def addRow(self, evt=None): """ add a row to the list and self.clist.alignParms """ if self.clist.nw >= 5: G.openMsg(self, 'The maximum wavelength is 5', 'I am sorry for that') return if wx.version().startswith('3'): index = self.InsertStringItem(sys.maxsize, '0') else: index = self.clist.InsertItem(sys.maxsize, '0') self.clist.alignParms = N.insert(self.clist.alignParms, self.clist.alignParms.shape[1], 0, axis=1) self.clist.alignParms[:, -1, -3:] = 1 waves = list(self.clist.waves) waves.append(0) self.clist.waves = N.array(waves) self.clist.nw = len(self.clist.waves) for i, p in enumerate(self.clist.alignParms[self.clist.t, index]): self.clist.SetItem(index, i + 1, str(p)) #SetStringItem(index, i+1, str(p))
def OnChooseInitGuess(self, evt=None): """ set reference files """ wildcard = '*.chromagnon*' if == 'posix': dlg = G.FileSelectorDialog(self, direc=self.lastpath, wildcard=wildcard, multiple=False) else: dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, 'Choose chromagnon files', defaultDir=self.lastpath, wildcard=wildcard) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: fn = dlg.GetPath() if chromformat.is_chromagnon(fn, True): self._setInitGuess(fn) else: G.openMsg(parent=self, msg='The file is not a valid chromagnon file', title="Warning")
def OnAutoFocus(self, evt=None): """ please read Chromagnon.alignfuncs.findBestRefZs() for detail of the logic """ if self.doc.nt > 1: t = int(self.tSliderBox.GetValue()) else: t = 0 ws = [ w for w, hist in enumerate(self.hist_toggleButton) if hist.GetValue() ] ms = N.zeros((len(ws),, N.float32) # FFTW does not work with another program using it # here is the workaround for Chromagnon try: batch = self.GetParent().GetParent().GetParent() if hasattr(batch, 'th') and for wi, w in enumerate(ws): arr = self.doc.get3DArr(t=t, w=w) for z in range( ms[wi, z] =[z])[-2:]) # mean * std v, _, w, z = U.findMax(ms) self.zSliderBox.SetValue(str(z)) self.OnZSliderBox() self.OnAutoScale() G.openMsg( parent=self.parent, msg= 'A clumsy focusing method was used since another program was using FFTW.\nPlease wait for the better method until the other program is done.', title="Please wait") return except AttributeError: # no parent? pass # Frequency-based caluculation starts from Priithon.all import F ring = F.ringArr(self.doc.shape[-2:], radius1=self.doc.shape[-1] // 10, radius2=self.doc.shape[-2] // 4, orig=(0, 0), wrap=1) for wi, w in enumerate(ws): arr = self.doc.get3DArr(t=t, w=w) arr = arr / arr.mean() for z in range( af = F.rfft(N.ascontiguousarray(arr[z])) ar = af * ring[:, :af.shape[-1]] ms[wi, z] = N.sum(N.abs(ar)) v, _, w, z = U.findMax(ms) self.zSliderBox.SetValue(str(z)) self.OnZSliderBox() self.OnAutoScale()
def OnChooseImgFiles(self, evt, listtype='ref'): """ set reference files """ confdic = C.readConfig() if listtype == 'ref': ll = self.listRef wildcard = confdic.get('lastwildcardref', FILTER) else: ll = self.listTgt wildcard = confdic.get('lastwildcardtgt', FILTER) if == 'posix': dlg = G.FileSelectorDialog(self, self.lastpath, wildcard=wildcard) else: dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, 'Choose %s files' % listtype, defaultDir=self.lastpath, style=wx.FD_MULTIPLE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: fns = dlg.GetPaths() if not fns: return if == 'posix': wildcard = dlg.fnPat if isinstance(fns, six.string_types): #str): fns = [fns] ll.addFiles(fns) if listtype != 'ref': if any([nw > 5 