 def eval_cluster_f(self, gold_cluster, test_cluster):
     """Computes the clustering f-score of the gold and test cluster,
     where prec = |overlap| / |test|, rec = |overlap| / |gold|.
     Returns two tuples of values: the first is (prec, rec, f)
     , and the second is (|overlap|, |gold|, |test|)."""
     matched = self.by_test[test_cluster][gold_cluster]
     proposed = sum(self.by_test[test_cluster].values())
     true = self.gold_sizes[gold_cluster]
     (p,r,f) = precision_recall_f(matched, true, proposed)
     return (p, r, f), (matched, true, proposed)
 def macro_average_f(self):
     """Evaluates the macro-average f-score. Macro-averaging adds
     number matched and cluster sizes for each pair of clusters,
     then takes the f-score at the end. Clusters are matched to
     maximize overlap, though this does not necessarily maximize
     the metric itself."""
     match = 0
     prop = 0
     true = 0
     for gold in self.all_gold:
         counts = [self.eval_cluster_f(gold, test)[1]
                   for test in self.all_test]
         best = max(counts, key=lambda x: x[0]) #matched
         match += best[0]
         true += best[1]
         prop += best[2]
     (p,r,f) = precision_recall_f(match, true, prop)
     return f
    def prec_rec(self):
        """Calculates the classification precision, recall and F-score
        over edges, with respect to the same-cluster class."""
        N00,N11,N01,N10 = self.pairwise_statistics

        return precision_recall_f(N11, (N11 + N10), (N11 + N01))