 def __init__(self, pyFormatCfgFile, isString = False, appControls = {}):
     self.template = CfgInterface(pyFormatCfgFile, isString)
     self.appControls = appControls
     #  //
     # // Ensure that the template contains the expected 
     #//  framework job report entry
class CfgGenerator:

    Job Specific Cfg File generator that generates a job specific cfg
    using the input cfg as a template

    def __init__(self, pyFormatCfgFile, isString = False, appControls = {}):
        self.template = CfgInterface(pyFormatCfgFile, isString)
        self.appControls = appControls
        #  //
        # // Ensure that the template contains the expected 
        #//  framework job report entry


    def __call__(self, jobName, **args):

        Create and return a new CfgInteface instance with the
        jobname provided inserted into it.

        Each outputModule will get modified to use the JobName
        in the fileName, lfn and catalog fields.

        Keyword args are used to insert information into the

        Supported keyword args are:

        maxEvents - maxEvents parameter to input source (int32)
        firstRun - firstRun number parameter to input source (int32)
        fileNames - Input file names to be used, list expected
        #  //
        # // Create the new config object
        newCfg = self.template.clone()

        #  //
        # // Output modules first, use the module name in the 
        #//  parameters in case of multiple modules
        #  //Should be done with Dataset info in future
        # //
        for modName, outModule in newCfg.outputModules.items():
            outModule.setCatalog("%s-%s-Output.xml" % (jobName, modName))
            outModule.setFileName("%s-%s.root" % (jobName, modName))
            outModule.setLogicalFileName("%s-%s.root" % (jobName, modName))

        maxEvents = args.get("maxEvents", None)

        if maxEvents != None:
            selectionEff = self.appControls.get("SelectionEfficiency", None)
            evMultiplier = self.appControls.get("EventMultiplier", None)
            perRunFrac = self.appControls.get("PerRunFraction", None)

            #  //
            # // Adjust number of events for selection efficiency
            if selectionEff != None:
                newMaxEv = float(maxEvents) / float(selectionEff)
                maxEvents = int(newMaxEv) 

            #  //
            # // If this node has an Event Multiplier, adjust maxEvents
            if evMultiplier != None:
                maxEvents = int(maxEvents) * int(evMultiplier)

            #  //
            # // Per Run Fraction means generator will run in two runs
            if perRunFrac != None:
                numEvInRun = float(maxEvents) * float(perRunFrac)
                numEvInRun = int(numEvInRun)
                maxEvents = -1

            #  //
            # // Insert whatever maxEvents turned out to be
        skipEvents = args.get("skipEvents", None)
        if skipEvents != None:

        firstRun = args.get("firstRun", None)
        if firstRun != None:

        fileNames = args.get("fileNames", None)
        if fileNames != None:

        #  //
        # // Insert Random seeds into the random seed service

        #  //
        # // Return the new CfgInterface containing the new config
        return newCfg

    def __str__(self):
        """string rep: dump python format of template cfg"""
        return str(self.template)