for nw in ll.nws ]) and self.outextch.GetStringSelection() == ( os.path.extsep + aligner.WRITABLE_FORMATS[1]): self.outextch.SetStringSelection( os.path.extsep + aligner.WRITABLE_FORMATS[0]) G.openMsg( parent=self, msg= 'Since number of wavelength in some image file is more than 5,\nthe output file format was changed to tiff', title="Output file format change") self.lastpath = os.path.dirname(fns[0]) if listtype == 'ref': C.saveConfig(lastwildcardref=wildcard, lastpath=self.lastpath) else: C.saveConfig(lastwildcardtgt=wildcard, lastpath=self.lastpath) self.checkGo()
def OnAutoFocus(self, evt=None): """ please read Chromagnon.alignfuncs.findBestRefZs() for detail of the logic """ if self.doc.nt > 1: t = int(self.tSliderBox.GetValue()) else: t = 0 ws = [w for w, hist in enumerate(self.hist_toggleButton) if hist.GetValue()] ms = N.zeros((len(ws),, N.float32) # FFTW does not work with another program using it # here is the workaround for Chromagnon try: batch = self.GetParent().GetParent().GetParent() if hasattr(batch, 'th') and for wi, w in enumerate(ws): arr = self.doc.get3DArr(t=t, w=w) for z in range( ms[wi,z] =[z])[-2:]) # mean * std v,_,w,z = U.findMax(ms) self.zSliderBox.SetValue(str(z)) self.OnZSliderBox() self.OnAutoScale() G.openMsg(parent=self.parent, msg='A clumsy focusing method was used since another program was using FFTW.\nPlease wait for the better method until the other program is done.', title="Please wait") return except AttributeError: # no parent? pass # Frequency-based caluculation starts from Priithon.all import F ring = F.ringArr(self.doc.shape[-2:], radius1=self.doc.shape[-1]//10, radius2=self.doc.shape[-2]//4, orig=(0,0), wrap=1) for wi, w in enumerate(ws): arr = self.doc.get3DArr(t=t, w=w) arr = arr / arr.mean() for z in range( af = F.rfft(N.ascontiguousarray(arr[z])) ar = af * ring[:,:af.shape[-1]] ms[wi,z] = N.sum(N.abs(ar)) v,_,w,z = U.findMax(ms) self.zSliderBox.SetValue(str(z)) self.OnZSliderBox() self.OnAutoScale()
def view(self, fn): """ opens viewer and hide itself. """ try: self.doc = aligner.Chromagnon(fn) except: G.openMsg(self, 'This file is not a valid image file', 'Error') return self.loadParm() parent = self.GetParent() parent._mgr.GetPane('tpanel').Hide() parent.addImageXY()
def view(self, fn): """ opens viewer and hide itself. """ try: self.doc = aligner.Chromagnon(fn) self.doc.zlast = 0 except: G.openMsg(self, 'This file is not a valid image file', 'Error') return self.loadParm() parent = self.GetParent() parent._mgr.GetPane('tpanel').Hide() parent.addImageXY()
def OnChooseImgFiles(self, evt, listtype='ref'): """ set reference files """ confdic = C.readConfig() if listtype == 'ref': ll = self.listRef wildcard = confdic.get('lastwildcardref', FILTER) else: ll = self.listTgt wildcard = confdic.get('lastwildcardtgt', FILTER) if == 'posix': dlg = G.FileSelectorDialog(self, self.lastpath, wildcard=wildcard) else: dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, 'Choose %s files' % listtype, defaultDir=self.lastpath, style=wx.FD_MULTIPLE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: fns = dlg.GetPaths() if not fns: return if == 'posix': wildcard = dlg.fnPat if isinstance(fns, six.string_types): fns = [fns] ll.addFiles(fns) if listtype != 'ref': if any([nw > 5 for nw in ll.nws]) and self.outextch.GetStringSelection() == (os.path.extsep + aligner.WRITABLE_FORMATS[1]): self.outextch.SetStringSelection(os.path.extsep + aligner.WRITABLE_FORMATS[0]) G.openMsg(parent=self, msg='Since number of wavelength in some image file is more than 5,\nthe output file format was changed to tiff', title="Output file format change") self.lastpath = os.path.dirname(fns[0]) if listtype == 'ref': C.saveConfig(lastwildcardref=wildcard, lastpath=self.lastpath) else: C.saveConfig(lastwildcardtgt=wildcard, lastpath=self.lastpath) self.checkGo()
