    def demarshall(self, instance, data, **kwargs):
        # We don't want to pass file forward.
        if 'file' in kwargs:
            if not data:
                # TODO Yuck! Shouldn't read the whole file, never.
                # OTOH, if you care about large files, you should be
                # using the PrimaryFieldMarshaller or something
                # similar.
                data = kwargs['file'].read()
            del kwargs['file']
        headers, body = parseRFC822(data)

        query = {}
        for k, v in headers.items():
            if not k.startswith("query"):
                index = int(k[5])
                sub_key = k.split("_")[1]
                query_part = query.get(index, {})
                query_part[sub_key] = v
                query[index] = query_part
                del headers[k]
        query = [facet[1] for facet in sorted(query.items())]

        header = formatRFC822Headers(headers.items())
        data = '%s\n\n%s' % (header, body)

            return RFC822Marshaller.demarshall(self, instance, data, **kwargs)
            instance.query = query
 def demarshall(self, instance, data, **kwargs):
     # We don't want to pass file forward.
     if 'file' in kwargs:
         if not data:
             # TODO Yuck! Shouldn't read the whole file, never.
             # OTOH, if you care about large files, you should be
             # using the PrimaryFieldMarshaller or something
             # similar.
             data = kwargs['file'].read()
         del kwargs['file']
     headers, body = parseRFC822(data)
     query = {}
     for k, v in headers.items():
         if not k.startswith("query"):
             index = int(k[5])
             sub_key = k.split("_")[1]
             query_part = query.get(index, {})
             query_part[sub_key] = v
             query[index] = query_part
             del headers[k]
     query = [facet[1] for facet in sorted(query.items())]
     header = formatRFC822Headers(headers.items())
     data = '%s\n\n%s' % (header, body)
         return RFC822Marshaller.demarshall(self, instance, data, **kwargs)
         instance.query = query
    def _updateRequest(self, request, content_type):
        """ Similar to the same method in atompub. We change the request so
            that the metadata is in the right place, then append the content.
            This is only called for multipart posts. """

        # This seems to be the safest place to get hold of the actual message
        # body.
        message = message_from_file(request.stdin)
        atom, payload = message.get_payload()

        # Call get_payload with decode=True, so it can handle the transfer
        # encoding for us, if any.
        dom = parse(StringIO(atom.get_payload(decode=True)))

        # Get the payload
        content = payload.get_payload(decode=True)

        # Assemble a new request
        title = self.getValueFromDOM('title', dom)
        request['Title'] = title
        headers = self.getHeaders(dom, METADATA_MAPPING)
        headers.append(('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'base64'))
        header = formatRFC822Headers(headers)

        # make sure content is not None
        data = '%s\n\n%s' % (header, b64encode(content))
        request['Content-Length'] = len(data)
        request['BODYFILE'] = StringIO(data)
        return request
    def _updateRequest(self, request, content_type):
        """ Similar to the same method in atompub. We change the request so
            that the metadata is in the right place, then append the content.
            This is only called for multipart posts. """

        # This seems to be the safest place to get hold of the actual message
        # body.
        message = message_from_file(request.stdin)
        atom, payload = message.get_payload()

        # Call get_payload with decode=True, so it can handle the transfer
        # encoding for us, if any.
        dom = parse(StringIO(atom.get_payload(decode=True)))

        # Get the payload
        content = payload.get_payload(decode=True)

        # Assemble a new request
        title = self.getValueFromDOM('title', dom)
        request['Title'] = title
        headers = self.getHeaders(dom, METADATA_MAPPING)
        headers.append(('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'base64'))
        header = formatRFC822Headers(headers)

        # make sure content is not None
        data = '%s\n\n%s' % (header, b64encode(content))
        request['Content-Length'] = len(data)
        request['BODYFILE'] = StringIO(data)
        return request
 def marshall(self, instance, **kwargs):
     content_type, length, data = RFC822Marshaller.marshall(self, instance, **kwargs)
     headers, body = parseRFC822(data)
     headers = headers.items()
     for i, query in enumerate(instance.query):
         for key, value in query.items():
             if isinstance(value, list):
                 value = "\n".join(value)
             header_key = 'query%d_%s' % (i, key)
             headers.append((header_key, value))
     header = formatRFC822Headers(headers)
     data = '%s\n\n%s' % (header, body)
     length = len(data)
     return (content_type, length, data)
 def marshall(self, instance, **kwargs):
     content_type, length, data = RFC822Marshaller.marshall(self, instance, **kwargs)
     headers, body = parseRFC822(data)
     headers = headers.items()
     for i, query in enumerate(instance.query):
         for key, value in query.items():
             if isinstance(value, list):
                 value = "\n".join(value)
             header_key = 'query%d_%s' % (i, key)
             headers.append((header_key, value))
     header = formatRFC822Headers(headers)
     data = '%s\n\n%s' % (header, body)
     length = len(data)
     return (content_type, length, data)
    def _updateRequest(self, request):
        """ The body.seek(0) looks funny, but I do that to make sure I get
            all the content, no matter who accessed the body file before me.
        # then we update the body of the request
        body = request.get('BODYFILE')
        # update headers from the request body
        # make sure we read from the beginning
        dom = parse(body)

        title = self.getValueFromDOM('title', dom)
        request['Title'] = title
        headers = self.getHeaders(dom, METADATA_MAPPING)
        header = formatRFC822Headers(headers)
        content = self.getValueFromDOM('content', dom)
        # make sure content is not None
        content = content and content or ''
        data = '%s\n\n%s' % (header, content.encode('utf-8'))
        length = len(data)
        request['Content-Length'] = length
        body_file = StringIO(data)
        request['BODYFILE'] = body_file
        return request
    def _updateRequest(self, request):
        """ The body.seek(0) looks funny, but I do that to make sure I get
            all the content, no matter who accessed the body file before me.
        # then we update the body of the request
        body = request.get('BODYFILE')
        # update headers from the request body
        # make sure we read from the beginning
        dom = parse(body)

        title = self.getValueFromDOM('title', dom)
        request['Title'] = title
        headers = self.getHeaders(dom, METADATA_MAPPING)
        header = formatRFC822Headers(headers)
        content = self.getValueFromDOM('content', dom)
        # make sure content is not None
        content = content and content or ''
        data = '%s\n\n%s' % (header, content.encode('utf-8'))
        length = len(data)
        request['Content-Length'] = length
        body_file = StringIO(data)
        request['BODYFILE'] = body_file
        return request