChl].f = f
                    self.closed[sChl].g = g
                    # self.closed[sChl].w2313 = w12
                    # self.closed[sChl].w1213 = w23
                    # self.closed[sChl].w1223 = w13
                    heapq.heappush(, (f, self.adjLst[chldInd]))

                # print "end child ", self.adjLst[chldInd]

            print "end AStar loop #####################################################################\n\n"

        print "best path? ", bestPathCost, " f ", n.f
        for i in range(0, len(
            opn =[i][1]
            print "open ind", opn.selfInd, "f", opn.f
        # if the start and goal are not in the same triangle
        # if self.goal.par is not None:
        return bestPath