def addRow(self, evt=None): """ add a row to the list and self.clist.alignParms """ if self.clist.nw >= 5: G.openMsg(self, 'The maximum wavelength is 5', 'I am sorry for that') return if wx.version().startswith('3'): index = self.InsertStringItem(sys.maxsize, '0') else: index = self.clist.InsertItem(sys.maxsize, '0') self.clist.alignParms = N.insert(self.clist.alignParms, self.clist.alignParms.shape[1], 0, axis=1) self.clist.alignParms[:,-1,-3:] = 1 waves = list(self.clist.waves) waves.append(0) self.clist.waves = N.array(waves) self.clist.nw = len(self.clist.waves) for i, p in enumerate(self.clist.alignParms[self.clist.t,index]): self.clist.SetItem(index, i+1, str(p))#SetStringItem(index, i+1, str(p))
def onViewLocal(self, evnt=None, gridStep=60, t=0, w=None, originalFn=None, **kwds): """ save a '.local' file and opens new image viewer """ import wx, tempfile import imgio from Priithon.all import Y if w is None: wave = int(self.wavechoice.GetStringSelection()) w = self.clist.wave.index(wave) if originalFn is None: originalFn = self.originalFileTxt.GetValue() factor = int(self.factorchoice.GetStringSelection()) colstr = self.colorchoice.GetStringSelection() colortable = [(0,0,0)] + microscope.COLOR_TABLE col = colortable[self.color_name.index(colstr)] parent = self.GetParent() book = parent.GetTopLevelParent() mapyx = self.clist.mapyx name = self.clist.basename + '.Local' if originalFn: try: img = imgio.Reader(originalFn)#imgfileIO.load(originalFn) except: G.openMsg(self, 'Is this file really a image file?', title='Error') return if N.any(N.array(img.shape[-2:]) != N.array(self.clist.mapyx.shape[-2:])): G.openMsg(self, 'Please choose original image file BEFORE alignment', title='Error') return a = N.zeros(self.clist.mapyx.shape[-3:], img.dtype) b = img.get3DArr(w=self.clist.refwave, t=t) if self.clist.mapyx.ndim == 5: b = N.max(b, 0) a[0] = b b = img.get3DArr(w=w, t=t) if self.clist.mapyx.ndim == 5: b = N.max(b, 0) a[1] = af.applyShift(b, self.clist.alignParms[t,w]) pz, py, px = img.pxlsiz else: a = N.zeros(self.clist.mapyx.shape[-3:], N.uint8) pz = py = px = 1 out = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'Chromagnon.local.tif') wtr = imgio.Writer(out) wtr.setPixelSize(pz=pz, py=py, px=px) wtr.setDim(nx=a.shape[-1], ny=a.shape[-2], nz=1, nt=1, nw=2, dtype=a.dtype.type, wave=[self.clist.wave[self.clist.refwave], self.clist.wave[w]], imgSequence=1) for w, a2d in enumerate(a): wtr.writeArr(a2d, w=w) wtr.close() an = aligner.Chromagnon(out) newpanel = aui.ImagePanel(book, an.img) book.imEditWindows.AddPage(newpanel, name, select=True) v = newpanel.viewers[0] wx.Yield() inds = N.indices(mapyx.shape[-2:], N.float32) slcs1 = [slice(gridStep//2, -gridStep//2, gridStep) for d in range(2)] #for w in xrange(self.clist.nw): vs = [] for d in range(2): slcs = [slice(d,d+1)] + slcs1 vs.append(inds[slcs].ravel()) iis = N.array(list(zip(*vs))) vs = [] for d in range(2): slcs = [slice(t,t+1), slice(w,w+1), slice(d,d+1)] + slcs1 vs.append(mapyx[slcs].ravel()) yxs = N.array(list(zip(*vs))) wave = self.clist.wave[w] #col = microscope.LUT(wave) #col = (1,1,1) wx.CallAfter(Y.vgAddArrows, v, iis, iis+yxs, color=col, factor=factor, width=2, **kwds)
def quit(self, message='', title='ERROR'): if message: G.openMsg(parent=self, msg=message, title=title) self.goButton.SetValue(0) self.label.SetLabel('')
def OnGo(self, ev=None): """ run or cancel the alignment program The actual sequence of processes is written in """ if self.goButton.GetValue(): if not self.listRef.columnkeys: return fns = [os.path.join(*self.listRef.getFile(index)[:2]) for index in self.listRef.columnkeys] targets = [os.path.join(*self.listTgt.getFile(index)[:2]) for index in self.listTgt.columnkeys] # other parameters #initguess = '' confdic = C.readConfig() form = self.outextch.GetStringSelection() if not form: self.quit('Please select the output file format next to the Suffix text box', title="The format type is missing") return # check wavelengths waves1 = [list(map(int, self.listRef.getFile(index)[2].split(','))) for index in self.listRef.columnkeys] waves2 = [list(map(int, self.listTgt.getFile(index)[2].split(','))) for index in self.listTgt.columnkeys] nts = all([t == 1 for t in self.listRef.nts]) ids = af.checkWaves(waves1, waves2) if ids is not None and nts: for i, listbox in zip(ids, (self.listRef, self.listTgt)): listbox.SetItemTextColour(i, 'purple') #listbox.SetBackGroundColour(i, 'gray') msg = 'Less than two Common wavelengths were found at least in %s and %s\n\nThe program will not run.' % (self.listRef.getFile(ids[0])[1], self.listTgt.getFile(ids[1])[1]) self.quit(msg, title='Error in input files') return # averaging if self.averageCb.GetValue() and len(fns) > 1: if any([waves1[0] != ws1 for ws1 in waves1[1:]]): self.quit('There are inconsistency in channel composition in the reference files', title="Reference files are not appropriate for averaging") return try: self.label.SetLabel('averaging...') self.label.SetForegroundColour('red') wx.Yield() ave_fn = af.averageImage(fns, ext=form) except Exception as e: self.quit(e.args[0], title="Reference files are not appropriate for averaging") return self.listRef.clearAll() self.listRef.addFile(ave_fn) fns = [ave_fn] elif self.averageCb.GetValue() and len(fns) == 1: self.averageCb.SetValue(0) accur = self.extra_parms.get('zacuur', confdic.get('accur', aligner.ACCUR_CHOICE[0])) if accur in aligner.ACCUR_CHOICE_DIC: accur = aligner.ACCUR_CHOICE_DIC[accur] # parameters parms = [self.cutoutCb.GetValue(), self.extra_parms.get('outdir'),#initguess, self.localListChoice.GetStringSelection(), self.extra_parms.get('refwave'), #None, #self.maxShift.GetValue(), int(accur),#self.extra_parms.get('zacuur', confdic.get('accur', aligner.ACCUR_CHOICE[0]))), #self.accurListChoice.GetStringSelection(), self.parm_suffix_txt.GetValue(), self.img_suffix_txt.GetValue(), self.extra_parms.get('tseries4wave', 'time'),#[nt for nt in self.listRef.nts], # copy form, int(self.min_pxls_choice.GetStringSelection()), self.extra_parms.get('max_shift', af.MAX_SHIFT)] #print(parms[4], confdic.get('accur', aligner.ACCUR_CHOICE[0]), type(parms[4])) # check the user-inputs old=""" try: parms[3] = float(parms[3]) except ValueError: G.openMsg(parent=self, msg='The default value (%.2f um) will be used' % af.MAX_SHIFT, title="The value for max shift allowed is missing") parms[3] = af.MAX_SHIFT self.maxShift.SetValue(str(parms[3]))""" if not parms[6]: G.openMsg(parent=self, msg='The default suffix will be used', title="The file suffix is missing") parms[6] = aligner.IMG_SUFFIX self.img_suffix_txt.SetValue(parms[6]) # save current settings C.saveConfig(cutout=parms[0], local=parms[2], accur=parms[4], parm_suffix_txt=parms[5], img_suffix_txt=parms[6], format=parms[8], min_pxls_yx=parms[9]) #C.saveConfig(cutout=parms[0], local=parms[2], maxShift=parms[3], accur=parms[4], parm_suffix_txt=parms[5], img_suffix_txt=parms[6], format=parms[8], min_pxls_yx=parms[9]) # run program gui = threads.GUImanager(self, __name__) = threads.ThreadWithExc(gui, self.localChoice, fns, targets, parms) else: tid = threads.async_raise(tid, threads.MyError)
def OnGo(self, ev=None): """ run or cancel the alignment program The actual sequence of processes is written in """ if self.goButton.GetValue(): if not self.listRef.columnkeys: return fns = [ os.path.join(*self.listRef.getFile(index)[:2]) for index in self.listRef.columnkeys ] targets = [ os.path.join(*self.listTgt.getFile(index)[:2]) for index in self.listTgt.columnkeys ] # other parameters initguess = '' form = self.outextch.GetStringSelection() if not form: G.openMsg( parent=self, msg= 'Please select the output file format next to the Suffix text box', title="The format type is missing") self.goButton.SetValue(0) return parms = [ self.cutoutCb.GetValue(), initguess, self.localListChoice.GetStringSelection(), self.maxShift.GetValue(), self.zmagch.GetStringSelection(), self.parm_suffix_txt.GetValue(), self.img_suffix_txt.GetValue(), [nt for nt in self.listRef.nts], # copy form, int(self.min_pxls_choice.GetStringSelection()) ] # check the user-inputs try: parms[3] = float(parms[3]) except ValueError: G.openMsg(parent=self, msg='The default value (%.2f um) will be used' % af.MAX_SHIFT, title="The value for max shift allowed is missing") parms[3] = af.MAX_SHIFT self.maxShift.SetValue(str(parms[3])) if not parms[6]: G.openMsg(parent=self, msg='The default suffix will be used', title="The file suffix is missing") parms[6] = alginer.IMG_SUFFIX self.img_suffix_txt.SetValue(parms[6]) # save current settings C.saveConfig(cutout=parms[0], local=parms[2], maxShift=parms[3], Zmag=parms[4], parm_suffix_txt=parms[5], img_suffix_txt=parms[6], format=parms[8], min_pxls_yx=parms[9]) # run program gui = threads.GUImanager(self, __name__) = threads.ThreadWithExc(gui, self.localChoice, fns, targets, parms) else: tid = threads.async_raise(tid, threads.MyError)
def ChromagnonReader(fn, rdr=None, holder=None): rdr = rdr holder = holder dratio = N.ones((3, ), N.float32) if not is_binary(fn): text = True fp = open(fn) reader = csv.reader(fp) # read parameters nt = int([1]) nw = int([1]) pxlsiz = N.array([eval(p) for p in[1:]]) imgSequence = 2 refwave = eval([1]) num_entry = len([2:]) wave = [] #self.pos0 = self.tell() alignParms = N.empty((nt, nw, num_entry), N.float32) for t in xrange(nt): for w in xrange(nw): row = wave.append(_eval(row[1])) alignParms[t, w] = [eval(v) for v in row[2:]] else: text = False reader = bioformatsIO.BioformatsReader(fn) pxlsiz = reader.pxlsiz wave = reader.wave nw = reader.nw nt = reader.nt nz = nz //= 2 ny = reader.ny nx = reader.nx # read parameters refwave = eval(reader.ome.get_structured_annotation('refwave')) num_entry = eval(reader.ome.get_structured_annotation('num_entry')) alignParms = N.empty((reader.nt, reader.nw, reader.num_entry), N.float32) for t in xrange(reader.nt): for w in xrange(reader.nw): for i, key in enumerate(DIMSTRS): alignParms[t, w, i] = eval( reader.ome.get_structured_annotation('t%03d_w%i_' % (t, w) + key)) # loading parameters to the parent classes if rdr and holder: # reading the header if hasattr(rdr, 'pxlsiz'): dratio = N.asarray(pxlsiz, N.float32) / N.asarray( rdr.pxlsiz, N.float32) else: # chromeditor dratio = N.ones((3, ), N.float32) rdr.pxlsiz = pxlsiz rdr.wave = wave rdr.nw = nw rdr.nt = nt = nz # wavelength difference pwaves = list(wave[:nw]) twaves = list(rdr.wave[:rdr.nw]) tids = [twaves.index(wave) for wave in pwaves if wave in twaves] pids = [pwaves.index(wave) for wave in twaves if wave in pwaves] somewaves = [w for w, wave in enumerate(pwaves) if wave in twaves] if refwave in twaves: holder.refwave = twaves.index(refwave) elif len( somewaves ) >= 1: # the reference wavelength was not found but some found holder.refwave = somewaves[0] from PriCommon import guiFuncs as G message = 'The original reference wavelength %i of the initial guess was not found in the target %s' % ( refwave, holder.file) G.openMsg(msg=message, title='WARNING') else: from PriCommon import guiFuncs as G message = 'No common wavelength with initial guess was found in %s and %s' % ( os.path.basename(file), rdr.file) G.openMsg(msg=message, title='WARNING') return # compensate wavelength difference target = N.zeros((nt, rdr.nw, num_entry), N.float32) target[:, :, 4:] = 1 target[:, tids] = alignParms[:, pids] for w in [w for w, wave in enumerate(twaves) if wave not in pwaves]: target[:, w] = alignParms[:, holder.refwave] target[:, :, :3] *= dratio alignParms = target # set holder if hasattr(self.holder, 'setAlignParam'): holder.setAlignParam(alignParms) else: holder.alignParms = alignParms # obtain mapping array if not text: nzyx = N.array((nz, reader.ny, reader.nx), N.float32) nzyx *= dratio nyzx = nzyx.astype( tmin = min(rdr.nt, reader.nt) if nzyx[0] > 1: arr = N.zeros((rdr.nt, rdr.nw, nzyx[0], 2, nzyx[1], nzyx[2]), reader.dtype) else: arr = N.zeros((rdr.nt, rdr.nw, 2, nzyx[1], nzyx[2]), reader.dtype) for t in xrange(tmin): for wt, wp in enumerate(pids): w = tids[wt] a = N.zeros((nzyx[0], 2, nzyx[1], nzyx[2]), reader.dtype) for z in xrange(nz): warr = reader.get3DArr(t=t, w=w) warr = warr.reshape((nz, 2, reader.ny, reader.nx)) for s in xrange(2): zc = z * 2 + s if any(dratio[1:] != 1): a[z, s] = nd.zoom(warr[:, s], dratio) * dratio[1 + (s % 2)] else: arr[z, s] = warr[:, s] if nzyx[0] > 1: arr[t, w] = a else: arr[t, w] = a[0] for w in [ w for w, wave in enumerate(twaves) if wave not in pwaves ]: arr[:tmin, w] = arr[:tmin, refwave] holder.mapyx = arr return reader
def onViewLocal(self, evnt=None, gridStep=60, t=0, w=None, originalFn=None, **kwds): """ save a '.local' file and opens new image viewer """ import wx, tempfile import imgio from Priithon.all import Y if w is None: wave = int(self.wavechoice.GetStringSelection()) w = self.clist.wave.index(wave) if originalFn is None: originalFn = self.originalFileTxt.GetValue() factor = int(self.factorchoice.GetStringSelection()) colstr = self.colorchoice.GetStringSelection() colortable = [(0, 0, 0)] + microscope.COLOR_TABLE col = colortable[self.color_name.index(colstr)] parent = self.GetParent() book = parent.GetTopLevelParent() mapyx = self.clist.mapyx name = self.clist.basename + '.Local' if originalFn: try: img = imgio.Reader(originalFn) #imgfileIO.load(originalFn) except: G.openMsg(self, 'Is this file really a image file?', title='Error') return if N.any( N.array(img.shape[-2:]) != N.array( self.clist.mapyx.shape[-2:])): G.openMsg(self, 'Please choose original image file BEFORE alignment', title='Error') return a = N.zeros(self.clist.mapyx.shape[-3:], img.dtype) b = img.get3DArr(w=self.clist.refwave, t=t) if self.clist.mapyx.ndim == 5: b = N.max(b, 0) a[0] = b b = img.get3DArr(w=w, t=t) if self.clist.mapyx.ndim == 5: b = N.max(b, 0) a[1] = af.applyShift(b, self.clist.alignParms[t, w]) pz, py, px = img.pxlsiz else: a = N.zeros(self.clist.mapyx.shape[-3:], N.uint8) pz = py = px = 1 out = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'Chromagnon.local.tif') wtr = imgio.Writer(out) wtr.setPixelSize(pz=pz, py=py, px=px) wtr.setDim( nx=a.shape[-1], ny=a.shape[-2], nz=1, nt=1, nw=2, dtype=a.dtype.type, wave=[self.clist.wave[self.clist.refwave], self.clist.wave[w]], imgSequence=1) for w, a2d in enumerate(a): wtr.writeArr(a2d, w=w) wtr.close() an = aligner.Chromagnon(out) newpanel = aui.ImagePanel(book, an.img) book.imEditWindows.AddPage(newpanel, name, select=True) v = newpanel.viewers[0] wx.Yield() inds = N.indices(mapyx.shape[-2:], N.float32) slcs1 = [ slice(gridStep // 2, -gridStep // 2, gridStep) for d in range(2) ] #for w in xrange(self.clist.nw): vs = [] for d in range(2): slcs = [slice(d, d + 1)] + slcs1 vs.append(inds[slcs].ravel()) iis = N.array(list(zip(*vs))) vs = [] for d in range(2): slcs = [slice(t, t + 1), slice(w, w + 1), slice(d, d + 1)] + slcs1 vs.append(mapyx[slcs].ravel()) yxs = N.array(list(zip(*vs))) wave = self.clist.wave[w] #col = microscope.LUT(wave) #col = (1,1,1) wx.CallAfter(Y.vgAddArrows, v, iis, iis + yxs, color=col, factor=factor, width=2, **kwds)
def loadParm(self): """ load a chromagnon file """ # reading the header if hasattr(self.rdr, 'pxlsiz'): self.dratio = N.asarray(self.pxlsiz, N.float32) / N.asarray( self.rdr.pxlsiz, N.float32) else: # chromeditor self.dratio = N.ones((3, ), N.float32) self.rdr.pxlsiz = self.pxlsiz self.rdr.wave = self.wave self.rdr.nw = self.nw self.rdr.nt = self.nt = # wavelength difference self.pwaves = [int(round(w)) for w in self.wave[:self.nw]] self.twaves = [int(round(w)) for w in self.rdr.wave[:self.rdr.nw]] self.tids = [ self.twaves.index(wave) for wave in self.pwaves if wave in self.twaves ] self.pids = [ self.pwaves.index(wave) for wave in self.twaves if wave in self.pwaves ] somewaves = [ w for w, wave in enumerate(self.pwaves) if wave in self.twaves ] if self.refwave in self.twaves: self.holder.refwave = self.twaves.index(self.refwave) elif len( somewaves ) >= 1: # the reference wavelength was not found but some found self.holder.refwave = somewaves[0] from PriCommon import guiFuncs as G message = 'The original reference wavelength %i of the initial guess was not found in the target %s' % ( self.refwave, self.holder.fn) G.openMsg(msg=message, title='WARNING') else: #self.holder.parm = N.zeros((self.rdr.nt, self.rdr.nw, self.num_entry), self.dtype) from PriCommon import guiFuncs as G message = 'No common wavelength with initial guess was found in %s and %s' % ( os.path.basename(self.file), self.rdr.file) G.openMsg(msg=message, title='WARNING') return # obtain affine parms self.readParmWave() if hasattr(self.holder, 'setAlignParam'): self.holder.setAlignParam(self.alignParms) else: self.holder.alignParms = self.alignParms # obtain mapping array if not self.text: self.holder.mapyx = self.readMapAll()